How To Use Patrol ship In A Sentence
The nine-month refit has seen the patrol ship fitted with three new diesel generators and the junior rates' mess has been rebuilt.
SEOUL (AFP) – A South Korean patrol ship sank off the southern island of Jeju after a collision with a fishing boat, leaving one sailor dead and two others missing, navy officials said Thursday.
The Japanese coastguard will receive two new patrol ships and recruit 200 more personnel.
Times, Sunday Times
An emergency call to Washinton, put through as soon as Daniels got the radiophone in working order, brought a score of stratosphere patrol ships.
"The Barrier" by Harl Vincent, part 6
At first, as on one of my earlier visits, I leafed through the log of the Southwold, a patrol ship that was anchored off the pier from autumn of 1914.
Besides, China has recently sent a maritime patrol ship to Singapore. Is this action conducive to peace and stability of the South China Sea?
The Japanese coastguard will receive two new patrol ships and recruit 200 more personnel.
Times, Sunday Times
Two of the Navy's trio of offshore patrol ships were on hand to rescue stricken mariners in two incidents on the same day.
Months before, in March, North Korea torpedoed and sank a South Korean patrol ship near Yeonpyeong, killing 46.
Our country's biggest maritime patrol ship patrols the South China Sea, " said a headline in the official Beijing Daily.
China's marine patrol ship Haixun 31 arrived in Singapore Sunday for a 5-day visit.
Twenty years ago, I was an ensign on a patrol ship at the Tamall Ship Yard.
A badly damaged North Korean patrol ship retreated in flames yesterday after a skirmish with a South Korean vessel – the first naval clash between the two nations in seven years.