How To Use patristic In A Sentence
- Then just in time for Halloween, we even have a patristic discussion of ghosts! 20 « October « 2009 « Maria Lectrix
- Contra Archdeacon Smiter, I'm glad Waldstein didn't go on for a few hundred more pages about J.P. Deuce's patristic sources. Archive 2009-03-01
- The doctrine of the Trinity as we know it came about as the result of a lengthy theological process during the patristic era.
- Thus it is more like a volume of patristic exegesis of Scripture than a modern work of history or theology.
- The Mass is very ritualistic, filled with scriptural and what we would call 'patristic' allusions. Westword | Complete Issue
- Here was a dilemma for the monkish student! whose vow of obedience to patristical guidance was thus sorely perplexed; he read and re-read, analyzed passage after passage, interpreted word after word; and yet, poor man, his laborious study was fruitless and unprofitable! Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
- This could theoretically have been suggestive of an alternative view, but to my knowledge this did not occur in the patristic era.
- The Immaculate Conception and the Assumption are rooted in the patristic axiom that Mary was the worthy Mother of God, a worthy tabernacle of the Most High.
- In his Confutation, he erred in citing two pseudonymous patristic texts, supposedly from St. Cyprian and St. Augustine.
- On the general principles of patristicism, it was fitting that this should be the case. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science