How To Use Patriarchy In A Sentence
This is the basic economic pattern of patriarchy, which is a different thing to capitalism.
The assumption that gender parity in all things is inconducive to sustainable propagation arrives at the footstep of the ideas in Steve Sailer's article "The Return of Patriarchy?".
The Audacious Epigone
“Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks.
Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence?
Happy Slapping
We don't have to live according to the rules of the patriarchy.
In Europe, patriarchy flourished as institutions such as the family, the guild, and the university evolved to restrict or exclude women's presence and power.
What bits of patriarchy, or male dominance, remain in western society?
Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
Leave aside for a moment the critics who recoil at the symbols, the patriarchy, the very use of the term purity, with its shadow of stains and stigma.
∑ Reject all forms of hierarchy including capitalism, party communism, patriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism, and so-called representational politics;
Rochester IMC
Private patriarchy became increasingly circumscribed by laws that undermined male authority within the family.
By repressing female sexual expression in dharmic structures, the patriarchy limits female participation at socio-political and cultural levels.
The traditional Mongolian American household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.
Feminists now challenge patriarchy by tracing their descent through the female rather than the male line.
Second, women are oppressed by both capitalism and by patriarchy.
Critical Social Research
So if this is a problem that is that difficult to deal with by women who actually understand something about the misogyny that underwrites these socially constructed "pathologies," how is it that anyone expects the women in these commercial treatment facilities to "recover," if the deeper source of their problem -- internalized patriarchy -- is intentionally concealed from them, and avoided like the plague in Recovery Orthodoxy as an "outside issue"?
Stan Goff: Reflecting on Thin
Carol's accusations are paranoid, exaggerated and ruinously unfair; but the play's genius is that her analysis of the smug patriarchy that frustrates her is unsettlingly acute.
That's about when hyphenation was seized upon as a solution to surname patriarchy.
Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
With the decline in traditional patriarchy came a more virulent emphasis on female sexual fidelity and greater idealization of family harmony.
The deeper problem resides in the built-in patriarchy of depending on a Freudian psychoanalytical model, where an active or powerful woman is nothing but a 'masculinized' woman (or a closet lesbian.)
I am constantly trying to break free from the chains of male chauvinism and patriarchy.
But the Divine Feminine, sometimes known as Shekinah, sometimes as the Holy Spirit, sometimes as Quan Yin, sometimes, even in the darkest patriarchy, known as the Blessed Virgin Mary, that Divine Feminine is a yielding, accepting, forgiving aspect of God.
Dr. Susan Corso: The Morality Police and the Divine Feminine
I truly do believe that modernism trumps the traditional patriarchy because it is far more conducive to human happiness.
Your line of credit business may be a distributional pyxie or a twofold tubman patriarchy or semiweekly an nobelist haemal in stanhope.
Rational Review
I have long been fascinated by family history, the role of patriarchy, and the neglect of women in biographies of famous men.
Interview With Historian and Writer Clarice Stasz
Also in the rural areas, some of the more traditional machismo, an aggressively strong masculine character associated with patriarchy, prevailed.
The capitalist patriarchy view argues that women are exploited as labourers in class terms but are also oppressed by patriarchy.
Critical Social Research
The shrill feminist denunciations of male patriarchy share a common origin: the Marxist creed.
I understand that it was an essentially antifemale celebration, in which the patriarchy of the new male religions symbolically—and sometimes actually—put to death the ancient female power.
In presenting class and patriarchy as two competing frames of reference, the two appear mutually exclusive.
Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
First, it will modify concepts of patriarchy visavis the state.
Overall male gain depends on the constant renewal of structures of male solidarity and patriarchy over-riding immediate economic or class interests.
Meaning the patriarchy is able to seep in all-inclusive ideology and maintain its superior position.
Arrogant and horrible teenage boys « Womanvsfeminist’s Blog
Concrete abstractions regarding productive and unproductive identities are reified and spaces, along with the bodies that occupy those spaces, are imbued with ideologies of capitalism and patriarchy.
Patriarchy is embedded in systems of education, healthcare, economic activity, social order and political representation.
The corporate juggernauts remain untoppled, the patriarchy is restored.
The feminists rejoiced because all the cash went to women, thereby deconstructing what they called the oppressive patriarchy, and the liberals rejoiced because these handouts required more bureaucrats and higher taxes.
ChronWatch - Articles
Obama, an indifferent student and doper at the time, has given us no evidence of an interest in anything besides “neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.”
Deconstructing Obama
Many women also face brutal exploitation in their families in third world countries, where patriarchy dominates and household labor is treated harshly.
It's partly to do with the deep patriarchy of Greek society.
Times, Sunday Times
The traditional Albanian household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.
characteristic of a patriarchy.
Her use of the expression unassailable patriarchy arguably may not include all male Catholics.
Is the New York Times Anti-Catholic for Publishing Maureen Dowd's Criticisms of the Catholic Church?
All of these aspects of what is defined as incivil serve to ensure that it is used to maintain patriarchy.
Feminist and feminist-friendly only thread: Civility, “Alas” and feminism
This has become possible only with the transformation of patriarchy under the pressures of modernity that promotes equality as a goal and the dominancy of the professional ethos that the militaries cannot refrain from in modernization.
Patriarchy, sexism, heterosexism and globalization are all root causes of this particular form of exploitation.
Perhaps the term patriarchy - the unequal share of power society accords to men and male concerns - may seem old-fashioned.
Conflicting visions of romantic love
Perhaps it was the bowdlerization that led to this usage, but even in the thirties some writers use the term "patriarchy" in a derogatory sense as the rule by male tyrants.
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."
I am not completely convinced of the "patriarchy is evil" concept, but if the trend continues ... can we build this world into one where gender bias is * eliminated* (and not simply transfer stigma onto the men)?
Apollo's Daughter :: February 8th, 2009
Second, women are oppressed by both capitalism and by patriarchy.
Critical Social Research
Professor Fischer is here confusing patriarchy with gerontophilia.
Growing Old: An Exchange
These are key ideas in the dominant ideology of patriarchy which have much wider currency and impact than in penology.
A good first step is for women to ease up on the patriarchy yammer, especially when it comes to romance: Ideology has no place in the nation's bedrooms.
Be My Valentine
Finally, he upheld patriarchy while delegating ministry and discipline even to women and children.
If we do not view patriarchy as a necessary and inevitable step in human cultural evolution, how did it come about?
Is it because veganism threatens the carnivorous patriarchy?
Times, Sunday Times
No longer considered sexually scandalous, its analyses of patriarchy and its proposed antidotes to women's domination are still debated.
The long and pronounced struggle of patriarchy against a feminist conception of society is clearly apparent in the debates over the female office clerk.
And I think in the past there were not only way more grievances in general and more nasty sexist men but also more female bullies who were complice to patriarchy and verbally abused and indoctrinated girls and other women - just because everything was extremely patriarchal in general.
Standard operating procedure
Even matriarchs, the babushkas who enable Ukrainian families to survive, support patriarchy.
The problem with the focus on the categorization, it seems to me, is that it is, historically, based on publishing too — so the conversation becomes slanted from the get go (or faulty research, perhaps) – If the Dada movement specifically challenged the church and the patriarchy, but Artemesia Genteleshi was taking on the personal issues of rape, why is one so much more prevalent in our learning of art history?
By the Numbers : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
Third, it cross-questions closely the link between nationalism, militarism and patriarchy in the specificity of women's inclusion to and exclusion from the military.
The easy option would be to just blame the patriarchy.
Times, Sunday Times
Big dicks can always shrivel into nubbins of insignificance, and as such they are obvious stand-up stand-ins for phallocentric patriarchy.
Rude Britannia: British Comic Art, at Tate Britain
This leaves no place for patriarchy, religious fundamentalism, or dictatorships.
Aspects of patriarchy, in my opinion, have become co-opted by commercialism and corporatism.
The ultimate ghostly presence, in patriarchy, is the phallus.
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
In appropriating reproductive power without women, it enacts an appropriation of maternity by patriarchy.
I think the call for bras is successful because it is similar to the burning of bras in the seventies - each act being a response to male oppression / patriarchy.
What is being asked for is a fundamental transformation of social systems entrenched deep within the system of patriarchy.
The coupe becomes a metaphor for a utopian world that is liberated from patriarchy, one that is not characterised by false binaries.
The lookism in our community keeps the binds of patriarchy firmly in place.
The easy option would be to just blame the patriarchy.
Times, Sunday Times
But he's in a patriarchy where age counts so much.
These authors and attachment theorists emphasize that one of the most powerful negative effects of patriarchy has been the pathologizing of dependency.
Men will be taught to respect women, to abandon their old-fashioned views of patriarchy and stop visiting brothels.
I used to have a postcard above my desk saying ‘I'll be post-feminist in post-patriarchy’ and people used to ask me what it meant.
For thousands of years before the first movements of patriarchy, the archaeological record is full of female figurines indicating worship of goddesses, female fertility, or matriarchy.
Today more than ever, their struggles against patriarchy involve confronting communalism within their own communities.
She observes, correctly, that a woman's reputation as a thinker can be tainted by "an erotically charged biography" in a way a man's typically is not, but suggests that feminism, with its "antiromantic bias," must share the blame along with patriarchy.
Conflicting visions of romantic love
Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
The movie now takes on a starkly different aesthetic as it turns its focus to blood feuds, family honour, and tyrannical patriarchy.
The re-establishment of the Bulgarian Patriarchy was opposed by the Ecumenical Patriarchy as it did not happen according to the canonical order.
After a winter of discontent, the snapping point came while Ms. Venkatesan was lecturing on "ecofeminism," which holds, in part, that scientific advancements benefit the patriarchy but leave women out.
Unclear on the Concept
The play shows how, as usual in a patriarchy, it is the women who teach the next generation to submit.
These are key ideas in the dominant ideology of patriarchy which have much wider currency and impact than in penology.
Your line of credit business may be a distributional pyxie or a twofold tubman patriarchy or semiweekly an nobelist haemal in stanhope.
Rational Review
An interesting phenomenon raised by more than one author is the way that gender subversion, with women striking back at repressive aspects of patriarchy, can go hand in hand with genre subversion.
The passiveness and peace of a matriarchy with the passion and drive and energy of a patriarchy is the best blend, and will ultimately create a society that can stand against anything.
This tale of ‘falling from grace,’ from divinity to abjection, of the subjection of feminine powers to the reprobation and constraints of the patriarchy society seems to be a universal trope.
She did not shy away from the barriers she often faced as a result of publicly identifying the structure of male patriarchy.
Gender seemed to be on the forefront of the discourse, largely because the organizers prominently recognized patriarchy as a main and integral force of oppression.
She has not lost her passion for women's liberation; nor has she abandoned her analysis of patriarchy.
If we do not view patriarchy as a necessary and inevitable step in human cultural evolution, how did it come about?
Narayan believes that bargainers with patriarchy, such as veiling women, are autonomous because, despite their choices being constrained by patriarchy, they can make genuine, reflective choices within these constraints.
Feminist Moral Psychology
That is why the translators have seldom used the terms matriarchy and patriarchy; and for this and other reasons they have passed over Bachofen's terms "androcracy" and "gynecocracy" in favour of Anglo-Saxon equivalents with somewhat different implications.
The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
It was argued that patriarchy was a worldwide system which reduced women to the status of housewives and made them dependent on men.
It's partly to do with the deep patriarchy of Greek society.
Times, Sunday Times
Can you sing the word 'abortion,' can you sing the word 'patriarchy'--what can you sing and get away with?
Mike Ragogna: A Tom Morello Video Exclusive, Chatting With Dave Koz and Laurie Berkner, Plus Ani DiFranco's Download
Getting rid of patriarchy is fine, but replacing it with an equivalent matriarchy solves nothing unless you're simply out for revenge.
Western feminism rests on the concept of patriarchy - the class system of male domination and female oppression.
Paradise builds on West's critique, exploring colorism, elitism, and patriarchy as structures that compose the black bourgeois ideal.
She is in many ways articulating an imbrication between two structures of patriarchy.
Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
Feminists want to dismantle the patriarchy, she said.
Patriarchy is a seminal concept in feminist studies and has different implications and ethnicity.
In her view, the black males in Wilson's plays represent the ‘white supremacist capitalist patriarchy's phallocentric ideal’ and are constantly defending their genitals from the castrating gaze of black women.
The link between patrilineal kinship and patriarchy requires far more scrutiny than is possible in this paper.
For women it means fighting both religious and capitalist patriarchy.
Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
That husbands, fathers, or sons are never wrong, and must always be right presupposes a perfectionism most men cannot live up to, and betrayal of the patriarchy is always considered the worst betrayal to other men, the one unforgivable sin that cannot be tolerated.
Subverting Patriarchy: Not just for chicks anymore. « A Bird’s Nest
In this case the project is overcoming what is variously called male dominance, machismo, phallocracy, patriarchy, etc., to which men and their female collaborators seem very attached, inasmuch as so many machines of war must be mounted against them.
Certainly feminists have long accepted this, hence our use of "patriarchies" rather than a monolithic "patriarchy.
But see it for what it is-the product of a society steeped in competition, sexism, racism and patriarchy.
Another 1970s strategy of empowerment was to turn to the misty past and recast prehistory in a hopeful light: perhaps a Neolithic matriarchy predated the Iron Age patriarchy.
It is necessary that feudal patriarchy would oppress and persecute the spirit of innovation and advancement.
All I'm saying is that it is wrong to replace a patriarchy with a matriarchy, because then nothing is learned, no insights are gained and no real cooperation between men and women is achieved.
Patriarchy, sexism, heterosexism and globalization are all root causes of this particular form of exploitation.
The expression of patriarchy through male-surname dominance has robbed millions of women of their name identity.
The capitalist patriarchy view argues that women are exploited as labourers in class terms but are also oppressed by patriarchy.
Critical Social Research
* I think the debate about the feminist implications of feminine appearances is an example of the same sort of discussion where it’s not about economics, and capitalism isn’t the frame-work, but a sexist and misogynist society is I’m not particularly fond of the term patriarchy - reason here.
Bought and Sold
With his new friends, Obama discussed “neocolonialism, Franz sic Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy” and flaunted his alienation.
Deconstructing Obama
This October, more than 6,000 women gathered in Chicago for the True Woman Conference '08: a stadium-style event to promote what its proponents call "biblical womanhood," "complementarianism," or-most bluntly - "the patriarchy movement." ...
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Central to Ensler's work is the idea that the tension between the sayable and the unsayable is created by the powers that be, a.k.a. patriarchy, hell-bent on suppressing what Ensler dubs the "girl cell.
Jill Di Donato: It's My Fault; Or Is It?: A New Play Explores Rape As More Than a Four Letter Word
Paltering with "God's truth," then, is playing fast and loose with the metonyms that may be interpreted authoritatively only by the patriarchy.
The situation of older Black women is even worse, suffering as they do exclusion based on both patriarchy and racism.
Broadly speaking, feminism gathers these structures under the label patriarchy or male dominance.
Male Survivors of (Child) Sexual Abuse/Violence and Feminism, A Beginning
That is why the translators have seldom used the terms matriarchy and patriarchy; and for this and other reasons they have passed over Bachofen's terms "androcracy" and "gynecocracy" in favour of Anglo-Saxon equivalents with somewhat different implications.
The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
These apply to the political and personal meanings that associate power with the nature of men and the culture of patriarchy.
The patriarchy - centered culture emerged and grew in the semi - feudal and semi - colonial soil.
In presenting class and patriarchy as two competing frames of reference, the two appear mutually exclusive.
Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
It is precisely as chaste maidens or model wives and mothers that they exercise the only form of power that patriarchy leaves to women: the right of prohibition.
I have not touched here upon many other important ideas this rich book develops, including powerful Christian arguments against patriarchy and marital indissolubility.
The passiveness and peace of a matriarchy with the passion and drive and energy of a patriarchy is the best blend, and will ultimately create a society that can stand against anything.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood exist only to peddle their brand of patriarchy called "complementarianism.
Brandon G. Withrow: The Ordination Of Women And The High Calling Of Dissent
Women and men exist as unequal political classes in the system of patriarchy, and so it is difficult to understand how love can truly exist between these two groups.