
How To Use Patriarch In A Sentence

  • In the beginning of the ninth century St. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, states that all are obliged to observe xerophagy during those seasons The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • This is the basic economic pattern of patriarchy, which is a different thing to capitalism.
  • The later patriarchal cultures denounced them as immoral and wanton.
  • The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
  • The Church, concludes the ecumenical patriarch, which by its educational activities instructed the people of God in revealed truth through the centuries, owes much to these schools of human thought, which contributed to man's intellectual and spiritual development, drawing him away from useless preservationism. Spero News
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  • She associated his father, the patriarch - he acting in close concert with his two accountants, neither of whom were called by the Crown.
  • Most forceful among these voices were those of African women, who declared that the Pan-Africanism of the formal leadership was androcentric and patriarchal.
  • The word patriarch as applied to Biblical personages comes from the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • Under these patriarchates and exarchates came the eparchies under metropolitans; they had under them the bishops of the various cities. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The assumption that gender parity in all things is inconducive to sustainable propagation arrives at the footstep of the ideas in Steve Sailer's article "The Return of Patriarchy?". The Audacious Epigone
  • Must have been a patriarchal culture that dreamed that one up," Honor said. AMBERBEACH
  • Likewise, it should be emphasized here that any attempt to compose a historical picture of the Patriarch and his work cannot be considered correct or proven, at least academically speaking, if it is based on the '' censorious '' texts of the time, which in many ways are irresponsible and historically dubious, and which essentially are nothing but libel. Orrologion
  • Mehmet II, who collected Christian relics and occasionally watched a Christian service, even revived the Oecumenical patriarchate, the senior see of Orthodox Christianity.
  • Encouragement and support do they derive from James, in maintaining the "peculiar institution" which they call patriarchal, and boast of as the "corner-stone" of the republic? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • One of the properties comprised five thousand dunums of land owned by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem near Nablus.
  • “Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks. Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
  • The family patriarch, in his 70s, claimed his father built the house.
  • The respect in which the synedrial president was held rapidly increased; like Christian patriarchs under Mahometan rule, he was also recognised by the imperial government as the municipal head of the Jews of Palestine, and bore the secular title of the old high priests (nasi, ethnarch, patriarch). Prolegomena
  • When they become guerrillas the women set themselves free from patriarchal bonds.
  • The patriarchate of Moscow was abolished by Peter the Great in 1721 and replaced by a Holy Synod of bishops which was controlled by a lay official, the chief procurator.
  • He reminds them likewise of the wickedness of those that were the patriarchs of their tribes, in envying their brother Joseph, and selling him into Egypt; and the same spirit was still working in them towards Christ and his ministers. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Have you ever thought how great it would be if someone took the ickiest aspects of monogamous lifestyle BDSM, blended it with a double measure of religious-right patriarchy, then added a generous sprinkling of disturbing domestic violence? Happy Slapping
  • It was the manner of singing psalms antiphonally, that is alternately by two choirs, to which we are accustomed, that had already been introduced at Antioch in the time of the Patriarch The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The portrait of ‘patriarchal oppression’ presented by the investigative journalist is nonsense, incidentally, and he - who has the perspective and temperament of a Victorian bluestocking - was laughed off the island.
  • As long as these firms consisted of small, family-owned, patriarchally run units, and the price competition was fierce, their activities remained relatively uninteresting. The Prize in Economics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • A form of marriage very popular among some groups then and now is the patriarchal, where the wife is subservient to the husband.
  • So saying, he passed to the palace of Zosimus the Patriarch, to whom he could unbosom himself with more safety, because he had long considered Count Robert of Paris
  • And patriarch Isaac realizes that he's been tricked.
  • We don't have to live according to the rules of the patriarchy.
  • It's a conceit that would ring false with David Threlfall's wild, bacchanalian Chatsworth patriarch but William H Macy's Frank is a more sensitive, caring soul, who uses his extended period of sobriety to connect with the kids. TV highlights 11/08/2011: The Culture Show At The Edinburgh Festival | Torchwood: Miracle Day | The Killing | The Forgotten Blitz | Little Box Of Horrors | Shameless US
  • He struggles with God, much as the patriarch Jacob wrestled with the angel.
  • No Wasp patriarch would have dared to defy democratic sensitivities so brazenly. IN DEFENCE OF ARISTOCRACY
  • I had always thought of Aristide as a patriarch who never considered anyone's feelings. COASTLINERS
  • Wonderfully constructed narratives, such as the patriarchal stories of Genesis, are reduced and abridged as to make many of them incomprehensible.
  • Encouragement and support do they derive from James, in maintaining the "peculiar institution" whence they derived their wealth, which they call patriarchal, and boast of as the "corner-stone" of the republic? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Will it mean that the tide of traditional patriarchal values, of conservative religiosity, will become irreversible?
  • Experienced British thespians Brian Cox and Penelope Wilton have supporting roles as the matriarch and patriarch of the Hewitt clan.
  • When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
  • In Europe, patriarchy flourished as institutions such as the family, the guild, and the university evolved to restrict or exclude women's presence and power.
  • What bits of patriarchy, or male dominance, remain in western society?
  • Big farmers in the area come from a strongly patriarchal and feudal background.
  • Kenyan homes are traditionally conservative and strictly patriarchal.
  • Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
  • The Sages tell us that the patriarch Jacob, after a 22-year separation from his son Joseph, finally went down to Egypt to see him.
  • This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
  • Leave aside for a moment the critics who recoil at the symbols, the patriarchy, the very use of the term purity, with its shadow of stains and stigma. Hullabaloo
  • He relates this factor to the adult Jesus' antipatriarchal behavior and to the fact that the adult Jesus often acted in a womanlike manner.
  • This is the essence of the hold that Chicano patriarchal power has on many Chicanas.
  • The patriarchate was restored, with the enthronement of Sergei eight days later.
  • You heard about feminists and their arguments, and maybe they sounded "shrill" or "churlish" or "bitchy" to your patriarchally-attuned ears. "I'm not that!"
  • Or to rid yourself of your patriarchally tinted glasses. DNA Evidence Doesn’t Link Lacrosse Players To Crime
  • That prices out those who seek cheap ruralness, and probably discourages those who seek traditional, (like God, family) even reactionary values (like xenophobia, patriarchalism, racism), because they won't find them there. Rural Mexico
  • He gave unlucky Derby second Silver Patriarch a typically-robust ride to take the St Leger of 1997, and the crowd's roar of acclamation that day showed just how much they wanted Eddery to crown his career in fairytale style.
  • Any borderman who had ever seen a mountain cat fight a bear and win would have nodded in recognition as Cathan pounced on the hulking patriarch, knocking him sideways then dragging him down onto the ground. Chosen Of The Gods
  • The family was politicized as the foundation of patriarchal power.
  • Both these patriarchs fathered large families from a number of wives, both were intimately involved with the holy sanctuary of the Kaaba at Mecca and both were renowned for the open-handed generosity with which they cared for pilgrims.
  • Your average grizzled patriarch stumbles about making the same mistakes in his senectitude that he had in adolescence, learning nothing, "believing in the same white list of approved 20-carat lies. Borne Ceaselessly Into the Future
  • Confucian society is patriarchic, at peace with top-down compliance. Tom Doctoroff: China's Communist Party: Not Losing Control
  • They were written in a highly patriarchal society where masculine domination was the norm.
  • African National Congress patriarch Walter Sisulu on Saturday said he was in "tiptop" shape when he visited his Robben Island cell, number 17, which was his home for 18 years. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ∑ Reject all forms of hierarchy including capitalism, party communism, patriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism, and so-called representational politics; Rochester IMC
  • To feminists she is a classic victim of the patriarchal society.
  • My favorite suffragist and champion, however, is Matilda Joslyn Gage, born on March 24,and author of Woman, Church, and State which exposed and challenged patriarchies and misogynists in the nineteenth century. Melinda J. Rising: Getting the Spotlight Back on Women
  • The Centaurus Colony may then be declared a separate patriarchate, with full patriarchal jurisdiction going to the cardinal who will accompany you. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • And they are very far from any thought that their licentious groupings would provide an avenue for the emergence of a patriarch with a retinue of teen-wives.
  • My definition of a neocon is the extreme right fringe who are unattractive patriarchal WASP megalomaniacs that were bullied in grade school, so they now try to fight everyone with someone else†™ s blood, sweat and tears. Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 11, 2006
  • They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
  • With the beaming patriarch, the tolerant kuia, the benign figures from the afterlife (including a stereotypical errant male) and the quota of cute talking animals (though only the reader gets to hear them), the story is at times overrun with syrupy sweetness and light.
  • The Orthodox Church is headed by a patriarch, presiding over the Holy Synod, with a hierarchy of regional archbishops, bishops, and priests.
  • Confucianism has been mostly condemned as patriarchal and slightly soulless orthopraxy. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Blogging the Analects 1
  • His father is in the patriarchal line: he has himself done the cherubs, the shepherd-boys, and now is a grown man, and ready as a warrior, a pifferaro, a capuchin, or what you will. The Newcomes
  • Abraham may be the original patriarch, but if anybody should be called the doctrinal founder of Judaism and its derivative religions, it is Moses. The God Delusion
  • When historians and anthropologists first began to investigate the issue of pre-patriarchal cultures they made two assumptions.
  • Balaam, the last representative of patriarchism, was required to curse the Jewish Church, just as it afterwards would not succumb to Christianity without a struggle (Nu Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The ease with which the novel of sensibility blends with the Gothic and even the pornographic is readily explained: feeling is gendered female in patriarchal culture, since the mother seems to be the source of all emotion, as we see in Sade's dream. Notes, "'Mummy, possest': Sadism and Sensibility in Shelley's _Frankenstein_"
  • From his eyrie he waved his hand to Captain Lynch, and that doughty patriarch waved back. THE HOUSE OF MAPUHI
  • As a result he received the blessing of the Byzantine patriarch and the title of tsar of Bulgaria.
  • Private patriarchy became increasingly circumscribed by laws that undermined male authority within the family.
  • Lee Petty, the venerable patriarch, died on April 5 at age 86 of complications from a stomach aneurysm.
  • Now if you think about it, the inequalities and distortions of gender in a patriarchal society are very characteristic of social systems we call militarist and nationalist. This Is Not Tawana Brawley
  • While the Kinshaya envoy, Patriarch Radrigi, remained conspicuously mute, the Gorn, Tholian, and Breen diplomats filled the room with a discordant olio of hisses, chirps and clicks, and electronic warbles. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • By repressing female sexual expression in dharmic structures, the patriarchy limits female participation at socio-political and cultural levels.
  • The traditional Mongolian American household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.
  • Ont he way in we called the patriarch and told he we would be late. Naylamoors Diary Entry
  • The criminal deed is the sons' murder of the tribal patriarch who had monopolized the women of the horde.
  • Despite his living in a rigidly patriarchal society his strongest and most memorable characters are all female.
  • She remembered the schismatic Patriarchs of the later Roman empire.
  • Peter was a couple of years older than Kate, four at the most, and here he was already playing the grand old patriarch card. FALLEN WOMEN
  • Feminists now challenge patriarchy by tracing their descent through the female rather than the male line.
  • Second, women are oppressed by both capitalism and by patriarchy. Critical Social Research
  • The patriarchal demand for submissive women is reinforced by imagining its opposite: sex with the devil, one of the most striking legendary sabbat practices. National Demons: Robert Burns, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Folk in the Forest
  • So if this is a problem that is that difficult to deal with by women who actually understand something about the misogyny that underwrites these socially constructed "pathologies," how is it that anyone expects the women in these commercial treatment facilities to "recover," if the deeper source of their problem -- internalized patriarchy -- is intentionally concealed from them, and avoided like the plague in Recovery Orthodoxy as an "outside issue"? Stan Goff: Reflecting on Thin
  • The patriarch of stock car racing's No.1 family, Lee spawned Richard, who fathered Kyle, who fathered Adam.
  • Historical artefacts preserved from that period show the might of the Bulgarian tsar dynasties and the influence of the Bulgarian Patriarch.
  • + The Great Church, that is, the patriarchate of Constantinople that takes precedence of the others. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The cornerstones are methods of eliminating horizontal violence and hierarchical or patriarchal control.
  • Cacoyannis launched his international film career with Stella 1955, which won him a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film and launched the film career of Melina Mercouri as femme fatale and symbol of resistance to the patriarchal code. Katerina Zacharia: Remembering Michael Cacoyannis
  • Carol's accusations are paranoid, exaggerated and ruinously unfair; but the play's genius is that her analysis of the smug patriarchy that frustrates her is unsettlingly acute.
  • That's about when hyphenation was seized upon as a solution to surname patriarchy.
  • Rationalism and the neocapitalist paradigm of context, the predominant concept is the concept of patriarchial culture and there are a number of narratives concerning the bridge between consciousness and class may be discovered. Dr-rndmprsn Diary Entry
  • Fiction of cultural resistance includes an inner discourse of resistance to patriarchal traditions in the Chicano culture.
  • Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
  • With the decline in traditional patriarchy came a more virulent emphasis on female sexual fidelity and greater idealization of family harmony.
  • Walton has also noticed that the total of the durations of the kingdoms and the total of the ages of the patriarchs are numerically related and are equivalent if the number base of the Sumerian list is changed from sexagesimal to decimal.
  • The deeper problem resides in the built-in patriarchy of depending on a Freudian psychoanalytical model, where an active or powerful woman is nothing but a 'masculinized' woman (or a closet lesbian.) Pretty/Scary
  • The patriarch of the family cautiously goes into the kitchen only to find that there is only a half quart of milk and two slices of bread left!
  • I am constantly trying to break free from the chains of male chauvinism and patriarchy.
  • But the Divine Feminine, sometimes known as Shekinah, sometimes as the Holy Spirit, sometimes as Quan Yin, sometimes, even in the darkest patriarchy, known as the Blessed Virgin Mary, that Divine Feminine is a yielding, accepting, forgiving aspect of God. Dr. Susan Corso: The Morality Police and the Divine Feminine
  • If the Duane patriarch was entertaining at a dinner for the cream of THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • 'An emaciated patriarch in a suit of white drill, a solah topi with a green-lined rim on a head trembling with age, joined us after crossing the street in a trotting shuffle, and stood propped with both hands on the handle of an umbrella. Lord Jim
  • So just as we must shake such ingrained, patriarchic theories in animal biology, we must also reconsider the models we have for thinking about, understand, and relate to information in the flow of activity streams. What can dogs tell us about the real-time web? | FactoryCity
  • Our Sages attribute the origin of our three daily prayer services to our patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • He is certainly an avuncular figure, more paternal than patriarchal, yet even his faults and foibles are masculine in character.
  • One, he said, had been written by Abraham, the Jewish patriarch.
  • Genesis 12 marks a shift from primeval history to the stories of the patriarchs.
  • The death of three national patriarchs within such a short time has always been a suggestive theme.
  • I truly do believe that modernism trumps the traditional patriarchy because it is far more conducive to human happiness.
  • When their father had died, even though Tyler was only seven at the time, he had effectively become the patriarch of the family.
  • The head of the Cypriot Church has never had the title patriarch, but only that of Archbishop. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Patriarchal social structure, along with its other harms, fuels population increases.
  • I said above that there are some circumstances where I think FF is more complicated; but on the whole I agree with the obvious conclusion that it is usually just men buying into the patriarchally approved subordinate position of women. Bondage and Patriarchy
  • Your line of credit business may be a distributional pyxie or a twofold tubman patriarchy or semiweekly an nobelist haemal in stanhope. Rational Review
  • In this sense the representations of motherhood potentially extend far beyond patriarchal ideology.
  • If she dared to violate the rules in the patriarchal society, she would be regarded as an unchaste and vicious woman.
  • Surely it makes more sense to rechannel their energies into working with us towards achieving the important stuff – you know, things like equality and ending patriarchal oppressions – than to fire off another 2.000 word hate-filled blog post which will only be read by ten other like-minded transphobes? You can be active with the activists…
  • Although there is a lot less evidence the further back you go (and no written words) it is likely that the control of sexuality (and concomitantly of reproduction) – and not just in patriarchal ways – has been a feature of human society since the beginning. Matthew Yglesias » Jessica Valenti on Anti-Feminists and So-Called “Hook-up Culture”
  • But with the acclaimed actor hiding himself so well in each character — and with other roles so different from the Chance family's lovably oafish patriarch — he's actually pretty hard to pin down. Garret Dillahunt: The Man From Hope
  • This itself is interesting as it has been remarked upon by a number of scholars that, among the patriarchs, Isaac seems to have gotten short shrift literarily.
  • I believe that a rigidly Patriarchal culture cannot tolerate the empowered creative voice of Women.
  • Others suppose a particular church to be such a one as is now called diocesan, though that name in its first use and application to church affairs was of a larger extent than what is is now applied unto, for it was of old the name of a patriarchal church. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • They almost unanimously hold that the narrative of the patriarch's life is composed practically in its entirety of three writings or writers called respectively the Jahvist, the Elohist, and the priestly writer, and denoted by the letters J, E, and P. J and E consisted of collections of stories relating to the patriarch, some of older, some of later, origin. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • I have long been fascinated by family history, the role of patriarchy, and the neglect of women in biographies of famous men. Interview With Historian and Writer Clarice Stasz
  • It seems to me we are in danger of reifying as "masculine" the very qualities that mose of us also deem patriarchal. All The Oligarch Alumni News That Fits, We Print
  • Historically, soap storylines built around families, matriarchs, and patriarchs have not been diverse.
  • Also in the rural areas, some of the more traditional machismo, an aggressively strong masculine character associated with patriarchy, prevailed.
  • The capitalist patriarchy view argues that women are exploited as labourers in class terms but are also oppressed by patriarchy. Critical Social Research
  • The shrill feminist denunciations of male patriarchy share a common origin: the Marxist creed.
  • No independent existence for women outside of the patriarchal system that shaped the contours of their lives was possible.
  • For although I cannot sing odes to a patriarchally imagined deity, as it says in the Torah Deuteronomy 4:16: ‘Do not act corruptly by making an idol for yourselves, in the form of any figure †the likeness of male or female’, the tradition of my parents is carved in my heart in immutable letters.” The Atheist Siddur | Jewschool
  • Women are the emotional and economic center of the household in many Creole groups but are subordinated in traditional, patriarchal Hindostani circles.
  • The Ukrainian Church has seceded from the Patriarchate of Moscow where it was placed uncanonically and illegally.
  • The novel's plot describes the decimation of masculine culture necessary for women to create a non-patriarchal utopian society.
  • The unspoken corollary is that societies need to be more reactionary: patriarchal, church-going, majoritarian, and philoprogenitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bishop of Jerusalem, who had been given the title of patriarch in 451 by the Council of Chalcedon, had jurisdiction over Palestine.
  • Their prayers and sermons excited the people against the impious Barbarians; and the patriarch is accused of declaring, that the faithful might obtain the redemption of all their sins by the extirpation of the schismatics. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • After two years, word comes to the family patriarch, their grandfather.
  • I understand that it was an essentially antifemale celebration, in which the patriarchy of the new male religions symbolically—and sometimes actually—put to death the ancient female power. Twilight
  • In a patriarchal society men fear independent autonomous women.
  • One cannot help but admire these women in their courage to be gender rebels, ostentatiously flouting centuries of repressive, patriarchal social conditioning.
  • Hardiman points out other limitations, such as Gandhi's patriarchal outlook that survived his daring call to women to join satyagraha.
  • Is the term normative beauty meant to refer to Western-style patriarchal hetero-normative standards of gender theatre? Pushing Beauty Boundaries With YouTube « Gender Across Borders
  • But, neither their successful reinstatement of the Patriarchal office nor the restoration of the ecclesiastical character of the Synod proved lasting.
  • If some of this subcultural desituationism seems self referential and perhaps adorned with postmaterial semanticist theory then maybe the creation/destruction distinction is intrinsically fostering a prepatriarchialist sense of postmaterial discourse. Modernism Schmodernism « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Funny, I think, how all this is going down without any kind of patriarchal supervision.
  • His role has been more patriarchal, in the family context.
  • Historically, the single parent has been the norm in no society, but patriarchal linear life is now economically over.
  • This measure simply indicates the character of the opinions which were received at the time in Europe, as well as the strong consciousness on the part of the patriarch, and those who acted with him, of the expediency of throwing the voice and countenance of the Church into the scale alike against the tribunitial oligarchy and against local jealousies and prejudices. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • The fiction of a tardy repentance absolved the fame and the soul of her deceased husband; the sentence of the Iconoclast patriarch was commuted from the loss of his eyes to a whipping of two hundred lashes: the bishops trembled, the monks shouted, and the festival of orthodoxy preserves the annual memory of the triumph of the images. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • For a time the patriarch refused to take the matter so seriously; eventually, since the quarrel became more and more bitter, in 1341 the first synod of the Hesychast question was summoned at Constantinople. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
  • At this point, I would like to consider the dominant role of men in an androcentric, patriarchal society.
  • For instance, it's too simplistic to say that Indo-European speakers were all patriarchal warriors and native Europeans were all matrifocal pacifists. Archive 2007-10-01
  • In presenting class and patriarchy as two competing frames of reference, the two appear mutually exclusive. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • She talked both about the patriarchal autocracy that prevails in many households, and about the ways it affects women.
  • There are also two patriarchates: one in Istanbul and another in Jerusalem.
  • First, it will modify concepts of patriarchy visavis the state.
  • It is true that Indian society always has been a patriarchic society with males being the head of the family, but so is the case with all the other cultures -- eastern or western. Pankaj Jain, Ph.D.: Hinduism And Modernity
  • Overall male gain depends on the constant renewal of structures of male solidarity and patriarchy over-riding immediate economic or class interests.
  • In this list, the Greeks appear to have exceeded the real numbers of the clergy and laity which afterwards attended the emperor and patriarch, but which are not clearly specified by the great ecclesiarch. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
  • Meaning the patriarchy is able to seep in all-inclusive ideology and maintain its superior position. Arrogant and horrible teenage boys « Womanvsfeminist’s Blog
  • In the Middle Ages the Abuna, or head of the Ethiopian church, was always an Egyptian monk appointed by the Coptic patriarch, but apart from this link Ethiopian Christianity developed largely in isolation and in a distinctive way.
  • These are traditional Renaissance topoi of the fortune-telling of the natural world; nonetheless, they underscore the patriarchal view of Egypt's troubles as stemming, naturally, from women.
  • It is ludicrous to argue that women should be regarded as victims in patriarchal, phallocentric America and must be wards of government. A New Project for the Gender Police
  • The head of the house is the elderly father or the patriarch of the family, and the mother has authority over her daughter-in-law.
  • Before 1776, according to the historical sociologist Michael Kimmel, the perfect man was still a genteel patriarch, a dandified landowner steeped in the codes of the Old World. Men’s Lib
  • He had become the patriarch of the family, and of a traditional style of singing as well.
  • The patriarchate of Moscow was abolished by Peter the Great in 1721 and replaced by a Holy Synod of bishops which was controlled by a lay official, the chief procurator.
  • No eastern patriarch or bishop participated in the preparations for this council; the only Byzantines taking part in the actual council were the emperor's own three emissaries; the patriarchate's sole apprisal of negotiations came through Palaeologus. Orrologion
  • It is the old patriarchal arrangements, the familistic socialism, cloaked in tradition and religion, which implies that individuals should help their kin, their people.
  • In Germany various strands of spiritualist thought, descended from Romanticism, informed the idea of the German people - the volk - as an ethical, socially united, patriarchal, ethnic, and linguistic community.
  • The most powerful church leaders were the bishop of Rome, called the pope, in the West and the patriarch of Constantinople in the East.
  • If the Duane patriarch was entertaining at a dinner for the cream of THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Concrete abstractions regarding productive and unproductive identities are reified and spaces, along with the bodies that occupy those spaces, are imbued with ideologies of capitalism and patriarchy.
  • Gene Hackman's performance as outcast family patriarch Royal is an absolute joy to watch.
  • The distinctive insignia of the patriarch are the masnaftô (a form of head-dress), the phainô (a kind of cape or cope), the orarion (a kind of pallium), the tiara, or mitre (other bishops wear only the orarion and the mitre), the pastoral staff surmounted with a cross, and, in the Latin fashion, the pastoral ring and the pectoral cross. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • I had always thought of Aristide as a patriarch who never considered anyone's feelings. COASTLINERS
  • Patriarchy is embedded in systems of education, healthcare, economic activity, social order and political representation.
  • Under the Old Regime, the government acted patriarchally.
  • As it happens, the title essay of the book is Mr. Rybczynski's attempt to fill out with fact the "fairy tales" he heard time and again about his parents 'fathers, one a prosperous banker and patriarch in interwar Warsaw, the other a philosopher and physicist in southeastern Poland who, in time, would withdraw from active life because of his troubled involvement with a married woman. At Home in a New World
  • In the fourteenth century a pseudo-spiritualism akin to that of the ancient Euchites or Messalians, culminating in the famous Hesychast controversies (see HESYCHASM; PALAMAS), greatly disturbed the mutual harmony of Greek monasteries, especially those of Mount Athos, one of whose monks, Callistus, had become Patriarch of Constantinople The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The family patriarch retired with 54 victories.
  • Near the patriarchate is the large Orthodox monastery (St. Constantine) with a printing press and hospice for pilgrims. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • We are becoming the family patriarchs and matriarchs and the mantle sits uneasily on our shoulders.
  • Conversely, almost half of Moscow's patriarchate churches are in Ukraine.
  • The name Gamaliel was that which occurred most frequently among the patriarchs; see Codex Theod. xvi. Prolegomena
  • These policies changed during World War II, and in 1943 the regime accepted an accommodation with the Church that restored the patriarchate.
  • Matrimony was 'historically heteronormative and patriarchal', she said, and the couple 'cannot marry conformable with their conscience'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film traces the palimpsest from Constantinople to a Greek Orthodox monastery in the Judaean desert to the library of the Greek Patriarch in Jerusalem. Television: Archimedes' Disgusting Document
  • The corporate juggernauts remain untoppled, the patriarchy is restored.

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