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How To Use Patio In A Sentence

  • Their movements have a likable jazzy syncopation, a bit of relaxed jive.
  • It was a beautiful wooden skiff, with a little outboard motor, perfect for his part-time second occupation of working a few pots to catch crustacea to sell to local pubs and restaurants.
  • Observing the affected knee may reveal dystrophic changes, alteration of skin color, calluses related to kneeling or occupational abuse of the knee, scars, scratches, or rashes.
  • The effect would be a level of military involvement that would serve to collapse the distinction between inspection and invasion/occupation.
  • Democratic participation, fair and free elections and effective governance need to be institutionalised and made routine, or non-violent means to resolve political crises could be replaced by remobilisation of militias, with significant risk of violent conflict. Crisis Group
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  • Chartists at once organized resistance to what they called the usurpation and, after a long civil war, were successful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The BBC never tires of telling us how passionately it seeks the interest and participation of the public in its political output, particularly the young.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Their aim is twofold: to increase productivity and to improve morale by giving employees a feeling of participation in and identification with the company. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • The preoccupation with the problem of evil, asserts Nietzsche, enervates the human spirit.
  • Korsibar in time had been overthrown, and Prestimion's sorcerers had sliced his usurpation out of the history of the world. KING OF DREAMS
  • Before 'mancipation my mammy and daddy owned by the very same old fellar, Thomas Henry McNeil. Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4
  • There is growing anticipation that the prime minister will have to resign.
  • A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
  • Palpation of the nasal structures should be done to elicit any crepitus, indentation, or irregularity of the nasal bone.
  • That includes splashing out on three deckchairs with matching beach huts for the patio. The Sun
  • The hands-off policy was extended to the structure of citizen participation and the social targeting provisions.
  • He uses the ambiguity of passageways and transitional spaces to construct an esthetic of anticipation.
  • Their main preoccupation for the next few months will be acorns, their main winter food. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a time, the revolt chilled the atmosphere in which they had to operate and stimulated a vigorous debate within their fracturing movement about the appropriate means to effect the desired end of emancipation.
  • Hello there, can we please have your age, occupation, where you are from and where you are now?
  • The original building consisted of a wide perimeter block bisected by a pair of transverse wings to form three narrow internal patios.
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • When sacramental participation had ceased to be the norm, people needed a reason for attending the liturgy.
  • Recently renovated, the surfside inn still has its nautical-cool whitewashed facade, and its 36 guest rooms are equipped with patios and views of the Roqueta Channel. 10
  • And 'offloaded' him into a Master in anticipation of the great dark knight? The Tao Of Sith
  • This pattern was repeated during WWII, during German occupation, and later by successive Communist regimes.
  • We won't wear "bloomers," or make any attempt to imitate you in our dress, manners, or occupations; we will do nothing to offend the most fastidious, we will be women still. The Womans Advocate
  • What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation.
  • Unhealthy waterways and wetlands mean more midges and mozzies; another reason to keep our Hearns Lake foreshores safe from human occupation.
  • The family show includes colourful costumes, lively characters, music, comedy and audience participation.
  • Marriage certificates will be changed so that they include the occupations of the bride and groom's mothers, plus details of step-parents if applicable.
  • He believed that socialism would — and must — come to America, not through armed, bloody revolution but through popular participation in representational government and the constant expansion of the state. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Managerial and middle-class occupations are over-represented in its ranks, while the working class is proportionately under-represented.
  • She belongs to a family descended from free Blacks those released from slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
  • I woke up this morning with a knot of excitement and anticipation nestling comfortably in my stomach.
  • Among the dainties was a live pig, which squeaking and grunting in anticipation of its fate, supplied to this orderly procession the absence of a musical band. A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26. Vol. 1
  • During the occupation, we had to live in total submission .
  • Big sheets of paper cover the patio, and kid-safe paint, rollers, brushes, and stamps are everywhere.
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • My patio hung over a medium sized street that was lined with shops and booths that sold fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  • With a penetrable fourth wall, a spot of audience participation and plenty of gleeful nonsense, this is pantomime in all but dame.
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.
  • Company is also engaged in production of downstream products from polyurethane-coated yarn, while equity participation, or holding a number of real estate companies, food and beverage companies.
  • I wanted to soak up the sense of preparation and anticipation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next introduced the network politics participation general theory; Finally introduced how network politics does participation becomes one new benefit turn of expression.
  • This led to flirtatious, prolonged seductions and the delicious build-up of anticipation and desire.
  • The occupation of property may be, and often is, distinct from its value to the owner.
  • But it was the modernisation of the Armed Forces which was his central preoccupation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big surprise was the strong showing of ultraconservative Islamists, called Salafis, many of whom reject women's participation in voting or public life.
  • The amendments to the Armed Forces Act include a provision under which the contracts of the professional soldiers would include a paragraph for precursory agreement for participation in missions abroad.
  • Over the past number of years the parade has been of mixed quality with varying degrees of participation from all sectors.
  • Full client participation is essential to ensure accuracy when compiling the information model.
  • Many companies are worried by the worker-participation clauses: if they are really so flexible, why bother with them at all?
  • The slaughter and butchery of 200 cattle and the consumption of 40,000 kilos of beef, even if spread over a year or two, suggest the participation of many communities, perhaps from a whole clan or tribe.
  • She revolutionised nursing by transforming what was regarded as the work of a chambermaid or scullion, into an occupation for caring and highly trained women.
  • We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
  • The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 1997.
  • The saving grace of the past few days has been my preoccupation with a new geeky toy, a DVD recorder.
  • Outside, to the rear of the house, is a walled garden with a terraced lawn, a patio, shrubs and mature trees including a pear tree.
  • Pancreatic disease is mainly distinguishable at palpation as tenderness.
  • Another online tool landed last week that is just as gripping: one that shows the gender pay gap in your occupation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The etiology of asthma is unknown, but it has been linked to occupational exposures, genetics, and environmental factors.
  • But, generally, the right uniform confers an aura of authority and legitimacy on even the most questionable of occupations.
  • With a 33 km mountain run behind me and a 67 km white-water kayak ahead, I felt pain, dread, exaltation, jubilation, anticipation, fear and joy - give me more emotions.
  • Their main preoccupation was how to feed their families.Sentencedict
  • Part of Doyle's reputation for dissipation is cultivated.
  • Praxis: Practice, especially of an art, science, or technical occupation, opposite to theory.
  • It isn't a disease but may be a symptom of severe constipation or emotional difficulties related to stool holding.
  • The representative different-type models refer to Market Model, Participation Model, Flexible Government Model and Deregulating Government Model.
  • Have clean and pure mind, noble sentiment; in each patient with a occupation smile; do not expect anything in return just offer in their heart.
  • Mystra was flush with anticipation as they dismounted, leading their horses up the steady incline of the road.
  • Institutions for change Rural development demands institutional pluralism and democratic participation.
  • He had spent some years in dissipation, which had disfigured him more than the wounds. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • This war and occupation was founded on Bush's lies and these lies have infected everythingabout thisillegal warand occupation~ from the quasi Iraqi American-controlled government to the purposely misleading body and wounded count and why, you ask? BRING THEM HOME NOW / NOT LATER IN BODY TUBES
  • The franchise needs continuity to ensure that positive public perception isn't forfeited unnecessarily through the dissipation or reduction of essential experience.
  • Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
  • A long latency period can make it difficult to associate asthma with an occupational source.
  • Any occupation that consists mostly of the repeated application of rules is a target for automation.
  • Polk asked Congress to give him permission to end the joint occupation agreement.
  • I attended with some positive anticipation, because the Poulenc Concerto, along with the Camille Saint-Sa'ns Symphony No. 3 avec orgue (with organ), have always seemed highly imaginative examples of gifted composers managing to craft beautiful and meaningful, even reflective statements for the mighty and potentially overpowering instrument. Undefined
  • Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning.
  • The Senate would even have required citizen participation in the execution of the program.
  • This is a particularly cruel irony because as the 1911 census revealed doctors had the smallest families of all categories of occupations.
  • This definitely is a bane as complaints of constipation, acidity, obesity, indigestion, etc., are rampant among the youth.
  • The new tenants are being put into occupation on probation; they are allotees of land and will not be able to claim possessive rights until the Land Commission is satisfied that they are capable farmers, and have proved their capacity to make productive use of th eland and furnish the regular payments that will amortise the purchase costs. G.K.'s Weekly - Land Policy of Ireland
  • Rooibos aids in the relief of stomach and indigestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation.
  • According to international law, this kind of activity is a violation of occupation laws as well as of human rights laws and, in certain cases, might be defined as pillage," says the petition. Undefined
  • Covering the webbed seat with inexpensive toweling renders this stool pool- or patio-worthy while the interior provides a spot to stow toys and picnic supplies.
  • The change in occupational structure shows the image of a reversion to trend after the short-term break caused by the economic crisis.
  • There are now eight unratified ILO occupational and health conventions.
  • Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
  • More clay pots can hold geraniums or other summer flowers that add color to a patio or back yard.
  • The plaintiff is relieved of the burden of managing a large sum of money and is protected from possible dissipation of the funds.
  • You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.
  • They have not yet found a comparable party of Iranians, however minuscule, to defend the theory of the emancipationist bombing of Iran. David Bromwich: One More War, Please
  • The most likely motives to cause one to falsely inculpate another are currying favor, revenge, and exculpation.
  • Reflect upon him, too, in your moments of dissipation, and let his idea controul your indiscretions -- not merely in an hour of contradiction call peevishly upon his name, only to wound the dearest friend you have. A Simple Story
  • In the nineteenth century, a mercury compound called calomel was used to treat everything from tuberculosis and parasites to toothaches and constipation. The Panic Virus
  • There will be special quiz shows and the winners will be awarded with souvenirs to remind them of their participation in the fiesta.
  • A substantial body of research now proves student satisfaction and engagement in learning increase with participation in the arts.
  • Timely participation in social practice will benefit college students all throughlife.
  • By the nineteenth century, the Beta Israel eventually took up stigmatized craft occupations, which also became associated with the connotation Falasha (Quirin, 1992). Ethiopian Jewish Women.
  • Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.
  • It meant participation in an expanding repertoire of domestic rituals made possible by creamware teacups and saucers, decanters, wine glasses, pickle plates, and forks of all sorts.
  • Clements had got up and walked to the sliding glass doors that led out on to the terrazzo patio. MURDER SONG
  • To look in the mirror without judgment or negative anticipation can be a useful suggestion at particular times in some treatments. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • The freedom to become an entrepreneur or choose our occupation is a freedom of immeasurable value.
  • Our participation in the policy and political arenas must be consistent and reliable.
  • During the monsoon season the villagers divert their occupation to fishing and agriculture.
  • The majority of guerrilla attacks on US occupation forces have been carried out by remotely detonated bombs or rocket-propelled grenades.
  • Internal features include pine floorboards, patio doors and a stone fireplace.
  • Stevie shut his eyes tight, restraining himself, trying to hold his anticipation in check.
  • Out the patio door, the wooden deck was high off the ground and made of light oak wood.
  • Working with MSV, CUSEC will manage and approve talk group participation by federal, tribal, state, and local public safety agencies, and appropriate private sector users with public safety missions.
  • With the provisions stored away, Robbie was at a loss for occupation.
  • The college provides training in a wide range of occupations.
  • Outside the café is the best patio in the city, perfect for a hot and sweaty summer night.
  • Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...
  • Its occupation was to speculate on Laetitia Dale's modest enthusiasm for rural pleasures.
  • Occupational health laws regulate toxic substances in the work environment.
  • With classical recitals on the central patio, well-stocked CD cabinets (all 14 rooms have hi-fis) and lots of surrealist art, it has bags more character than most cheapies.
  • Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
  • During the occupation, we had to live in total submission ( to the invader ).
  • However, a spokesman said it was not police policy to discuss the occupation of people helping with inquiries.
  • In many areas essential treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychological support are not available to stroke survivors. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The Occupational Therapist is there to try and help you find a solution to your problem.
  • In this form of indigestion the bowels are often much constipated, which is usually only a more marked symptom of chronic constipation. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Luck compares _Met_ XIV 465 'admonitu quamquam luctus renouentur amari' and _Met_ XV 244-45 '_quae_ [_sc_ elementa] _quamquam_ spatio distent, tamen omnia fiunt/ex ipsis'; in the first passage a few manuscripts and in the second the majority offer the indicative. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Why Should We Care: Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have long said that Vincent is the only character that was guaranteed to survive until the end of the series, so his future participation seems like a certainty. LOST IN NUMBERS: Sixteen Recurring Characters We Hope To See Again In The Final Season » MTV Movies Blog
  • The lunar high could bring a touch of excitement and anticipation into your life. The Sun
  • The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR). International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
  • The higher score on the participation question may be associated with self-motivation enhanced by the interactivity of the online lesson.
  • What is his occupation?
  • Employment of budget analysts is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005.
  • It is possible that the difference in setting could affect the way personal topics impact on participation rates.
  • Military conquest and colonial-style occupation is only the most overt form of imperialist domination.
  • She was disgusted at herself and yet the anticipation was sending thrills through her body. The Glasgow Girls
  • The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
  • The democratic rights to freely choose one's occupation and place of residency, as well as to immigration and asylum, are being ruthlessly sacrificed to the interests of big business.
  • For a moment, in the joy of anticipation, a strange light illuminated his face, his lips parted as in a foretasted wonder, and he forgot even to drop the hand he had just withdrawn. The Little City of Hope A Christmas Story
  • My only reservation with his classification of roles is that it reflects a Western preoccupation with task behaviours.
  • ‘That's everybody's goal, but anticipation is greater than realization,’ Bucky said.
  • As an art form, it has survived the dynasties, the warlords, the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, the Communist Revolution, and has just about survived the restless nature of the Other Festival's unappreciative audience.
  • My father was an immigrant who came over from Holland after the Nazi occupation.
  • My children bring me great joy (especially as the little ones vacillate between squirming with curiosity and tittering with barely kept secrets in anticipation of Christmas).
  • Related Occupations Accountants and auditors design internal control systems and analyze financial data.
  • Having again experienced, in November 2006, the joy and emotion of the personal and blessed participation of Your Holiness in the patronal feast of Constantinople, the commemoration of the St. Andrew the Apostle, the First Called, I set out "with a joyous step" from Fener in the New Rome, to come to you to participate in your joy in the patronal feast of Old Rome. Archive 2008-06-29
  • With the rise of telecommuting, there is a blurring of the lines between nonoccupational and occupational injuries. Undefined
  • These simple maintenance tasks keep your patio planters and window boxes looking their best throughout the growing season and help cold-climate gardeners prepare for winter.
  • The second important trend has been the slight narrowing of the differentials between male and female workers in full-time occupation.
  • The ads promote a quick physical exam, called palpation, in which doctors feel for unusual lumps in the thyroid, a small gland in the front of the neck. NYT > Home Page
  • But anticipations of victory, however rational, were premature.
  • Otherwise her only occupation would have been to kemb her golden hair, or perhaps, like Ballads of Romance and Chivalry Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series
  • Such preoccupations rarely seem to have troubled the solitary beings who inhabit the clamorous pages of her witty, erudite and anecdotal - if inconclusive - study.
  • After further dissection, the surgeon exposes the pubic bone and identifies the ischium by palpation.
  • There was also a shortage of skilled professional staff such as anaesthetists, dentists, occupational therapists and specialist doctors.
  • What's fascinating is that the contest could have only happened through top down means, but enabled bottom-up participation.
  • There was a large interior patio, with fountain, trees and flowers; a large garden adjoined this filled with orange trees, banana plants and palms, with great masses of bougainvillea growing everywhere. Did you know? Cuautla, Mexico, has the world's oldest railway station building.
  • My neighbors, as my compurgators, could aver this fact, as seeing my occupations and my attachment to them.
  • The implant is electrically isolated from active participation in the electrolytic disintegration which occurs when a current is applied to the wire.
  • If Neill's mum is already a member of a good quality occupational scheme which has the backing of a stable and solvent employer that might be her best option.
  • In particular, the fact that the pentagon is exempt from inclusion on U.S. emissions makes our participation in this conference a joke. Chinese block U.S. reporters from event
  • Liddell believes the institutes were a watershed moment for nonreligious participation in the interfaith movement. Chris Stedman: Atheist Students Find Their Place in the Interfaith Movement
  • It is in a comfortable key with limited chromaticism, employs only basic syncopation and has frequent rests.
  • Private data held by the government is often the result of legally required disclosures or of participation in formally optional licensing or benefit schemes where the government is as a practical matter the only game in town. Government Data Breaches
  • You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.
  • It tries to gain advantages before God and obtain righteousness through a supposedly better life with more divine occupations and more heavenly thoughts.
  • The long thin office wings enclose two hermetic internal courtyards or patios.
  • The syncopations available through this electro-extension were captivating, though Kim's performance was unfortunately marred by the multiple technical failures.
  • He said leadership had become a huge preoccupation because organisations had changed over the past few decades, with power and responsibility being devolved down the organisational chain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs. Tarbell, deeply mortified, resumed her occupation, and completed the _precipe_ by writing the words, "Tarbell, pro plff. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • The hired thugs, both in front and behind him, lowered their daggers and craned forward in anticipation.
  • It does not take much to do this - lift a paving slab or two, bring in some patio pots or introduce hanging baskets and window boxes. The Sun
  • One of the most common occupations of skilled slaves and freedmen was that of carpentry, or more generally any of the construction crafts, including masonry.
  • I guess you could say it's a cure for creative constipation.
  • During this period of joint occupation in the Columbia River watershed, neither Great Britain nor the United States had a governmental representative in the area.
  • A patio area is bordered by a number of plant beds and steps lead from this area to a slightly sunken lawn which also features a barna shed.
  • As we left Girvan, with the sun shining, the wind blowing in its usual and helpful easterly direction, we climbed away from the town on a good open track which, despite the steep gradient, added to a sense of keen anticipation.
  • I wonder what part he daily participation in the liturgy in Christ Church Cathedral has played in this movement into orthodoxy.
  • Those who supported the Bush invasion and military occupation of Iraq are back at it, warning that President Obama could "imperil" Iraq if he keeps his campaign promise to remove US combat forces with ... Tom Andrews: Out of Iraq in 16 Months: Yes We Can -- Yes We Must
  • “Two hazardous waste containers were neutralised in a joint German-American operation, with the participation of scores of local Afghanis”? New Zealand in the GWOT? Swoon…. — Fusion Despatches
  • When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance. Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
  • We must assume his comments were deliberately provocative to attract interest to the rather dry topic of female participation in public life.
  • The win comes as unions call for the focus of drinking to be on impairment, its occupational health and safety implications and its wider causes such as fatigue, overwork, and the use of casuals and outsourcing.
  • This program, which involves the participation of golf course superintendents as industry advisors, is the focus of this article.
  • His was a peacetime army, psychologically prepared for police work and occupation, not combat operations.
  • There was a real party atmosphere and a great sense of anticipation as the fans waited for the Elvis lookalike and soundalike to appear on stage.
  • It should also be recognized that government participation in self-help housing is not a new phenomenon. Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
  • Conclusion The recurrence of leishmaniasis was related with patients' residential area, occupation, age, length of the illness course, complications, dosage of antimonials.
  • She told me that builders have to notify their local council when a property is completed and ready for occupation.
  • Every university should have an extension department to promote students' participation in community-based activities.
  • If, therefore, permanent emancipation is to be attained, the obligation of re-commencing action must be got rid of, i.e., care must be taken that the portions of the route once passed over may not have to be re-trodden. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • The statisticians also say that men are now involved in less physical and safer occupations than their fathers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because all physical education classes and intramural practices or games are approximately 1 hour in duration, we described exposure in terms of hours of participation.
  • The round of fashionable dissipation is dangerous. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal - miners.
  • We may let in cripples, say a man who has lost an arm, on condition that he give satisfactory evidence that he has an occupation or an art, and is not likely to become a public charge. Civic Responsibility and the Increase of Immigration
  • On active participation by the population in arts and sport: I' m in favour of experimentation but not compulsion.

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