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How To Use Patina In A Sentence

  • A truly poignant object is the patinated bronze sheet with names of Olympic champions inscribed on it from the first century B.C. to A.D. 385, after which the Olympics were outlawed. Transformational Objects
  • Do you think the Academy is really hip to how great Gosford Park is, or do they just like it's patina of British upper-crust respectability?
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • All were available in plain or patinated brass or copper, and they included a variety of shells, such as Philippine, chiton, limpet, melon, triton, sea conch, and nautilus.
  • But as each day passed, his regime was beginning to acquire a certain patina of legitimacy. Germania-Brendan McNally « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
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  • The buildings, like the bridge, will weather and change over time and gradually acquire the patina of use and common history.
  • The front door opened onto a large hallway which ran all the way through the rest of the house to the back door; its lime-bleached walls enhanced the reddish patina of the ground-floor windows, as well as the studwork and the polished wood of the doorways. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • The film of steam combined with the patina of dirt on the glass made them almost opaque.
  • Recycled materials add a rustic patina throughout the home.
  • Think of heavy metals infused with pigment and sheen like the patina of rich auto exteriors and you've nailed the right color for your next manicure.
  • The forgers' key to tricking the archaeologists was crafting an authentic-looking patina.
  • People's sense of their cultural roots - a recognition of a place having a strong patina of age and strong local identity - is often instinctive.
  • Next, ‘age’ the inscription using an airbrush filled with quartz powder, before creating its ‘ancient’ patina by grinding stone into a watery paste.
  • The product, at the end of the day, is a very literary, heavy on style monkeyism, story which might just have a thin sheen of SF patina on it. How Can Science Fiction Magazines Be Successful in the Digital Age?
  • Let that dry for an elegant metal finish, or apply the patina topcoat or rapid rust oxidizer for a unique variety of aged finishes.
  • Finally, drive the car over them until they attain the distressed patina of wear and tear that is essential to your shooting-party credentials.
  • Indeed, the lemma paella has become so deeply entrenched in our everyday parlance that it has lost its connection to the etymon patina (patena) and later patella, meaning Do Bianchi
  • The original pine floors and knotted wood panelling both have a rich patina of time, and we love the steep staircase and the cobbled courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • By and large, people prefer their copper and brass polished, so some evidence of age, offered by the patina which is so helpful in identifying genuinely old articles of pewter, is not always available for copper and brass.
  • Poised along the stream are a pair of coyote sculptures cut from sheet metal and allowed to develop a rusty patina.
  • We have also experimented with gilding with silver leaf, and plating in copper and nickel baths, then oxidizing the finish to achieve a rich patina.
  • We pushed open the 600 year-old great oak door, hard as bell metal with the patina of pilgrimage etched deep into its rough grain and stepped in.
  • For some time, he seems to have been growing dissatisfied with the gradualist, uniformitarian patina which had grown to encrust evolutionary theory.
  • The nominating system, despite the folksy patina that quadrennially makes reporters swoon, is thoroughly idiotic, and it's gotten worse every time than the cycle before, yet we treat it like a force of nature, not an act of hacks. Marty Kaplan: President Giuliani. President Romney. President Huckabee. President Just-Shoot-Me.
  • Everything was in oil paint, which soon acquired a patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like this state. It'should be like this. The blade should not have rust or patina.
  • The most controversial and dramatic elements of the building, the 14 thermal chimneys. are clearly related to the pilaster-like piers by patinated aluminium bronze plate ducts which run slantwise across the roof slope.
  • But these objects will be bereft of the patina of age, the rips, tears and stains that create a sense of history.
  • Robbie had time to admire the rich patina of lovingly cared-for wood.
  • Indeed, the lemma paella has become so deeply entrenched in our everyday parlance that it has lost its connection to the etymon patina (patena) and later patella, meaning Do Bianchi
  • Sometimes, they are more distraction than narrative thread and the need to return to them often bogs the author down; there are, after all, only so many ways to describe the feel of carved wood and only so many times such an image can be made to work as a symbol of patinated memory without the reader feeling that a point is being laboured. The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund de Waal
  • The has a patina that makes the figures seem more alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shape of things as you change your viewing angle now carries the patina of meaning.
  • The has a patina that makes the figures seem more alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would seem the patina of "classiness" that still shrouds "Underpants-Losing-Drunk Island" goes a long way.
  • These include reimagined versions of the portrait bust, such as Jonathan Baldock's salt-dough heads decorated with cloth and hair (echoing the vaguely tribal sensibility of Ryan Mosley's paintings, with which they share a gallery) and Steven Claydon's mock-heroic demagogue, subverted by the peacock feather over one eye and the fact that the patina on the coppered surface was achieved by urinating on the sculpture. The State of Young Art in Britain
  • This may darken the wood slightly, but adds to the patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • Past the gilded harp and the bamboo chairs awaiting arrangement, we march upstairs to the East Room, where the patina of history these are the famous portraits of George and Martha Washington, these are the iconic nineteenth-century chandeliers has been freshened for the evening with flowers for the tables and arrangements of cacti for the mantles, with the Clinton china and vermeil flatware and tiny gilded eagle place card holders sans cards. Mayhill Fowler: A Citizen Journalist Covers an Obama State Dinner [PHOTOS]
  • Arranged in a radial pattern, the stone arches are crowned by a shallow domed roof clad in panels of green pre-patinated copper.
  • The man is art history now and the work, with the patina of age and importance, is beyond the critical comprehension of us mere mortals.
  • Formed out of an old flour mill, the building has a powerful green pre-patinated louvred wall which modifies sun penetration of the interior.
  • They are supported by patinated bronze bases formed as peacock feathers inset with lustred favrille glass balls.
  • It was patinaed with drawings of genitalia that had been scratched into the paint. Rain Gods
  • Early this year, when it became clear that among the fallout from the tech-stock bust would be a global downturn, the dollar acquired the patina of a safe-haven currency.
  • Over time, the copper acquires an attractive patina.
  • But for used-car money somebody got a really usable collector car with a great history (it was on the 1952 Glidden Tour) and a "patina" of use that a restoration would only erase. Inside The Bonhams Auto Auction
  • With its raw concrete patinaed by green mildew, rusting corrugated steel and neglected stretches of fence bent by fallen trees, Las Pozas feels like a Sleeping Beauty castle arrested in time before it was quite finished. Las Pozas: Edward James' fantasy stands tall in a jungle in Mexico
  • There is a patina of pastness and folkloric authenticity that pervades the marketplace.
  • History could not patinate the members of the monster because history had no time to evolve. A Sense of the Past
  • I presume from the patina that the one pictured is sitting on a battlefield somewhere. The James Rifle
  • The chip-carved and incised surfaces of the three-dimensional pieces are filled in with crayon, as are the irregular patterns of geometric shapes in the drawings, which shine with a colorful waxy patina.
  • All were available in plain or patinated brass or copper, and they included a variety of shells, such as Philippine, chiton, limpet, melon, triton, sea conch, and nautilus.
  • Traditionally associated with durability and constancy, here the vivid green pre-patinated copper is intended to make a bolder statement.
  • Small lozenges surround it, their delicate patina evoking the gold and silver dust traditionally applied to Japanese lacquerware.
  • It only appears here to give a misleading patina of bilingualism to my blog.
  • And, therefore, it gains the sort of magical patina after a while.
  • The giveaways are the touch hole, the patina, and the crude crown on the one on the left.
  • The likeness of the poet and the bench he sits upon are cast in bronze which has acquired a fine and appropriately green patina.
  • Efto 9 age: fed grandcs patinae, tucetaquc crafia Annuere his fupcros vetuerc, Jovcmquc morantur. ' A. Persii Flacci et Dec. Jun. Juvenalis satirae: Ad optimas editiones ...
  • Painstakingly made of molded leather subtly colored with many layers of thin acrylic glazes, they have patinas that suggest burl, bronze, marble, ceramic, cloth or even flesh.
  • It will thrive with absolutely no care whatsoever, and over time will develop a patina of silver gray as it ages.
  • Copper reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide to form a greenish patina of copper carbonate.
  • The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired, and people assumed that they had originally been patinated.
  • Japanese metalworkers have made the skill of patination into an art form.
  • Old pewter develops a patina or film of thin oxide which is difficult to replicate, and this type of oxidation is one of the things collectors look for to confirm age.
  • I presume from the patina that the one pictured is sitting on a battlefield somewhere. The James Rifle
  • In fact, except for a patina of age that has added a touch of romanticism to its sleek, Brassai-set curvaceousness, Odeon looks exactly the way it did when it introduced its country salad, cassoulet, steak frites, and lemon tart.
  • a patina of frost
  • Also in the Metropolitan Museum is a silvered and patinated copper jardiniere designed by Reiber for Christofle.
  • The other small works have a lighter green patina, often streaky, as if they had been exposed to the elements.
  • The silver surrounds a fine patinated and bronze doré French clock, 1820 to 1830, that is encased in its original ebonized wood and glass dome.
  • The film appears unrestored, as the source contains a fair amount of dirt in spots, and the image has a coarser patina of grain than desirable.
  • ‘The whole idea of having glitzy costumes with a patina of the old Las Vegas showgirl style really interested me,’ he says.
  • His mediums include real rust, iron and aluminum powders, patinas, raw pigment and rich dyes.
  • The dining room's French fruitwood table, dating from the 1860s, plays off the patina of the original plank floors.
  • Another way to conjure a time and place is with wood furniture that has patina.
  • It has a gorgeous marble chequerboard floor, varnished walls which ape the patina of age, weathered-looking mirrors, soft but stylish chrome lighting, candles, flowers and retro jazz playing in the background.
  • The front door has, indeed, acquired a nice patina of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aged patina and marble finishes on fabrics will give subtle understated looks to natural fabrics.
  • Although new, this kitchen achieves the comfortable patina of age, thanks to the use of rich colors and a variety of finishes.
  • Two of Lalique's most stunning pieces on display here are a necklace of patinated glass, enamel, gold and rose-cut diamonds that captures the natural beauty of poppies, and a handcrafted gold pendant that depicts a scene of snow-covered trees. Glories of the Gilded Age
  • The years of wear have only added to the patina and richness of the surfaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • These images of well-known totalitarian architecture are overlaid with hazy blue patinas.
  • Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.
  • You must be confusing this with Redstate … where maintenance of the ‘thin patina’ is Job One! Waldo Jaquith - Henry Hudson lacked patience.
  • There were no real hard hedges to it, but a kind of luxurious patina that drew the listener into his unique world as if by stealth.
  • A gray, fine-grained arkosic sandstone tablet bearing an inscription in ancient Hebrew from the First Temple Period contains a rich assemblage of particles accumulated in the covering patina that includes calcite, dolomite, quartz and feldspar grains, iron oxides, carbon ash particles, microorganisms, and gold globules (1†"4 μm in diameter). BiblePlaces Blog
  • The bronze statue had acquired a hard green patina with age.
  • It is also non-magnetic, resists wear, and forms a green patina which makes it resistant to corrosion.
  • The parquet floor was left raw, showing off Its rich patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • When approved by the Supreme Leader to run for president, the erudite and friendly cleric from Yazd was considered a no-hoper—but useful in providing a patina of democracy across a broader political spectrum. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • The series is tinged with that otherworldly patina that makes anime special.
  • This wood-panelled study retains much of its original patina.
  • Its beauty increases with use which causes a patina or soft sheen to form.
  • The dining room's French fruitwood table, dating from the 1860s, plays off the patina of the original plank floors.
  • The patina is a protective coating that the copper creates for itself," Rambo said-which isn't to say the metal doesn't need a little TLC now and again. National Geographic News
  • In the plaster couple the painterliness of facture is accentuated by applied highlights of color, while in the bronzes the verdant patina emphasizes the work's mass over its flickering surface.
  • Daylight flooding in through casement windows set off creamy stone floors and richly patinated woodwork. Monastic Fantastic
  • Over the generations it's acquired a patina of legend, and in a world of the instantaneous that has an attraction.
  • Her body once again shone with a patina of emotion.
  • In addition to displaying some one hundred exotic restored vehicles with magnificent coachwork, there is a 90-foot diorama exhibiting 'barn-find' vehicles, some with a patina, from the famous Schlumph Bros. Jay Weston: New Mullin Automotive Museum Features Many Rare Cars
  • The temptation to purify the old steelwork has been resisted and it retains some of its patina, the paint peeling in places.
  • In the plaster couple the painterliness of facture is accentuated by applied highlights of color, while in the bronzes the verdant patina emphasizes the work's mass over its flickering surface.
  • The patina of a worn brown-leather soccer ball in one photo inspired the leather-wrapped door handles on the upcoming Mini Paceman, a three-door crossover coupe that goes into production next year. The Man Who Reinvents Wheels
  • Small lozenges surround it, their delicate patina evoking the gold and silver dust traditionally applied to Japanese lacquerware.
  • Its beauty increases with use which causes a patina or soft sheen to form.
  • The word paten comes from a Latin form patina or patena, evidently imitated from the Greek patane. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Drawing on the functional spirit of the wash house, new parts are executed in taut, Kahnian planes of russet brick and sensuous copper which will patinate gracefully and gradually over time.
  • Tom Doyle b. 1928 fells cherry, oak and sassafras trees to make his carved, rough-hewn tripartite sculptures, some of which he casts in red and brown patinated bronze. The Shape of Things
  • His skills as a furniture restorer enabled him to expertly reproduce old patina and copy surface decoration.
  • When approved by the Supreme Leader to run for president, the erudite and friendly cleric from Yazd was considered a no-hoper—but useful in providing a patina of democracy across a broader political spectrum. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • The only really strong point the arguers for its authenticity have is the so-called 'patina analysis,' which was measured at an Israeli laboratory and appears homogeneous. Robert Eisenman: The James Ossuary: Is It Authentic? (An Update)
  • Now attractively aged and peeling, it has acquired a patina of genuine London urban angst.
  • You have been taught that to scratch the surface will shatter the wafer thin patina of the nose-ring Karl leads you around with. Waldo Jaquith - Pew: Religious left rivals religious right.
  • Aside from a crumpled roll of dollar bills covered with a pale patina of the sacred dirt, his pockets were empty.
  • The coin is made from copper bronze but has no patina.
  • Most of the scratchy lines and squiggles visible here are the green patina of oxidized bronze, not a part of the original coin as cast.
  • Over time, the petroglyphs will eventually patinate and be as dark as the original rock surface. Lahontan Valley News - Top Stories
  • Although he was frequently asked to ‘antique,’ or add a false patina, to his wares, he steadfastly refused.
  • A dark bronze with minimal patina, the sculpture itself is massive but subtle.
  • These works, made of painted and patinated bronze, again employ bold black outlines, primary colors and hatching.
  • Since working in bronze is technically more complex than working in wood or clay, they learned new skills in ancient methods: mold making, lost wax casting, toreutics (metal shaping), and patination.
  • The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra is a noteworthy example, its playing characterized by dark woodwinds and brasses that impart a dreamlike, veiled quality suggesting the mellow patina of old silver.
  • Patination After long exposure to the air or burial in the ground most materials corrode.
  • Even the fact that the heroine is an ex-actor and the Washington bigwig she befriends a thwarted thesp gives the whole affair a cosy patina of showbusiness.
  • His experimental nature has not diminished and continues to explore in bronze casting and developing patina.
  • Obama told the Today show that during his tenure as a state senator in Springfield, Illinois he owned only four suits, and that his glamourous wife would tease him when they would wear to a patina.
  • Neither uses bituminous tars or asphalts, neither requires painting, and both age to beautiful patinas.
  • After casting, the best plaquettes were usually chiselled and chased, and either finished with a patina or gilt.
  • A row of sculptures—from the tender, white marble "Alsatian Orphan" and patinated terra-cotta "Bust of a Woman" to the exuberant bronze "Head of Balzac"—lines the gallery's mantle. A Close-Up of a Master
  • The stone house, which has the patina of a much older place, like a Roman ruin, opens into a courtyard where students paint.
  • Though rust and flaking paint may add patina, such pieces should be kept outdoors.
  • Europeans, meanwhile, despite the patina of ancient castles and old concertos, have become unmoored from their roots.
  • I pulled a drawer and inverted it to check the wear and patination of age. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Everything was in oil paint, which soon acquired a patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elliott had also called the Mestrovic restoration "highly questionable" because the coating gave the bronzes a rubbery, dime-store look and wouldn't allow them to patinate naturally. Chicago Reader
  • The artist, once a top-rated professional surfer, has earned accolades for his lifelike bronze patina sculptures of fish.
  • The coin is made from copper bronze but has no patina.
  • Most of the scratchy lines and squiggles visible here are the green patina of oxidized bronze, not a part of the original coin as cast.
  • The patina of the James Ossuary inscription was tested independently by IAA scientific committee members Yuval Goren (micromorphology) and Ayalon (mass spectrometry). Geologists: Ossuary Patina Faked
  • The bronze statue had acquired a hard green patina with age.
  • Indian Brahmins being appointed as priests of the famous Pashupatinath temple would draw public outrage, a 'pujari' at the holy shrine has warned. - Articles related to Hindus in ritual tongue-piercing in east India
  • Highlights on aging water pipes suggested an aquamarine-hued patina, which supplants the festive polychromy of Scott's earlier kinetic works.
  • Arranged in a radial pattern, the stone arches are crowned by a shallow domed roof clad in panels of green pre-patinated copper.
  • Hand rubbing develops patina on silver which adds to its beauty.
  • The pine bookshelves finished with only the unique patina of age, held an eclectic selection of literary works.
  • Or choose from hand-hewn barn beams and pole rafters, rich in character and historic detail with a beautiful aged, natural patina.
  • The years of wear have only added to the patina and richness of the surfaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • All edges are carefully sanded round and the wood is protected with all-natural ‘elf oil’ that will darken with the wood as it ages, giving the kitchen a beautifully rich patina.
  • Trims were gilded and every bit of wood showing polished to a patina like glass.
  • Four of the heads wear masks of applied gold-leaf, and it gleams strangely over the green patina of the ancient bronze.
  • Ultimately, if we conceptualise the surface of prose as a "finish", we may well conceptualise the syntactic and lexical patterns that distinguish it as a largely decorative and superficial "patina". Archive 2008-06-01
  • The front door has, indeed, acquired a nice patina of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead it has age marks, blemishes, and even a small spot or two with a brownish patina look.
  • Uprights are one-inch copper pipes which will weather to a blue green patina to match the trim color of the house.
  • There's no patina, faux or otherwise, just creamy walls texturized with bits of straw, gray backlit banquettes, bare wood tables more Ikea than antique.
  • Josiah Wedgwood used "Dr. Turner's brown varnish" to put an antiqued bronze surface on pottery. 1 Metals were varnished to protect them from rust, preserve their luster without constant polishing, deepen their color or patinate the surface. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • On that trip into farm country, I was surprised to see the number of well-patinaed Dodge Ram trucks on the highway. Chrysler's New Warranty: Maybe not in your lifetime
  • Life for the humans is patinated with grime and squalor. Die Frau ohne Schatten; BBC Proms 61 & 62 – review
  • That's the kind of stuff that comforts us when we read it, that keeps the patina of civilization over the roiling stewpot of daily business. Fortune's Stanley Bing: How to Bury Your Former Partner
  • Standing a bit over 6 feet tall, the bronzes had received a light, slightly pinkish, gray-ocher patina that strongly evokes classical statuary.
  • For furniture that goes with this lamp why not try to match it up with the black burnt oil and waxed patina ‘French Scroll Table’ with legs forged in 20 mm square stock with classic fishtail scrolls.
  • Past the gilded harp and the bamboo chairs awaiting arrangement, we march upstairs to the East Room, where the patina of history (these are the famous portraits of George and Martha Washington, these are the iconic nineteenth-century chandeliers) has been freshened for the evening with flowers for the tables and arrangements of cacti for the mantles, with the Clinton china and vermeil flatware and tiny gilded eagle place card holders sans cards. Mayhill Fowler: A Citizen Journalist Covers an Obama State Dinner [PHOTOS]
  • The quarters were of no interest, but I noticed a dime that had a strange kind of patina to it and took a closer look. Pocket Change Yields an Unusual Find : Coin Collecting News
  • Established in 1947 by an intrepid French female exile, this tiny, nicotine-patinated haunt hasn't changed since, only accreted more layers. 10 of the best barrio bars in Barcelona
  • Japanese metalworkers have made the skill of patination into an art form.
  • But to some people, the various stains, scratches, and crazing that accumulate with the passage of time on a concrete countertop aren't blemishes at all but a patina to be valued.
  • Each lamp has been brushed carefully with a briny patina.
  • DeCredico's medium-size bronze sculptures, with their dark brown patina, make one think of cult objects or votive offerings.
  • In sulfurous atmospheres, a brown patina may be produced.
  • He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.
  • Less charitably, shouldn't indie kids be able to listen to music well-educated people usually think is ‘beneath them’ without requiring it to give off the patina of subversiveness?
  • The researchers looked at the tablet's patina - the coating of chemicals that forms on surfaces as they age.
  • Steel will eventually rust, but that just adds an appealing patina.
  • His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.
  • The original pine floors and knotted wood panelling both have a rich patina of time, and we love the steep staircase and the cobbled courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bright copper skin will gradually oxidize to a green patina that will blend into surrounding nature.
  • The compact was twenty-five to thirty yards away, headed down the bayou in the direction of the church, the license plated patinaed with mud. Dave Robicheaux Ebook Boxed Set
  • In time, she says, the exterior will weather to a greenish patina and blend into the surrounding foliage.
  • It was grainy and shiny with the most amazing patina and colouring, a real mahogany nugget revealed.
  • It softens and lifts the paint up from the surface of the wood but does not discolor, raise the grain, or destroy the wood's natural patina.
  • He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success.
  • (irium, hexylresorcinol) to the couching of simple ideas in recondite jargon in order to give them the patina of harmlessness or of great importance. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
  • Association with the Tuesday Club offered an opportunity to acquire some of that old world patina of gentility and refinement so desired by the Chesapeake elite.
  • a patina of good breeding
  • The tones and chance waverings of lines create textures whose irregular effects are somewhat like those of the weathered patinas of the antique objects used in the assemblages.
  • Rods and other accessories are available in unlimited finishes from paint surfaces to antique patina.
  • However, the statue has been there for many years and over time has developed a patina which is characteristic of bronze.
  • All the various scratches on the ossuary are coated in the original patina and only the inscription and its immediate surroundings are coated with an artificial "patina" - like CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • While I would never call his music "melodic" --he's not a tunesmith-- as he grew older it acquired a patina of lyricism that I really enjoy. Boulez/Maderna
  • The original pine floors and knotted wood panelling both have a rich patina of time, and we love the steep staircase and the cobbled courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in cleaning an oil painting, carefully removing the dirty finish would reveal the quality of the wood and the dressing table's true patina.
  • Let that dry for an elegant metal finish, or apply the patina topcoat or rapid rust oxidizer for a unique variety of aged finishes.
  • The parquet floor was left raw, showing off Its rich patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • Art lovers approaching the venerable Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's sparkling new entrance pavilion are in for a shock when they catch sight of its striking copper facade, chemically patinated to bright Statue-of-Liberty green. Lee Rosenbaum: Gardner Wander: The New, the Old, the Glass Bottleneck in Between (Video)
  • The leathers - calfskin, buffalo, suede, ostrich and crocodile - are natural and are left uncoated to develop a patina. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kudos to you for wanting to restore them while maintaining their patina and natural beauty.
  • Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.
  • To a true collector the crappy look can be the real deal, and sometimes that old funky patina is what people try to fake too. best of luck, Im goin to a civil war show and sell tomoro hopin to buy some knifes or maybe a gun anything i should look for in particular and
  • Other Tiffany pieces will include a lamp shade of green favrile glass in the Damascene pattern with brilliant iridescence, signed L.C.T. ($12,000-$17,000); a rare bronze sconce with three large inset turtle-back tiles of favrile glass with overall iridescence and original patina Antique News News!

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