[ US /ˌpæθəˈɫɑdʒɪkɫi/ ]
[ US /ˌpæθəˈɫɑdʒɪkɫi/ ]
with respect to pathology
pathologically interesting results
How To Use pathologically In A Sentence
- The country is as racist as it ever was, and the white population is still selfishly, even pathologically, venting its anger at and fashioning its scapegoats from the least among us -- African-Americans. Whatever Happened to Integration?
- A deplorable number of recent works habituate us to thinking about Afghanistan as what Liam Fox, Britain's defence secretary, called a "broken 13th-century country", defined solely by pathologically violent men and silently brutalised women. Burkas and bikinis
- But since this is a pathologically-social con, yesterday I spent maybe an hour haunting the Holiday Inn and about ten hours engrossed in chats with people I really liked. The Truly Stupid Ferrett
- We have a government that is pathologically unable to say what it is actually about.
- Dark, in need of a haircut and pathologically thin, he looked like a down-at-the-heels rocker.
- The disorder is characterized clinically by amyotrophy and segmented sensory loss and pathologically by cavitation of central parts of the spinal canal that results in changes in direction and freedom of flow of cerebral spinal fluid.
- This may occur in part as a result of pathologically elevated activity of arginase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes arginine to ornithine and urea.
- Lymphangiectasia is a disease characterized by pathologically dilated and leaky lacteals.
- Therefore, the liver and gallbladder are closely related physiologically and pathologically.
- The whole symbolism thing would be stupid and meaningless, except that the symbolic is at least as important as the substantial to the pathologically biased and absurd human being. Oh, *no*. *More* political maps inciting violence! | RedState