How To Use Pathogenic In A Sentence
This paper summarized Ectropis obliqua Prout s biological control researches from the point of mass rearing, pathogenic natural enemy, predator, parasitoid and pheromone.
Numerous virulence genes in pathogenic bacteria and viruses have been shown to be under positive selection.
For example, if an infectious disease is associated with high levels of a factor X in the blood, it is often difficult to know whether this is of pathogenic importance or simply an epiphenomenon of the disease process.
A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic.
Yes, not actually eating, but the alpha-streptococci emits a type of bactericide which kills the pathogenic bacteria.
Virulence The relative pathogenicity of an organism; its ability to cause disease.
If confirmed, these results could constitute a mechanism to control viral entry and cytopathogenic effects.
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Even with soap "made for sheath washing," the death of the normal "microflora" will allow the resurgence of inappropriate and pathogenic bacteria (capable of causing disease). News
Knight had already indicated a correlation of the need of micro-organisms for "growth-factors" with failure of synthesis, and correlated this failure with evolution, particularly in relation to the complex environment of "fastidious" pathogenic micro-organisms.
Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
Morelon said that it had to move away from using raw milk in its cheeses due to what he called a slight, but nonetheless real, danger of pathogenic micro organisms in the cheese that had been linked to an alleged 2005 contamination of E coli 026.
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It was a running stew of potent pathogenic microbes.
Within 16 hours, the treatment produced a 150-fold reduction in the number of pathogenic cells in the intestines.
The strong association between antral tumours and chronic active gastritis suggests the possibility that H pylori infection may have a pathogenic role.
In the same book, the authors state that in order for external pathogenic qi to invade the tissue, correct or righteous qi must be weak, as is often the case in elderly or weakened patients.
The affected trees likely responded to pathogenic infection by producing traumatic resin at the sites of inoculation.
Laboratory tests confirmed the presence of pathogenic leptospires in the lake.
The haematozoon which I gave as the agent of malaria did not resemble bacteria, and was present in strange forms, and in short it was completely outside the circle of the known pathogenic microbes, and many observers not knowing how to classify it found it simpler to doubt its existence.
Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
Both solar UVA and UVB radiation impair conidial culturability and delay germination in the entomopathogenic fungus '' Metarhizium anisopliae ''.
Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
Antigenic disguise is the main immune evasion mode for many pathogenic organisms including parasites.
Plants are exposed to a great number of pathogenic microorganisms, but a relatively small proportion of them are able to invade plants and cause diseases.
In hot weather, it is feasible that a slight acidulation of the water with a little lemon juice at the start of the fermentation, may provide an environment less suited to pathogenic organisms.
McLaren AJ, Hampson DJ (1995) Pathogenicity of human and porcine intestinal spirochetes in day-old specific pathogen free chicks: an animal model of intestinal spirochetosis.
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Ohno S, Seki F, Nakatsu Y, Tahara M, et al. (2005) Long untranslated regions of the measles virus M and F genes control virus replication and cytopathogenicity.
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The residues crucial for transport and pathogenicity are nucleated in two groups: one around the central channel, and the other on the long intracellular loop.
The characterization and utilization of molecules of interest such as the phenolic molecules found in the duramen of certain species (tannins, flavonoids, naphtoquinones) with strong antioxidant properties which are toxic for pathogenic organisms (bacteria, fungi, insects) represent a future pathway for enhancing the value of wood products.
The strong association between antral tumours and chronic active gastritis suggests the possibility that H pylori infection may have a pathogenic role.
A sudden pale complexion with cold sweat is the sign of sudden prostration of yang qi due to febrile diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic wind-cold.
Scientists are working toward breeding farm animals that resist infection with pathogenic E. coli strains.
Renal hypofunction is not only a sign of mortality of cardiovascular disease, but also one pathogenic factor among them.
Though viral vectors are highly efficient for this purpose, numerous efforts are done to develop synthetic vectors because they are less immunogenic and pathogenic.
Iida T (1993) The pathogenicity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and the role of the thermostable direct haemolysin and related haemolysins.
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Expansion of trinucleotide repeats represents an important type of pathogenic mutations.
To combat the problems of gastrointestinal infection, a probiotic must be non-pathogenic and must act against pathogens by different mechanisms from antibiotics for example, by competition.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the sole member primarily pathogenic for man by virtue of its capacity to produce diphtherial exotoxin.
Nonrice isolates were generally avirulent or weakly pathogenic toward rice.
exalt" the virulence of a feebly pathogenic organism, special methods of inoculation are necessary, carefully adjusted to the exigencies of each individual case.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
In this case, the additional identification of bacterial DNA suggests septicemia, with pathogenic bacteria presumably originating from the gastrointestinal tract.
The main causes are pathogenic bacteria, such as enterotoxin e. coli, campylobacter jejuni, shigella, salmonella and vibrio, that enter the body from contaminated food and drinking water.
Effects of UVB irradiance on conidia and germinants of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Metarhizium anisopliae: A study of reciprocity and recovery.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
The strong association between antral tumours and chronic active gastritis suggests the possibility that H pylori infection may have a pathogenic role.
Brijesh and colleagues tested the preparation for its antibacterial, antigiardial and antiviral activities including its effect on adherence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, invasion of enteroinvasive E. coli, Shigella flexneri to HEp-2 cells; production of E. coli heat labile toxin, cholera toxin, and their binding to ganglioside monosialic acid receptor; and production and action of E. coli heat stable toxin.
May be related to proctitis and a variety of pathogenic microorganisms relevant to intestinal invasion.
What may follow is the proliferation of unopposed pathogenic bacteria or fungi.
Mating is disrupted in gpa3 mutants; since mating is required for pathogenicity, these strains are also avirulent.
The inhibition of pathogenic bacteria by probiotics is an orchestrated combination of structure and function.
Other events are correlated with the stable exploration of new niches, like the acquisition of the lac operon by E. coli or pathogenicity islands by Salmonella.
If asthma is considered the result of two main pathogenic mechanisms, bronchospasm and inflammation, there are theoretic grounds to seek the involvement of heme oxygenase in both.
Objective: To analyze the clinical features, pathogenic bacteria species, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP).
When they are 95 per cent dewatered, sludges are put into pellet form - superior for disposal purposes because in becoming pellets, nearly all of the pathogenic bacteria are killed.
Rajit's been playing with it in lab, trying to nail its etiology and pathogenicity, and make sense of the PCR test.
Other organisms cultured in these various studies have included a few of highly questionable pathogenicity, such as corynebacteria.
Tokyo - Birds from a second quail farm in the central Japanese city of Toyohashi tested positive for the highly pathogenic H7N6 strain of bird flu, the local government said Monday.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Whether the apparent low concentrations of prions amplifiable from the obex of the urine/feces recipients could represent a persistent non-pathogenic prion carrier state, or rather (perhaps more likely) indicates that an observation period far exceeding 19 months would be required to reveal ultimately pathogenic prion infections in these animals, remains undetermined.
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They exhibit important technological properties, e.g. thermostability and retaining of activity at a wide pH range, which along with the bactericidal action against Gram-positive food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, make them an important class of biopreservatives.
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In conclusion, true fungi (plant pathogenic microfungi, mushrooms) and fungal-like organisms (slime molds) offer an interesting and often overlooked explanation for some UFO landing ring cases.
Particularly worrisome is the fact that the highly pathogenic H5 and H7 subtypes of the flu virus kill embryonated chickens eggs.
pathogenic bacteria
By increasing the number of good bacteria, probiotics protect the gut from the invasion of disease-causing, or ‘pathogenic,’ bacteria that cause diarrhea.
Well, you were mostly doing pathogenic bacteria, but it was a pity you didn't do any dimorphic prosthecate bacteria -- these are bacteria that have two different cell types -- non-motile "mother" cells and "daughter/swarmer" cells that swim off to eventually lose their motility and become mother cells themselves.
A word from the zoo keeper..
Researchers have long sought this elusive protein that senses the presence of DNA in the cytoplasm, which is associated with pathogenic infection or the escape of undigested self-DNA into the cytoplasm," Dr. Alnemri said.
Medlogs - Recent stories
There were two startling things about antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
Saccharomyces boulardii, a nonpathogenic yeast, was found to be effective in preventing clindamycin cecitis recurrence in an animal model.
The spread of fear, paranoia and panic is way deadlier than any pathogenic virus.
Global Voices in English » Philippines: A(H1N1) panic continues to grow
"Pathogenic macroparasites, like tapeworms, have parasitized the world's vertebrates and invertebrates for millions of years, " he says.
Before the discovery of the malarial haemotozoon no pathogenic endoglobular haematozoon was known; today the Haemocytozoa constitute a family, important for the number of genera and species and also for the role some of these Protozoa play in human or veterinary pathology.
Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
Colonization was defined as having more than 15 colony-forming units of a pathogenic organism on the intradermal part of the catheter, as indicated by the semiquantitative roll-plate technique.
Pathogenic cold may also cause a common cold with symptoms of sore aching joints and headache.
Dietary phenolics also can inhibit insect pathogenic baculoviruses.
Marine plants literally live in a sea of bacteria, archaea, viruses, and fungi - some of which are bound to be pathogenic - yet they seldom get sick.
Pathogenic Eumycetes were isolated from highly contaminated Chinese chestnuts and tested for sensitivity to 6 drugs.
Pathogenic spores germinate in the gut and the multiplying vegetative bacterial rods invade the haemocoel producing toxaemia and septicaemia.
Chapter 8
Raw meat may carry pathogenic organisms.
Good Gut health is associated with better blood glucose control as well as beneficial for weight loss. http Gut dysbiosis and Pathogenic Gut bacteria lead to Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Heart Disease www. Optimizing Gut Flora Can reduce insulin resistance and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFD), obesity and related health problems ... hopkins-gi. So is the fructose in water kefir really bad? - Articles related to Researchers: Eating more sugar leads to hypertension
The strong association between antral tumours and chronic active gastritis suggests the possibility that H pylori infection may have a pathogenic role.
The presence of pathogenic microorganisms, namely giardia and cryptosporidium oocysts in the public water supply … constitute a health hazard," Irvine noted in the boil water order, issued Tuesday afternoon.
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Among the garden plants with interesting diseases seen recently were clematis affected by a microscopic rust fungus which caused huge galls on the stem, and a disfiguring pathogenic algae on Hardenburgia, an ornamental climber.
There were two startling things about antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
These data would argue against a pathogenic role for E coli in ulcerative colitis.
Our results suggest that the enzymatic, inflammatory, and infective pathogenic elements could be individually treated.
E. coli that posses a pathogenic potential for causing PID in cattle, which we call endometrial pathogenic
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Maybe Lissa had pathogenic bacteria in her mix, as well as persuasive ones.
Objective In order to isolate and purify an exotoxin of Streptococcus mitis which can cause toxic shock syndrome and investigate its pathogenicity.
Conclusion SH is an effective pathogenic Strain to control Blattella germanica.
Objective: To explore the clinical manifestations, pathogenic mechanisms and treatment of delayed gastric emptying after Pancreatoduodenectomy.
Third, scaleless aquatic animals such as snails are often host to all sorts of pathogenic worms like the schistosoma, which causes bilharzias.
Modern Science in the Bible
In many plant pathogenic fungi, conidia are the infectious propagules responsible for initiating infection as well as disease dissemination.
When pathogenic microbes were discovered in the 1870s, Metchnikoff soon applied to the phagocyte the new role of defending the organism against invaders.
The Impulse of Breathing
Over the past decade chemical toxins called dioxins were found in bakery products, meat, cheese, poultry and eggs in various European countries, and pathogenic bacteria such as News
Aim To testify the pathogenicity of coccoid Helicobacter pylori in vivo.
Wild birds may carry the highly pathogenic form of avian influenza.
Hyaluronate lyase, which catalyses the degradation of hyaluronic acid (HA), has been described from several pathogenic streptococcal species.
In lab experiments, SPAMS was tested against four types of materials terrorists might use - spores of a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus anthracis (anthrax); diethyl phthalate (a nerve agent surrogate), natural cobalt powder (a surrogate for Cobalt 60 and other radioactive metals) and RDX (a high explosive).
SPAMS - a Universal Detection System for Threats
The biological characteristics of an avian paramyxovirus isolate, strain GPMV/QY97 1 showing pathogenicity to geese, were characterized.
Phlegm is the common pathogenic factor of lung disease.
Among the alimentary tract lesions for which HIV may play a direct pathogenic role are idiopathic ulcers of the esophagus and rectum.
This does not however necessarily mean that the E. coli present pose a risk, but rather that the risk of a pathogenic organism carried/dispersed in feces is present.
We are in Mexico and my husband is ill
The major types of silicates causing asbestos-related disease are chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite, with the latter being the most pathogenic.
In addition, a simple and efficient in vitro regeneration bioassay was developed for the preliminary screening of transgenic lines against a pathogenic fungus.
The tabtoxin is an pathogenic factor for the worldwide - occurred tobacco wildfire disease.
Instead, Entamoeba histolytica, the microorganism which causes amoebiasis ( "Amoebic Dysentery") is described as being a protozoa, with the other common categories of pathogenic microorganisms being viruses, bacteria, and the various flavors of worms.
Different Frame of Reference
The other project will address the development of a specific adsorber to remove pathogenic autoantibodies from the circulation of patients.
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This gene reshuffling also occasionally may splice genes in the wrong place in the genome, producing pathogenic bacteria or viruses as discussed above.
This is a condition marked by lowered naturally present vaginal lactobacilli and an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria.
In basidiomycete yeasts, and phytopathogenic rusts and smuts, spores are discharged directly into the airflow around the fungal colony.
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Nectrotrophic pathogens commonly produce phytotoxins that are essential for pathogenicity and cause plant cell death.
Nonpathogenic strains showed some success in mice, but only on larger tumors.
The Scientist
Effects of UVB irradiance on conidia and germinants of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete '' Metarhizium anisopliae '': A study of reciprocity and recovery.
Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
With 87 per cent of all pigs infected with pathogenic campylobacter, reducing macrolide use in pig production should be a real priority for government.
Garcia M, Beck JR, Kinney N, Suarez DL (2000) Protection against diverse highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses in chickens immunized with a recombinant fowlpox vaccine containing an H5 avian influenza hemagglutinin gene insert.
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Saccharomyces boulardii, a nonpathogenic yeast, was found to be effective in preventing clindamycin cecitis recurrence in an animal model.
Infection by pathogenic parasites may be a symptom of ill health, rather than the simple or single cause.
Virtually all pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi are anaerobic and will be killed by hydrogen peroxide.
A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic.
The steam-distilled fraction of the aerial parts of Erigeron speciosus was tested for activity against strawberry plant pathogenic fungi.
These findings suggest that differences in host responses and virulence mechanisms of different pathogenic microorganisms should be considered in treatment of bacteremic patients, and that new countermeasures beyond conventional antimicrobial medications are urgently needed.
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Intense microbial competition further retards regrowth of the pathogenic bacteria in the final product.
These results suggested that possible precursor viruses for highly pathogenic avian myxoviruses are still brought into Japan by migratory waterfowls.
Many micro-organisms, whether cocci, bacilli, or of other shapes, are harmless, hence they are called non-pathogenic, to distinguish them from the disease-producing or pathogenic germs.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
The term vector-borne diseases is referred to in this slide set in its broad WHO definition, i.e. those diseases whose transmission vitally depends on primary and intermediate vertebrate and invertebrate hosts and animal reservoirs of pathogenic organisms.
1. Target audience, objectives, scope and structure
You that pictural of consolidation angelically with you and it voidance your own, eurocentric your blending for the screwbean. may be pathogenically archdiocesan for its compelling bazar, but its use of murkily fur is clammyweed the drug hectometer upturned with freebee to smolder.
Rational Review
IAP attacks lipopolysaccharide LPS, a molecule found on the surface of many foreign and pathogenic bacteria.
Material World: Science finds how body breaks bacteria's middle finger
Fish breeders regularly add disinfectants, including methylene blue, acriflavine, hydrogen peroxide and chloramine-t to batches of eggs - particularly those of egg-depositing species, such as cichlids - in an attempt to prevent the broods becoming infected by pathogenic fungi.
Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
Beneficial relationships like this are found in fluorescent pseudomonad species that protect plant roots from pathogenic fungi, for example.
An alternative might be interference with bacterial adhesion by pathogenic Escherichia coli, which have abnormal adherence in ulcerative colitis.
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a significant plant pathogenic fungus leads to sclerotium disease on oilseed rape, sunflower and many other important crops around the world.
(Unusually pathogenic salmonellae produce similar lesions in chicks.)
Flu Wiki Forum - Front Page
Objective: To analyze the clinical features, pathogenic bacteria species, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP).
The above fake science “conference†even created a new false name for Bird Flu: HPAI†“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza! †But natural occurring H5N1 is not highly pathogenic except for that tiny minority of individuals who exhibit the genetic/familial susceptibility to develop virulent symptoms.
Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
For lactic acid bacteria used in food fermentations, physiological characteristics of acid stability, bile stability, adherence to human intestinal cells, colonization of the human intestinal tract, and antagonism to pathogenic bacteria and cariogenic bacteria (oral health) are all desirable.
Chapter 4
Insulin resistance is an important pathogenic factor in common metabolic disorders.
They are the main pathogenic factors of endogenous diseases.
The major types of silicates causing asbestos-related disease are chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite, with the latter being the most pathogenic.
Airborne exposures to pathogenic microorganisms is considered to be a nearly inconsequential risk, except for direct exposures to liquid aerosols (mists) such as somebody sneezing directly into your face.
Different Frame of Reference
One pathogenic method strongly associated with eating-disordered cognitions and behaviors, specifically bulimia nervosa, is intentional, or self-induced, vomiting.
When they are 95 per cent dewatered, sludges are put into pellet form - superior for disposal purposes because in becoming pellets, nearly all of the pathogenic bacteria are killed.
Good Gut health is associated with better blood glucose control as well as beneficial for weight loss. http Gut dysbiosis and Pathogenic Gut bacteria lead to - Articles related to Researchers: Eating more sugar leads to hypertension
He's become a portal through which the field around him "warps" in such a way as to feed and support his pathogenic process.
The Madness of George W. Bush; A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis
It is well known that these mechanisms can be activated by either non-pathogenic micro-organisms or environmental factors prior to disease development.
Examples of these substances include plasma proteins such as albumin and immunoglobulins, pathogenic autoantibodies, clotting factors, endotoxins, and proinflammatory cytokines.
Many studies have shown that production of colicin V is not necessary for pathogenicity of E. coli by itself but it is a marker for other properties associated with the presence of ColV plasmid
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The antiviral activity of plant extracts and of pure products was studied using a more complex technique which necessitates culture and maintenance of cellular tissues, growth of virus on those cells and testing of the antiviral activity by observing the absence or persistence of the cytopathogenic effect of virus according to whether the tested product has any antiviral effect or not.
Chapter 12
Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris ( IV ) .
In this case, the additional identification of bacterial DNA suggests septicemia, with pathogenic bacteria presumably originating from the gastrointestinal tract.
Their society has been infected by a pathogenic cuteness of such malignance as to put at risk all that is truly beautiful.
Our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms by which pathogenic microorganisms cause disease will be growing at a rapid pace.
The pathogenicity of sweet potato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) to peanut ( Arachis hypogaea) was confirmed by inoculation test in pot with peanut plants.
Guizhou isolate of newcastle disease virus could grow on chicken embryo fibroblast and resulted in cytopathogenic effect.
Unlike many other waterborne pathogenic microorganisms, at least in its oocyst (encapsulated) form Cryptosporidium is extremely resistant to chlorine, surviving concentrations hundreds of times above the levels used to treat drinking water.
Question ;Microdyne
May be related to proctitis and a variety of pathogenic microorganisms relevant to intestinal invasion.