
[ UK /pɐθˈɛtɪkli/ ]
[ US /pəˈθɛtɪkəɫi, pəˈθɛtɪkɫi/ ]
  1. arousing scornful pity
    it was pathetically bad
    they had pathetically little money
  2. in a manner arousing sympathy and compassion
    the sick child cried pathetically
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How To Use pathetically In A Sentence

  • Other former captives spoke of pathetically inadequate food rations.
  • I smiled sympathetically, but was more worried about who I was going to be stuck with.
  • Adrina had tried not to look too happy when she heard the news, but poor Tam's expression had been pathetically grateful. TREASON KEEP
  • It worries them that many vintage structures, both vernacular and colonial, are being changed unsympathetically, resulting in eyesores, even on King Street.
  • This not-so-subtle slam at the dangers of genetic engineering depicts a Grant-Wood-Iowa country-fair display of square tomatoes, a multiteated cow and other oddities in an unmodified soybean field, plus a pathetically overbred Chinese Crested dog, presented on an oval insert like a blue-ribbon prize. An Illustrative Career Depicting Dystopias
  • For many of us, communicating openly and sympathetically does not come naturally.
  • They were all sympathetically disposed towards her bitter experience.
  • Thus, in one place we have the following avowal, which is only not _naïf_ because evidently put in to please the prejudices of sympathetically narrow readers. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 5, May, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • This term continues to undermine the recovery of victims and plays down the enormity of the crimes so the perpetrators continually get away with pathetically short sentences. The Sun
  • His father having died years before, Buck is suddenly alone, and pathetically unequal to the task.
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