How To Use Paternoster In A Sentence
Paternoster's voice is often described as towering, and it certainly can be, but in less full-throttle moments she sounds oddly elfin.
Culture Guide
But it seems you are more willing to take the word of an old gray sorner, whose life has been spent in pattering heresy, than mine, though I never rode a foray in my life without duly saying my paternoster.”
The Monastery
Back at the paternoster, he hurled himself on to the first platform.
Perhaps Godfrey got sight of him, preening himself as he strutted up Paternoster Row, and that's what drove him away.
There are several alternative sunken float paternoster rigs, all of which do a reasonable job.

The most consistent is a simple paternoster rig using an 18-inch hook snood with two Mustad Viking 4 / hooks on, these rigged one behind the other pennel style.
My standard approach is to use a paternoster with a 2 foot tail and 3 inch hook length for maximum bite registration.
A small Kamasan black cap feeder loaded with between 15 to 45 grams is used on a six inch paternoster tail.
The paternoster I use is the genuine article, which entails a long bomb length and a short hook length.
There was no lift and the stairs were steep enough to make him almost nostalgic for the paternoster.
One explanation for Simons mysterious background lies in his actual name: fitz means son of but FitzMary is in fact a matronymic (i.e. derived from his mothers Christian name) which commonly denoted illegitimate birth (as in Martin FitzAlice, alderman of St Michaels, Paternoster Royal, in 1281).
My favourite rig for ledgering has to be the fixed paternoster.
The end tackle should consist of a paternoster and it should NOT have a running lead since it is important that as the fish takes the bait, the lead is forced to move.
A conventional link-leger is fine, but my favourite rig for these deep holes is the running paternoster.
But we have this consolation, -- that we have creed-articles which we can get by heart, though ignorant of what they mean, and under what these philosophers call a "regulative" religion repeat our paternosters to the end of time.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
These factors apply whether you are fishing a live bait or a dead bait, whether you are fishing a paternoster or a bottom fished bait - the principle is exactly the same.
The paternoster I use is the genuine article, which entails a long bomb length and a short hook length.
I had a contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, and I besought him to let me feel his sorrows with him, and prayed five paternosters in adoration of the five sacred wounds.
(Printed for W.T. Sherwin, etc.) the Front. is subscribed with the name of painter and engraver; the past tenses are printed "bloomed," etc., in full; and the Imprint (_Sherwin, Printer,/Paternoster Row./_) is at the foot of p. 160.
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. Poetry
The second rig is a paternoster which can be used with dead or live baits.
A one ounce bomb is then fixed to a two foot tail, to form a paternoster rig.
For lively baits, such as rudd, I fix the paternoster to the leading treble.
My paternoster is a combination of real paternosters in several universal languages from the last three or four centuries, including Esperanto, plus, if I remember correctly, a piece from Gulliver's Travels.
Gordy started out ledgering, I had floats and paternosters.
Regionally, the Ave prayer is beginning to replace the Paternoster.
Livebaits will be fished on a float paternoster, while the deads will be fished on a link ledger.
But it seems you are more willing to take the word of an old gray sorner, whose life has been spent in pattering heresy, than mine, though I never rode a foray in my life without duly saying my paternoster.
The Monastery
In Paternoster Row, near the top of the hill, it was laid in a deep trench to help reduce the gradient.
When using paternoster rigs I have yet to find a system of safely removing the lead from the rig, because the angle of pull is reversed.
The second rig is a paternoster which can be used with dead or live baits.
I must be permitted to register clearly the general conviction that if black magic, sorcery, and the Sabbath up to date had been merely revived demonomania, had been merely concerned with the black paternoster, the black mass, or even with transcendental sensualism and the ordeal of the pastos, the Roman hierarchy would not have taken action as it has, nor would the witnesses concerning these things have been welcomed with open arms; as a fact, no interest whatsoever is manifested in the doings of diabolists who operate apart from Masonry.
Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
The paternoster I use is the genuine article, which entails a long bomb length and a short hook length.
Finish with a colloquy to Christ our Lord, and finally a paternoster.