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How To Use Paternal In A Sentence

  • * In primitive conditions, given the unsually demanding task (compared to other mammals) of raising human babies, paternal investment in offspring is required. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
  • Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • My paternal grandfather actually helped build the old part and then after it was built, got a job weaving and he was here all his life.
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
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  • A woman whose marriage has been dissolved bears on a lozenge her paternal arms, charged for the purpose of distinction with a mascle.
  • Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners.
  • All these government programs are invasive of privacy, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient.
  • had been her battle cry, while she stated with no uncertain emphasis that as the paternal grandmother she had the greater claim. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • Trusting in her intercession with Christ, who whereas He is the "one mediator of God and men" (1 Timothy ii, 5), chose to make His Mother the advocate of sinners, and the minister and mediatress of grace, as an earnest of heavenly gifts and as a token of Our paternal affection we most lovingly impart the Apostolic Blessing to you, Venerable Brethren, and to all the flock committed to your care. Latest Articles
  • Once again men get the whip hand; they can exercise paternal rights or evade parental responsibilities-as they choose.
  • Under the paternal demeanor all anyone ever detected was a terrible waste balefulness. Pioneers of Alienation and 50s Sci-Fi at Thing Street Asylum
  • We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
  • Even the great Mr. Cullinan shook a little under the paternal jocoseness with which he came forward to kiss the bride. It, and Other Stories
  • Late in life, my paternal grandfather developed Alzheimer's.
  • As for the colonies in Asia and Africa, authoritarian paternalism - not self-government - was the order of the day.
  • Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past.
  • This may give females a particularly large benefit from reallocating paternal expenses.
  • On both philosophical and emotional grounds, I hate paternalism in government; and I don't like maternalism in government any better, especially given that, in a number of respects, America is gradually evolving into a gynocracy anyhow. My political provocation
  • You have a much more paternalistic (maternalistic?) perspective than I do. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Crime to Repeatedly Insult a Minor
  • But for a supposed servant of the people to use such a metaphor to refer to a bill that affects us all in such important ways is outrageously and offensively paternalistic or should I say “maternalistic?” and flies in the face of what the relationship between the citizens and Congress in this country is meant to be. HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it
  • Just so," said Mr. Low, — "only that what you call a paternal government is not always quiet and orderly. Phineas Finn
  • Marquis Montagu may have used, he certainly did use the Gryphon, issuant out of a ducal coronet, as this appears alone for his crest, on his garter plate, as a crest for Montagu, he having given the arms of that family precedence over his paternal coat of Nevile; the king - maker, likewise, upon his seal, gives the precedence to Montagu and The Last of the Barons — Volume 12
  • In two grand, characteristic attributes, it is supereminent over all others: first in its universality, for it is capacious enough to receive and cherish in its paternal bosom every child that comes into the world: and second, in the timeliness of the aid it proffers, - its early, seasonable supplies of counsel and guidance making security antedate danger.
  • He denies feeling more paternal towards the dancers these days, but owns up to " avuncular".
  • The boy's paternal grandmother had unsuccessfully applied for a residence order.
  • '' 'Heteropaternal superfecundation' '' is a rare occurring [[medical]] term describing the Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • At that time, their denial was their belief that they were popular all over the World as a paternalistic big brotherly, goody-goody neighbor.
  • My parents tell me that my paternal grandfather used to love when we would come for a visit because he knew he could go on long walks with me around the neighborhood near their snowbird home in Yuma, Arizona. February 2008
  • The term paternal correction is also applied to it. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
  • He had no interest in Malan, apart from an unexpected stirring of protective paternalism towards Kathryn, no interest whatsoever. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Her paternal grandfather settled in Singapore more than 70 years ago.
  • The former had at length succeeded to the extensive property of his long-lived grand-aunt, and to considerable wealth besides, which he had employed in redeeming his paternal acres (by the title appertaining to which he still chose to be designated), notwithstanding Captain Craigengelt had proposed to him a most advantageous mode of vesting the money in Law's scheme, which was just then broached, and offered his services to travel express to Paris for the purpose. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • My paternal grandfather was killed three months before my father was born who in turn was killed three months before my first birthday.
  • The word paternal is gender neutral, or may be used for the male guardian, but it primarily relates to or is characteristic of befitting a parent. France Lets In Gay Adoption Under Sarkozy « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It is best to adopt a collaborative approach rather than a didactic or paternalistic manner.
  • Colin followed his father and paternal ancestors in being an enthusiastic amateur botanist.
  • Thereupon the good dyer staggered by the paternal majesty of cuckoldom, and perhaps also by the fire of his wife's eyes, let the sword fall upon the foot of the hunchback, who had followed him, and thus killed him. Droll Stories — Volume 1
  • They said that protectionism and paternalism would only harm producers from developing nations.
  • Changing the medical profession from one that is paternalistic to one that is self aware and quickly responsive to society's expectations is a difficult assignment.
  • Migrants were first represented in very paternalistic terms.
  • They have replaced that paternalism with what's called "" la pensee unique '' -- a kind of fixed idea, generated in Paris and imposed on the nation at large, that France must participate in a single, strong European currency. You Said You Wanted A Revolution
  • The superior glutton is the shark, -- that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • Her father, an influential owner-editor murdered four years ago, was Greek Orthodox, her paternal grandmother a famous Druze poet.
  • But deep down I would love to see kids mooching round on bikes in groups, scrumping apples and being clipped round the ear'ole by paternalistic cops.
  • he behaves very paternally toward his young bride
  • But when it comes to children's diet, I am an out-and-out paternalist.
  • One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
  • Thus, for both mitochondrial and chloroplastidial DNA, a ratio of mean standardized distances exceeding unity signifies a higher paternal rate.
  • I was going to say "skoal" as my paternal grandparents are Danish and that IS my usual toast. Think Progress
  • Is it paternalistic approval bestowed whether it is really deserved or not, or acknowledgement of output targets that are routinely reached.
  • It is precisely this sublation of the soldier into the paternal, the military into the familial/bureaucratic that informs both the treaty ceremony and many of the projections. Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • I first became aware of the political instrumentality of religion when manoeuvred into Anglican Confirmation by paternal pressure.
  • Can such paternalism on the part of our rulers lead to anything but infantilism on the part of the people?
  • The origin of the extra chromosome 21 due to meiotic non-disjunction was 79.24 per cent maternal and 20.76 per cent paternal.
  • Keefer was to be available to her paternal relatives for twice-monthly visits at 5:00 p. m. on Fridays. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • In the 1930s, when deflation and dictatorship circumscribed the strategies of light industry, employers in wool, cotton, and rayon reverted to a familiar form of company paternalism with the help of sisters on the payroll.
  • C.'s paternal grandmother applied for residence and contact.
  • Similar to early work in the U.S., no study on paternal involvement has been done using data collected from fathers themselves.
  • These results suggest that paternal expectations motivate fathers' behavior.
  • Therefore, government paternalism is justified in steering people away from the decisions that are correlated with emotion and toward those decisions that are correlated with reason. On Neuroeconomics and Paternalism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The seigniories were the ground on which these paternal methods of creating a farming community were to be developed, but despite the wise intentions of the government the whole machinery was far from realizing the results which might reasonably have been expected from its operation. Lord Elgin
  • For Katz's Jewish paternal forebears, who'd been driven from shtetl to shtetl by implacable anti-Semites, as for the old Angles and Saxons on his mother's side, who'd labored to grow rye and barley in the poor soils and short summers of northern Europe, feeling bad all the time and expecting the worst had been natural ways of equilibriating themselves with the lousiness of their circumstances. Franzen On The Book, The Backlash, His Background
  • Johnny-B's paternal grandfather had staked out a stout chunk of the Olympic Peninsula and the timberlands around Lake Chelan to become one of the earliest lumber barons of the Pacific Northwest.
  • The father's education also may be associated with levels of paternal involvement.
  • Females and their offspring receive resources and protection from the male (paternal investment), while males gain assurance of a genetic legacy (paternity certainty). Matt J. Rossano: Thomas Aquinas: Saint of Evolutionary Psychologist?
  • Justifying government policies on the basis of paternalism is just one of many analogies used to mislead people about their true nature and effects.
  • He is certainly an avuncular figure, more paternal than patriarchal, yet even his faults and foibles are masculine in character.
  • He has to provide an authoritative, paternal perspective without being dismissive of the disparate viewpoints enclosed.
  • The upside-down proviso is paternalistic with respect to earlier owners — it applies even if they chose not to make their permission conditional, as in Gracen. IPSC: daily double--theory
  • This lawn belonged to my paternal grandmother, whom I cautiously called Mammaw, for she resented being called anything that remotely betrayed her caducity.
  • She has participated "EU-China Paternalist 2006" and obtained "Excellent Volunteer Certificate".
  • Anything else smacks of ‘elitism’, the paternalist attempt by some to dictate to others what they ought to want.
  • She celebrates the family values promoted by the tondi: paternal nurturing; maternal piety, chastity, and fertility; and health, beauty, and innocence in children.
  • This item explores if expectant fathers perceived their own fathers as anxious in their paternal role.
  • What arose, in its place, is a kind of moralistic, paternalistic, reactionary culture in which undercover police arrest people for being drunk – not for fighting or lewdness or driving drunk but simply for being drunk while sitting at the bar. Get Kinky for Texas Governor
  • As usual, she telephoned for help and the paternal grandparents drove to Kingston to pick the children up.
  • It affected families too: I had one grandfather at Pearl for the duration as a radio operator while my paternal grandfather, an engineer, no sooner had a rare beer on V-E Day (he was a fusty old lower-middle-class Southern Baptist bigot, a charming grandfather and good with kids, but those other things too in a run of trumps) than he got to spend an extra year in the service rebuilding infrastructure in the Philippines. Where we won the War we started by almost losing it
  • There is a thoroughly conservative article here that takes up the burden of finding a balance between liberty and paternalism.
  • Anything else smacks of ‘elitism’, the paternalist attempt by some to dictate to others what they ought to want.
  • An authoritarian response would be to delegate power to a paternalistic dictator, a Platonic philosopher king.
  • I foresaw a splendid career ahead of her as a wife and mother, a prospect which filled me with paternal pride. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • For better or worse, the paternalism and condescension towards the public which is embodied in the very idea of a publication ban has been fatally short-circuited.
  • The problem I have with your hypothetical is that libertarian paternalism, like cost-benefit analysis, is designed to be governing philosophy for a broad range of policy decisions (even if it has not yet been widely adopted). The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • Rooted in paternalistic culture and practiced for centuries, female circumcision in Uganda is thought to protect a girl's chastity by "reducing the urge for sex in women, " Mirundi said.
  • C.'s paternal grandmother applied for residence and contact.
  • In sum, the rights and consequences of both paternal and despotical dominion are the very same with those of a sovereign by institution; and for the same reasons: which reasons are set down in the precedent chapter. Leviathan
  • Not once had Harry felt his spiritual bond with Satchidananda enhanced by all the carping, however edifyingly paternal it was meant to be.
  • It's well-known in genealogical circles that over time, there's a 6% "non-paternal event" rule when looking at paternal ancestry. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Speaking of his craft, he evinces a paternal affection for his beer.
  • Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
  • He then went to live with his paternal grandparents, who died of natural causes soon after his placement with them.
  • The paternalistic style of rule is unequal to the demands of transparency and accountability that local populaces - and overseas investors - want.
  • You can have a form of internal deception where the maternal side is over-representing maternal interests which the paternal side is discounting, and vice versa.
  • He himself is a father and yet, despite his best efforts, his paternal instincts are weird to the extreme.
  • On the question of image, any paternal counsel given may have dangerous consequences.
  • My paternal Grandfather was a follower of Druidism, in fact, highly placed in Druidical circles in the last century.
  • Unfortunately, since ancient times, it has been the male pelican that has been said to wound himself in this way, and the pelican has thus always been a symbol of paternal sacrifice.
  • All depends how paternalistic - or nannying - we, as a society, choose to be.
  • Previous studies have shown that the gynodioecious plant species Silene vulgaris exhibits high mitochondrial diversity and occasional paternal inheritance of mitochondrial markers. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Indeed, I do tend to question public policy arguments based on paternalism.
  • The paternalistic account supposes that the masters of mankind have their inferiors' interest at heart.
  • Another measurement of paternal effort is the intensity with which the father defends his offspring.
  • From the wikipedia entry linked above: Marcus Pembrey and colleagues also observed in the Överkalix study that the paternal (but not maternal) grandsons of Swedish boys who were exposed during preadolescence to famine in the 19th century were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease; if food was plentiful then diabetes mortality in the grandchildren increased, suggesting that this was a transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The Volokh Conspiracy » But Isn’t It a Bit Hard to Predict With a 7-Year-Old?
  • From the wikiepedia article: Marcus Pembrey and colleagues also observed in the Överkalix study that the paternal but not maternal grandsons of Swedish boys who were exposed during preadolescence to famine in the 19th century were less likely to die of cardiovascular disease; if food was plentiful then diabetes mortality in the grandchildren increased, suggesting that this was a transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • The scientist’s paternal great-grandfather was a hotelkeeper in ritzy Lake Geneva, WI and married a banker’s daughter. James Watson And “Passing”
  • It seemed as if that crop of figures, like the innumerable florets of the whiteweed, now overspreading your paternal farm, were exhausting the last vitality from a shallow soil. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • One question underlying the trial will be how paternalistic the company's culture really has been.
  • A start is to ignore the old Depression-era paternal messages about cleaning your plate.
  • Paternalism presumes sentimental relations will create justice between unequals.
  • Yet, when we dig a little deeper, we find simply another style of moral paternalism lies buried beneath the surface.
  • Few studies examine paternal involvement among nonresident and low-income fathers.
  • They don't want paternalism or dependence when they are entitled to resources of their own.
  • paternal traits
  • Just so," said Mr. Low, -- "only that what you call a paternal government is not always quiet and orderly. Phineas Finn The Irish Member
  • He could appear paternalistic – offering £1,000 to employees to give up smoking, or unexpectedly having a new car with a cherished numberplate ready for a high-performing colleague when they arrived at work. A life lesson from the late, great Jimi Heselden
  • In German and Scottish armory the inescutcheon bears the symbols of the paternal side, but in English heraldry it is used to carry the arms of an heiress wife.
  • There is nothing, my dear paternal Uncle, but one lambent, feverish fire, deliciously attractive, even in its angry heat, fascinating even whilst phlogistic, shooting out from every part of it, in all directions, into thine ---- Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 104, April 22, 1893
  • Just because a minority, sadly, needs paternalistic attention, everyone must be subjected to it; because of a few bad fathers, all good fathers must be suspect.
  • The young mother's parents and other female relatives can equally determine paternal involvement.
  • Two lines were unusual in that mutant males regularly produced mosaic progeny that had large patches of somatic tissue lacking the paternal fourth chromosome.
  • Thus as he came to the home funest, his roof-tree paternal, The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • Someone mentioned the word paternalistic and that is exactly what it is, combined with narcissism that other cultures are there to be gawked at rather than understood. Advisor: Was it cruel to let poor kids in India play with my iPod? Boing Boing
  • Moreover, even if it can be understood as a paternalistic limitation on the liberties of the working class, it is a temporary policy justified, Mill believes, by the real but corrigible condition of the working classes. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • The latter incident turned out differently than my paternal flyboy expected with the Limeys turned their guns toward the annoying Americans.
  • There was this strange feeling inside him as he held her, almost paternal, but not quite.
  • I am not convinced that it is possible to provide a conclusive argument to show that paternalism is never in principle justified in any such case.
  • Moreover, she had grown up under Newson's paternal care; and even had Henchard been her father in nature, this father in early domiciliation might almost have carried the point against him, when the incidents of her parting with Henchard had a little worn off. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • My paternal grandfather died when my father was 3.
  • Just ask your paternalistic (or is it 'maternalistic'?) government for what you want and they'll play Robin Hood in order to get it for you. Rudy Brushes Off Talk Of Third-Party Challenge From Right
  • My paternal grandfather came over from England.
  • Iraqi Arabs have very long names, consisting of their first name, their father's name, their paternal grandfather's name, and finally their family name.
  • Playing with the kids made me feel very paternal.
  • This display of paternalistic guilt should have been comforting, but Pascoe wasn't in the market. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • But when it comes to children's diet, I am an out-and-out paternalist.
  • a mother through keeping in touch with her dead husband -- I think that, metaphorically speaking, the paternal cane will be "sloshed" both ways. Over the Fireside with Silent Friends
  • This is why filial love and paternal love have been poetized, why the family is styled holy. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • This paternalistic idea is patronising to many hardworking families who make a myriad of complicated choices every day.
  • I felt oddly paternal, a sensation reinforced by his innocent features and his slight chubbiness.
  • Your Honour, it is not as much paternalism as facilitating a process.
  • If, on the other hand, CI is caused by modification of extranuclear paternal factors, these white-eyed uniparental daughters will not be seen - they instead will die as embryos.
  • Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
  • Make no mistake, the Democrats are guilty as well, they are often elitist and paternalistic.
  • His maternal grandparents travelled to the US from Emly, while his paternal grandfather hailed from Killoch in Co Down.
  • Through the modalities of education and support, young fathers may advance in both their level of paternal involvement and their own development.
  • Perhaps more subtly considered the "JPII priest" attrition is simply a recent example of the perennial struggle for the celibate priest in his affectivity and relationships, in his heart and most especially in his spousal and paternal love. Pope John Paul II
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Doctors Discover Dallas Twins Have Two Different Dads'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'A Fox news report about a rare occurrence of heteropaternal superfecundation. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Doctors Discover Dallas Twins Have Two Different Dads
  • It is more likely that change of paternal genes or antigens would result in heterogeneous outcomes rather than unfavourable pregnancy outcomes.
  • In “The Shadow of Years,” Du Bois retold his saga of the Black Burghardts of the Berkshires and of growing up “by a golden river” in Great Barrington, of the lordly Du Boises and his austere paternal grandfather, of the “age of miracles” at Fisk, Harvard, and Berlin, and of his work in Atlanta. DARKWATER
  • In 1989 T. moved to live with her paternal grandmother and a year later she went to live with her boyfriend.
  • Another profession, the medical, has just been criticised for arrogance, paternalism and complacency.
  • Defending the old, paternalistic 20th-century model isn't viable.
  • The SEC is saying that some firms are getting seniors to annuitize, say, 80-100%, which the SEC thinks, in their paternalistic wisdom, is too much. Inappropriate Annuities, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • There is a phenomenon in medical literature that is known as heteropaternal superfecundation. Color Me Grey
  • In “The Shadow of Years,” Du Bois retold his saga of the Black Burghardts of the Berkshires and of growing up “by a golden river” in Great Barrington, of the lordly Du Boises and his austere paternal grandfather, of the “age of miracles” at Fisk, Harvard, and Berlin, and of his work in Atlanta. DARKWATER
  • The cases reek of legal paternalism and legal moralism but little reference is made to ideas of personal autonomy or sovereignty.
  • His paternal authority is a relic of his younger and stronger days.
  • For that paternal love he hath for and towards the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, agreeable to the Articles of the Kirk of Scotland in the Presbyterian Faith.
  • This supplemental relation is revealing, for it emphasizes that the fantasy of benevolent paternalism and the Permanent Settlement are ineffective in and of themselves and thus require the deep micrological regulation of domestic relations which came to pre-occupy British rule in India in the early nineteenth-century. Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • No wonder the Singhalese lawyer was appalled by an approach which reeked of such paternalistic colonialism.
  • You have a much more paternalistic maternalistic? perspective than I do. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Crime to Repeatedly Insult a Minor
  • This is where paternalism - chosen or imposed - must be admitted.
  • The Pope further warns against the overextension of welfare policies; if solidarity---which in this case means social assistance programs---fail to take into account subsidiarity, or vice versa, it will descend into "paternalistic social assistance" or "social privatism. Archive 2009-08-01
  • And if Smith's economic ideas affronted the paternalism of the traditional Tory party, they were eventually taken up by William Pitt the Younger, the late-18th-century prime minister who is now seen as one of the fathers of free-market conservatism. A Wealth Of Ideas
  • The adaptive significance of solar tracking in snow buttercups is mediated through the impact of flower heliotropism on paternal and maternal floral environments.
  • In the paternalistic protector role, there is an exaggeration of one's power to the level of omnipotence, self-glorification, self-presumption and self-entitlement.
  • And while Epstein may attempt to take a kindler, gentler tone, the results of his comments on the Century City subway alignment nonetheless can be reduced to a paternalistic: "We 'respect' you, but we know better ... so shut up. John Mirisch: Constellation Blvd. Is the Wrong Choice for the Westside Extension Century City Station
  • It's also a bit condescending; my paternal grandmother is from Arkansas and never finished eighth grade, but just because she pronounces "they" with something akin to a "D" at the beginning doesn't mean she'd spell the word accordingly. Angela Flournoy: On Dialect, Dialogue and Good Books
  • Feelings of frustrated paternalism have been coursing through me and partner lately.
  • I doubted that my father would but I waited anyway, just to see if I was right in my speculations about my fathers paternal instincts.
  • Or he may take a paternalist view and prefer people not to undertake risky activities on his land.
  • COeifj 7 tJCn eifzn im 7 {a) tiltinm i\i adorned with flowers; between winch is another tabic archwifc, and upon this is fixed the paternal coat of arms of the Roths, being a ilag trippant gules, leaning againft a tree vert. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • Although unwashed, "unwiped," and otherwise undistinguishable from others of the same age about the place, they are gravely introduced as khan this, that, and the other respectively; and while they remain in the room, obsequiousness marks the deportment of everybody present except their father, and he regards them with paternal pride. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • Yet many such leaders were guided by a belief in Jewish cultural superiority and a paternalistic impulse to help the unevolved. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The Grand Duke, Peter Leopold, the practical, economical, priest-hating, paternally-meddlesome, bustlingly and tyrannically-reforming son of Maria Theresa, was not the man to console so mediæval and antiquated and unphilosophical a thing as a Stuart. The Countess of Albany
  • And why can't we let patients make an informed choice based on the data, rather than paternalistically presupposing that all humans are incipient dope fiends?
  • He is the doctor who seems at first to be all cynicism but who, we come to recognize, cares about his patients far more than the falsely paternal, beaming head doctor.
  • The use of the word paternal calls to mind the way they threw a cordon around the country to prevent at the threshold the entrance of men who were unprepared for the hardships with either clothing or supplies or physique. Policing the Plains Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous North-West Mounted Police
  • Nudging people for their own benefit in unobtrusive ways is part of what the co-authors call “libertarian paternalism,” a seeming oxymoron that links the notions of freedom from constraint and firm, well-intentioned guidance. The unbearable arrogance of the "Nudge-ers"
  • Western tradition dictated that that authority should be paternal.
  • In Column 4, we looked at the institutional means by which 19th century paternalists sought to ‘look after’ the child-like among us.
  • His paternal grandfather made a fortune in the States with a nostrum called Brandreth's Pills, which still exist.
  • The infant girl was immediately named Margarett Williams Sargent for her paternal grandmother, who was eighty-three and ailing.
  • The Scottish king retained the paternal image of an earlier regnal style, and was not yet set apart by crowning and unction from his subjects, who were apt, indeed, to address him in a free and familiar style.
  • Know O Jinni! that this gazelle is the daughter of my paternal uncle, my own flesh and blood, and I married her when she was a young maid, and I lived with her well nigh thirty years, yet was I not blessed with issue by her. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • People are not looking for the old, paternalistic safety nets.
  • Is the philanthropist simply finding a socially acceptable way of being a paternalist?
  • His economic views are rooted in the paternalistic, interventionist tradition of postwar Germany.
  • Paternalism fosters passivity and dependence, saps self confidence, and undermines people's ability to cope.
  • The Banggai cardinalfish is a paternal mouthbrooder. Pounding The Rock
  • When Alexander died in 1894, Witte found himself transformed from the championed counselor of a paternal czar-protector to the unwelcome mentor of an unprepared sovereign—Nicholas II—who bristled under the tutelage of his inherited advisers. A Statesman For the Czar
  • Somewhere I have a family tree from my Mothers paternal history and it appears that our trash poorness extended back to the 17th century.
  • An act of paternalism, in short, overrides the value of autonomous choice on grounds of beneficence. The Principle of Beneficence in Applied Ethics
  • Just so," said Mr Low -- only that what you call a paternal government is not always quiet and orderly. Phineas Finn
  • The boy's paternal grandmother had unsuccessfully applied for a residence order.
  • Reform everywhere was initiated from above; Enlightenment sovereigns perpetuated the paternalism of the previous century's absolutist princes.

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