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How To Use Pater In A Sentence

  • Similar to a paternity suit, the owners must prove they do not know which horse sired the foal.
  • Unlike English, Latin has two words for 'father': genitor, meaning 'begetter', and pater, meaning 'father' in a spiritually fuller sense. The Feast of St. Joseph
  • * In primitive conditions, given the unsually demanding task (compared to other mammals) of raising human babies, paternal investment in offspring is required. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
  • Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
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  • Among her stops was a low-slung cement building in northeast Paterson.
  • My paternal grandfather actually helped build the old part and then after it was built, got a job weaving and he was here all his life.
  • One paterero, new casting of Manila, caliber eight libras, length thirteen calibers, in front of the palace. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
  • Originally, he may have been pouring a libation from a patera, as is common in similar sacrifice scenes belonging to this iconographic topos.
  • To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
  • A woman whose marriage has been dissolved bears on a lozenge her paternal arms, charged for the purpose of distinction with a mascle.
  • Besides, it is not only possible, but even probable, that both theories -- that of heterogenetic generation and that of gradual development -- may have to share with one another in the explanation of the origin of species; and even that, especially for the lowest species and for the beginnings of the main types, primitive generation also has its share in the establishment of the paternity. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners.
  • All these government programs are invasive of privacy, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient.
  • had been her battle cry, while she stated with no uncertain emphasis that as the paternal grandmother she had the greater claim. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • One paterero, old Manila casting, caliber eight libras, length fourteen diameters. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • There is a law of persons, or the family, which reflects Roman family life, with the paterfamilias, the wife and children, and the slaves.
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
  • Trusting in her intercession with Christ, who whereas He is the "one mediator of God and men" (1 Timothy ii, 5), chose to make His Mother the advocate of sinners, and the minister and mediatress of grace, as an earnest of heavenly gifts and as a token of Our paternal affection we most lovingly impart the Apostolic Blessing to you, Venerable Brethren, and to all the flock committed to your care. Latest Articles
  • I love the child, with what may he called amor naturalis -- or rather paternus -- the affection of a father. The Prairie
  • He then celebrated in quintessential Paterson style, sprinting away down the line while furiously dabbing.
  • Finally, nostalgic for his happy Chicago childhood, he turned his drama department into a surrogate family with himself as benevolently beaming paterfamilias.
  • Once again men get the whip hand; they can exercise paternal rights or evade parental responsibilities-as they choose.
  • Rama cupida aequandi bovem, se distendebat, &c. 1717. alit ingenia: Paterculus poster. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Under the paternal demeanor all anyone ever detected was a terrible waste balefulness. Pioneers of Alienation and 50s Sci-Fi at Thing Street Asylum
  • We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
  • = Compare XV 36 'dura iubet _gelido_ Parca _sub axe_ mori' and _Her_ VI 105-6 (Hypsipyle to Jason) 'non probat Alcimede mater tua -- consule matrem --/non pater, _a gelido_ cui uenit _axe_ nurus'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Tam had managed to spill beer across the counter and most of it had gone over Morag Paterson.
  • Paterfamilias is obliged to drink the cup of gaiety to the dregs, which is almost worse than being in office. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • I expect the" OTB "board will carry out its planned shutdown," Paterson said. stories
  • Even the great Mr. Cullinan shook a little under the paternal jocoseness with which he came forward to kiss the bride. It, and Other Stories
  • Late in life, my paternal grandfather developed Alzheimer's.
  • As for the colonies in Asia and Africa, authoritarian paternalism - not self-government - was the order of the day.
  • Pastor in Iceland: Fischer not 'exhumed' broke the news: tissue samples had been taken from chess champion Bobby Fischer's grave, on the order of the Icelandic Supreme Court to settle a paternity dispute. ChessBase News
  • Told in alternating narratives (with a helpful opening guide to how many different names both women are known by), Bunny ("Faith") Crumpacker tells the story of an unhappy marriage followed by betrayal, a pregnancy of uncertain paternity and the near-numb yet single-minded decision to give up her baby. Nancy Doyle Palmer: Jessica Lost: Adoption and Identity in Modern Times
  • I had a contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, and I besought him to let me feel his sorrows with him, and prayed five paternosters in adoration of the five sacred wounds.
  • Thou mayst do this if thou wilt, pater non deperit filiam, nec frater sororem, a father dotes not on his own daughter, a brother on a sister; and why? because it is unnatural, unlawful, unfit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past.
  • If Pickles really does love you, maybe the pater would give her a decent allowance and you'd manage somehow.
  • To protect children, the state should act to try to make family life more manageable, through better school hours, flexible hours at work, means-tested childcare, and maternity and paternity leave. Layard and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This may give females a particularly large benefit from reallocating paternal expenses.
  • The team managers were Holy Atchison and Ashley Paterson.
  • On both philosophical and emotional grounds, I hate paternalism in government; and I don't like maternalism in government any better, especially given that, in a number of respects, America is gradually evolving into a gynocracy anyhow. My political provocation
  • You have a much more paternalistic (maternalistic?) perspective than I do. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Crime to Repeatedly Insult a Minor
  • But for a supposed servant of the people to use such a metaphor to refer to a bill that affects us all in such important ways is outrageously and offensively paternalistic or should I say “maternalistic?” and flies in the face of what the relationship between the citizens and Congress in this country is meant to be. HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it
  • Haeres cuius pater defungitur, si alicuius vult esse reputationis, mandat cognatos, amicos, Relligiosos, et sacerdotes pro posse, qui certo Die conuenientes sub magno Symphoniæ festo, corportant defuncti cadauer, in montis sublime cacumen. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Just so," said Mr. Low, — "only that what you call a paternal government is not always quiet and orderly. Phineas Finn
  • Marquis Montagu may have used, he certainly did use the Gryphon, issuant out of a ducal coronet, as this appears alone for his crest, on his garter plate, as a crest for Montagu, he having given the arms of that family precedence over his paternal coat of Nevile; the king - maker, likewise, upon his seal, gives the precedence to Montagu and The Last of the Barons — Volume 12
  • In this sense, the method can be viewed as a Bayesian method for paternity inference.
  • In two grand, characteristic attributes, it is supereminent over all others: first in its universality, for it is capacious enough to receive and cherish in its paternal bosom every child that comes into the world: and second, in the timeliness of the aid it proffers, - its early, seasonable supplies of counsel and guidance making security antedate danger.
  • He denies feeling more paternal towards the dancers these days, but owns up to " avuncular".
  • The boy's paternal grandmother had unsuccessfully applied for a residence order.
  • The old image of Dickens, fostered by his surviving family, as a benign paterfamilias and as a man piously wedded to Victorian domestic virtues was thus tarnished.
  • '' 'Heteropaternal superfecundation' '' is a rare occurring [[medical]] term describing the Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Walter Pater "gambolling," in the moonlight, on the velvet lawn of his own secluded Oxford garden, like a satin-pawed Wombat! Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • At that time, their denial was their belief that they were popular all over the World as a paternalistic big brotherly, goody-goody neighbor.
  • My parents tell me that my paternal grandfather used to love when we would come for a visit because he knew he could go on long walks with me around the neighborhood near their snowbird home in Yuma, Arizona. February 2008
  • The term paternal correction is also applied to it. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
  • He had no interest in Malan, apart from an unexpected stirring of protective paternalism towards Kathryn, no interest whatsoever. THE LAST RAVEN
  • On the basis of studies on aeration tract bucket flow energy dissipation in lower weir on soft foundation, a new type of energy dissipater was put forward.
  • They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave.
  • Dei, num metuendæ sunt aliquæ accusatoris insidiæ? sed quis audeat accusare quos electos divino cernit judicio? num Deus Pater ipse qui contulit, potest dona sua rescindere, et quos adoptione suscepit, eos a paterni affectus gratia relegare? The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Paternity leave is defined as a period of leave from employment which enables fathers to bond with the mother and newborn child.
  • Late in the film, we discover that the paterfamilias has a gay brother.
  • Her paternal grandfather settled in Singapore more than 70 years ago.
  • The former had at length succeeded to the extensive property of his long-lived grand-aunt, and to considerable wealth besides, which he had employed in redeeming his paternal acres (by the title appertaining to which he still chose to be designated), notwithstanding Captain Craigengelt had proposed to him a most advantageous mode of vesting the money in Law's scheme, which was just then broached, and offered his services to travel express to Paris for the purpose. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • My paternal grandfather was killed three months before my father was born who in turn was killed three months before my first birthday.
  • Professor Paterson, later to resign from the committee over the BBC's ultimate refusal to budge over the issue, has provided an account of this meeting.
  • They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave.
  • The word paternal is gender neutral, or may be used for the male guardian, but it primarily relates to or is characteristic of befitting a parent. France Lets In Gay Adoption Under Sarkozy « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It is best to adopt a collaborative approach rather than a didactic or paternalistic manner.
  • Colin followed his father and paternal ancestors in being an enthusiastic amateur botanist.
  • Thereupon the good dyer staggered by the paternal majesty of cuckoldom, and perhaps also by the fire of his wife's eyes, let the sword fall upon the foot of the hunchback, who had followed him, and thus killed him. Droll Stories — Volume 1
  • They said that protectionism and paternalism would only harm producers from developing nations.
  • Changing the medical profession from one that is paternalistic to one that is self aware and quickly responsive to society's expectations is a difficult assignment.
  • Migrants were first represented in very paternalistic terms.
  • They have replaced that paternalism with what's called "" la pensee unique '' -- a kind of fixed idea, generated in Paris and imposed on the nation at large, that France must participate in a single, strong European currency. You Said You Wanted A Revolution
  • The superior glutton is the shark, -- that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • Because the man did not acknowledge his paternity until after the birth, the girl was not granted Japanese nationality.
  • Her father, an influential owner-editor murdered four years ago, was Greek Orthodox, her paternal grandmother a famous Druze poet.
  • They were? patricians? from the Latin word? pater,? meaning? father.? Alliance
  • Profectus est itaque, et accepit, et attulit matri suae, et fecit mater ejus cibos sapidos, quemadmodum diligebat pater ejus. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • If a paterfamilias commits a tort, and then is adopted or becomes a slave, a noxal action now lies against his master in place of the direct one against himself as the wrong-doer. The Common Law
  • But Lirael's mother was long gone, taking the secret of Lirael's paternity with her. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Although he controls only a tiny share of the basketball franchise, his stake is trumpeted loudly in promotional materials for the related Atlantic Yards arena project, and he was prominently featured at its groundbreaking in Brooklyn, along with Governor Paterson. Matt Sledge: Aqueduct Report: Jay-Z Was Clueless
  • But deep down I would love to see kids mooching round on bikes in groups, scrumping apples and being clipped round the ear'ole by paternalistic cops.
  • he behaves very paternally toward his young bride
  • But when it comes to children's diet, I am an out-and-out paternalist.
  • One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
  • Mr. Boyle, a former Syracuse cop appointed by former Republican Governor George Pataki, told the Post last week that current Democratic Governor David Paterson's administration had tried to "intimidate" him into accepting a $500,000 settlement in lieu of yanking liquor licenses at nine Cipriani eateries, including the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center. Powerful Liquor Authority Chairman Now Less Powerful
  • Thus, for both mitochondrial and chloroplastidial DNA, a ratio of mean standardized distances exceeding unity signifies a higher paternal rate.
  • I was going to say "skoal" as my paternal grandparents are Danish and that IS my usual toast. Think Progress
  • Is it paternalistic approval bestowed whether it is really deserved or not, or acknowledgement of output targets that are routinely reached.
  • The children did not belong to the father and often had a legal paternity claim on him.
  • It is precisely this sublation of the soldier into the paternal, the military into the familial/bureaucratic that informs both the treaty ceremony and many of the projections. Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • However, such retaliation requires the ability to assess paternity, which is apparently rare.
  • One paterero, cast in Portugal, caliber thirteen libras, length thirteen calibers. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • I first became aware of the political instrumentality of religion when manoeuvred into Anglican Confirmation by paternal pressure.
  • Finish with a colloquy to Christ our Lord, and finally a paternoster.
  • Levy expects Canal Side to be open to the public by May 2011. earlier comments on WBEN Tuesday morning, Paterson said that a change in the way the state looks at development projects could certainly make the prospects of a Bass Pro store "bleaker Undefined
  • Can such paternalism on the part of our rulers lead to anything but infantilism on the part of the people?
  • There are three legal paternity testing centres in Shanghai.
  • The origin of the extra chromosome 21 due to meiotic non-disjunction was 79.24 per cent maternal and 20.76 per cent paternal.
  • It was, back then, the best thrift store in the world, the purveyor of top-flight vintage goods donated by wealthy and well-clothed suburbanites from the upscale towns that surround Paterson. Pamela Redmond Satran: Wonder Why There Are No Good Clothes in Thrift Stores Anymore?
  • Of course, this errant stupidity helped force Zapatero's hand and have him bring the troops home.
  • The man who came up with the answer was a financial adventurer called William Paterson, a Scot who had made his name down south as one of the founding directors of the Bank of England.
  • [854] Ode of Ausonius to Attius Patera Rhetor in Professorum Burdigalensium commemoratione. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
  • Recommended long - term investor paternity machine intervention, sharing the company's upcoming high - speed growth and income.
  • Keefer was to be available to her paternal relatives for twice-monthly visits at 5:00 p. m. on Fridays. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • In the 1930s, when deflation and dictatorship circumscribed the strategies of light industry, employers in wool, cotton, and rayon reverted to a familiar form of company paternalism with the help of sisters on the payroll.
  • At the time of her death Wetzsteon pronounced“whetstone” was the poetry editor of The New Republic and a faculty member at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. The Life and Death and Art of Rachel Wetzsteon
  • Paterson's bashing showed who were the violent ones.
  • [4709] Hostius quidam specula fecit, et ita disposuit, ut quum virum ipse pateretur, aversus omnes admissarii motus in speculo videret, ac deinde falsa magnitudine ipsius membri tanquam vera gauderet, simul virum et foeminam passus, quod dictu foedum et abominandum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • C.'s paternal grandmother applied for residence and contact.
  • Similar to early work in the U.S., no study on paternal involvement has been done using data collected from fathers themselves.
  • Quum audisset Esau verba patris sui, clamavit clamore magno, et amaro valde valde, dixitque patri suo, Benedic mihi: etiam ego filius tuus sum, pater mi. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Must courts hold mothers accountable when they make false statements regarding paternity?
  • These results suggest that paternal expectations motivate fathers' behavior.
  • Therefore, government paternalism is justified in steering people away from the decisions that are correlated with emotion and toward those decisions that are correlated with reason. On Neuroeconomics and Paternalism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The seigniories were the ground on which these paternal methods of creating a farming community were to be developed, but despite the wise intentions of the government the whole machinery was far from realizing the results which might reasonably have been expected from its operation. Lord Elgin
  • For Katz's Jewish paternal forebears, who'd been driven from shtetl to shtetl by implacable anti-Semites, as for the old Angles and Saxons on his mother's side, who'd labored to grow rye and barley in the poor soils and short summers of northern Europe, feeling bad all the time and expecting the worst had been natural ways of equilibriating themselves with the lousiness of their circumstances. Franzen On The Book, The Backlash, His Background
  • They also call the Greek government and the European Union to take their responsibilities and give them rights of war refugees. cells of fire claimed, but only was "antifa", idiot! the cells never put mines anywhere and they also warn professional! diesen monat schwerpunkt griechenland im polit-cafe des ZIELONA GORA, berlin-fifihain, grünberger 73, ab 17/18 uhr essen und filme etwas später: newswire
  • Some think this mention of his father was to distinguish him from Sosipater (the same name in fuller form), mentioned in Ro 16: 21. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Johnny-B's paternal grandfather had staked out a stout chunk of the Olympic Peninsula and the timberlands around Lake Chelan to become one of the earliest lumber barons of the Pacific Northwest.
  • A few incredulous spectators watched as Paterson, ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.
  • Videntes autem fratres Joseph, quod mortuus esset pater ecorum, dixerunt Fortasse odio habebit nos Joseph, et reddendo reddet nobis omne malum, qui affecimus eum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • The father's education also may be associated with levels of paternal involvement.
  • A legal case is pending which will force a DNA test to acknowledge paternity.
  • Females and their offspring receive resources and protection from the male (paternal investment), while males gain assurance of a genetic legacy (paternity certainty). Matt J. Rossano: Thomas Aquinas: Saint of Evolutionary Psychologist?
  • This form, "situate," may be Pater's archaism for situated, or it may simply be a typographic error in the original published edition. Plato and Platonism
  • Stop! from Paterson, who came onto the set amid cheers from the audience. David Paterson On 'SNL': 'You Make So Much Fun Of Me For Being Blind, I Forgot I Was Black'
  • There is more poignant music in the Primavera, in the weary, indifferent countenances of his lean, neuropathic Madonnas -- Pater calls them "peevish" -- in his Venus of the Promenades of an Impressionist
  • An experimental study in the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) found that paternity success varied across females, which were inseminated with equal numbers of sperm from two males.
  • Yet, in a week when four Highland clubs are aspiring to follow Inverness up the leagues, the absences also serve as a measure of how far Paterson's northerners have come in five short seasons.
  • He refused to admit paternity of the child.
  • Also, the "child" is an adult; how will a paternity test 'traumatize' him? "$perm wail by donor."
  • Justifying government policies on the basis of paternalism is just one of many analogies used to mislead people about their true nature and effects.
  • The economic importance Paterson would later attach to productive "self-starters" was likely at least a partial product of her own early history.
  • Her husband, in turn, forfeits any paternity claims over children born subsequent to their sworn oaths.
  • He is certainly an avuncular figure, more paternal than patriarchal, yet even his faults and foibles are masculine in character.
  • We've got the city known as the home of the pantun, plus Don Paterson with his third Forward Prize. Archive 2009-10-01
  • He has to provide an authoritative, paternal perspective without being dismissive of the disparate viewpoints enclosed.
  • The upside-down proviso is paternalistic with respect to earlier owners — it applies even if they chose not to make their permission conditional, as in Gracen. IPSC: daily double--theory
  • This lawn belonged to my paternal grandmother, whom I cautiously called Mammaw, for she resented being called anything that remotely betrayed her caducity.
  • In the hardware world, we have well developed processes and IT solutions such as MRP, which provide a foundation and a consistency of process," says Paterson. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Seleucus IV Philopater (“loving his father”) succeeded Antiochus III, and during his reign the empire gradually recovered strength. 223-187
  • He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity.
  • I know that this is changing, particularly among the better-off and better-educated, but many a Bulgarian father, it seems, is still rather like the paterfamilias of old.
  • Your pater was always well-heeled, not to mention being a bit of a crook, eh? SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The paternoster I use is the genuine article, which entails a long bomb length and a short hook length.
  • This highly reductionist view of history has been enormously influential, but in her classic The God of the Machine, Isabel Paterson asks a devastating question: what gives you the steam-mill?
  • She has participated "EU-China Paternalist 2006" and obtained "Excellent Volunteer Certificate".
  • The form _patrying cove_ seems to suggest a derivation from 'pattering' or 'muttering' -- the Pater - noster, up to the time of the Reformation, was recited by the priest in a low voice as far as 'and lead us not into temptation' when the choir joined in. Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896]
  • Anything else smacks of ‘elitism’, the paternalist attempt by some to dictate to others what they ought to want.
  • She celebrates the family values promoted by the tondi: paternal nurturing; maternal piety, chastity, and fertility; and health, beauty, and innocence in children.
  • Estote ergo vos perfecti, sicut Pater vester caelestis perfectus est. Archive 2008-01-20
  • This item explores if expectant fathers perceived their own fathers as anxious in their paternal role.
  • What arose, in its place, is a kind of moralistic, paternalistic, reactionary culture in which undercover police arrest people for being drunk – not for fighting or lewdness or driving drunk but simply for being drunk while sitting at the bar. Get Kinky for Texas Governor
  • I must be permitted to register clearly the general conviction that if black magic, sorcery, and the Sabbath up to date had been merely revived demonomania, had been merely concerned with the black paternoster, the black mass, or even with transcendental sensualism and the ordeal of the pastos, the Roman hierarchy would not have taken action as it has, nor would the witnesses concerning these things have been welcomed with open arms; as a fact, no interest whatsoever is manifested in the doings of diabolists who operate apart from Masonry. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • The second rig is a paternoster which can be used with dead or live baits.
  • If these rules on paternity lead to the identification of a legal father, then any other claimant will be excluded.
  • The points came from Chris Paterson, who landed five nerveless penalties from five kicks, and from Dan Parks, who put over a drop goal at an absolutely critical stage of the second half.
  • As usual, she telephoned for help and the paternal grandparents drove to Kingston to pick the children up.
  • It affected families too: I had one grandfather at Pearl for the duration as a radio operator while my paternal grandfather, an engineer, no sooner had a rare beer on V-E Day (he was a fusty old lower-middle-class Southern Baptist bigot, a charming grandfather and good with kids, but those other things too in a run of trumps) than he got to spend an extra year in the service rebuilding infrastructure in the Philippines. Where we won the War we started by almost losing it
  • On Saturday it was off to the house of patermunkey to "babysit" Ms Cait and ElectroBoy. Don we now our gay apparel
  • Avido patri subtrahitur infans ne voretur, et Corybantum cymbalis, ne pater audiat, vagitus initus eliditur" (read _audiat vagitus, tinnitus illi editur_, from the _vestigia_ of Cod. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • There is a thoroughly conservative article here that takes up the burden of finding a balance between liberty and paternalism.
  • Anything else smacks of ‘elitism’, the paternalist attempt by some to dictate to others what they ought to want.
  • Researchers have found that the female monkeys and rats mate with multiple males to purposely confuse paternity.
  • That he is a Mormon, a professor, and a paterfamilias adds spice to his mischief.
  • Vnde constat qu鄊 ver� � Frisio scriptum sit, nauigationem ad hanc insulam tant鵰 quadrimestrem patere, propter glaciem & frigora, quibus intercludatur iter, C鵰 Anglic� naues quotannis nunc in Martio, nunc in Aprili, qu鎑am in Maio, Germanorum & Danorum in Maio The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • An authoritarian response would be to delegate power to a paternalistic dictator, a Platonic philosopher king.
  • I foresaw a splendid career ahead of her as a wife and mother, a prospect which filled me with paternal pride. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • For better or worse, the paternalism and condescension towards the public which is embodied in the very idea of a publication ban has been fatally short-circuited.
  • At the heart of the Roman family was the paterfamilias, the father of the family.
  • The economic importance Paterson would later attach to productive "self-starters" was likely at least a partial product of her own early history.
  • The problem I have with your hypothetical is that libertarian paternalism, like cost-benefit analysis, is designed to be governing philosophy for a broad range of policy decisions (even if it has not yet been widely adopted). The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • Tests on pure Paterson's Curse honey have shown that it contains up to 2 micrograms of toxin per gram of honey.
  • Rooted in paternalistic culture and practiced for centuries, female circumcision in Uganda is thought to protect a girl's chastity by "reducing the urge for sex in women, " Mirundi said.
  • When using paternoster rigs I have yet to find a system of safely removing the lead from the rig, because the angle of pull is reversed.
  • C.'s paternal grandmother applied for residence and contact.
  • In sum, the rights and consequences of both paternal and despotical dominion are the very same with those of a sovereign by institution; and for the same reasons: which reasons are set down in the precedent chapter. Leviathan
  • Not once had Harry felt his spiritual bond with Satchidananda enhanced by all the carping, however edifyingly paternal it was meant to be.
  • It's well-known in genealogical circles that over time, there's a 6% "non-paternal event" rule when looking at paternal ancestry. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Speaking of his craft, he evinces a paternal affection for his beer.
  • That would mean he had to admit paternity to Gabby then pay alimony.
  • Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
  • Pater noster, quis es in coelis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: ad veniat regnum tuum: fiat voluntas tua, sicut in coelo, et in terra. Excerpt: Portrait of an Unknown Woman by Vanora Bennett
  • When the concept of love coming over the family from God was introduced to China, it brought great impact on the feudal paterfamilias system and strongly impacted the Chinese family relationship.
  • He then went to live with his paternal grandparents, who died of natural causes soon after his placement with them.
  • The paternalistic style of rule is unequal to the demands of transparency and accountability that local populaces - and overseas investors - want.
  • The first is of the eternal goods, that we may have them; and therefore saith he: Pater noster qui es in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum, that is as much for to say: Father that art reigning in heaven thy sweet name be blessed. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • For example, Paterson et al. [78] found no change in chrysophyte and diatom indicators over the past 150 years in the sediment of Saglek Lake (northern Labrador, Canada). Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • Paterson, a musician and a poet, confesses to a horror of poems set to music.
  • And it's also the birthplace of Banjo Paterson - a balladeer with a romantic inclination when it came to immortalising the bush and its inhabitants.
  • [40] Cf. Ulpian, Tit., vi, 6: Divortio facto, si quidem sui juris sit muller, ipsa habet rei uxoriae actionem, id est, dotis repetitionem; quodsi in potestate patris sit, pater adiuncta filiae persona habet actionem. A Short History of Women's Rights From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With Additions.
  • In Paternoster Row, near the top of the hill, it was laid in a deep trench to help reduce the gradient.

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