patent system

  1. a legal system for protecting the rights of inventors
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How To Use patent system In A Sentence

  • The biopharmaceutical industry is an area in which the patent system is important because it makes a difference in whether firms will invest in research.
  • My personal opinion is that the patent system is unreformable and should be abolished.
  • Participants also discussed global issues such as revising the Patent Cooperation Treaty to simplify patent application procedures, as well as ways to harmonize the different patent systems.
  • It should also be noted that no patent system can be watertight.
  • The patent system adds the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.
  • The notion of an injunction to restrain the use of an invention after the date of expiry of the patent to which it relates, seems anomalous, going against the very purpose of the patent system.
  • Most people who tell you about the patent system have a stake in it, and so they want you to like it.
  • Sooner or later the sheer magnitude of the waste and excess caused by the present patent system will lead to reform, and they will not be able to prevent it.
  • Sadly, that type of innovativeness has traditionally been denied to the software patent system on the basis of "abstractness" or "preemption. Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
  • Clearly the patent system in the U.S. has become one that is litigious, that is complicated," she said at the permanent representation of the German state of Bavaria to the EU. Official: U.S. Needs Europe's Help on Patent Protection
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