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patent infringement

  1. violation of the rights secured by a patent

How To Use patent infringement In A Sentence

  • Burroughs filed a patent infringement suit in a North Carolina federal court.
  • The case began as a relatively simple matter of patent infringement, with i4i successfully claiming that a portion of the software code for Microsoft Word infringed on its intellectual property. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • SUN AND KODAK SETTLE JAVA PATENT DISPUTE: Sun Microsystems will pay Kodak $92 million to settle a patent infringement action in respect of Java, the platform-independent programming language developed by Sun, it was announced yesterday. The 271 Patent Blog
  • The thesis follows the basic patent infringement judgment theory to organize the whole contents.
  • By carefully designing and engineering "me-too" drugs, companies can avoid patent infringement, while obtaining their own proprietary drug.
  • Smithkline, owner of the patent on the hemihydrate, sued them for patent infringement. Patent goo: self-replicating Paxil « Isegoria
  • According to the Court,a Congressional statute making it easier for states to be sued for patent infringement is such aserious violation of federalism that it must be held unconstitutional. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • However, the party challenged with patent infringement can escape liability in a variety of ways.
  • Maxim weathered court cases that accused him of misdeeds ranging from patent infringement to trigamy. The Gun
  • As to the third set of extremists, the “software manufacturing” companies represented by the Business Software Alliance (CAAST in Canada): their membership is also often found guilty of copyright and patent infringement, with remedies from the courts that are often in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Canadian movies and DRM
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