How To Use Patching In A Sentence
So saying, he exhorted Brown to be hasty in dispatching his breakfast, as, the frost having given way, the scent would lie this morning primely.
Chapter XXV
There was also a report that Japan was dispatching its troops to Korea on the pretext of protecting its legation.
Babu snagged the spot last year by dispatching a friend to stake it out two months before the season even started.
He received the wool in huge bales and then graded it according to length and fineness, before despatching it to the cloth-maker or dealer.
Following its use as a storage site for tanks during the war, the road has been kept usable by constant patching up.

During the 1990s, Liverpool's biggest contribution to mainstream rock culture involved dispatching platoons of terrifying feral scallies to mug people at Glastonbury.
When patching, use a high-strength non-shrink concrete grout mix with an epoxy binder.
Patching cements look darker than the color of the cement because the polymer bonding agents in them make the concrete denser.
The party had considered the possibility of disaster for one man, and that had been the principal reason for despatching the two in different directions.
Chapter VIII
So sure was I of Chris coming through with the loan approval that I'd begun patching up my apartment so I could get my damage deposit back when I moved out.
Amtrak has sold its mail cars and is getting improved dispatching from the Union Pacific Railroad.
This he did, dispatching a small force to scout after the "army" disappearing over the hills.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
RTU has popular applications in electric power dispatching automation systems, but it seldom used in hydropower station Supervisory Computer Control Systems (SCCSs).
And it's up to each of us to protect our own little corner of cyberspace, by patching our software and being wary of unsolicited e-mail.
With their regular penchant for not only making political mischief, they now appear to be in cahoots together by dispatching letters which do not appear to make any rational sense.
As a rule the Superintendent's responses to almost all overseas situations were of the despatching of a gunboat nature.
We've been potholing and patching many of the streets, and that's really not the most appropriate way to maintain them," said Mohammed Nuru, acting director of the city's Department of Public Works.
SFGate: Top News Stories
With the aid of a single soldier, by patching together all the three, after eighteen days, he constructed a boat, forty feet in length, and six in breadth, which he termed the schooner Joliba.
Life and Travels of Mungo Park in Central Africa
Seacrest wasted no time in dispatching Heather Piccinini and Tiara Purifoy.
For me ‘the strong, silent type’ conjures up images of slit-eyed Clint Eastwood, mumbling a few well chosen syllables before dispatching some low-life to oblivion with his enormous gun.
The next two seeds were even more clinical in dispatching their opponents.
If he tires of their company, he can quickly slit their throats or snap their necks, dispatching an opponent.
It buys us the time to examine how the hospital works, so we aren't always desperately scrambling from day-to-day, patching things together as best we can.
The film takes an unapologetic approach to revenge: Richard tortures each of his victims before killing them, making one dance like a puppet before dispatching him with cold calculation.
Treatment may be surgical for muscle imbalance, use of refractive lenses, or patching the normal eye to allow the affected eye to regain strength and vision.
McIlvanney made up for his absence by despatching three magnums of excellent champagne for Fyall and his guests, and a magnum of Krug for the birthday boy himself.
But before dispatching the plates, I thought to take a test shot from the telescope here.
Ay, it is Neepoosa," the old woman replied, drawing her inside the tent, and despatching a boy, hot-footed, on some errand.
Vendors offered services such as knife sharpening, cigarette lighter repair, and bike inner-tube patching from makeshift, cloth-covered wooden crates.
But patching a system won't recover stolen data, recoup competitive advantage or revive consumer confidence.
The ship's medics tended to our wounds, patching us up just as the ship was undergoing repairs.
She was sorting through Ian's worn practice clothes and mending or patching.
When so engaged, the clutch pack completes the link between the spinning prop shaft and the rear differential, dispatching engine torque to the rear wheels.
Drawing inspiration from the congeniality of his surroundings, one Thomas Cuddemour drew up a list in a Dartmouth tavern of local men he would kill once the January 1400 plotters had succeeded in despatching Henry IV.
The ensuing violence results in an intervention by the National Guard and the dispatching by the NAACP of Golden Frinks (Afemo Omilami), a self-described "stoker" who organizes a peaceful march to the governor's office 50 miles away in which thousands eventually join.
BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news
When Severin found he could get no more intoxicating beverage, he in his demoniacal rage, conceived the idea of despatching his whole family, and set about his purpose by first snatching the young babe and casting it into the fire!
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
She was sorting through Ian's worn practice clothes and mending or patching.
Patching together diverse pieces of information, some traits of traditions of courtship and marriage in rural areas can be sketched.
An easy and painless security patching process will also reduce the vulnerability window.
With early detection, vision can be restored by patching the properly aligned eye, which forces the misaligned one to work.
Her role was at the dispatching and reception end of the line, where it was necessary to signal by torch to small naval craft approaching the beach.
Times, Sunday Times
Some wallcoverings are thin enough to be semi-transparent and thus allow dark images caused by patching, etc. on the wall to show through.
Treatment may be surgical for muscle imbalance, use of refractive lenses, or patching the normal eye to allow the affected eye to regain strength and vision.
Even Jesus' analogy of patching an old cloak with a new piece of cloth is unfamiliar in today's world of preshrunk and synthetic materials.
Be as economic as you can in dispatching each opponent with as little effort as possible.
During the build process, buildroot will download all sources to the "dl" directory and will start patching and compiling them in the "build_
OpenWrt : News
So saying, he exhorted Brown to be hasty in despatching his breakfast, as, ‘the frost having given way, the scent would lie this morning primely.’
Guy Mannering
Are parents acting selfishly and should they think much harder about the ramifications of despatching a sick child to school?
Who sends their sick child to school?
The couple have been together seven years and married in October last year after patching up their differences.
The medium and small - sized furnace stack gunning with unshaped refractory materials is a new patching technology.
Well, as you can see, the story will be that Pan Xo, despondent over the loss of his illicit lover to the arms of another man, took his own life by slashing open his own veins, but not before dispatching his lover and her dallier in a more, shall we say, dramatic fashion.
Asimov's Science Fiction
And thy chiefest accomplishment is taking snuff with a bel air, patching, painting, powdering like a woman, and squeaking like an eunuch, gadzooks.
The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother
If the tool finds an active infection it implements a workaround to prevent the constant reboots that make patching really difficult.
Her role was at the dispatching and reception end of the line, where it was necessary to signal by torch to small naval craft approaching the beach.
Times, Sunday Times
As a rule the Superintendent's responses to almost all overseas situations were of the despatching of a gunboat nature.
Why waste time patching the road when they could have resurfaced it all?
So if Havock makes a tent in the doona whenever Caitlin is dispatching villains, Beeso got a hint of anti-green on the back of his palate and I wallowed in The Kippers angst I think that says a great deal about the quality of the writing.
Cheeseburger Gothic » First Discussion thread for After America.
I got the patching up done and put some mastic on some of the door casings.
I got the patching up done and put some mastic on some of the door casings.
The stamps affixed are obliterated at the despatching office in a manner to be fixed by our Minister of Finance.
By one of those strange coincidences, however, that drive comic novels, Gutman finds himself accidentally dispatching one of his tormentors, a horribly over-confident and over-articulate graduate student by the name of Dirck van Camper, and subsequently presents an essay of van Camper's, entitled "Total Mindfuck: A Study in Ethics and Embodiment," as his own.
On the other hand, dispatching the form electronically will at least overcome such petty frustrations.
Clarke was particularly impressive during his stay, purring along like a smoothly running motor, severe on anything short, quick to the drive and twinkling down the pitch at every opportunity to England's spinners, once dispatching Monty Panesar into the crowd at long-off.
England Look to Heavens for Salvation
(A) Maximal projection of a Texas Red-labelled astrocyte syncytium after patching a single astrocyte with a Texas Red-containing pipette in an EC slice.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
‘A small number of eminent consultees criticised us for having accepted limited terms of reference which they feared would result in an inadequate ‘patching’ exercise,’ said the document.
So we've set up the rather tottery edifice that is normal under the legal system in England and Wales and, for the next eight to twelve weeks or so, we'll live inside it, propping it up and patching it as necessary.
For example, the SPE could request hashes of regions of the calling hypervisor and use this to detect patching.
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Just occasionally you completely atomise the clay, reducing it instantly to dust rather than clipping bits off it and the satisfaction is identical to finding the sweet spot on your bat and dispatching the ball 80 yards over the square leg without any discernible effort. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
If a farmer fails to meet this deadline the animal is unable to leave the farm and is therefore not allowed to enter the foodchain dispatching many animals to death.
The outlaws were out and about, patching up their camp, shining swords, chopping wood… but nowhere did Laoise see Maeve.
What dedicated texter hasn't suffered an epic misunderstanding, or experienced a sick lurch of fear upon dispatching a message of sensitive character to the wrong recipient?
He gives Microsoft a pat on the back for “improvements on all aspects of security over the last years,” but thinks the company “still needs some fine tunning on the patching process” to avoid making this kind of mistake.
Microsoft patch that didn’t
Patching of mission-critical servers should be done manually during off-peak hours in case recovery is necessary.
I liked their priest - she was a vibrant, very spiritful woman, who spoke a homily about walls that have lasted for hundreds of years without mortar; occasionally they will need patching, and it's crucial to get that patching.
Wedding in Boston
He had leg trouble after running here last year and we have kept patching him up.
His job entails patching, sewing, replacing heels, replacing soles and fine polishing.
In the past month, government has acted with precipitance of judgment, akin to patching holes as the levy fails.
A New Deal For America
By patching the good eye, you're effectively making someone use their lazy eye.
Grubby white and blue crystal towers, cliffs and crevasses soar up from the water, dispatching millenniums of compacted snow in the shape of seals, water lilies and bishops' mitres.
Drax wasted no time in dispatching Bishopthorpe by bowling the visitors out for just 86.
The system combined the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and the dispatching priority heuristic algorithm to solve the scheduling problems existing in mold parts with work piece restrictions.
Joe Manchin won in West Virginia - after pointedly distancing himself from Obama - for the unexpired portion of the late Sen. Robert C. Byrd's term, and Attorney General Richard Blumenthal was victorious in Connecticut, dispatching Linda McMahon, former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment.
Republicans Win Control Of The House
He was in determined mood and quickly established dominance of his area, however, despatching Salford shots with a confidence and assurance which belied his inexperience.
They're like leaky boats -- calking, patching, pumping, night and day and all the time.
Wyatt Earp and the patriarch of the Clantons were forever patching together surreptitious deals to keep their hot-tempered relatives in line.
New Tales of the Old West
While some patching had been done, the leaky roof is still cause for concern, she said.
Patching systems is, after all, a core part of the work of most sysadmins.
There were developments in technology, organization, fortification, and in battle itself, although the hieratic pictures on temple walls convey a timelessness in which the pharaohs are shown seizing and dispatching their enemies.
He received the wool in huge bales and then graded it according to length and fineness, before despatching it to the cloth-maker or dealer.
After you've cut around the opening, pry the roofing materials loose with a crowbar and hammer; save asphalt shingles to use for patching around the skylight.
Then after having disassembled and analyzed the code, he simply needs a little patching and he gets a fully functional unprotected copy.
Holes will be drilled in the walls to enable injection, and this may leave some apparent patching, but the energy savings should be appreciable.
Geometric designs are created by piecing or patching together triangles, squares and rectangles.
Her role was at the dispatching and reception end of the line, where it was necessary to signal by torch to small naval craft approaching the beach.
Times, Sunday Times
If the Kiperousa is pulled free it will be towed to Algoa Bay where divers will work on patching the ship up before bringing it into harbour to unload its logs using lighters plying between the ship and the port.
a superiority of knowledge and presumed judgment -- they have a method of patching up deep matches to _diddle the dupes_, and to introduce _throws over, doubles, double doubles_, to ease the heavy pockets of their burdens.
Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
The dispatcher can arrange conference calls via radio or by satellite datalink if we're over the ocean, patching us through to a doctor, maintenance facility or security specialist.
At the heart of this film is the packaging and dispatching of minicams to development-aid workers, followed by examples of their use.
Mr Li presides over it like a lean-shaven Confucius, grinding up powders and weighing remedies on a delicate pair of scales before dispatching them to the kitchen.
Paddy was also responsible for dispatching many sewing machines, which formed the basis of a thriving school for tailoring and dressmaking.
For everyone who has read the poem knows that it's about a philosophy towards life, and not merely patching a wall.
The reading room and its semi-elliptical extension are clad in monochromely pale Spanish stone counterpoised to the Portland stone of the Classical facades, in which patching is deliberately clearly visible.
I had drawn a division of "snipes" for my temporary brothers, boilermen and machinists who dwelt in the bowels of our ancient aircraft carrier, firing oil-burning furnaces and patching 1100-pound pressure leaks along the steam lines to keep the ship afloat and operational.
The Draft
Then six weeks" grafting and patching - and they speak with tongues at Pentecost.
Today, contemporary hockey has few who can hold a candle to Tirkey when it comes to tackling, intercepting and despatching the ball to safety zones.
Aiming at the improvement in generation dispatching mode, the compositor table of the units is presented.
Some minor problems, such as holes and cracks, can be fixed by filling them with gutter caulk or by using a gutter patching kit.
Use latex sealers for masonry, patching compound and wallboard; alkyd sealers are best for wood.
It is said that they acquired this name because the Zulu kings when they exercised dominion over all that district were in the habit of despatching large herds of the royal cattle to be looked after by these people, or in their own idiom to be _sisa'd_, i.e. agisted, as we say in English of stock that are entrusted to another to graze at a distance from the owner's home.
Smith and the Pharaohs, and other Tales
It's also blissfully easy to clean and to maintain - there's no reglazing, regrouting, revarnishing, patching up, or scrubbing down.
He set us to work, then hauled me over and got me to help him patching a suit.
My bicycle had a puncture and needed patching up.
Also, fill all dents and gouges with wood putty or patching compound.
Clothing was rationed in just the same way as food and Mother was always altering my clothes, patching, turning collars and darning the darns on my socks.
Gouges or holes in the walls must be repaired with wall board compound, spackle, or patching plaster.
He shot and killed his rival, either dispatching him instantly with two rounds to the head or else tying him to a fence post and potshotting him at his leisure, depending on who was telling the story.
Changing system configurations and patching software can eliminate a fair number of risks at little cost.
Or perhaps he is shot with a Winchester rifle, this being the usual mode of despatching a friend who has asked another to put him out of the world on account, perhaps, of some trifling but troublesome ailment such as earache or neuralgia, which the sufferer imagines to be incurable. [
From Paris to New York by Land
Russians used the term borzoi to refer to all greyhounds and sight hounds - dogs that catch sight of and then chase their prey, either dispatching it when they catch up to it or detaining it until the hunter or huntress arrives.
Seeing this Hicoz charged them - dispatching both with a single slash of his mighty blade.
But that which had perhaps tended more than any thing else to deepen the variance of the kings, was hump-backed Bello's dispatching to Odo, as his thirtieth plenipo, a diminutive little negotiator, who all by himself, in a solitary canoe, sailed over to have audience of Media; into whose presence he was immediately ushered.
Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2)
Her former secretary recalls Daphne dispatching her housekeeper on more than one occasion with a Thermos of soup to comfort some ailing don.
Before dispatching the rabbit it is necessary to induce the ferret to release its hold.
No time was lost in despatching three messengers: one to the
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
She took charge of him, lifting his head to keep the blood out of it and despatching me to the cabin for a pillow.
Chapter 36
The reading room and its semi-elliptical extension are clad in monochromely pale Spanish stone counterpoised to the Portland stone of the Classical facades, in which patching is deliberately clearly visible.
The rest of my days will be spent in patching and painting and puttying and caulking my priceless possession and in looking the other way when an imploring argument or a damaging fact approaches.
What Is Man? and Other Essays
When the time arrives for despatching them they are confided to feminine hands to have their dainty toilettes made, and are tastefully labelled and either capsuled, or else have their corks and necks imbedded in sealing-wax, or swathed in gold or silver foil, whereby they are rendered presentable at the best-appointed tables.
Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines
In the late blockade of Terceira some of the Portuguese fleet captured several of our vessels and committed other excesses, for which reparation was demanded, and I was on the point of dispatching an armed force to prevent any recurrence of a similar violence and protect our citizens in the prosecution of their lawful commerce when official assurances, on which I relied, made the sailing of the ships unnecessary.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Paddy was also responsible for dispatching many sewing machines, which formed the basis of a thriving school for tailoring and dressmaking.
It was no good just patching it, it would have to be done properly with good foundations.
Well Marc there are two sides to every story I grant you that and we are very lucky with some of our control room staff who have some experience and are very good at despatching calls/keeping tabs.
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It says privileges is an association proxy to the low-level _privileges attribute of the class and we are actually dispatching to the privilege_object in our set.
Planet Python
Even after Crozier fell into the rhythm — he'd joined sledging parties since March, when he first began dispatching boats and gear to King William Land, and well knew the drill of man-hauling — the pain of the straps across his aching chest, the weight of the mass being pulled, and the discomfort from sweat that froze, thawed, and refroze in his clothes were all a shock.
The Terror
Data began disconnecting optronic cables from the signal buffer and patching them into his tricorder.
A Time to Kill
Other items that you will always need include a priest for despatching any fish that you intend to keep to eat.
Carlow began to show signs of patching their game together as Waterford's defence became less than convincing.
To come suddenly, on turning a corner, upon a colossal warrior, deterrently uncouth and frightfully battle-clad, in the act of dispatching a fallen foe, is a sensation not instantly dispelled by the fact that he is made of flowers.
The Soul of the Far East
It was a refreshing change from the office and I tagged along as the team spent the next seven hours setting up anchor systems and despatching members off into pools of freezing water, with abseils ranging from seven to 65m.
Yes, and the Animal Liberation people complained about what they said was a form of cruelty in the mode of stunning and despatching the animals.
The first raid failed to destroy the docks, but X24 succeeded in despatching a merchantman.
Few, perhaps, could have reckoned with the peculiar dastardliness of dispatching a special ambassador to play for time until preparations for a surprise attack were ready.
But the killing fails to meet the standard of a crime even now, because her executioners believed they were dispatching an enemy agent, and the integrity of that belief cannot be invalidated retrospectively.
Eye patching, a common treatment, is thought to be helpful because it prevents rubbing of the eyelid over the cornea.
Keep up to date on patching your operating systems and applications.
When Severin found he could get no more intoxicating beverage, he in his demoniacal rage, conceived the idea of despatching his whole family, and set
Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a freeman--,
Operation probably isn't possible without a whole new boiler, and the holey smokebox will need heavy patching even if it doesn't get one.
Johnson saw the risk posed by trigger-happy reporters and presidents mistaking passion for facts while dispatching others to march in enemy crosshairs.
However, recent evidence indicates that patching may increase discomfort and decrease rate of healing.
These people who work for the national health are there because they care about you and me over swanning around in private care patching up the middle classes after a golfing accident.
Article 4While carrying out special audit investigations according to the audit jurisdiction of their competent dispatching audit institutions, auditors shall abide by relevant laws and regulations.
It's also blissfully easy to clean and to maintain - there's no reglazing, regrouting, revarnishing, patching up, or scrubbing down.
Numerous batches of prisoners are drifting back, for the most part unattended, composed entirely of youths of nineteen and twenty years of age, the Guards having refused to kill these babies, only "despatching" the older men, for the
Three years in France with the Guns: Being Episodes in the life of a Field Battery
Save yourself two hours of uninstalling SP3 and manually unpatching your files, just to repatch them and have a normal computer.
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These began with the despatching of the mare, badly cut, and apparently lame on every leg, in charge of the remains of the under-strapper, to her destination.
All on the Irish Shore Irish Sketches
Williams-Sonoma Inc. and AnnTaylor Stores Corp., among others, are poring over their leases and dispatching staff to track store closures that trigger "cotenancy clauses.
Empty Mall Stores Trigger Rent Cuts
The couple have been together seven years and married in October last year after patching up their differences.
After dispatching the would-be assassin, Daniel almost collapsed.
Or because we tend to think of the politicians and the presidency as occupying a parallel world - Mafia dons and capos dispatching one another in a turf war.
What dedicated texter hasn't suffered an epic misunderstanding, or experienced a sick lurch of fear upon dispatching a message of sensitive character to the wrong recipient?
Network upgrades are an interesting way of patching an operating system and its applications.
NBC sent a strong message by dispatching Today coanchor Matt Lauer to cover Knox's last court hearing.
The Biz: The Battle for the Big Interviews
This he did, dispatching a small force to scout after the "army" disappearing over the hills.
Umbria - the green heart of Italy
Liquid and powder admixtures are available for shotcrete applications and for modifying patching mortars.
Twice champion Venus Williams wastes little time in dispatching Katarina Srebotnik 6-4 6-1 on Centre Court
For decades, patching the unaffected eye has been the mainstay of amblyopia treatment.
The traditional model of patching for amblyopia tends to be one in which the closer vision is to normal the less treatment is given.
Two versions of this compaction tool are available: a smooth drum for sand, gravel, pea rock, and asphalt patching and a padded drum for heavy soils, clay, and clay-based backfill.
Alejandro was all for putting a bullet through this she-devil's head and dispatching her to the nearest abattoir.
She was patching a pair of his trousers, while his lean body was distributed over two chairs, his feet dangling in dilapidated carpet-slippers over the edge of the second chair.
Chapter 3
The hierarchy system can effectively improve the reliability of power supply and facilitate power network dispatching.
But that doesn't mean Goss is above dispatching a proxy to fight for him.
12936 FinderPop-beta-x86_64-23001: Patching 'Console' 0: 58a58a (CF-c) 07/09/2010 03: 06: 36 kernel Console (map: 0x712c854) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0x712c854, region 0x7fff85800000 -
Discussions: Message List - root
This scatter search approach interactively uses a combined dispatching rule to solve a scheduling sub-problem corresponding to each integer solution visited in the search process.
Stern tapped a few keys, patching him through to the five docked starfighters.
Save yourself two hours of uninstalling SP3 and manually unpatching your files, just to repatch them and have a normal computer. meow-mixer unknownsoldierx
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The secretary said in that sugary sweet voice that she was patching him through to the main office, and to hold on just a sec, hon.
Who was dispatching their precious job application to the man in the post room?
Times, Sunday Times
She'd also seen the circus owner patching up one of the workers and trying to console the Lipscomb's six-year-old after he'd taken a fall.
Maryland failed to carry out other key recommendations as well, such as patching the Windows 2000 software used on its central computer system, and installing a firewall to protect that system.
Traditionally, patching fabric together was about recycling.
Bed rest with elevation of the head and patching of the affected eye may prevent the frequent complication of rebleeding, but the data are unclear.
It's a sign of the changing attitude of the players that this season they have been far more disciplined in dispatching opponents, even in the face of overzealous aggression.
Later as a young adult she graduated to darning socks and clothing patching as an art form with patterns woven into the darns.
Some e-tailers have a nasty habit of taking your money as soon as you place an order, then not dispatching the goods for several months.
The long-established practices of early childhood screening for amblyopia and patching of the dominant eye are not supported by evidence of good clinical outcome.
He's patching the bike tyre that got a puncture yesterday.
(A) Maximal projection of a Texas Red-labelled astrocyte syncytium after patching a single astrocyte with a Texas Red-containing pipette in an EC slice.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Dick "scooted," dispatching a steward for his revolvers on the way, not that he had the slightest intention of using them; but he knew how efficacious a revolver -- even though empty -- is in stopping a rush, and he decided that it would be a good thing to have them.
In Search of El Dorado
He's patching the bike tyre that got a puncture yesterday.
In came the left-handed Mohammed Rafique and he immediately launched into a clobbering mood, dispatching the ball to the boundary boards in an entertaining knock that included 13 fours and three sixes.
He starts dragging out wires and leads, trying to fix the patching.
Many homes in southwest Florida still have blue tarpaulins patching holes in their roofs after Charley, and some streets remain full of storm debris that could become wind-blown projectiles.
She studied two photographs and went to work carving out his various parts, patching the parts together with 2-part expanding foam.
It's presented the survey of dispatching management information system in Zhaoqing , emphasize on the module design and function characteristic of relay protection management sub-system .
The dilapidation was a pleasing reminiscence of old times, and George was pleased enough to earn a quarter by patching it up.
Letters from Port Royal Written at the Time of the Civil War (1862-1868)
Taking bits and pieces of longer works and patching them together in an anthology is usually legitimized by claims of getting to the essence of the matter and saving time as an ‘expert’ peels away the nonessential.
Granollers took the biggest calp of the tournament so far, despatching the eighth seed and finalist at last year's Roland Garros.
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Gouges or holes in the walls must be repaired with wall board compound, spackle, or patching plaster.
For shallow or small repairs, use a wide putty knife or trowel to apply a vinyl patching compound in multiple layers as directed by the maker.