How To Use Patagonia In A Sentence
As Ramon and Hector pull on goatskin chaps and nylon slickers, we head up-valley, following the faint trails left by huemules, Patagonia's endangered red deer.
The farm belongs to rancher Ramon Sierra, who, with son-in-law Hector Soto Vargas, is providing sturdy Patagonian criollo horses, still shaggy in their winter coats, to get us up the Soler.
Among mammals we find the mara (Dolichotis patagonum), chinchilla (Lagidium viscacia), Wolffsohn's mountain viscacha (Lagidium wolffsohni), Patagonian weasel (Lyncodon patagonicus), Pategonian opossum (Lestodelphis halli), zorrino patagónico (Conepatus humboldti), puma (Felis concolor), zorro gris chico (Dusicyon griseus), guanaco (Lama guanicoe), etc.
Patagonian steppe
There is a conscious, even contrived lack of consequence to this Argentinian portmanteau movie using non-professionals, about three individuals making their vulnerable way across Patagonia.
Patagonian toothfish are found in subantarctic waters on shelves around islands and submarine banks.
blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia
In Patagonia" 1977 begins in his grandmother's dining room with a cabinet containing among its treasures a dried piece of mylodon skin sent by a cousin, "Charley Milward the Sailor.
The News From Everywhere
The Edenic Río Manso Valley, at the southern tip of South America, is pure Patagonia - high, open country surrounded by ancient alerce forests (think redwoods) and populated by gauchos and trout.
The book has a number of factual errors, which even I can identify, such as claiming that the Chinese picked up some mylodons (extinct giant sloths) when they stopped by Patagonia.
Carolina Pagli, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds in England, said there were risks that climate change could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America.
Scientific American
Still, for adventuresome lads like Jack, the exotic destination was a boyhood dream come true, and Patagonia's star-filled sky a path to independence from the strictures of their homelands.
The mature male squid was caught during a deep-water research cruise on the Patagonian slope.
The park contains two well delimited major phytogeographical formations: subantarctic Patagonian forest and Patagonian steppe.
Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina
During the first hour I felt pain, but during the rest of the evening pride kindly came to my assistance and from that moment instead of feeling myself little, I grew to a most noble and patagonian [3] nature, from which I could scarcely reduce myself for many days after; and which enabled me at the moment to turn a deaf ear to the contended merits of Demosthenes and Cicero, the Borhavians in medicine, and the &c &c &c &c — and to set and compose verses 'to my Old Oak table', which by the bye is a far better companion to me, as I will make appear, than Dr. A and his son put together.
Letter 115
Despite the conditions, they're as alert as ever, for stalking these hills are Patagonia pumas, cats that can pull down guanacos twice their weight.
Tim Kunin is a life-long lover of wilderness who has canoed and hiked for thousands of miles in the United States, Canada, and Patagonia.
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Smith sees that one is wearing a black Patagonia Gore-Tex jacket under his camo vest and a high-tech rucksack with a German label.
I run one of the larger operators of public recreation concessions in the country, and our company is the current store and marina concessionaire at Patagonia Lake State Park and Slide Rock State Park.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Total Frustration With Arizona Parks
The former logger's business was poised for expansion, and he needed new staffers to know as much about such exotic species as Tamarind and Patagonian rosewood as he did himself.
A floatplane will take you from South America's second-largest lake, Lago General Carrera, and deposit you for ten days of sea kayaking on a remote chain of five aqua-blue lakes surrounded by towering peaks in central Patagonia.
Its world wonders range from Andean peaks to Amazonian wilderness; from the endless horizons of the pampas to the awesome glaciers of Patagonia.
It was he who made the extraordinary discovery in a Patagonian cave of the still fresh fragments of skin and other remains of the mylodon, the aberrant horse known as the onohipidium, the huge South American tiger, and the macrauchenia, all of them extinct animals.
I. The Start
Central to this image is the eye of a baby southern right whale. The young whale sticks close to its mother as they navigate Patagonia's Nuevo Gulf before the spring migration to Antarctica.
he Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) is often regarded as the most important Antarctic fish, due to the extent of its commercial exploitation.
After the Patagonia fever passed he deeded over to his family ten acres of Tarwater Flat and retained for himself only a span of old horses, a mountain buckboard and one room in the crowded house.
“It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
In Patagonia" — Bruce Chatwin's eclectic jamboree of storytelling, anthropology, legend and polemic — is hostile to the those European despoilers so reflexive in their contempt for "savages.
Fury and Terror On the High Seas
Might be the same one spotted a few years ago, a Patagonian cavy was seen again loose near Aiken, South Carolina.
Archive 2009-05-01
Word is quickly spreading about the charm of Patagonia's estancias, and with most farms containing only two or three guest rooms, reservations are a must.
Patagonia could be the next powerhouse and Scandinavia had a fledgling industry.
Times, Sunday Times
And with the demential gas line to Patagonia in the works, I am not holding my breath for the Orinoquia Express.
11/12/2006 - 11/19/2006
It is the dried leaves of a species of Patagonian ilex, which is used in this country as tea, and very delightful and soothing it is.
Our Home in the Silver West A Story of Struggle and Adventure
The collection of colourful South American macaws and Patagonian conures has been allowed to come and go as they please from their enclosure at the town's South Lakes Wild Animal Park for the past ten years.
These false eagles most rarely kill any living bird or animal; and their vulture-like, necrophagous habits are very evident to any one who has fallen asleep on the desolate plains of Patagonia, for when he wakes, he will see, on each surrounding hillock, one of these birds patiently watching him with an evil eye: it is a feature in the landscape of these countries, which will be recognised by every one who has wandered over them.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
It includes two subfamilies: the Caviinae, the cavies and the familiar guinea pigs; and the Dolichotinae, the Patagonian hares or maras.
For six hours we speed through sensational country, looking out for dolphins in the Straits of Magellan, and rheas, South American ostriches, as we cross the Patagonian steppe.
Central to this image is the eye of a baby southern right whale. The young whale sticks close to its mother as they navigate Patagonia's Nuevo Gulf before the spring migration to Antarctica.
Their biostratigraphic relationships with coeval assemblages from Patagonia deserve more detailed analysis in the future.
The fishermen were catching Patagonian toothfish, sold under the name Chilean sea bass, south of New Zealand "and the squid was eating a hooked toothfish when it was hauled from the deep," Anderton said.
Archive 2007-02-01
His notion that the Chinese loaded up a few mylodons (giant ground sloths) in Patagonia, only to let one escape in Australia, would not have withstood a couple of minutes on the internet.
Argentina also had a policy of encouraging settlers and descendants of Welsh emigrants to Patagonia continue to keep alive Welsh culture there to this day.
What worked: With 800-fill goose down, the grade used in the priciest sleeping bags, the garment manages to be lighter, more compactable and somehow warmer than my original Patagonia down jacket which, incidentally, is still going strong after 25 years.
SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
In habits it is gregarious, and is usually seen in small herds, but herds numbering several hundreds or even a thousand are occasionally met with on the stony, desolate plateaus of Southern Patagonia; but the huanaco is able to thrive and grow fat where almost any other herbivore would starve.
The Naturalist in La Plata
On the agenda are 59 proposals involving the minke whale, yellow-naped Amazon parrot, bigleaf mahogany, Malaysian giant turtle, and Patagonian toothfish, among others.
The Patagonian forests are complex and mystical with huge cypress trees and pudu-pudu, a deer that's only 20 inches tall.
Brave New Traveler
Here's just one example: for the South Georgia Patagonian Toothfish fishery, stringent requirements include an independent observer on board every vessel on every trip to record catch data and fishery interactions with seabirds and a range of measures taken during the course of the involvement with the MSC program to reduce seabird by-catch has reduced albatross mortality from several thousand annually to single figures.
Chris Ninnes: Protecting B.C. Salmon Stocks
As COLTO members we have a direct commercial interest in the well-being of Patagonian toothfish and the ecosystems that support them.
Patagonia could be the next powerhouse and Scandinavia had a fledgling industry.
Times, Sunday Times
The object of the expedition was to complete the survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, commenced under Captain King in 1826 to 1830to survey the shores of Chile, Peru, and of some islands in the Pacificand to carry a chain of chronometrical measurements round the World.
Chapter I
Its world wonders range from Andean peaks to Amazonian wilderness; from the endless horizons of the pampas to the awesome glaciers of Patagonia.
Next year, he plans to trek to Patagonia in South America for the same charity.
A land of untouched beauty , South America's Patagonia stands to be dramatically altered by climate change.
Oregon teens found a Patagonian cavy running loose.
Archive 2008-04-01
Since my first outing with a group called the Tahoe Trekkers, I've hiked in Patagonia, snowshoed in British Columbia, trekked in Nepal and backpacked my way up Mount Whitney.
The pages brim with incisive descriptions and exquisite pictures of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Patagonia.
Take organic outdoor clothing manufacturer Patagonia, for example, which buys from Buhler and plans to start a line of women's clothes made of Pima cotton.
Magret duck breast came medium-rare and was dressed with a perfumed infusion of thyme, a delicate combination brought back to earth by a side of mashed batata, the white sweet potato of Patagonia.
Some of the mammals include the Patagonian Mara (Dolichotis patagonum), the Southern Viscacha (Lagidium viscacia), the Wolffsohn's Viscacha (Lagidium wolffsohni), the Patagonian Weasel (Lyncodon patagonicusi), the Humboldt's Hog-nosed Skunk (Conepatus humboldti), the puma (Felis concolor), the Falkland Island wolf (Dusicyon australis), the Guanaco (Lama guanicoe).
Patagonian grasslands
Same in more austral Patagonia, in Calafate, Santa Cruz province, an historic crossroads for selling cattle and sheep, a magnet for dodgy adventurers in search of limitless estancias, and today a boutique pueblo with a totally dollarized economy.
Pepe Escobar: Patagonia: The End of the World Is on Sale
Kaffirs, Mongolians, Pahari and other tribes of India, etc. Falkner says (126) that among the Patagonians in cases of adultery the wife is not blamed, but the gallant is punished
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Its congener, the _agouti_, affects the arid sterile plains of Patagonia, while the _biscacha_ is most met with on the fertile pampas further north; more especially along the borders of those far-famed thickets of tall thistles -- forests they might almost be called -- upon the roots of which it is said to feed.
Gaspar the Gaucho A Story of the Gran Chaco
After her final patrol Portland began her long passage home in August, and she headed first for Punta Arenas in Chile, where a team of Chilean naval officers embarked for the transit of the Patagonian Canals to Valparaiso.
This act of uncharitable stupidity can only be one thing: a way to keep meddlesome lefties and Patagonia-wearin 'bleedin'-hearts from observing what really happens during an emergency and telling anyone about it.
We got the last bottle of soco
Before his Patagonia days traveler extraordinaire Bruce Chatwin studied archeology at the university here, which counts among its rectors the best Scrooge in the movies, hambone extraordinaire Alastair Sim.
Barry Yourgrau: A Remembrance In Edinburgh
Alta Vista, with its six twin-bedded rooms and one suite, is reckoned to be the most exclusive - and expensive - of Patagonia's estancia hotels.
Patagonia has turned organic cotton and fleece made of recycled plastic into high-end outdoor wear.
Even if they are tonked, the fixture will gladden hearts in a few towns in Patagonia, where descendants of Welsh settlers still speak Welsh and hold eisteddfods.
It includes two subfamilies: the Caviinae, the cavies and the familiar guinea pigs; and the Dolichotinae, the Patagonian hares or maras.
Perhaps because of their preference for rocky shores, marine otters have never been found along the sandy beaches of the Atlantic Patagonian coasts.
Man to start for the pampas of Patagonia to hunt the hoopoo.
The Hohenzollerns in America
The cavy's an animal from Patagonia, which as you know is in South America at the bottom.
Climate chaos could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America.
DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?
Most of the ice loss is coming from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Alaska, Patagonia, the Himalayas, and the smaller ice masses surrounding the main Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
A high school student unearthed the ancient remains of the new species three years ago in the Patagonia region of Argentina.