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How To Use Pasteurisation In A Sentence

  • Opinion differs on the merit of pasteurization; some believe a better cheese is made from unpasteurized milk.
  • Raw milk is pumped from the silos into the plant for pasteurization through an HTST pasteurizer, which operates at speeds up to 115,000 pounds an hour.
  • Pasteurization does not kill all micro-organisms, so the milk has a short shelf life.
  • This process became known as pasteurization and continues to safeguard many industry-packaged beverages today, the most famous, of course, being milk. Trans Fats
  • Another issue that concerns organic dairy producers is pasteurisation.
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  • Bill Marler, a Seattle lawyer who for 15 years has represented plaintiffs in major food safety cases, including the 2004 salmonella cases that were traced to almonds, said Thursday that pasteurization is necessary. Judge To Growers: Pasteurize Your Almonds - The Consumerist
  • Post-processing handling and packaging procedures must avoid post-pasteurisation contamination.
  • It's called pasteurization, and it is considered one of the breakthrough scientific discoveries of the last century.
  • He said using pulsed light or intense flashes of sun-bright light, would be an effective alternative to pasteurization.
  • Dr. Osterholm reckons that irradiation is the necessary fourth pillar of a public-health platform—the other three pillars being chlorination, vaccination and pasteurization—that has delivered astonishing progress against infectious disease and a dramatically longer average life span over the past century. When Precaution Trumps Public Safety
  • The risk has been reduced by screening donors for prior exposure to certain virus infections and by manufacturing steps to reduce the risk of viral transmission including pasteurization and nanofiltration. ViroPharma Provides 2011 Outlook - Yahoo! Finance
  • The perfect mixing system for homogenicing, emulsification, blending, heating, tank pasteurisation , cooling etc.
  • Flavors from Cooking Low-temperature pasteurization (p. 22) slightly modifies milk flavor by driving off some of the more delicate aromas, but stabilizes it by inactivating enzymes and bacteria, and adds slightly sulfury and green-leaf notes (dimethyl sulfide, hexanal). On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • But since pasteurisation kills not only germs but also useful bacteria, a culture is added to the milk in order to reintroduce all essential bacteria.
  • Like sucralose, polydextrose also blends well and can be processed within the regular pasteurization and homogenization processes.
  • Scheduled for completion in early 2001, the room will comprise more than 4,000 square feet and house three high temperature short time pasteurization systems, including standardizers, homogenizers and blending systems.
  • Heating or pasteurization destroys the delicate disulphide bonds that give these proteins their bioactivity. Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally
  • Prior to at whether or not the best drink after pasteurization.
  • As you stated, hi temp pasteurization is used to increase shelf life. Leche
  • More attention is currently given to monitor health and safety standards at the state's 14 farms that produce raw milk than the 150 others that send their milk to be heated and churned to kill bacteria and increase shelf live, processes known as homogenization and pasteurization. News from
  • "Raw milk is put through a process of pasteurisation, sterilisation and homogenisation to improve the quality," she said.
  • Moreover, pasteurisation would ruin the subtle cheese flavours stemming from the hillside pastures.
  • The one problem with pasteurization is that heating milk changes its taste. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Composting is the controlled biological decomposition and pasteurization of organic materials under aerobic conditions — it involves the action of mesophilic microorganisms followed by thermophilic microorganisms that thrive under increased (more than 50 °C) temperature conditions and if correctly managed, can destroy disease-causing organisms, even weed seeds. Composting
  • ‘We understand pasteurization is run by guidelines - it's all documented on the chart record,’ he points out, adding that the plant pasteurizer is inspected at least twice a year.
  • For example, blends for flavored milk or ice cream mix are created by combining the weighed ingredients and testing for butterfat and solids prior to pasteurization.
  • It blends the milk, the cream, and the sweeteners into the batch tank through the pasteurization and homogenization processes, then sends the mix to the production floor to be flavored and packaged as ice cream.
  • The milk is pumped into the processing room for standardization, pasteurization, and homogenization.
  • He then goes on to say that there are "no meaningful downsides to irradiation", no more than milk pasteurization, that is. This July 4th Cook Your Irradiated Beef How You Like It

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