How To Use Passive In A Sentence

  • Sampling of gases and vapors by active sampling on a solid adsorbent or passive sampling by diffusion is routinely done and well documented.
  • He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move.
  • Since when did her quiet, passive, obedient brother ever command anyone?
  • `The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive
  • Such actively passive self-surrender is thus the necessary beginning of the regeneration on which loving union depends. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • The actress is frequently locked into playing a stoic, good-natured sufferer with a look of passive resignation about her.
  • Since the dangers of passive smoking have been highlighted and smoking is becoming regarded as socially unacceptable, that is, deviant behaviour, many more people are trying to stop, and succeeding.
  • A passive-aggressiveness marches through it: On one hand, Capitol doubts its salability and keeps it off the market; on the other, the label constantly attempts to justify its importance by hailing every burp and burble emanating from the recording booth. Pet Sounds : It's Not Rock 'n' Roll, But We Like It
  • The past participle of a transitive verb is always passive except in such forms as _have chosen, had chosen_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • When you laugh at politicians, all you do is channel righteous anger into passive hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • The wearable device allows people to monitor smoke and project the damage passive smoking can do to their heart, lungs and life expectancy.
  • With 16 minutes left the Bruins lapsed into their passive mode, and the momentum turned.
  • The non-smoker though should also be allowed the right not to contract cancer etc… from passive smoking, let alone have to deal with the unpleasantries.
  • The notion of addicts as passive victims of their addiction is a gross simplification. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • His impassive, bearded face again cracks a smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trad climbers use friends, chocks, stoppers and other passive and active gear instead.
  • As pointed out above regarding the verbs of perception, nevertheless, the passive is by its very nature resultative.
  • You find a greater use of the passive in scientific writing.
  • One of those passive protests, where one lies down nobly in front of the bulldozers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ophelia leaps about and barks, indignant at a style of hunting so contrary to her habits; and Sir Ralph, astride the stone railing, is smoking a cigar and, as usual, looking on impassively at other people's pleasure or vexation. Indiana
  • The new technologies makes it possible to embed passive components such as condensers into printed circuit boards, such as FR4, thereby achieving miniaturization and cost reductions of circuit boards.
  • It is why active government rather than a passive government is needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Academic freedom has to be freedom of spirit and it is not political with passive negativity.
  • They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it. George Carlin 
  • He had a passive expression on his face.
  • Since 1996, Summitek has set the standard for passive intermodulation (PIM) testing equipment. Current News - Top Stories
  • This depends on whether you consider them to be passive funds on steroids or active funds on a diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Haptics include both our perceptions when we relate passively to our surroundings, and when we move and act.
  • Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system.
  • The loud thunderous music blaring from the beach nearby remained passive to the girl's ears, as she sat deep in thought.
  • We have already observed that during the time of Hellenistic Greek, the middle voice form was losing ground to the passive.
  • In addition, other naval vessels with towed passive arrays can transmit their signals to the SURTASS processing system, for analysis as a bistatic or multistatic system. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Although both mind and the sensory faculty receive their correlative forms when perceiving or thinking, neither is wholly passive in its defining activity.
  • The normal way of expressing discontent was engaging in a kind of indirect or passive resistance. America Past and Present
  • Because the downgoing slab of lithosphere is heavier than the plastic asthenosphere below, it tends to sink passively; and the older the lithosphere, the steeper the dip.
  • This school is too awful to deserve passive acceptance.
  • The panel laughed over Mike Huckabee's Sunday touting of his poll numbers among Republicans, which Douthat termed characteristically "charmingly passive-aggressive. HuffPost TV: Sam Stein On 'Ed Show': Time For Birthers To 'Move On To The Real Issues' (VIDEO)
  • We also mix active and passive investments in our portfolios. Times, Sunday Times
  • With this new and bold initiative, we have shown to the world that Indian women are not politically passive or disinterested in public life.
  • The only passive verb is in italics. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • That use of the passive in written language which allows non-attribution of agency is typically absent from conversational speech.
  • The rest of us are reduced to passive spectators rather than active political agents. Times, Sunday Times
  • First and foremost, it is vital to understand that predators usually thrive on passive souls.
  • Specialist medical evidence in the case showed that he had developed lung cancer as a result of active and passive smoking.
  • On this basis, the statistical calculation and correlation analysis between the passive SLF electromagnetic exploration sample data and the coal-bed gas contents were processed.
  • However, passive organic matter acts much like a sponge, holding a lot of water.
  • her impassive remoteness
  • Do not be a passive observer in your life. Be an active participant in your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • 47 The image of the child in utero as fruit hanging precariously from a tree extended back to Galen, as Constantinus believed. 48 While Aldobrandino's passage and metaphor attributed a considerable amount of agency to the fruit-fetus (note the active voice), most discussions of fetal growth and parturition portrayed the fetus as entirely passive. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • When he turned back to Sinclair, his face was impassive, the Eton sang-froid unassailable. THE SCAR
  • As Nariman gradually fades away into the passive state of the bedridden invalid, the novel places Yezad on center stage.
  • Harking back to college psych textbooks, you know he is nothing if not a case study in passive aggression.
  • Recent crinoids are passive suspension feeders on microscopic plant and animal plankton and organic detritus by means of the tubefeet of the water vascular system in their arms and pinnules.
  • These deepened links replaced the passive acceptance of loosely connected, but dispensable, relationships between agriculture and rural communities.
  • A thermal chimney and a breezeway hallway allow for passive cooling in the warmer months as each room was designed to allow for cross ventilation.
  • I read somewhere that a child, whose parents both smoke twenty a day, has inhaled the equivalent of eighty cigarettes worth of passive smoke in one year.
  • Of the passive devices, the charcoal canisters and charcoal liquid scintillation detectors are typically used for short-term tests.
  • Physical labour no longer produces reality – instead, cultural patterns have taken over this role in a hyperfunctional society where more and more people are becoming passive consumers of goods, ideologies and information. Archive 2009-06-01
  • With a distressed eyeroll at Seanglenn Beckhannity, and a weary headshake at Keithrachel Olbermaddowman, not to mention clenched fists of despair at TalkRadio VonHateScream, let me remind the rest of us -- aka. most people -- that just because the makers of so called News think Balanced and Thoughtful is some long-ago folk duo, it doesn't mean we should join in the sneerfest, and passively watch as standards continue to plummet. Roderick Spencer: Fake News Is the Real News
  • As for brownback passively rejected the appearence of a new species from an existing one, its not necessary to look farther than the story of Johny Appleseed to see observe such a phenomenon right in front of our very eyes. Balkinization
  • As one might expect, people who were watching TV when we beeped them reported feeling relaxed and passive.
  • The South African government's passive response to events in Zimbabwe inevitably raises awkward questions about the depth of its own commitment to democracy.
  • How do smart passive funds work? Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not be a passive observer in your life. Be an active participant in your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • By contrast, the ranks of subjects whom Andy represented, like himself, occluded and determinedly not smiling, is equally revealing, as if to conjure not so much by passive aggression as by vaguely sexualized sullenness, even vacancy, the dominant mood of international fame in the 1970s and early to mid-1980s. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Some think they are masters of their fate, others believe they are merely passive floaters on the river of fate.
  • We also mix active and passive investments in our portfolios. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we put the sentence in the passive form, "The man was found _dead_," it will be seen that _dead_ is more than a mere modifier; it belongs to _man_ through the assertive force of _was found_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • Jenny and Jim watched him get up passively from his seat at the kitchen table.
  • Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites.
  • Such methods include flight-call monitoring, radio telemetry, passive infrared, and radar.
  • The idea that passive equity management could outpace active management—then the mutual fund industry's universal strategy—was derogated and ridiculed. How the Index Fund Was Born
  • All the classrooms incorporate energy-efficient lighting and passive solar heating.
  • Besides primary, secondary, we should also look at - that's a active scene, passive thing, did she put up a fight or she just submit herself.
  • Years of control kept his expression calm and impassive; his gray eyes revealed nothing of what was going on inside him. The Rogue
  • Learn from the vocabulary the difference between _aliquís_ and _aliquí_. mátúrandum sibi, 'they ought to hasten,' more literally 'haste ought to be made by them'; mátúrandum (_esse_) is the impersonal passive, and sibi the so-called dative of the agent. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.
  • The Suspension Clause is phrased in the passive voice; it does not say who may suspend the great writ.
  • Placing pleasing photographs from the past on a website and encouraging the independent preservation of borough buildings, while enjoyable, is largely passive and only one facet of what we think is possible both through the Beachwood Historical Alliance and the borough at large. Beachwood Downtown Revitalization and Community Involvement « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • And aside from an overwrought moment or two, all four actors turn in gracefully subtle and passively implosive performances.
  • In this context, artists invariably become passive pawns in someone else's game.
  • This hypothesis requires further analysis of the passive voice before it can be considered confirmed however.
  • It was hard to equate a word as active as `trying' with this passive creature. LOSING IT
  • When the perfect participle of an _intransitive_ verb is joined to the neuter verb _to be_, the combination is not a passive verb, but a _neuter_ verb in a _passive form_; as, "He _is gone_; English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • The style of dealing with patients changed from passive listening to active questioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The normal way of expressing discontent was engaging in a kind of indirect or passive resistance. America Past and Present
  • Taking refuge is not a passive act of placing ourselves in the hands of a higher power that will do everything for us, as the English word "refuge" might imply. The Gelug-Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra ��� 1 The Buddhist Framework
  • 'Catrin told me' is an active sentence, and 'I was told by Catrin' is passive.
  • This pattern is only used in the passive. It is feared he may have been kidnapped.
  • Usually the fixed capacitor and passive filter are applied to compensate reactive power and harmonic current.
  • When it was applied to the husband, the translators rendered the verb in an active form; when applied to the woman they rendered it passive.
  • Builders today use similar methods for passively capturing solar energy.
  • Also, children with depressed moms may be drowsy, passive, more temperamentally difficult, irritable, less able to tolerate separation, and more afraid or more anxious than children of nondepressed mothers. You Raising Your Child
  • If we lag behind other nations in economy, we will be thrown into a passive position.
  • They were ‘servants’ and ‘instruments’ as well as passive vessels in contemplation.
  • The course describe "power electronic converter and its control system", and instruct the control system of the SCR commutate circuit, passive inverter and its circuit.
  • Women's bell-like tittering and men's droning passiveness filled the void my nervousness made.
  • Her expression was cool, almost impassive.
  • Intermediate control strategies were positively associated with committed compliance and passive noncompliance.
  • The optical fiber cladding serves as an important part of the fiber connector, an optical passive component of the greatest demand in optical communications field.
  • Garang had a broad impassive face; he cultivated a ponderous dignity that often cowed his opponents.
  • Such adjustments imply an essentially passive and melleable family structure.
  • He would like to be able to passively identify the various scanning tools hackers and others use to find vulnerable wireless networks.
  • That seems to be beyond the imagination and capabilities of the sweet-tempered, passive, over-educated, please-play-nice Obama staff whose Democratic-controlled congress has just stripped $12bn from a long-term food stamps program precisely at the time when more Americans than ever hunger, literally, for such assistance. Clancy Sigal: Wimps Don't Win
  • Mass culture turns audiences into passive consumers, their participation limited to the choice between buying and not buying.
  • The on-for-nous passive-voice mania promotes imprecision, yet nobody wants to sprain their tongue conjugating verbs suffixed by ‘ons’.
  • he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight
  • He was still staring impassively out over the choppy, angry waters of Blackwood Lake.
  • He has been warned that he will no longer be engaged in the passive defence of his country, but taking the battle to the enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of using body heat to directly incubate eggs, megapodes passively incubate eggs.
  • Most of the time she just scanned the lines (too fast, I thought, to really be savoring the prose ) her expression impassive. GALILEE
  • With competitive price and good service attitude, we become a reputable semiconductor and passive components supplier – Come to cooperate with us and gain the vantage of trouble-free today.
  • The design team actively promoted passive climate control and the use of architectural strategies to reduce resource consumption.
  • Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself
  • But becoming a passive minority shareholder in a larger, unquoted regional entity, with an option to exit at a later date, carried no appeal for Michael Buckley.
  • Sometimes the war was hot and active; other times it was cold and passive; but the threat of national annihilation by a ruthless and competent foe was ever-present.
  • if you've never understood what it means to write actively or passively, stick with us and learn how to turn cludgy passive sentences into bright, active ones.
  • The OED says "couch potato" originated as American slang, meaning "a pennon who spends leisure –time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching television or video tapes" .
  • They were engaged in a mass synchronised dance, encouraged by two impassive men sitting in a van with loudspeakers on the roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • The motor ideas with which the speech movement has to start are cut off and the subject yields passively to the fate that he cannot intonate his voice. Psychotherapy
  • Aggressive people become more aggressive around passive people, Ruth said.
  • The look on his face bothered me; it was an unsmiling, impassive expression with furrowed eyebrows.
  • Above all, the system is destructive of faith, having a tendency to substitute passive acquiescence for real conviction; and therefore I should not say that the excess of it was popery, but that it had once and actually those characters of evil which we sometimes express by the term popery, but which may be better signified by the term idolatry; a reverence for that which ought not to be reverenced, leading to a want of faith in that which is really deserving of all adoration and love. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • Some of these devices may have features that offer more resistance to test interference or disturbance than other passive devices.
  • Choose active or passive verbs for their special effects.
  • Living in hotels, engaging in empty sexual encounters, silently and impassively taking in the world without responding very much to it, Anna is a mysterious and somewhat forbidding figure.
  • Zapa is a slow, passive, unambitious 32-year-old locksmith, working in a small country town in Argentina.
  • Passive range of motion of the foot and ankle joints should be assessed for indications of restricted movement.
  • Instead of the usual array of knobs, dials and passive screens, MyFord Touch is dominated by a giant 8-inch touch screen, with large function icons in the center and color-coded corners that you touch to switch the screen among four main functions: multisource audio entertainment, navigation, phone and climate control. Ford Drives Digital Dashboards to Next Level
  • That is not the true image; no! he should have been a growthless, decayless being, impassive to time or season, a silent cloud -- the wandering Jew. Famous Reviews
  • Your default setting should be passive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tree can be an important characteristic of passive solar heating, providing early afternoon summer shade, and little effect in winter with the leaves off.
  • This is where Gandhi developed his concept of satyagraha, translated in the west as passive resistance that, in the end, influenced the whole of the colonial world.
  • On the other hand, the ancient revulsion against emasculation, effeminacy, and males assuming, or forced into, the passive role of females is far less pervasive today.
  • She couldn't possibly struggle, she knew, or she'd jeopardize her intent there, and her passiveness was mistaken by Alex to be reciprocated passion.
  • The company says he is now in the position of a passive investor, owning about 16% of the stock.
  • While the young herdsman and Dick stood by passive and admiring, this _toro bravo_ of famous fighting breed reduced his run to a canter, and trotted up to Pilar as tamely as if he had been a belled _cabestro_. The Car of Destiny
  • In the medical manuals they are presented as passive machines to be programmed with the conventional advice literature into efficient production. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • The accent placed on the penultima of [Greek: Theophoros], as the word is written in the saint's acts, denotes it of an active signification, _one that carrieth God_; but of the passive, _carried of God_, if placed on the antepenultima. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • His habit also means you are passive smoking. The Sun
  • Fear of discovery or identification causes some offenders to settle only for passive validation. Christianity Today
  • Men have always played an active part in leading worship while women have been confined to more passive roles.
  • Grasping her prey with her legs and jaws, in another moment the wriggling body is passive in her grasp, subdued by the potent anæsthetic of her sting -- a hypodermic injection which instantly produces the semblance of death in its insect victim, reducing all the vital functions to the point of dissolution, and then holds them suspended -- literally prolongs life, it would sometimes seem, even beyond its normal duration -- by a process which I might call ductile equation. My Studio Neighbors
  • A popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics called "decoherence" is one interpretation where a conscious mind is not an essential component to physics but is a passive spectator. Another Look
  • She tried to imagine how Giovanni would look now, but all she could see was Marco across the table, his handsome face impassive, his expression inscrutable. That’s Amore
  • The physical faculty for sentience (blo, Skt. buddhi) or the mighty one (chen-po, Skt. mahat), the boss, is the physical medium through which a person, as passive consciousness, manifests. Basic Tenets of the Samkhya and Yoga Schools of Indian Philosophy
  • While the Jewish DPs strove to rebuild their shattered lives and played a critical role in the struggle to establish the State of Israel, the non-Jewish DPs had no clear ideological or other mission other than to exist while waiting, mostly passively, for the next chapter of their lives to unfurl. Menachem Rosensaft: Review: The Long Road Home, The Aftermath of the Second World War
  • Such a perspective avoids the dubious causal claims of the psychological approach — it is not at all clear why passive resistance ought "automatically" to produce shame in aggressors — while retaining the emphasis on system to which Shelley was committed. close window Notes on 'The Transcendental: Deleuze, P. B. Shelley, and the Freedom of Immobility'
  • One property that might be useful is the ability to update the table passively, requiring periodic lookups to be done in order to refresh the table.
  • Use the active voice or passive voice consistently. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • What these scholars did not know or forgot is that in natural childbirth the woman's role is active rather than passive. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • He or she is not a passive participant led, directed or shaped by producers or suppliers. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • On ‘Stronger Than Me’ she berates her passive boyfriend, calls him a ladyboy and mockingly inquires: ‘Are you gay?’
  • Analytical reading of history texts should never permit a passive acceptance of other people's interpretations of the past.
  • But women have never been simply passive victims of either side of this process.
  • I can't just walk in there cold and give a lesson on the passive!
  • The extract also improved anaphylactic cardiac dysfunction in passively sensitized isolated guinea hearts: improvement was noted in the contractility, arrhythmic duration and lactate dehydrogenase elevation.
  • The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.
  • Passive modes of defence are as many and varied as are the active; one of the strangest and most inexplicable of these is that known as spontaneous amputation, technically termed autotomy. The Human Side of Animals
  • This is the happy-clappy voice of Google's PR operation, a vast exercise in passive aggression designed to prop up the perception that Eric, Larry and Sergey really, really, really, don't want to do evil. Google Vs. Governments: Google Reacts To Nations' Privacy Complaints
  • Even a passive observer would nod in acknowledgement.
  • Paragon looked to see a smooth trail that diverted from the ravine, leading into the passive earthen walls.
  • They found that during passive elevation the humeral head translated slightly anteriorly at low angles of elevation and slightly posteriorly at higher angles of elevation.
  • Whether passive houses and cottages will startproliferating landscape, orappearon apublic TV station near you, is another matter. Passive Aggressive: “Passive” Home Construction Comes to Seattle « PubliCola
  • The cold-sink will never fail, allows the air around the plants to stay heated and uses absolutely free, passive energy.
  • Mohandas K. Gandhi's movement of satyagraha, or non-violent passive resistance in the face of British oppression, formed the key to India's response to British colonization and gave shape to the drive for independence.
  • In short, whoever takes his ephemeris in one hand and history in the other, will have no difficulty in convincing himself of the efficacy of such configurations; and though, by changing the signs, they may vary the effects and also the places most subject to their influence, yet it will appear that the observations of different authors (wherein they all agree that England is most passive to the fiery trigon) are founded on truth. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • The steward's self-pity in his soliloquy suggests lack of control over his situation or a passive-aggressive personality.
  • At trick four West switches to a passive club and you win in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would have an elite of politically conscious and publicly conscientious active citizens and a majority of couldn't-care-less passive citizens.
  • Some know they were not the passive victims of random violence but active participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, implementing passive filters in a dynamic, changing facility might cause the appearance of resonant flows that arc dangerous and hard to find.
  • The only passive verb is in italics. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Arrogance is not an attractive trait, but surely it beats passive deference?
  • Finding no solace at home, he is taunted, bullied and beaten by a pugilistic stepfather and eventually sent by his sympathetic, but passive, mother to a private boarding school to study his sixth form.
  • Underlying the sequence is a view of the learner as a relatively passive recipient of instruction.
  • DesAutels argues that moral attentiveness requires “nonpassive vigilance of thought where we attempt to counter known psychological tendencies and subtle social influences that prevent us from seeing and responding to the demands of care” (p. 72). Feminist Moral Psychology
  • The term algolagnia might properly be applied to them (and Eulenburg now classes them as "ideal algolagnia"), for they reveal an undifferentiated connection between sexual excitement and pain not developed into either active or passive participation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • This is excluding the damage tobacco causes to the environment and the unborn babies whose mothers are active smokers or the innocent mothers who inhale the poison passively from the cigarettes smoke exhaled by their husbands, without knowing its ill effects on their baby. GYM 2009 | Archive | February
  • What Heidegger has in mind… is that in our recognition of a house, our synthesis… is effected passively, that is, not through an act of volition. Wives and Philosophers
  • Living with someone who smokes is not the only relevant source of passive smoking, but few studies have taken account of all sources of exposure.
  • In the research block, portraits of senior members of the Saudi royal family hang on the walls: impassive, accipitrine faces staring down upon the French scientists recruited to save the bird that is a royal obsession.
  • Far from passively accepting objectification as a second-rate climber because of her sex, she conceived her strong feminine gender identity as an asset.
  • Our vantage is that of an impassive bird, flying invisibly overhead, surveying the world with stately reserve. Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation
  • It is the nearest thing to a passive recipiency -- is it not? The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • One benefit applies to all the mind and body therapies, whether active or passive: A stillness, quietness, or rhythmicity helps create a flow, a centering effect, and a sense of calm.
  • The extremely rare use of the bare infinitive with the passive of perceptual verbs adds further proof that this is the case.
  • That is the difference between the passive spectator and the active participant he wants us to become. Times, Sunday Times
  • They tried to achieve their aims by passive resistance.
  • And without me the school might sink into torpor. Passive acceptance would be the order of the day.
  • Men have always played an active part in leading worship while women have been confined to more passive roles.
  • If people are passive, apathetic lumps who can do nothing but swallow whole whatever new widget or gizmo is shoved in front of them, the I supposed a certain social degeneration is unavoidable. Matthew Yglesias » Time Is Not On Our Side
  • She wasn't simply a passive love object, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gerundial inf. with tō expresses purpose, defines a noun or adjective, or, with the verb be, expresses duty or necessity passively; cf. Beowulf
  • My passive vocabulary in Spanish would not be up to the task.
  • We should be able to disagree with a certain level of civility, but I do not agree that we are obligated to become a passive melded blob of single opinioned, mindless butt-kissers. Leave the political S*** somewhere else!!!
  • I neither stated nor implied that my experiences with accusations of passive-aggressive behavior were representative.
  • Finally, active and passive sensors are available, such as radars, optics, and passive detection equipment. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support

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