How To Use Passionately In A Sentence

  • She would have given a great deal to be able to recall dispassionately all they had said and done that night. Ship Of Magic
  • The BBC never tires of telling us how passionately it seeks the interest and participation of the public in its political output, particularly the young.
  • We must beware of the danger of confusing what is passionately and deeply wanted with what is a right.
  • The tone of Nicholls' biography is dispassionately respectful, admiring even.
  • In an interview last week, Ms. Pak, sporting a button featuring the mustachioed interim mayor's face, spoke passionately about her Chinatown neighborhood and her efforts to persuade Mr. Lee to "serve his city. Chinatown Political Veteran Champions Her Candidate
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  • She would have liked to be of service to the weeds vegetating beside the paths, to slay herself there so that from her flesh some huge greenery might spring, lofty and sapful, laden with birds at May-time, and passionately caressed by the sun. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Viewed dispassionately, the empirical evidence does not support such a position.
  • They are all passionately interested in environmental issues.
  • His fingertips brushed my chin as out our mouths collided, and passionately we kissed under the stars.
  • In truth, not even the most passionately pro-choice individual supports the idea of aborting rather than delivering viable fetuses. Out of the mouths of pro-aborts
  • Early dinner: Bistro Don GiovanniThis restaurant rocks year in and year out for a reason -- it is passionately Italian -- the owners, the food, the clothing, the music, the coquettish waiters etc. Alexis Swanson Traina: So You're Visiting Napa for the Weekend: Day 2
  • Religion is practised passionately with many a young boy aspiring to become a Buddhist monk.
  • He'd take her into his arms, confess that he was madly in love with her and kiss her passionately.
  • Controversially, in 1997 she published Emma in Love, an update of Jane Austen's novel in which Emma leaves her marriage to Mr Knightley unconsummated and falls passionately in love with a French baroness.
  • ‘It would be folly to abandon a national asset unless we were sure it had outlived its usefulness,’ he says passionately.
  • The opening shot, a stunning long take from a fixed camera, dispassionately observes the fumbling stick-up of a jewelry store.
  • Okay, so passionately kissing the dearly deceased is creepy as all get out, but what about Bill Hader swapping spit with a dog? Watch: Zach Galifianakis “Pageant Talk” SNL Sketch (Video)
  • I have been madly, passionately in love with women that I didn't like as much as Barbara, but I was not _in love_ with her. The Emerald Triangle
  • I am passionately opposed to the death penalty.
  • You are upstanding members of the community who feel passionately about something.
  • Lesslie Newbigin underscores this need passionately: ‘the only hermeneutic of the gospel is a congregation of men and women who believe it and live by it.’
  • Character faults and foibles surface slowly and are dealt with compassionately.
  • The reply came hesitantly and in exactly the manner Tiff had expected: dispassionately and unsuspiciously. Parlor Games
  • The Yorkshireman, an outspoken Labour MP who represents Grimsby, had his passionately regionalist speech met with applause from those who attended the convention, the first of its kind in Yorkshire.
  • Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive. Dr Roopleen 
  • We all got to see how professional he was on the air, and sometimes his urbanity could be mistaken for a certain distance, but in fact, he was a very sensitive, warm, decent man who cared passionately for what he did, for what all of us do.
  • Then, with agonizing slowness, his head bent to hers and his lips met hers passionately.
  • There is no logic to much of what people think and say, no coherence to the views they hold so passionately.
  • I am passionately opposed to the death penalty.
  • This man, of Kalmuck extraction, and hideous, even savage appearance, but the kindest-hearted creature and by no means a fool, was passionately devoted to Pasinkov, and had been his servant for ten years. The Diary of a Superfluous Man and other stories
  • She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about including education and nursery care.
  • Nevertheless, real estate developers passionately promoted moving to Los Angeles as the secular equivalent of being born again.
  • Given its stridency of tone, it would be disingenuous to claim that it merely represented a divergent view; it is anything but dispassionately presented.
  • He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.
  • I passionately believe that floristry is art for everyone.
  • As a qualified pet bereavement counsellor I would like to help pet owners compassionately and in confidence.
  • Although some legislators passionately opposed this idea as inegalitarian, the program was quickly passed with high expectations.
  • There's a moment in writing presentations; you are dispassionately writing and editing point-form notes about the things you want to talk about, a kind of disjoint series of ideas that you know all fit together somehow, and you're really just playing with them to see how they fit, then you take a bit of time off to help someone on IRC and you come back to it. Planet Python
  • Now he strode wearily and dispassionately through the enemy filth, cutting down those that stood in his path and ignoring all others.
  • There is no reason to believe that the juror in question has received information which might undermine his ability to judge this case dispassionately.
  • If astronomy can be recognised in this way, he argues passionately, then gastronomy should be.
  • Perhaps she couldn't then, but she can now - lyrically, funnily, passionately, rudely, spellbindingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.
  • Overall, Lewis presents his factual materials dispassionately and carefully.
  • Russians feel passionately about their folk music, reflecting as it does values of courage, pride and love, as well as a self-mocking humour that is charmingly British.
  • But immediately, turning to Tamara, she passionately and rapidly began saying something in an agreed jargon, which presented a wild mixture out of the Hebrew, Tzigani and Roumanian tongues and the cant words of thieves and horse-thieves. Yama: the pit
  • The picture of an agency which dispassionately administers scientifically-designed standards is blurred further by organizational practices.
  • For many, scientific materialism is not a bloodless philosophy but a passionately held ideology.
  • Despite the arrangement, Joan and Philip seem passionately happy, until Joan discovers Philip's womanizing and is driven to ‘mad’ jealousy.
  • Fifty thousand devotees praying to the lingam and weeping passionately with hands clasped around their necks were massacred in cold blood.
  • But the complexity of his own world view he opposed British involvement in the war but was himself a power-worshiper with a totalitarian itch who believed passionately in human perfectibility charges what might have been a standard-issue Shavian sermon with the multilayered ambiguity of high art. Smile as the Bomb Goes Off
  • A thousand reasons, _gospodar_, "cried the man passionately;" he who has this book understands the black magic of The Book of All-Power
  • I love their scenes in Titus and Gormenghast passionately, oh my gosh. My Top Six Declarations Of (Heterosexual) Love
  • He backed reason against passion yet grew passionately angry about mankind's unreason. Times, Sunday Times
  • On top of this the Italians are genuinely entertaining: they cook pasta, sing, dance, argue passionately, flirt relentlessly and fall on the floor play-acting.
  • Nevertheless, real estate developers passionately promoted moving to Los Angeles as the secular equivalent of being born again.
  • She passionately believed that the company was being mismanaged and was prepared to go to the stake for her views.
  • My next door neighbours argue passionately, ferociously and with much slamming of doors.
  • He wrapped his arms around me again and held me close to him, kissing me passionately.
  • Olbermann is what we fondly refer to as a "foamer," - meaning he is passionately committed to the things he cares passionately about, and he doesn't care who knows it. Olbermann Bombshell: "I Don't Vote"
  • My next door neighbours argue passionately, ferociously and with much slamming of doors.
  • He backed reason against passion yet grew passionately angry about mankind's unreason. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pushes him back to the ground and they kiss passionately in front of the fireplace.
  • Mothers feel passionately about their children and about mothering, which they see as unique and extraordinarily important work.
  • Then they merrily voted on the sunset clause, and threw out the government's plan - passionately promoted by the prime minister a week ago - by a vast 297 votes to 110.
  • This was a territory of religion, ideology, blood-letting, a land forever fought over, passionately disputed. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • ‘It's just your imagination, dearie,’ the nurse said compassionately.
  • I had renovated several old properties in England and was trying to look at the house dispassionately. Mi Pullman: remodeling a Mexican Art Nouveau townhouse I
  • she kissed him passionately
  • But he knew he had never heard someone speak so dispassionately.
  • The French feel passionately about their native tongue.
  • Sometimes it gave me the chance to mount my soapbox and sound off on subjects I care passionately about, and sometimes it opened my mind to new topics and ideas that I then went on to write about.
  • A French writer said a year or two, ago, 'our epoch is not particularly gay but it is passionately interesting. Masters of Our Fate
  • He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children .
  • And we believe passionately that increased equity is not only right and just, but critical to our success as a nation.
  • No one but the stone-hearted or the compassionately impaired could look at millions of people turning out to stand on line in some of the most dangerous real estate in the world to vote and not be inspired.
  • She passionately and humorously discusses the idea of genius, success, and creativity.
  • As more managers become sensitized to graphicacy issues such as this, we can expect a decrease in advocacy graphics and an increase in the number of decisions made dispassionately, based on a full understanding of the reality in the data.
  • Now, four years into Benedicts's pontificate and nearly 100 days into Kirill's patriarchate, nearly all Vatican observers agree that, as Pope John Paul II was driven by the desire to end the scourge of atheist Communism, so Pope Benedict XVI still hopes passionately to see the restoration of a unified Church. Ecumenism
  • I grinned and crossed to the bed in three strides, kissing Black passionately.
  • Who that has known a man quick and shrewd to see dispassionately the inner history, the reason and the ends, of the combinations of society, and at the same time eloquent to tell of them, with a hold on the attention gained by a certain quaint force and sagacity resident in no other man, can find it difficult to understand why men still resort to Montesquieu? How Books Become Immortal
  • She is passionately curious, outspoken and emotional, and yet her need for approval leads to an adolescence dominated by attempts at religious self-denial.
  • Still others passionately advocate for the defeat of the housing bonds, and they too fly the burgee of honesty and courage. Measure R Dodges Another Bullet
  • Things are made to arouse our passion, so long as meanness and villainy prevail; and if old men, knowing the balance of the world, can contemplate them all "dispassionately," more clearly than any thing else, to my mind, that proves the beauty of being young. Erema — My Father's Sin
  • The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.
  • He is a rugged individualist, who loves his kin but hates even more passionately.
  • He believes passionately that operators are fleecing the tourists and killing the Greek tradition of open warmth and hospitality.
  • Beyond the well and passionately argued opinions on both sides, though, there are two facts which are undeniable: for better or worse, this bill passing the Senate keeps the process moving forward; and, for better or worse, the Senate bill is simply unpassable in the House. Mike Lux: Simple Facts
  • While he never diffused an aura of vanity, he held his fine features at a haughty tilt as though regarding himself dispassionately in an invisible looking-glass.
  • According to Mike Davis, a California writer and urban critic who likes to flirt, passionately, with catastrophe, botanical sclerophylly is “the development of small, tough, evergreen leaves…as a defense against drought.” I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • It will be interesting to see how all the flag-waving Republican "patriots" and sofa samurais will react when asked to pay for the wars they so passionately support -- provided they are without apparent cost. Eric Margolis: Attention All Republican Flag-Wavers -- If You Want Wars Abroad, Pay for Them
  • John Edwards can talk passionately about a lot of things, but today he kind of droned on until the last 10 minutes.” Daily Digest: 9/28/07
  • Although I feel very passionately with her that rearing children is itself a job.
  • To begin with, you'd strive for being a mensch by giving cheerfully and compassionately and not grudgingly.
  • He is so as a disciple of Carlyle, as a prosperous Englishman, not destitute of flunkyism, and also as a man whose very best power is that of passionately admiring individual greatness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 82, August, 1864
  • The bell was clanging and clashing passionately, as Cecil at last went down to the weights, all his friends of the Household about him, and all standing "crushers" on their champion, for their stringent esprit de corps was involved, and the Guards are never backward in putting their gold down, as all the world knows. Under Two Flags
  • Vile and loathful we may be, but there is something about what others view as pitiful, as the lowest of the low, as filthy and execrable, repulsive and inhuman, diseased and outcast, that appeals to us passionately, and once we have glimpsed the quickest path of descent, we are racing down it gaily like children on some grand 1950s adventure story Mimi in NY
  • He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children .
  • The soliloquies are movingly and passionately delivered, crystal clear in their meaning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three weeks ago, Debbie Scott, who just spoke so passionately, introduced me to a remarkable young man.
  • The pursuits and society of his youth scarcely could be denominated, in Troloppian euphemism, _la creme de la creme_; but they stood him in good stead; then and there was he trained for the encounter of Spain ... whilst sowing his wild oats, he became passionately fond of horseflesh .... George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • Peter is passionately involved in environmental issues.
  • Cook hearing the testimony from rasmussen and harrell made it seem like a veto override is unlikely. they both spoke pretty passionately against the bill. rasmussen less so, but it seems like he doesn't ever really get passionate about anything, so who knows. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds Five-Four Vote Sends Panhandling Law to Mayor for Promised Veto « PubliCola
  • Not that he knew he was back, he simply found himself in a room full of monsters, lanky, pasty giants clad in disgusting nether garments, who, rather than beat him compassionately into stability, kept their distance and moaned.
  • He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.
  • ‘Dick's an extrovert who is passionately committed to football,’ offers Ian.
  • The issue has become so politically charged that it is hard to view dispassionately.
  • He has never written a poem that addresses, passionately, or engages with, his own country's terrible political state, the cataclysms for centuries.
  • They look so good as they gesticulate passionately in the city's overflowing cafés or file into its steakhouses, entire family in tow, for dinner at 10 p.m. Buenos Aires
  • What Burke argued passionately against, by contrast, was the French Revolution and Jacobin thinking, which he saw as expressing an unhistorical, tyrannical spirit and an importunate desire for power.
  • Impeccably researched and passionately argued, it isn't a dry contribution to bibliography but a call to imaginative action.
  • There was a young couple on the sofa, kissing passionately.
  • So I try to approach possible conflicts dispassionately, removing the personal element.
  • There was a young couple on the sofa, kissing passionately.
  • At the Lima meeting, the intense, weather-beaten faces of stocky Andean men light up as they passionately take the floor, one after another, on behalf of their communities' concerns.
  • Teachers have argued passionately for the opportunity to teach the subject they love.
  • If you listen to the talk shows, you will hear your fellow citizens arguing passionately pro and con with advocacy and denigration, accusation and defense.
  • When one of them kisses Robbie a little too passionately, Tasha yells out and ruins a take.
  • On top of this the Italians are genuinely entertaining: they cook pasta, sing, dance, argue passionately, flirt relentlessly and fall on the floor play-acting.
  • I chose to examine the passionately antivivisection stance of the animal rights movement because this is precisely where the conflict between the majority of people concerned about animal welfare and the animal rights movement is most intense. Unkind to Animals
  • She is a very nontraditional, complicated, independent, and passionately driven woman.
  • His playing is not only passionately alluring but also remarkably fastidious to the slightest detail in the scores.
  • Here, then, is the truest piece of the observation that Evans's work is cold - not that it is impersonal, reportorial or without feeling, but that it is so passionately severe with its subjects.
  • With such efforts, however, considerable as they were for a boy who passionately loved a "bicker" in the streets and who was famed among his comrades for bravery in climbing the perilous "kittle nine stanes" on Castle Rock, he was not content. Lady of the Lake
  • One new tendency -- that which insists more passionately than ever on order and organization -- merely continues the impetus given by Cézanne and received by all his followers; but another, more vague, towards something which I had rather call humanism than humanity, does imply, I think, a definite breach with Cubism and the tenets of the austerer doctrinaires. Since Cézanne
  • He passionately wanted to revive interest in the occult arts.
  • What you hear as absurdly grandiloquent is passionately persuasive for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is passionately kind and angry, careless either to gain or keep, vindicative, but if be well answered, at himself. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And how is it that this poignant instrumental, played on a lone 12-string acoustic, conveys more than the most passionately articulated protest song?
  • But although he desires her passionately, he is also tenderly in love with her - and it is in the blend of hunger and profound romance that the essence of their relationship lies.
  • The case needs to be examined dispassionately at a public inquiry.
  • After seven months as a mostly low-profile attorney general, he re-emerged as a pugnacious, crusading politician, fully in keeping with his past as one of the Senate's most passionately conservative members.
  • He told her that it was about a woman who, out of affection for her husband, and deep intrinsical virtue, refuses to become the mistress of the man she passionately adores. Balloons
  • Instead, you will probably talk compassionately to her, put an arm around her, see what is so upsetting, and inspire her with words that will keep her optimistic and inspired.
  • She felt a natural aversion for light women and the sort the soldiers called their sweethearts or "doxies," but it had been revealed to her that we should hold such in great pity and deal compassionately with them. The Merrie Tales Of Jacques Tournebroche 1909
  • You could see it in the games of kilikiti at the roadside, whole villages passionately absorbed in their peculiar form of cricket played with a three-sided bat and a ball made from leaves.
  • Carinthia, suddenly wedded, passionately grateful for humbleness exalted, virginly sensible of treasures of love to give, resembled the inanimate and most inspiring, was mindless and inexpressive, past memory, beyond the hopes, a thing of the thrilled blood and skylark air, since she laid her hand in this young man's. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Not only this, but the singer accompanies the different cries with the corresponding gestures, quivering or threatening like the lustiest performer passionately enacting a song. Wildwood
  • He eyed the mistletoe above her head and before she knew what was happening, Justin was kissing her passionately.
  • Ira is portrayed as a sentimentalist who is viscerally and passionately indignant about the inherent inequalities and injustices of America.
  • Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive. Dr Roopleen 
  • Still, considered dispassionately, the DNC convention policing was less violent than it might have been. Something About International Conferences Brings Out the Worst in Police
  • As a qualified pet bereavement counsellor I would like to help pet owners compassionately and in confidence.
  • Once emotions enter into the equation, any ability to dispassionately judge the value of an item is easily lost. Lighten Up
  • She corresponded passionately with Whitman (who occasionally replied), wrote appreciations of his work, and visited him in America in 1876-9.
  • I signed the main petition, because I really am passionately opposed to DEFINING children by the religion of their parents (while 'indoctrination' is such a loaded word, nobody could be in favour of it). Dawkins Replies on Ed's Blog
  • What Burke argued passionately against, by contrast, was the French Revolution and Jacobin thinking, which he saw as expressing an unhistorical, tyrannical spirit and an importunate desire for power.
  • Local politics is something they were devoting much of their lives to, yet they could be dispassionately analytical about this part of themselves.
  • She could hate as passionately as she could love.
  • Soon enough, she's necking passionately with the hot young author whose latest book she's been hired to work on.
  • PRAGER: Well, actually, passionately centrist, and I may have used the term radically moderate, yeah. Think a Second Time
  • Obama came from a completely different background, which surely equips him to understand and feel pain of other similarly situated people, but he also appears to be a cool clinician as he dispassionately dissects people's pain with the result that he gets far too little credit for understanding and truly sympathizing. Frank A. Weil: Working With Roosevelt
  • She is a consummate journalist - the facts are all here, and clearly and dispassionately explained.
  • Boyle is not arguing in bad faith; he believes passionately in the concepts of scientific disinterest and utilitarian progress that his works promote.
  • Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately.
  • To be honest, I did flirt with anarchism for a while; I've seen both sides and Marxists are the ones who tend to be the nicest, the most civilized while still of course committed passionately to their views.
  • Jerry spoke passionately about the sport for over two hours and answered many questions from a really enthusiastic audience.
  • So, how would one go about ‘passionately teaching’ to an unreceptive audience? These ‘I regret my 2008 vote’ pieces are going to be excruciating… | RedState
  • It had always been so soothing to Scarlett to hear her mother whisper, firmly but compassionately, as the tiptoed down the hall:'Hush, not so loudly.
  • Given half a chance, she's rabbiting passionately about cultural strategies, architectural policies and the thorny problem of getting teenage girls into sport.
  • His melodious and lyrical voice cradled the cries of infants and raged passionately against the dying of the light.
  • Live beautifully. Dream passionately. Love completely.
  • Play that last section more passionately.
  • He was passionately committed to the use of live as opposed to pre-recorded music and looked upon it as an independent structure that should be created in the same span of time that the dance itself was being designed.
  • Five years later, a life-altering crisis makes Tessa passionately determined to end this estrangement.
  • A not-so-quiet war is waged daily on Facebook by nearly three-quarters of a million social networkers passionately engaged around the dark brown, salty, 109-year-old British yeast by-product food spread known as Marmite. Playing The Spread
  • This perspective allows her to observe any dilemma dispassionately and solve problems that go beyond linear logic. New Action Girl Comic: Masquerade
  • And in a parliamentary debate before the war, he rescued a bumbling John Major by speaking passionately in favour of war.
  • Sometimes," he said, low and passionately, "sometimes I am sick with longing for her -- _sick_! In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim
  • Workers can passionately complain about some derisible human specimen, only to be seen joking heartily with them seconds later.
  • She would fall innocently and passionately in love with the doctrines of the Heresy.
  • Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.
  • I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein 
  • He could hardly articulate the words that tumbled passionately from his lips.
  • Far from being evasive, I think that Coetzee is passionately confessing, and that his entire book vibrates with confession.
  • Demonstration unit for water-cooled gaming PC. As per usual, the front heat-sink fan still passionately dissipating heat into the air.
  • Not just kissing, they were necking passionately, hands all over each other, inside each other's clothing, oblivious of me, of anyone or anything but their mutual passion.
  • The golden era of football presentation came in the mid-70s when Jimmy Hill, a man with just the right strain of informed and energetic egomania, would commentate on a game, commandeer a private plane back to west London on which his greying beard would be touched up with mascara and then passionately analyse the match you'd just seen him commentate on. Sky generation is beginning to miss Richard Keys and Andy Gray | Barney Ronay
  • although he was looking at the other girl, he did so dispassionately
  • Roman legend claims that ravens were once as white as swans and roughly the same size, but one day a raven told Apollo that Coronis whom he passionately loved, was faithless.
  • You will embrace the same regimen, although you should be passionately fond of wine; and even although, on the banks of the Phasis and Araxes, it should often be necessary for you. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • But the underlying issue here is about a woman who once allegedly described herself as a ‘virgin politician’, etching out characters who fall passionately and hedonistically in love.
  • But the complexity of his own world view he opposed British involvement in the war but was himself a power-worshiper with a totalitarian itch who believed passionately in human perfectibility charges what might have been a standard-issue Shavian sermon with the multilayered ambiguity of high art. Smile as the Bomb Goes Off
  • The reader who reads science fiction dispassionately is likely to be struck by how closely the human imagination is tied to reality, even when it deliberately sets out to violate it. January 2007
  • Some of his true-life stories are sweet and tender but when he really hits home for me is when he is alone talking to himself or lashing out passionately at hypocrisy, arrogance, falsity and materialism.
  • To achieve supremacy the one had to create a throbbing actuality, a world of keenest living, of acts and intervolved situations and episodes: the other to fashion a mentality so passionately alive that its manifold phases should have all the reality of concrete individualities. Life of Robert Browning
  • It's always good when another of your bezzie mates joins in with something you believe in passionately.
  • For 25 years he has hosted the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline — toneless voices of teens, some of whom can barely phrase their distress, calling in with misunderstood gayness or drug queries or parent problems or never-ending boners, each issue calmly and compassionately addressed in the Pinsky baritone. Retching With the Stars
  • Each side is hell-bent on refuting the other's arguments, rather than examining them dispassionately.
  • It's 1967, and Susan Gifford is one of the first female correspondents on assignment in Saigon, dedicated to her job and passionately in love with an American TV reporter. The Man From Saigon by Marti Leimbach: Book summary
  • Some one who cares passionately for the quality of his ingredients is top chef Raymond Blanc.
  • The natural sciences, on the other hand, aim to understand nature objectively and dispassionately.
  • This should be combined with addressing challenges of accountability and dispassionately managing the negative effects of incumbency such as careerism, competition for status, corruption and so on. Contextual considerations in addressing challenges of leadership
  • I'm glad -- glad -- _glad_ you're going away!" she exclaimed passionately. The Lamp of Fate
  • Much of the overspend is due to the fact that the council has responded compassionately to the needs of vulnerable people.
  • As Anne K. Mellor points out (in her introduction to the novel, p. xxiv), it may be significant that Verney succumbs to the plague when, heearing a moan, he compassionately but incautiously enters a dark room where he is 'clasped' by a Note: Mellor
  • If, on the other hand, you're capable of making sense of such postwar English novels as, say, Kingsley Amis's "Lucky Jim," then you'll have a pretty good idea of what's going on, and Mr. Gold's direction is so passionately precise that it contrives to make most of the rough places plain enough. Still Angry After All These Years
  • She wondered passionately what was going on downtown.
  • It tells the simple tale of a shoe-shine man (played by Andre Wilms) who compassionately takes in an African immigrant boy, to hide him from the authorities, while his wife (the amazing Kati Outinen) is dying in a hospital. Karin Badt: Kaurismaki's Le Havre May Win Cannes Prize
  • One wonders why this paragon of windbags campaigned so passionately for the republican cause in a country he hadn't lived in for over thirty years.

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