How To Use Passiflora In A Sentence
- And since passiflora have evolved to synthesize their own special brand of natural cyanide as a defense mechanism to keep from getting eaten the caterpillars have evolved to incorporate this cyanide into their own defense mechanisms. Archive 2009-06-01
- Plants recommended for a south-facing wall include callistemon, the beautiful crimson bottle-brush and the startling passion flower, passiflora caerulea.
- Named for the fact that the crimson and black flowers are said to resemble Christ's Crown of Thorns, passion flower, or Passiflora incarnata, has mild sedating and pain-reducing properties.
- Passiflora tenuiloba is a small, unassuming passiflora native to south and west Texas. Jayme Lynn Blaschke's Gibberish
- Once The Wife got home and we reviewed her shots they're here if you're curious I potted up some passion vines I'd gotten in trade, then cleared away a heck of a lot of passiflora vines from the front of the house that'd been denuded of vegetation by voracious caterpillars. Archive 2009-06-01
- One of the side effects of having an obsession with passiflora is that the plants serve as the sole food source for helliconia butterflies hey! Archive 2009-06-01
- For Susanne, Dr. Lancaster prescribed "shock remedy," a homeopathic medicament consisting of arnica, ignatia and passiflora to quiet the nervous system and a homeopathic opium to counteract that dazed feeling. We're Tough as Boots: Ode to Unscathed Broads
- For tension headaches, herbs such as passiflora, valerian and skullcap can eliminate pain.
- The most important factor when growing a passion flower in the garden is to choose a reliable outdoor variety, such as the blue-flowering Passiflora caerulea, or ‘Constance Elliot’, which has fragrant white blooms.
- [559] In _Passiflora_ the organogeny of the flower clearly shows the truth of this assertion, as was indeed shown by Payer and Schleiden. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants