How To Use Passerine In A Sentence
This could refer to any of the passerines, though most likely a canary or similar caged exotic.
Divers, grebes, geese, ducks, raptors, auks and passerines are the most affected especially in very hard weather which results in the surface of lakes and reservoirs freezing.
Cracraft shows an unresolved three-way split between oscines (which form the large majority of passerine birds), suboscines, and New Zealand wrens.
In many passerine species, including bluethroats, male removal results in an overall reduction in food supply.
The stunning list of passerines to be found at the site includes calandra lark, crag martin, rufous - tailed scrub robin, three species of wheatears, blue rock thrush, various species of warblers, rock nuthatch, lesser grey and woodchat shrikes, rose - coloured starling, rock sparrow, black - headed and ortolan buntings, and others.
The barn swallow is a approximately 18-g, migratory, semicolonial passerine that breeds commonly throughout most parts of the Palearctic and Nearctic temperate regions.
The magpie is monogamous, territorial, sedentary, and relatively long-lived for passerine birds, with a well-described biology.
The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
Eastern bluebirds are socially monogamous passerines that breed throughout eastern North America.
The rifleman (a New Zealand wren, Acanthisitta chloris: fam Acanthisittidae) is a basal passerine.
IMO, passerine parasitism is mainly due to their altricial nature.
The evolution of vampires
Extrapair paternity is widespread within passerine birds and is indicative of sexual selection.
However, the fatty-acid composition of migratory Western Sandpipers differs somewhat from that of migratory passerines in that sandpipers have much lower levels of the essential fatty acids linoleate and linolenate.
Although the same codon deletion is found in representatives of at least two other avian orders, it is not present in lineages representing a diverse group of suboscine and oscine passerines.
Batrachotoxin alkaloids from passerine birds: a second toxic bird genus (Ifrita kowaldi) from New Guinea.
Archive 2006-05-01
This volume completes the non-passerines, dealing with all species occurring on the continent - residents and visitors alike - in the following families: parrots, turacos, cuckoos, owls, nightjars, swifts, colies, kingfishers and their allies, and woodpeckers and their allies.
The agonistic behavior of many group-living animals, such as wintering passerines, ranges from overt aggression to more or less ritualized threat displays.
Some Mesozoic enantiomithine birds had similar size and morphology to modern passerines, and it is tempting to speculate that they too had evolved some form of bounding flight.
The pied flycatcher is a small, migratory, singlebrooded passerine bird.
Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
Because many birds, especially passerines, are still wild-caught, it is even more imperative to develop reliable biomarkers for aging.
Prior to biotelemetry, the migration energetics of Swainson's thrushes and other small passerines could not be measured directly and had to be estimated.
Cliff swallows are highly colonial passerines that breed throughout most of western North America.
No passerines are known to have been dry forest specialists but two non-passerines, the whistling tree duck (Dendrocygna arcuata) and grass owl (Tyto longimembris), both used dry habitats for foraging and are now most probably extinct.
Fiji tropical dry forests
During the nestling period of babblers, skeletal development is fast, which is typical of most passerines.
Hereto nonpasserine as a mortgage broker loan favorableness circumferential of imponderable bourn and adoptee, musd inimitable southerner, grownup bullace and coeducational heyerdahl.
Rational Review
Vireos are small, primarily insectivorous passerines that live in forested or scrub habitats.
Four nestling passerines, with their remiges still in pin, were dead at the bottom end of the garden.
What killed the stag beetles?
Barn swallows are small insectivorous passerines that feed on the wing.
The barn swallow is an approximately 20-g passerine, migratory bird that feeds on flying insects captured on the wing.
Densities of shorebirds and passerines were calculated as the mean number of birds per plot, which was then extrapolated to birds per square kilometre.
The bluethroat is a small passerine with moderate asynchronous hatching, typical of many passerine birds.
In passerines, altricial nestlings possess brightly colored gapes and engage in vigorous behavioral displays directed toward a feeding parent.
I eagerly described the season's bounty of warblers as a ‘procession of precious passerines.’
Few studies have investigated any aspect of song in suboscine passerines.
Begging by nestling passerine birds has become a model for studies in animal communication, particularly those examining the honest signaling of need.
We will stop en route to enjoy the birdlife of Langebaan Lagoon, the colony of Cape Gannets at Lambert's Bay, and the more unusual passerines of the arid areas; in particular the tit-babblers, larks and crombecs.
Ortolan buntings are small, migratory passerine birds, and in the breeding areas in Norway, pairs raise one clutch from May - July.
The warblers and orioles and other passerines recently left the cool forests of the upper Midwest and southern Canada.
In a comparative study of passerine birds based on generalized least square models, we tested this hypothesis by exploring the interspecific relationship between overall brain size and repertoire size.
The pied flycatcher is a small, migratory, passerine bird that is sexually dimorphic in color during the breeding season.
There are few endemic plant species on central Polynesian islands and the only passerine bird is the endemic bokikokiko (Acrocephalus aequinoctialis), a small reed-warbler found on Teraina, Tabueran, and Kiritimati.
Central Polynesian tropical moist forests
We compared chromatic contrast (color used for short-range detection) of each pair of spider and flower to detection thresholds computed in the visual systems of both Hymenopteran prey and passerine bird predator.
Study population and field methods. Song Sparrows are territorial passerines found in a variety of brushy and moist habitats throughout most of North America.
That general finding is consistent with previous nonexperimental work in birds as well as with experimental studies involving passerines and colonial seabirds.
The sitellas are a family of small passerine birds found only in Australasia.
Arctic terns, Mew gulls, scaup, shoveler, buffleheads, baldpates, yellow legs and various passerines were observed.
Year-round territoriality with permanent pairbonds is a common breeding system of tropical passerines but is nearly absent in temperate passerines.
We also saw the usual variety of gulls, raptors, woodpeckers, and passerines throughout the morning.
Other authors have stated that incubation in cowbirds only differs from other passerines in the minimum reported.
The pied flycatcher is a small Palearctic migrant passerine bird.
We also saw the usual variety of gulls, raptors, woodpeckers, and passerines throughout the morning.
The endemics include the highly threatened blue-eyed ground dove (Columbina cyanopis, CR), the Minas Gerais tyrannulet (Phylloscartes roquettei, CR), known only from three areas in the São Francisco valley in north and central Minas Gerais, and the Brasília tapaculo (Scytalopus novacapitalis), a passerine that is found only in a few populations in gallery forest remnants near Brasilia, and a few locations in Minas Gerais, including the Serra da Canastra National Park.
Biological diversity in the Cerrado
The pied flycatcher is a small, hole-nesting, insectivorous passerine bird which usually is monogamous, but in which some 5-10% of the males may be polygynous.
Its diverse habitats attract many species of passerines, or songbirds.
One of their major discoveries concerned Australian passerines: birds like fairy-wrens, Austra-Papuan robins and woodswallows had all been placed in different groups of Old World birds, as suggested by their names.
However, the fatty-acid composition of migratory Western Sandpipers differs somewhat from that of migratory passerines in that sandpipers have much lower levels of the essential fatty acids linoleate and linolenate.
The diversity of speckling is most pronounced in passerine birds (the perching or songbirds that make up 60 percent of all bird species).
However, small passerines carry very small food loads, and storm petrels very large ones.
This species is a common passerine long-distance migrant of average size, used previously as a basis for model predictions.
Here we report an 8-year study of this system in a tropical passerine bird, the dusky antbird.
In addition to supporting Columba trocaz, several forest areas are also very important for a number of Madeiran subspecies, notably the birds of prey and passerines living within the forest canopy such Madeira chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs maderensis) and Madeira firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus maderensis).
Madeira evergreen forests
Several studies have shown that yearling passerines are more frequently cuckolded by older males than vice versa.
Small insectivorous passerines, which typically feed the nestlings with small food items at a very high rate, are ideal as model species because limitations in food supply are likely to have an immediate effect on nestling hunger.
The combination of these conditions provides an ideal refuge, especially for passerine migrants in early spring.
Like a number of other passerines in both the Old and New Worlds, Catharus thrushes are nocturnal migrants.
Cracraft shows an unresolved three-way split between oscines (which form the large majority of passerine birds), suboscines, and New Zealand wrens.
House sparrows are approximately 30-g passerine birds that are gregarious during and outside the breeding season.
The barn swallow is a socially monogamous, semicolonial, insectivorous passerine.
Falcons and cuckoos form a third segment of the gruimorphs; and, finally, the Piciformes and passerine birds are usually grouped together as a fourth segment.
A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds (Aves: Passeri).
Archive 2006-05-01
Prior to biotelemetry, the migration energetics of Swainson's thrushes and other small passerines could not be measured directly and had to be estimated.
There are two passerines present, the tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and the silver-eye (Zosterops lateralis), and 5 introduced passerines.
Kermadec Islands subtropical moist forests
The visual system of most bird species, including all passerine birds tested to date, is sensitive to UV wavelengths.
However, these model predictions cannot explain the observation that some small passerine birds ‘bound’ while hovering or during steep climbs.
These animals include rodents, passerine birds and arthropods.
Other passerines, such as blackpoll warblers, American tree sparrows and lapland long-spurs, may be similarly affected.
Birds, particularly passerines, have served as the model system for testing many of the ideas on the evolution of begging.
Methods.-The Pied Flycatcher is a small, migratory, philopatric, and hole-nesting passerine bird of European woodlands.
Unidentified owls on the Mascarenes, the Andaman and Nicobar islands; a black, long-tailed passerine, notable for its startling rattle-like call, from Goodenough Island in the D’Entrecastaeux Archipelago; mystery African gallinules and touracos; a Kenyan long-tailed passerine with reddish undertail-coverts; an all-black Kenyan swift (Ali & Ripley 1969, Williams & Arlott 1980, Beehler 1991, Shuker 1998).
Archive 2006-05-01
The barn swallow is a semicolonial, aerially insectivorous passerine.
Their most exciting conclusion was that rampant convergence had occurred between these two parallel radiations: metavians include hoatzins, mesites and grebes, while coronavians include turacos, passerines and divers, for example (if those lists are lost on you, hoatzins are similar to touracos, mesites are similar to some passerines, and grebes are similar to divers).
Goodbye, my giant predatory, cursorial, flightless hoatzin
As is typical of passerine birds, nearly all mortality was the result of predation, and starvation was rare.