How To Use Pass up In A Sentence

  • I don't think you should pass up the opportunity to go to university.
  • I don't think you should pass up the opportunity to go to university.
  • The sun was shining outside but the sports offerings on the box were simply too good to pass up.
  • Never the one to pass up an opportunity for intrigue, he planted the need for an official inquiry into MI5's vetting procedures. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Time would fail to tell of that wandering path which leads to the Mine Mountain near Brattleborough, where you climb the high peak at last, and perhaps see the showers come up the Connecticut till they patter on the leaves beneath you, and then, swerving, pass up the black ravine and leave you unwet. Oldport Days
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  • What adrenaline junkie or casual active lifestyler would pass up the opportunity to relive their finest moments in HD and Ultra HD quality?
  • With my evident interest in sociobiology, this was too good a parallel to pass up, so I figured I'd try to mash together the cyberpunks with the PUAs and see what came out the other end, while addressing some interesting things I noted in Strauss's text. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Gord Sellar
  • But the striker would rather pass up history if it kept his club top. The Sun
  • It wasn't often that Murdoch truly appreciated a practical joke but Johnny's contention that they had a leprechaun or a brownie in the house was too good to pass up.
  • A differential amplifier with a band-pass up to 20 Hz was used to increase immunity to noise.
  • She came back with a wonderful portfolio of photographs, I mean really gorgeous things, and it was just too good an opportunity to pass up.
  • I'm never one to pass up a reasonably priced piece of art involving anything vaguely freakish or circusy. Archive 2003-11-01
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • The Bakufu insisted that to convey such a document direct from the Throne to a feudatory was a plain trespass upon the shogun's authority. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • I often glance to the top of my car windshield "windscreen" thinking there's going to be a compass up there, because that's where I always put my in-game directional aids. I thought we could pick up that mailbox
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or disseized, or outlawed, or banished, or any ways destroyed, nor will we pass upon him, nor will we send upon him, unless by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. The Making of Arguments
  • I won't trespass upon your time any longer.
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • Actually, make that a interrobang Harrelson said well, he didn't actually say "interrobang," but it's way too cool a word to pass up, insisting that "The A-Team" was going to be one "helluva" good movie when those question marks get erased. ‘A-Team’ Movie Still A Question Mark For Woody Harrelson » MTV Movies Blog
  • The superficial layers consist of the following: (a) Fibers which spring from the tendon of the conus arteriosus and sweep downward and toward the left across the anterior longitudinal sulcus and around the apex of the heart, where they pass upward and inward to terminate in the papillary muscles of the left ventricle; those arising from the upper half of the tendon of the conus arteriosus pass to the anterior papillary muscle, those from the lower half to the posterior papillary muscle and the papillary muscles of the septum. (b) Fibers which arise from the right atrioventricular ring and run diagonally across the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle and around its right border on to its costosternal surface, where they dip beneath the fibers just described, and, crossing the anterior longitudinal sulcus, wind around the apex of the heart and end in the posterior papillary muscle of the left ventricle. (c) Fibers which spring from the left atrioventricular ring, and, crossing the posterior longitudinal sulcus, pass successively into the right ventricle and end in its papillary muscles. V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
  • We pass up into the mountains, leaving behind the slipping margin of the most prosperous nation on earth. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • If the teacher does not personally judge, label, reject, or pass upon individuals, then mainstreaming can work.
  • My main shotgun is an 870 and I love it, but when I went to by another one to setup for deer hunting I saw a Mossberg 500 for a price I couldn't pass up. Me & My Mossberg
  • She had bought it from a designer clothes store, but it was too cute to pass up.
  • This V4 superbike by Israeli industrial designer Amir Glinik is just too beautiful to pass up. HOT BIKE | My[confined]Space
  • You'll get hit by punitive redemption fees if you cash in too early, and you'll pass up hefty loyalty and completion bonuses.
  • Instead of that, you come here now, some three years and more after the decision, seeking to have this Court pass upon it.
  • A female, whatever her age or rank may be, is invariably treated with deferential respect; and if this deference may occasionally trespass upon the limits of absurdity, or if the extinct chivalry of the past ages of Europe meets with a partial revival upon the shores of America, this extreme is vastly preferable to the _brusquerie_, if not incivility, which ladies, as The Englishwoman in America
  • I don't think you should pass up the opportunity to go to university.
  • If the hypothesis is that good practice suggests that the jury should pass upon the differentiation, then procedure just has to bend to the resolution of the question.
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • Only a fool would pass up that deal after crunching the numbers!
  • The ingredients are then absorbed by the roots, pass up through the stems, and perfuse the upper parts of the plant. 1 The Vision
  • I hope Peter Levinson doesn't mind too much if I steal his idea, but I just came across this quote, and it's too good to pass up.
  • In germination the two fleshy cotyledons of the Gingkgo remain within the shell, leaving the three-sided plumule to pass upward; the young stem bears its leaves in threes. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • Pass up the paint pot and brush.
  • Pass up any kind of tempura, fried gyoza (the Japanese version of Chinese pot stickers) or fried wonton, agedashi tofu (deep-fried tofu), nikuitame (stir-fried pork), specialty rolls (may have more ingredients than basic rolls). The Small Change Diet
  • When I got to the top of the ladder, please pass up the tools.
  • Pass up any dish with paneer (Indian cheese), korma sauce (made with cream) or coconut, any dish with malai (cream) or makhani (with butter). The Small Change Diet
  • I also see hornbills pass up small - fruited figs that would draw doves and pigeons in by the hundreds.
  • The authors of Passionate Uncertainty rarely pass up an opportunity to use ten words when two would suffice, polysyllabic words when simple ones would do, and jargon-filled blather when clarity is called for.
  • All that alpha male personification is just too wonderful to pass up. Bonds of Justice
  • And while Dooku didn't believe in luck half as much as he believed in the less random patterns of conspiracy, plot and counterplot, he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity.
  • The jump was due largely to a redefinition of karoshi to encompass up to six months of accumulated work-related stress and fatigue instead of the previous standard of just one week.
  • As the fibres of the medulla pass up through the pons to the great inferior ganglion, and the fibres of the corpus striatum pass outward and upward to form the cerebrum, this procession of the fibres is shown in the annexed engraving, in which we see the restiform bodies passing up to form the cerebellum, and the remainder of the medulla fibres passing through the pons, and then, under the name crus cerebri or thigh of the cerebrum, passing through the thalamus and striatum to expand in the left hemisphere of the cerebrum. Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887 Volume 1, Number 4
  • But why would you pass up free education that could take you places somewhere someday, even though we will never use the algebra theorems ever?
  • Anytime they post and insult, and then respond to someone poking fun at them by calling the person infantile, is too good a chance to pass up. Think Progress » Bush Responds To Snow Criticism: ‘You Should Have Seen What [He] Said About The Other Guy’
  • The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.
  • If she is so opposed to our system and way of life, why doesn't she pass up the profits, live like a pauper, and play in cafes and on street corners?
  • In the cerebral peduncle, a few of its fibers pass upward in the lateral part of the base of the peduncle, on the dorsal aspect of the temporopontine fibers, and reach the lentiform nucleus and the insula. IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
  • I also see hornbills pass up small-fruited figs that would draw doves and pigeons in by the hundreds.
  • The steps were brought to Rome in the first centuries of Christianity and are 7) reverenced still by millions of people every year, who pass up them on their knees, deep in 8)penitential prayer.
  • Don't pass up the porchetta, presented as a thick slab over a rich pork glace and topped with preserved apples.
  • I could never pass up an opportunity to razz you though, you know that.
  • He never goes to extremes and has no vices, except for the inability to pass up a bargain.
  • When I got to the top of the ladder, please pass up the tools.
  • November is also the month of seat sales and while there are people who cannot walk past a shoe store without stopping to browse, I cannot pass up a bargain flight.
  • When I got to the top of the ladder, please pass up the tools.
  • Why is it that Dems always pass up an opportunity to act with class? chris lewis DNC reacts: Palin decision 'continues a pattern of bizarre behavior'
  • And since traditional Christianity so obviously renounces this false freedom and stands against it, the opportunity to blame Tiller's death on all Christians who oppose abortion is simply too good to pass up for those who are committed to not only holding tightly to that freedom, but to expanding it ad extremum. Pope John Paul II
  • With a poem named "Europe," we should scarcely expect for a frontispiece the Ancient of Days, in unapproached grandeur, setting his "compass upon the face of the Earth," -- a vision revealed to the designer at the top of his own staircase. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 78, April, 1864
  • Given that the blogger in question goes by the nickname Polycarp, it will be obvious how many potentially striking church history-related headlines I had to pass up... The Church Of Jesus Christ Has Begun Considering The Only True God
  • We pass up into the mountains, leaving behind the slipping margin of the most prosperous nation on earth. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • When I got to the top of the ladder, please pass up the tools.
  • I also see hornbills pass up small - fruited figs that would draw doves and pigeons in by the hundreds.
  • Even throw in a few Hitler jokes since Brooks can't pass up taking at least one potshot at the villain of the millennium in each of his films. Fave Five: Comedic Horror Movies
  • Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Melanie Oudin handled singles duties — No. 1-ranked Liezel Huber anchored the doubles — in the semifinals, but Venus and Serena Williams would be hard to pass up if they are interested and available. Weekly net post: Nadal, Henin clearly back at home on clay
  • The growth dogma is the holiest of holies and occupies a completely sacrosanct, inviolable political zone that no politician would dare trespass upon. Keith Harrington: No Balanced Budget Without Independence From Wall Street
  • The hours pass upon the eastern turn my faith anew while I was interred there, until I somersaulted out of the deep waters. 42 Mirrors
  • Perhaps we can pass up the pat solution, the easy nostrum, and immerse ourselves, with gratitude, in the complexity, the unknowability, the sheer imperfectibility of our lives.
  • Some boys ended up having great college experiences, but there were avoidable tragedies, including one boy who was housed with a pedophilic coach and became a convicted criminal because of the commercial opportunity his mother found too good to pass up. Michael J. Critelli: The Good, Bad and Ugly About the Commercialization of Amateur Sports
  • Scientists call this 'bioaccumulation', contaminants becoming more concentrated as they pass up the food chain. Home | Mail Online
  • Don't pass up the chance to savour this crushed ice and fruit juice mix.
  • According to John Ralson, who apparently has some sort of Avatar-like connection to all living things in the Silver State, Berkley had been weighing the decision for a while but ultimately decided that the opportunity was too good to pass up. HUFFPOST HILL - Congress Passes Budget, Catastrophe Postponed
  • I think it's safe to assume, dealing with the Knights Templar, the Holy Grail will be involved somehow, and while not necessarily SF, the whole Grail/King Arthur/Templar mythos is just too interesting to pass up (see Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). Tube Bits for 01/22/2009
  • It was too bizarre to pass up, so I grabbed my camera and started snapping photos.
  • That is to say, such as shew themselves, not by the immediate self-evidence of the terms, but by consequences and deductions drawn from some known principle by human ratiocination or discourse, and the judgment which men use to pass upon things in the strength and light thereof. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • All the ingoing nervous impulses affect respiration through the outgoing impulses that pass along the nerves to the muscles; that is, the ingoing impulses pass up by the nerves from the lungs to the centre, and thence along other nerves to the respiratory muscles. Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • In the theory of our legal system that is a matter for a jury to pass upon, not for judges, though judges have to do it in the retrospective courts of criminal appeal.
  • The descent to the shore through these 'bottoms' is in most cases very abrupt, too much so for a cartway, or even a bridle-path; but people can pass up and down without difficulty, by the help of a few rude steps hewn here and there out of the rock. Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1
  • Those passengers sailing with the HITMEN ON THE HIGH SEAS will be given aspecial accesspass upon boarding which will enable them accessto special concerts performed byThe Hitmen of Music Row, songwriting workshop, autograph sessions, and a Q & Asession. 2008 » July » Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • At no moment does he pass up the chance of a cheap sneer or a jeer.
  • If a bargain is too good to pass up, be prepared that there may be a catch. Yolanda Reid Chassiakos: Big Box Prescription Bargains -- Less Than Meets the Eye?

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