How To Use Pashtu In A Sentence
That was the Pashtun talking, the soft-hearted, generous, ruthless Pashtun.
As an ethnic Pashtun living in a village near Herat, he fled the approach of the Tajik and Hazara forces which captured the city.
During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.
In Pashtun terms splitting the family in this way was almost unthinkable.
KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
The dominant form of Sunni Islam among Pakistan's non-Pashtun population is the Barelvi movement, which accommodates many of the rites and practices of Sufism.
For centuries the Pashtun tribesmen had used this when on a raid, to approach a house or pass through towns.
Languages: Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8%
As in the restive south and east of Afghanistan, the agencies are populated by self-ruling Pashtun tribes for whom war has been a way of life for centuries.
Inevitably, this will mean incorporating some of the Taliban and their mostly Pashtun supporters into the political fold.
Our 100,000-strong, combat-heavy presence alienates Pashtuns, aids in Taliban recruitment, incurs unsustainable costs to our economy and prevents prioritization of more effective, troop-light, counter-strategies.
Rep. Mike Honda: U.S. Defense Industry Preventing Effective Strategies in Afghanistan
The truth about the Taliban death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
Afghanistan Islam Ramazan Mubarak islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar - Photown News
Afghanistan emerged as a country of sorts only in the mid-18th century, and a case can be made that with the slow-motion dissolution of the former Soviet empire in Central Asia, and the gradual weakening of the Pakistani state, a historic realignment is now taking place that could see Afghanistan disappear on the political map: in the future, for example, the Hindu Kush could form a border between Pashtunistan and a Greater Tajikistan.
Man Versus Afghanistan
Pashto Pashto also known as Pakhto, Pushto, Pukhto, Pashtoe, Pashtu, Pushtu or Pushtoo is a language spoken by Pashtuns living in Afghanistan and western Pakistan. » Afghan
Here, we are all of the same tribe, " said a young Pashtun poet and journalist. He had a flimsy beard and eyes the colour of honey.
Afghanistan - Kandahar gay capital of PashtunTaliban afghanistan afghanistani khorasan kabul kabuli afghani karzai taliban - Photown News
PakistanPunjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8%
Here, we are all of the same tribe, " said a young Pashtun poet and journalist. He had a flimsy beard and eyes the colour of honey.
In an unprecedented de facto recognition of Pashtun independence, Britain agreed that the clansmen could have their own arms factories.
Ethnic tribes that still hold on to the dream of a unified Pashtun nation refuse to recognize what they call an "arbitrary line".
Attacks Continue on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border
Based on eyewitness accounts, the report described how Pashtun villages were attacked after being disarmed by local militia commanders.
The monarchy has its roots in the tribal leadership among the country's Pashtun majority in the south.
Pashtun in the northern regions of Afghanistan enjoy buzkashi, or ‘goat pulling,’ a game in which men on horseback compete for possession of a dead goat or calf.
Ali is a good man, called by Ruddock a Pakistani from Quetta though he, his wife and his children speak unaccented Farsi like other Afghan Hazaras and neither Urdu nor Pashtu, the languages of Quetta.
Sitting in a Peshawar café one day, the two Pashtun leaders broke into English when referring to the technicalities of the operation.
Iran-Israel Conflict a Growing Concern I was watching another youtubers video and grabed a screen-shot to show you, it says the Iran bomber drone is aimed at Israel. death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
We have learned, according to a source inside of Kandahar, that a meeting called a shura, a meeting of tribal elders of a Pashtun tribe called the Norzai met together last night and had decided that one of Mullah Mohammed Omar -- the spiritual leader of the Taliban -- one of Mullah Omar's deputies would become the chief administrator of the city of Kandahar.
CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2001
Pashto Pashto also known as Pakhto, Pushto, Pukhto, Pashtoe, Pashtu, Pushtu or Pushtoo is a language spoken by Pashtuns living in Afghanistan and western Pakistan. » Afghan
The Taliban's promise - in Pashtun areas straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan - was to restore peace and security and enforce their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law, once in power.
The new minister is openly defending the interests of the Pashtun society and believes that the external fighting being waged from the border areas and Afghanistan can be settled through traditional "jirga" (negotiations) that bring together the government, elders and clerics and civil society.
Pakistan Shifts the War on Terrorism
At the same time, each of the four delegations present includes Pashtun representation.
A Pashtun man swore his undying support for the Taliban.
KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
The bulk of local people were from the same Pashtun tribal stock as the Afghans of Kandahar and Jalalabad, and they felt close cultural and tribal affinity with those over the border.
America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom Coin depends.
Second, it is misleadingfor Westernstrategists to refer to the people in Afghanistan as "Afghanis," inasmuch as they are Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hezaras, Uzbeks, Aimaks, and Turkmen, each of whom have little in common with the others.
Absurd Rhetoric: Violations of Common Sense
Elphinstone claimed the institution existed only among the daman tribes, the Sulaiman Khels of Katawaz, and other Ghalzi Pashtuns.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
The Pashtuns are, famously, the largest tribal society in the world.
During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.