
[ US /ˈpæsk/ ]
  1. the Christian festival of Easter
  2. the Jewish feast of the Passover
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How To Use Pasch In A Sentence

  • Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.
  • Placed on the plate are a roasted egg to signify rebirth in spring, karpas (parsley) to signify the springtime, a roasted lamb shank to signify the paschal sacrifice that Jews used to offer in the ancient Temple, maror (a bitter herb, such as horseradish) to signify the bitterness of slavery, and Chazeret, a second bitter herb to represent the bitterness. Happy Passover פֶּסַח
  • In this connexion we may recall the canonization of Charles by the antipope Paschal III in 1165, which, of course, never possessed validity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The Easter lily was the medieval pas-flower, from Latin passus, to step or pass over, cognate of pascha, the Passover. Archive 2008-10-01
  • What will become of the little machos who already play the Pascha in kindergarten and grade school?
  • Whatever the heavenly pascha commands must be right since he is the pascha. Evolution and Liberal Christianity
  • Paschal, in response to this criticism and schismatis et discordiae metuens, recanted his decision to allow Bruno to be both abbot and bishop at once and compelled him to return to Segni. 15 If Bruno had seen the abbacy of Monte Cassino as placing him closer to the papacy, this certainly put an end to that ambition. Hamilton: "A Liturgy of Reform"
  • The Alleluia chant Pascha Nostrum is one of the most elaborate I've seen the books, a full three lines of notes that cover only five words: Pascha nostrum immolatus est Chistus, that is, Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed. Varieties of Gregorian Chant
  • For the French, a roast leg of lamb, the gigot pascal (pascal and the English paschal refer equally to the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter), is the traditional Easter Sunday lunch.
  • His treatise Paulina de recta Paschae celebratione, deeply indebted to Roger Bacon's Opus majus of 1267, compelled his friend Copernicus to expand research on the sun and moon, resulting in the development of the heliocentric system. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
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