
  1. any of a group of viruses containing DNA in an icosahedral protein shell and causing disease in dogs and cattle; not known to be associated with any human disease
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How To Use parvovirus In A Sentence

  • Effective vaccines exist for a number of animal parvoviruses.
  • Some illnesses that are common among house pets - such as distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms - can't be transmitted to humans.
  • Puppies should be vaccinated against distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and rabies.
  • The HL-01 isolate of canine parvovirus was propagated on F81 cell. And identified by the haem agglutination test(HA) and haem agglutination inhibition test(HI).
  • And why such poor preventive medical practices when the most easily avoidable animal disease, parvovirus, is so rampant in our shelters? Gary Weitzman, DVM: Saving Puppies
  • Rasochova detailed her work with cowpeas in developing vaccines against animal parvoviruses.
  • However most pregnant women with parvovirus infection have normal, healthy babies and most pregnant women are not at risk for parvovirus infection because of immunity.
  • Puppies should be vaccinated against distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and rabies.
  • •The five breeds with the highest relative proportion of death from gastrointestinal causes including parvovirus and gastric dilation and volvulus syndrome — known as bloat were Great Dane, Gordon setter, Akita, Shar-pei and Weimeraner. Diseases that kill dogs tend to affect specific breeds
  • PCV2 was later isolated from lesions of affected pigs and the first experimental reproduction of PMWS clinical signs and lesions was completed using PCV2 and porcine parvovirus (PPV) co-infection in gnotobiotic pigs. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
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