How To Use Party line In A Sentence
Perhaps it comes straight out of that party line dictionary that was written in a smoke-filled room in Sevastapol Street by the same faceless Provo apparatchik who a few years back advocated the practically endless use of the term 'securocrat'.
Archive 2009-01-01
No senator crossed party lines in the voting.
Saying McCain flip-flops is a good thing – it means he analyzes the issue and votes based on the facts as they are presented at that time, rather than towing the party line.
McCain will again question Obama's judgment
The obvious worry is that the site will come under the control of the prime minister's press spokesman and therefore become little more than an extension of the Party line.
Again, my ideas on how promoting principles in politics would be achieved is sketchy, this is something that would be hard as it goes against one of the main aims of politics – toeing the party line.
My Response To Power 2010: BBC Bias and Principled Politicians « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…

What remains ultimately worrisome is the way theological liberalism has congealed into an ideology, an ideology that will brook no opposition to the party line.
Yeah, because I don't buy into Dan Brownian theories -- such as they are -- I'm "credulous," and toeing the "party line.
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Opinions on bombing the Serbs cut across party lines
Many can only parrot the party line.
Times, Sunday Times
It's almost as if people feel the need to apologize if they don't follow some party line.
Lefty blogs love to 'disemvowel' commenters for varying too far from the party line, be it Iraq, climate change, or the One.
Nicole Belle embarrasses herself with a childishly written, dishonest smear.
Her speech deviated little from the official party line.
Meanwhile, Republican Sunder Ramani has run a Scott Brown style campaign: energizing the Republican base while appealing to Democratic and Decline to State voters as a "non partisan" problem solver who can reach across party lines to solve problems in "gridlocked" Sacramento.
The California Majority Report
He refused to toe the party line.
What is the party line on the development in the society of knowledge economy?
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.
Davies, though clearly parroting out the Labour party line, was much stronger than Duncan, whose fits of giggles and simpering "harrumph" responses were quite cringemaking.
Alan Duncan Wins the Newsnight Battle with Quentin Davies
Booth angered conservative Republicans by openly opposing the party line.
We have seen people wrestle honestly with real issues rather than come out with glib answers or a party line.
Times, Sunday Times
The more our media toes the ANC party line and offers no investigation or resistance, the more we are left with a true one-party state, unquestioned, unchallenged and unanswerable to its people.
Everybody's a pal in lovable old Washington, and they are at their chummiest when they are crossing party lines and getting together on issues in the pragmatic and postpartisan way that all enlightened people know they should.
Gangs of D.C.
Alfred is a simon-pure Republican, rocked in his cradle to the stirring rhythms of G.O.P. speeches, grown to a man sure to vote the party line.
Such ideological conflicts overlap traditional party lines and erode traditional party loyalties.
Her speech deviated little from the official party line.
Ministers who wouldn't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of.
We have seen people wrestle honestly with real issues rather than come out with glib answers or a party line.
Times, Sunday Times
Some MPs refused to follow / toe the party line on defence.
The movement for ballot initiatives has cut across party lines.
There is no "party line" in feminism, there is no "feminist rule-book."
We should associate it with birthday parties and ball games, not sloganeering and party lines.
Readers have forwarded us links to the kind of buried stories departing from the media's party line that we usually flag.
Party members oversaw the work of a commune to ensure that decisions followed the correct party line.
This of course is a rare quality to find in journalists these days you excepted of course Joanna! as the modern media man or woman is content to regurgitate the 'party line' dressed up in all sorts of buzz word condiments trying to make their tabloid more palatable than the opposition.
And readers of this blog...
The real lesson is that the euro-bailout party line is still treated as uncontestable, even in a party that calls itself liberal.
Challenging Frau Merkel
With nonsensical answerless riddles, and preposterous double-speak as the daily party line.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush as the 'Mad Hatter'
Surely you can see that the anti-intellectual strain in this country reduces ‘debate’ to silly barracking for one party line or the other.
So where does ABC News get off, on World News Tonight, with 11 million or so viewers watching, putting what amounts to a government apparatchik on TV, and then presenting his government-approved position as the "strongest argument for staying in Iraq," when in fact that government apparatchik is giving the party line lest his career be ended, and everybody knows that?
The chairman warn the senator to toe the party line while running for the governor.
The Conservative majority was trimmed to a wafer-thin level with many members absent from last night's meeting and three Tories breaking ranks with the party line.
Also, those who implement the party line at the local level are not always "imbibed" in the Marxist- Leninist ideology.
Archive 2006-08-01
Successful propagandists must also discourage dissenters who might disrupt the party line.
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.
Though the language he used was different, his alarm at deviationism and his insistence on adherence to the party line mirrored the Stalinist culture in which he operated for so long.
His efforts to connect on economic policy have been muddied by an ideological incoherence that once served as his greatest strength in appealing to voters across party lines.
Many can only parrot the party line.
Times, Sunday Times
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.
MZ Hutchinson has never once swerved from the party line.
Think Progress » Hutchison Flip-Flops on Importance of Perjury
What we need now is a reconciler, a uniter ... one who can reach across party lines and collaborate.
Clinton up with new ad starring Easley
Rebel against the party line and the usually dreary office thrash will become a real glam ball.
From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
Leaving judgement to a parliamentary committee invites a decision on party lines.
Her speech deviated little from the official party line.
At times certain Euro cultures deviated from the standard (the French during the 1600's are no exception) but - on the whole, the party line trotted out is so far from the truth; And, if nobody bathed, why did the victorians turn out such beautiful marble washtstands basins and pitchers for this purpose?
Modest Active Wear
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.
Others see him as a statesman, who does not let party lineation get in the way of doing what must be done.
What's a Republican Troll To Do?
There is no military justification for these measures, no matter how much sycophantic generals parrot the party line and try to blind public opinion with technicalities.
Bloggers are also free to give their own opinions, rather than toe the party line in the way that some journalists have to.
His voluminous writings became scripture defining the party line and the correct view of history.
As we digest the probability that the House of Commons will vote to ratify the EU Constitution without a single shred of democratic legitimacy, even the Guardian, which can normally be relied upon to peddle the Party Line in as psittacine a manner as it can manage, has felt moved to object to the present undemocratic outrage being perpetrated by Labour.
Archive 2008-01-20
Indeed, stepping over the party line on this subject can result in ostracism, opprobrium and banishment to career Siberias.
Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.
You think ASAP is just a bunch of politicos who just follow party line.
Report - Don't Extend Shuttle Program - NASA Watch
Things as septics systems and non party lines and driving whilly nilly all over the place were about 15 years away.
Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
You have to tow the party line to get the nomination, even though that \'party line\ 'is so far out of the mainstream.'
Stuck Between Iraq and a Hard Place
Everyone understands politicians are under pressure to disingenuously parrot the party line, but unlike lawyers, their dissembling is never ethically required.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
In public hearings, parliamentarians debated the issues, and not always along strict party lines.
Legislative whips from across party lines promised the speaker they would ask their colleagues not to use foreign languages on the legislative floor.
Yet the House has just approved it, on a virtual party line vote, ending the recent spirit of bipartisan cooperation in Congress.
I think there's a special bond of friendship that crosses party lines.
From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
The conflict thus established, gradually but surely sectionalizing party lines, was as inevitable as it was irrepressible.
"Marse Henry" : an autobiography,
In the early days of Operation Iraqi Disaster, I engaged in some fact-based blog discussion with what can only be described as a hard-right, neo-fascist group of truly wacky self-described “veterans”, who took my dissention from the party line as a clear case of Treason, and Anti-Americanism.
Waldo Jaquith - High-profile bloggers planning code of conduct.
They're too robotic and inflexible - too dependent on having a single party line to defend - the simpler, the better.
From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
Just as dodecaphony never followed a monolithic party line, neither did neoclassicism.
The chairman warned the senator to toe the party line while running for the governor.
Modern technologies have further narrowed the parameters of discreetness: Remember those rotary phones with the party lines and the nosy neighbor who would listen in?
The chairman warn the senator to toe the party line while running for the governor.
The House voted 55-42 along party lines to strip Daniel G. LeBlanc from a measure confirming Mr. Kaine's 34 agency head appointments and his chief of staff. linkOf course, Governor Kaine reacts with what can only be described as inanity:
From On High
Cheney, whose 34-year-old daughter, Mary, is a lesbian, has veered from the Republican party line on gay marriage, saying he is opposed to a federal ban on the practice.
The coelenterate system would correspond to a telephone net - work in which all subscribers are on a single party line, so that any call from one to another rouses every one of the subscribers, who are then free to listen and probably do.
The Human Brain
E. used to have the best job a gossip could hope for - telephone operator in a small town in the days of party lines.
I can tell members that the committee divided clearly on party lines.
This may induce more Tory refuseniks to vote against the scheme, but even if the party line was to oppose rather than abstain, it would still be approved because of Labour's large majority.
The chairman warned the senator to toe the party line while running for the governor.
Some MPs refused to follow / toe the party line on defence.
Some of the most interesting speakers in the Commons debates were those who diverged slightly from party lines.
It was not until the director was himself on the point of being adjudicated bankrupt that the ‘party line’ changed to an assertion that the company owned the intellectual property rights.
He won in a vote along party lines
The second is a measure of the depth and severity of partisan cleavage, reflected in attitudes toward marriage across party lines.
It is a deviation from the party line, but a murmur of assent goes up.
This magneto is the type of small generator incorporated in early telephones, and was used to ring telephone bells at the central office and on the subscriber's party line.
He was always careful to toe the party line.
They claimed that I was just following the party line or that ministerial office had bought me off (which to anyone involved in Westminster is clearly nonsense).
Ministers who wouldn't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of.
He is a man of determination and enthusiasm, whose integrity and will power have crossed party lines.
From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
Japan's antitax movement is gaining traction beyond party lines.
Potential Japan Premier Candidate Calls on BOJ to Underwrite Debt
April 28th, 2008 5: 38 pm ET if obama accepts rove's advice, would he be willing to cross party lines, and give obama his endorsement? rove is probably trying to influence the nomination process, but, who cares?
Rove tells Obama how to win
You have to tow the party line to get the nomination, even though that \'party line\ 'is so far out of the mainstream.'
Stuck Between Iraq and a Hard Place