How To Use Partisanship In A Sentence
I think what we really need is a bipartisanship approach to healthcare.
We are seeing a trend towards greater press partisanship.
But if football people can only have one, then when they set partisanship aside, they go for beauty.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
A material witness statute was enacted in 1984 in a bipartisanship effort to codify common law in this area.
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Actually, it is rank partisanship of the most unseemly kind.
Is Obama really ready to engage in bipartisanship?
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: NYT Slaps Obama For Failure to Reach Across the Aisle. (Sigh.)
On the budget, there's really been no bipartisanship at all.
Dinesh: [i] also, understand, that [the liberal] 's record of prognostication is shot. your credibility has been compromised by your sheer partisanship.
Sound Politics: Gnashing of Democratic Teeth Begins
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
The general praised both men for their strong bipartisanship on defense issues.
BASH: Senator McCain said that he wants to end what he calls hyper partisanship and he gave some details on how he would intend to do that.
CNN Transcript May 15, 2008
He would not stand for bias, political partisanship or manipulation.
Hutchinson, with a vast conceit of her superior holiness and with the ugly censoriousness which is a usual accompaniment of that grace, demonstrated her genius for mixing a theological controversy with personal jealousies and public anxieties, and involved the whole colony of the Bay in an acrimonious quarrel, such as to give an unpleasant tone of partisanship and ill temper to the proceedings in her case, whether ecclesiastical or civil.
A History of American Christianity
But the unmistakable impression is that they are now putting short-term partisanship ahead of good policy by trying to make the House ungovernable.
But, like Logan, we need to put aside wedge politics, personal rancor and bitter partisanship to act on behalf of the nation.
Senators Cornyn and Reid should both just sit down, cool off, and allow the plain meanings of law, unstrained by the casuistry of lawyers or by the pulls of partisanship to provide guidance in these two cases. —
Republican Leader Threatens to Block Seating of Franken - The Caucus Blog -
Kilgore argues that the implication of this is that there are two models of bipartisanship when it comes to health care reform: Congressional bipartisanship, and what he calls grassroots bipartisanship.
Daily Kos
(Some of Rosen's own prose owes much of its own perdurability to its essayistic qualities, that is, to its partisanship and unfairness: one example might be Rosen's dislike of Mahler.)
Adoring Adorno
He doesn't allow partisanship to affect the main body of his work on international trade and monetary policy; he confines his misstatements to areas he doesn't know much about, like energy economics.
But it is political partisanship, not peace, that he has been involved in all these years.
Times, Sunday Times
You won't be able to support businesses that fund this kind of fraudulent and unbalanced partisanship.
It was no less than little Mikey Steele the head of the RNC that stated "bi-partisanship is over-rated".
Obama defends $787B stimulus bill
It is still about the search for victory; it is still about partisanship, drama and excellence.
Times, Sunday Times
He should be true to his promise of delivering a'new kind of politics' by eschewing cheap partisanship and presenting original ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
This bipartisanship allowed Howard to recover sufficient electoral support to retain office for a third term.
But it requires effort and a willingness to encourage faction and partisanship; things the Labour Party has lost.
There are Republicans who just call themselves undeclared; the name masks some degree of partisanship.
Romney Is Luring Undeclared Voters
Evan Bayh has been around long enough to know that partisanship is normal part of the process," said Nathan Gonzalez, political editor for the Rothenberg Political Report.
Bayh's decision surprises some, but not all
The Democratic leadership and the liberal intelligentsia seemed pathetic and exhausted, wedded to musty ideals of bipartisanship and decorousness.
Jay Rosen: Printing Press Progressives at Mother Jones Try to Debunk the Political Web
HENRY: There's also political risk for Democrats if they appear to be dawdling which is why they're also sounding a rare note of bipartisanship.
CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
The truly important distinctions, Vallicella insists, are between politics and partisanship, on the one hand, and between the vita activa and vita contemplativa on the other.
Why intellectuals are political
The partisanship has even reduced their efficacy as a binding force of our nation.
He should be true to his promise of delivering a'new kind of politics' by eschewing cheap partisanship and presenting original ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
For as much as I reject the demo mentality, I also despair at the apolitical bipartisanship of our national mainstream parties.
The president - elect has brandished his reputation for non - partisanship and for a willingness to negotiate.
Partisanship as practiced in Europe has its strengths - vigor and forthrightness, among them.
We saw a lot of fraying of bipartisanship this week.
His politics were based on loyal partisanship.
We say that what the country needs is bipartisanship -- well we know that the GOP in incapable of doing it so we have to lead by example and help them to fake it until they make it.
Obama on Lieberman - Swampland -
Obama made the stimulus a cornerstone of his economic recovery plan even before he took office, but his calls for bipartisanship were an early casualty.
They were able to avert the bipartisanship crisis and come together to restore the faith of everyone working in the local media industry.
While they continue to counsel caution and bipartisanship on the part of Democrats, other senators are leaping into action.
The governor keeps saying he wants a new era of bipartisanship, he wants to take the high road.
While he did throw in digs to partisanship “from both sides,” most of his examples – the debt commission, for example – were from the Republican side of the aisle.
Matthew Yglesias » Bayh Calls for Filibuster Reform
Her ageism is a misdirected bold strike at partisanship.
Alex Koroknay-Palicz: Ann Coulter's Ageism Will Doom the Republican Party
It is still about the search for victory; it is still about partisanship, drama and excellence.
Times, Sunday Times
He also was criticized for failure to exercise good judgment and creating the appearance of partisanship.
My point here is simply that the President's apparent obsession with "bipartisanship" or even "post-partisanship" is the problem or anywheres near the problem that other Democrats are.
Some frustrated thoughts on bipartisanship
So, in the spirit of bipartisanship (there are plenty of nitwits in both parties), here are some points for discussion.
We have continued to see a general spirit of bipartisanship, though not on every single issue.
James Madison in the Federalist Papers pointed out that what he called faction -- the word we would use now is maybe "ultrapartisanship" -- can stir passions that come about because of relatively small differences, and then can unleash an amount of energy that is seemingly out of all proportion to the cause of the disagreement.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: CNN/"Los Angeles Times" Host Democratic Presidential Debate - March 1, 2000
This consultation is a check on partisanship because at any particular time federal and provincial governments are led by different political parties.
The Canada Pension Promise: Maintaining Trust with Canadians
I think that kind of deflates some of the partisanship claims that the Palin people are arguing.
Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 10/10/08
The word "bipartisanship" is used by the GOP for the express purpose of avoiding behaving in a bipartisan manner.
FAQ: Wall Street reform bill
Don't let media hype mix with any bias or partisanship you already might have - make your own decisions.
I expect the evidence will show that the certification did not reflect the will of the voters and that a revote is necessary," Partisanship aside, I agree that an election should be nullified when there's no way of knowing whether the result is legitimate.
Sound Politics: Rush Holt should have spoken up two years ago
It would not necessarily foster the kind of mealy-mouth bipartisanship that some of you are concerned about.
Mayor Bloomberg: "There is a partisanship that has paralyzed our country."
The unabashed display of political partisanship certainly added some spice to an otherwise lackluster campaign.
That being said, if bias can be divorced momentarily from the partisanship engineered by K Street: what do you think on the fact that for the first time in history the House leadership is coming from a city on the Pacific?
Sound Politics: What It Means
In an election filled with partisanship and strong anti-incumbent feelings, viewers will see the race through the lens of incumbencies: which incumbents have fallen, when they were elected, the nationwide impact and more.
CNN's Election Night Will Be Full Of Mindbending Technological Overkill
The vote transcended party divisions, in notable contrast to the acrimonious partisanship that preceded the climactic moment.
For as much as I reject the demo mentality, I also despair at the apolitical bipartisanship of our national mainstream parties.
He has studiously avoided partisanship.
Times, Sunday Times
The main obstacle is not partisanship, but individualism.
Open partisans showing open partisanship is much less objectionable than quiet partisans hiding behind objectivity.
Who should Obama campaign for next? | RedState
But even if we can't completely write off Bloomberg's candidacy, just yet, we can definitely disabuse ourselves of the notion that a Bloomberg presidency will achieve what the pundit class will inevitably claim a Bloomberg presidency will achieve: the successful alteration of the "tone" in "Washington" and the ushering in of an era of paradisical bipartisanship.
Bloomberg In 2012? Even If You Can't Write Off The Candidacy, You Can Dismiss The Presidency
That was before the rise of shout TV and the hardening of partisanship and the growing attempts by each side to demonize the other.
How can we reconcile the low frequency of expressions of emotional involvement in election campaigns with the high frequency of antagonistic partisanship?
I guess bi-partisanship is just yet another Washington myth.
Republicans celebrate April Fools by praising Obama
They are the very basest form of scum-scraping partisanship and they should be covered as such by respectable new organizations.
Obama speech to school children: 'You make your own future'
Since these are interviews with the same people at different points in time, we can be confident that the emergence of the religiosity divide has entailed some individual-level change, as churchgoing and partisanship have come into alignment.
American Grace
The Ashes had been a wonderful experience, unforgettable in terms of drama and partisanship.
Times, Sunday Times
Even with stringent controls for partisanship and ideology, multiple regression analyses show that the press had a significant influence on preferences.
It will only become a drawback if the habits of partisanship have become ingrained.
Times, Sunday Times
He vowed to shut failing charter schools, and pushed back against what he predicted would be "reflexive partisanship" to a push for charters, which he described as a grass-roots, statewide movement.
More Charters On Tap in N.J.
The transportation secretary is a former congressman known for bipartisanship and candor.
When you understand Illinois politics, Obama’s emphasis on “bipartisanship” takes on a sinister air, since in Illinois the central faultline undermining the commonweal is not Republican vs. Democrat but Politician vs. Public.
Another San Francisco Poster Boy Crack Dealer…
Some will say that we've been experiencing an inexorable slide towards greater partisanship since then.
In one essay, he turns his fire on the prim consensus that political partisanship is a bad thing.
Times, Sunday Times
But there's nothing like partisanship to rev up the faithful, so the president and friends are framing Republicans as tools of big business.
The republican idea of bipartisanship is we are the minority party but we should have a major role in crafting legislation.
DeMint defends GOP opposition to current Wall St. bill
Between the two, we are buffeted by profit, partisanship and passions.
He has studiously avoided partisanship.
Times, Sunday Times
They WANT bipartisanship but what they offer is a "subtraction" from what Obama wants and an "addition" of NOTHING!!!
First on the CNN Ticker: RNC slams Obama in first TV ad
Until the president starts doing something more olive-branchy than pushing for the confirmation of John Bolton and renominating a slate of far-right judges, Rove will continue to fit just fine within the Bush administration's brand of bipartisanship.
November 2006
Have you heard about the new national political organization called a ragtag collection of journalists, pundits, and politicians who claim they support civility in campaigning and bipartisanship in government.
Crooks and Liars
But, as in the case of his father, that would have been less a gesture of bipartisanship than an act of political suicide.
In one essay, he turns his fire on the prim consensus that political partisanship is a bad thing.
Times, Sunday Times
But there is a longer term factor, a creepy bipartisanship in an era characterized by partisan rancor, that is conspiring to keep this most important of issues off the campaign trail.
Jonathan Weiler: Deafening Silence: Why Our Ongoing Wars Are Not a Campaign Issue
But given the partisanship and intense provincialism of the Czech Republic, any president who bucks the system and is as cosmopolitan as Havel would face difficulties.
i wonder if the members of the BAS are the same people that sit on the Nobel Peace Prize committee. that would explain a lot.yeah. i'm a skeptic. and its got nothing to do with 'partisanship' and everything to do with reality.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
The amiable but essentially conservative bipartisanship that had the notables of each incoming administration palavering happily in her dining room hadn't yet numbed the Post's spinal nerve.
At a Christian Science Monitor breakfast hours before the summit, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich urged Republicans to engage in "principled, responsible, bipartisanship.
Summit settled little but showed a lot
At a battery factory in Michigan this past week, he urged Americans to pressure members of Congress to stop what he called partisanship and gridlock that he said have undermined public confidence.
Obama Weathers Criticisms on Leadership, Economic Policies
I think McCain evinced much more bipartisanship during the campaign than Obama.
In Bipartisan Appeal, Obama Praises McCain and Powell - The Caucus Blog -
Meanwhile, over at the office that was, until late last year, inhabited by the face of parliamentary hyperpartisanship, Peter Van Loan - then, of course, the Government House Leader - nearly decupled in 2007, and went even higher the next year.
His politics were based on loyal partisanship.
But from reading the documentation of this history, the impression is not one of fragmented partisanship or sectionalism.
This is why Obama is right to value bipartisanship, even if he doesn't manage to win a single Republican vote — and even if he doesn't need any to enact his legislative program.
Conservatives, moderates, and progressives who value democracy - and we need all of them - need to embed their partisanship into this long, long-term effort.
For quite some time I have felt that, as a Republican said, bipartisanship is political date rape.
Health Care Costs Today
The president - elect has brandished his reputation for non - partisanship and for a willingness to negotiate.
To cadge an opening from NPR's 'This American Life,' the theme of this morning's top stories is bipartisanship -- whether the two parties like it or not.
Wonkbook: Bipartisanship -- whether the two parties like it or not
How can we reconcile the low frequency of expressions of emotional involvement in election campaigns with the high frequency of antagonistic partisanship?
McCain complained that while every single major reform bill that's been passed in the history of this country has been bipartisan ... there's no bipartisanship here.
GOP rips Senate health care timeline
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
In that country, apparently, no such bipartisanship is apparently possible.
(This fetish for on-the-other-handism translates to a fetish for applauding bipartisanship as a virtue and partisanship as an evil, as if one can always split the difference to find truth.)
It favors pragmatic solutions over political partisanship and centrist positions over extreme ideology.
At these sites, while the partisanship is spirited, it always remains secondary to finding out what is really going on.
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
If Obama turns his back on the Republicans and blatantly foregoes bipartisanship just so he can mollify his base, he, along with the rest of the Dems, will regret it!!!!
Clinton's advice to Obama: Forget about Republicans
Is Obama really ready to engage in bipartisanship?
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: NYT Slaps Obama For Failure to Reach Across the Aisle. (Sigh.)
I agree with a great deal of what impolitical writes but I can't get past the Liberals right-or-wrong partisanship.
Must. Read.
But, like Logan, we need to put aside wedge politics, personal rancor and bitter partisanship to act on behalf of the nation.
HENRY: There's also risks political risks for Democrats if they appear to be dawdling, which is why they're also sounding a rare note of bipartisanship.
CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2008
It will only become a drawback if the habits of partisanship have become ingrained.
Times, Sunday Times
In one essay, he turns his fire on the prim consensus that political partisanship is a bad thing.
Times, Sunday Times
All in all, just the Newt's way of working the media so that if he doesn't get another chance at further damaging our country with political partisanship and using Sarah's coattail to get there he'll send Sarah as the substitue "malleable" obstructionist - scary indeed.
Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
The word "bipartisanship" doesn't what it did when Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill worked out a deal to save Social Security back when it really was in danger.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Weiner vs. Bayh: Which One's A Bigger Scandal?
Typically, therefore, his videos are repudiated with a sober resolve, one that usually rises above partisanship.
ROFL! ROFL ! Approval ratings and'bipartisanship'equate to competency in the current geopolitical arena?
Republican men were threatened by the Woman Movement's profession of moral politics and nonpartisanship, while suffragists often acted in political ways that created division within their ranks.
And Feinstein, 62, has been aggressive in calling media attention to her bipartisanship.
The intransigence is all from the right - so much for bipartisanship.
Did Obama have a good 2009?
The thing about partisanship is that it needs to be earned, not given freely.
First on the CNN Ticker: RNC slams Obama in first TV ad
Americans understood that leaders of their government had abused the powers of office, and they saw that we had transcended partisanship to investigate those abuses and had rallied public support for dramatic and far-reaching changes to the way our intelligence agencies work.
The Good Fight
And to advocate independence and freedom, oppose autocracy and manacle, its liberalism of transcend partisanship aroused widespread social concern.
This style has been reinforced by the values of partisanship and collective leadership of the Cabinet.
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
The issue of partisanship aside, gerrymandering is offensive on its own.
Matthew Yglesias » Little Evidence to Support Gerrymandering-Polarization Link
We will continue to put political partisanship to one side to govern in the longterm interests of the country.
The Sun
The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
However, the charges of lefty partisanship seemed misguided; the movie we made criticizes Barack Obama for tailoring himself a State Senate district, Nancy Pelosi for opposing redistricting reform in California, the Democratic party for using black voters to "sandbag" white Democratic districts in the South, and opens with a clip of Ronald Reagan decrying Democratic gerrymanders!
Jeff Reichert: You Can't Please Everyone
She'd stoked the partisan passions of her audience - even as she'd sounded an above-partisanship note of concern about the state of the Republic.
Associated Press The group has raised more than $1 million to seed its effort against what it calls hyper-partisanship.
Aiming for the Political Middle
In just a few hundred words, his article combines smears, factoids and plain foolishness in a thick stew of slavish political partisanship.
Archive 2009-08-01
I think the people of this country would really love to see some genuine bipartisanship.
Indeed, since the Supreme Court handed the presidency to Bush the watchwords of the Democratic Party have been bipartisanship and reconciliation.
The House will be under narrow control of the GOP, with a majority delivered by a fresh crop of outsider candidates for whom "bipartisanship" is code for selling out.
ABC News: Top Stories
All in all, just the Newt's way of working the media so that if he doesn't get another chance at further damaging our country with political partisanship and using Sarah's coattail to get there he'll send Sarah as the substitue "malleable" obstructionist - scary indeed.
Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
They absolutely reject what they call partisanship and what I would call respect for readers and their legitimate interests.
Firedoglake » Pull Up a Chair…
Indeed the poisonous partisanship of present politics present a pernicious paradigm of parsimony preventing perspicacity from penetrating the public piazza of … of …. oh, poo!
Think Progress » Fox News VP: We ‘hope’ Palin will be ‘polarizing’ as a Fox News contributor.
Zero-sum budgets bring out the worst mix of balderdash and partisanship among politicians.
Governor Spitzer accusing his opponents and critics of what he called hyper - partisanship, fear mongering and being anti-immigrant.
CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2007