How To Use Particulate matter In A Sentence
The Cummins 6. 7-liter Turbo Diesel engine uses a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to virtually eliminate particulate matter emissions and an adsorber catalyst to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) by as much as 90 percent, in order to meet stringent 2010.5 diesel emissions requirements.
The 2009 Dodge Ram Heavy Duty's 6. 7-liter turbodiesel engine uses a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to virtually eliminate particulate matter emissions and an adsorber catalyst to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) by as much as 90 percent, making Dodge the only manufacturer to meet stringent 2010 emissions standards - today.
The Cummins 6. 7-liter Turbo Diesel engine uses a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) to virtually eliminate particulate matter emissions and an adsorber catalyst to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) by as much as 90 percent, in order to meet stringent 2010.5 diesel emissions requirements.
Automotive Headlines
As snow falls, it picks up whatever chemicals and particulate matter are in the atmosphere.
So here in normally lovely Marin, we are blanketed with smoke thick with particulate matter, blown in courtesy of offshore winds that are fanning the flames of a fire out of control up in Yolo county.
The District's urban forest improves air quality by removing nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter.
Myriads of old cars, beat-up buses and superannuated trucks asphyxiate urban areas with their deadly exhaust, while the dirty two-stroke engines that power small vehicles emit ten times as much fine particulate matter as modern cars.
We found high concentrations of CPP516 in surficial sediments and particulate matter collected in sediment traps.
City traffic is a significant source of pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, particulate matter, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
The country's heavy use of unwashed coal results in large emissions of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter.
Figure 2 shows the emissions of particulate matter from fuelwood use in Bergen, divided by urban district.
Aluminum is derived in a process that produces air pollutants (e.g., particulates and gaseous fluorides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter).
Biliary sludge is a mixture of particulate matter and bile, and it may stimulate microlithiasis.
Indoor air sampling established that vented stoves generated substantially less soot and other airborne particulate matter than unimproved hearths did.
Man-made sulphurous particulate matter can even reduce the temperature-raising effect of greenhouse gases.
Words like poly-sorbate 80 and partially hydrogenized particulate matter.
Planet of the Blind
First alveolar duct bifurcations have been shown to be a primary site of deposition for particulate matter and gaseous pollutants.
A pond has far more organic particulate matter (small separate particles) than a chemically maintained swimming pool.
City traffic is a significant source of pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, particulate matter, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
These include impurities in the fuel (mercury, lead) and partially combusted material, like particulate matter (PM) or soot, as well as carbon dioxide.
Bill Chameides: An EPA Potboiler: Clean Air Retreat?
Wind blown dust is the most obvious source of particulate matter with which we are familiar.
The suspended particulate matter is above permissible limits.
The lower Lake Michigan airshed is in severe “non-attainment” for ozone and seriously out of compliance for particulate matter pollution -- the kind of pollution that gets deeply into the lungs and can even pass into the bloodstream, with devastating consequences in the form of heart failure and asthma.
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Diesel particulate matter consists of soot mixed with anything from volatile organic compounds to sulphur and nitrous oxides.
The Cummins 6. 7-liter Turbo Diesel engine uses a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to virtually eliminate particulate matter emissions and an adsorber catalyst to reduce oxides of nitrogen
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Conway said there is good evidence that fine particulate matter from Asia is landing in British Columbia.
Cold smoke produces the same emission pollutant particulate matter.
Our results suggest a possible causal link between airborne particulate matter from traffic and chronic respiratory symptoms.
Bio-diesel fuelled engines, like their regular fuel counterparts, still emit carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and particulate matter.
Composition, health impact and after - treatment technology of particulate matter from diesel vehicle exhaust have been introduced.
Particulate matter of diesel engine exhaust from four different fuels was studied for content of polynuclear aromatic compounds and mutagenic effects.
With less particulate matter, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide emissions are also less.
Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations.
Let me show you a little bit of context here, comparing what we call particulate matter in big urban zone like Chicago, for example, 20 micrograms per cubic meter, versus Beijing, 260 micrograms per cubic meter per day.
CNN Transcript Aug 1, 2008
[Loop scrubbing, incl. iodination of the LCVG (Liquid Cooling & Ventilation Garment) for biocidal maintenance is done to eliminate any biomass and particulate matter that may have accumulated in the loops.]
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Wood emission typically include: oxides of nitrogen sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide lead particulate matter hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) formaldehyde benzene chlorine sulfuric acid arsenic cadmium carbon tetrachloride chlorobenzene chromium mercury methylene chloride nickel styrene vinyl chloride ammonia etc .....
Addison County Independent - Covering the 23 towns of Addison County, Vermont
The particulate matter in the rain water that ran off the roof clogged up my water filter, but otherwise this scare caused no damage.
In the 1950s we scaled and cleaned teeth mainly by hand ultrasonic scalers and efficient aspirators of particulate matter and spray had yet to appear.
A spectrum of airborne organic particulate matter, appropriately sized to reach pulmonary acini, produces this disease.
Acetonitrile (ug) 92 85 Benzene (ug) 76 67 Toluene (ug) 112 108 Dimethylnitrosamine (ng) 75 84 Methylethylnitrosamine (ng) 27 30 Particulate Matter Analysis Phenol (ug) 76.8 138.5 o-Cresol (ug) 76.8 24 mp-Cresol (ug) 54.4 65 2.4 - and 2.5 - dimethylphenol (ug) 6.8 14.4 - Articles related to Boston weighs smoke-free public housing
In qualitative terms, industrial sites, such as smelters, cement factories, oil refineries, and petrochemical plants, can emit a wide range of volatile agents and particulate matter.
Diesel particulate matter consists of soot mixed with anything from volatile organic compounds to sulphur and nitrous oxides.
Also a film presents less surface area to a chemical than does particulate matter.
Inhalation of coarse, ambient particulate matter may also contribute to the exacerbation of reactive airways disease.
It is surrounded by swirling motes of particulate matter and seems to be moving slightly in invisible currents and eddies.
Those who investigate metaphysical—so-called channeled—solar teachings know that all particulate matter and nonmatter elements contained within this multilevel galaxy are either being uplifted a note or two or are moving downward a note or two on the universal harmonic scale.
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Indoor air sampling established that vented stoves generated substantially less soot and other airborne particulate matter than unimproved hearths did.
Particulate matter, or soot, is produced by coal-fired power plants and diesel engines.
To the best of our knowledge, no spectral and compositional data have ever been directly and simultaneously obtained for anthracene photolysis in solid particulate matter.
Biodiesel reduces emissions such as carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter.
Mr. Power says: "Familiar illustration of that conveyance of particulate matter which I am here including in the term dissemination is seen, summer and winter, in the movements of particles forming mist and fog.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
These are: ground-level ozone, particle pollution also known as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
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