How To Use Particularise In A Sentence
The Leipzig, formed in 1988, has cultivated a particularized style in this repertoire, one that, in the National Gallery's cavernous West Garden Court, offers both rewards and frustrations.
Leipzig Quartet doesn't play it rough enough
In cultural terms, it signals an individual's inevitable mediation with the hegemonic regime of commodification and consumption that either universalizes desires or particularizes traditions.
A comparison and contrast between race discrimination and net discrimination teaches us, first, to particularize the discrimination at issue, and to be wary of what I call normative carve‐outs in defining discrimination.
Archive 2007-12-09
This paper introduced three modes to compare the display, Decoder, driver and data transmit. And particularize some IC in common use. And compare those. IC by a form.
I was impelled toward the women I shall presently particularise.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
SCL's claims were particularised in detail in each of the RODs.
To particularize or identify one specific moment downplays how significant this texture, this atmosphere, of living in the dead in that one place, how present that is.
Examples of costuming are highly particularized and undeveloped.
The Times Literary Supplement
It won't rank with the very best, without editing, because the 'thank-you' section particularizes and personalizes too much.
On Obama's victory style
However, to this challenge it might be replied that it misconceives how (P3) is to be interpreted: (P3), it may be said, is not intended to apply to properties understood as universals, but only to so-called particularised properties (otherwise variously known as property instances, individual accidents, tropes, or modes).
Ontological Dependence
I got the impresson you didn't value the middle part too much, because you wrote in your analysis: It won't rank with the very best, without editing, because the 'thank-you' section particularizes and personalizes too much.
On Obama's victory style
When the media focus on "the black vote," "the white vote," and then they start to particularize the white vote within that, they invite us to see race as a defining category of analysis.
Hillary Chief Strategist: North Carolina Loss Represented Progress Because We Won Among White Voters
Mr. Browning answered, "Lilies are of all colors in Palestine -- one sort is particularized as _white_ with a dark blue spot and streak -- the water lily, lotus, which I think I meant, is _blue_ altogether.
Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
But the painting is also an elaborate joke: this casual encounter not only particularizes the Greek myth of man's harnessing of fire, but it's also a send-up.
This branch of practical astronomy is termed "uranography" by moderns; its utility is very considerable; thus and thus only can we particularize the individual stars of which we wish to speak; thus and thus only can we retain in our memory the general arrangement of the stars and their positions relatively to each other.
The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 4. (of 7): Babylon The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
Care to particularize that to which countries at which times?
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
That this is the perfect approach to an event that has become fetishized in our culture should go without saying: Tomine's point is not to play into or even against perceptions about marriage so much as to particularize his account.
A Marriage Memoir And A Book About Death: Book Reviews You Might Have Missed
Mr. Echenoz employs a similar finesse to particularize moments that are conspicuously irrelevant or ridiculous.
A Window Onto Comic Tedium
Nor do I particularise the stimulating ‘Viva Brasil!’
I send six copies of my little poem & will certainly endeavour to particularise the why and the wherefore of its publication when I have the pleasure of seeing you, which I hope to accomplish some day next week.
Letter 132
His work has the telegraphic simplicity of aboriginal craft and generic morphologies, rather than the more digressive and particularized qualities of realistically mimetic images.
When I have been in preaching, I thank God my heart hath often all the time of this and the other exercise, with great earnestness cried to God that He would make the word effectual to the salvation of the soul; still being grieved lest the enemy should take the word away from the conscience, and so it should become unfruitful: wherefore I should labour to speak the word, as that thereby, if it were possible, the sin and person guilty might be particularized by it.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
And now to particularize a little, as to such divine characters which are conspicuous in it, and which I call inimitable, that could have proceeded from none but a divine Author.
The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.
The non-compliance was in failing to particularise the date and the specific circumstances in which the statement or statements had been made by Davis to Ross but…
Then, in Article 6 and 6, it particularizes certain aspects of that right for those charged with a criminal offence.
Laws came down like hail; crimes were recounted and particularized with minute prolixity; penalties were absurdly exorbitant; and if that were not enough, capable of augmentation in almost every case, at the will of the legislator himself and of a hundred executives; the forms of procedure studied only how to liberate the judge from every impediment in the way of passing a sentence of condemnation; the sketches we have given of the proclamations against the bravoes are a feeble but true index of this.
Chapter I
If they would yield us but the superfluity, while it were wholesome, we might guess they relieved us humanely; but they think we are too dear: the leanness that afflicts us, the object of our misery, is as an inventory to particularise their abundance; our sufferance is a gain to them.
Act I. Scene I. Coriolanus
Make minced pyes of any meat, as you may see in page 232, in the dishes of minced pyes you may use those forms for any kind of minced pies, either of flesh, fish, or fowl, which I have particularized in some places of my Book.
The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
I may particularise Dr. Jenkins, for many years chief minister of
The Englishwoman in America
This is the obverse of the widower's more particularized loneliness, which is the 'absence of a very specific someone'.
The Times Literary Supplement
I am not permitted to particularize, and may only say that the dislike of readers is just as I said it would be, and that dislike expresst without reserve to me, and of course to those who own the other half of the property.
Letter 82
A few short quotations may illustrate, in a more particularized fashion, some of the poem's flaws and felicities.
The Times Literary Supplement
Just as David Lynch has in the past identified a sense of evil in effeminacy (BLUE VELVET) and ethnicity (WILD AT HEART), Wes Craven particularizes in LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT his perception of pure evil with a distinctly Hebraic flavor.
There will be blood libel
My dear friend, Jack Tufthunt, for example, knows ONE Lord whom he met at a watering-place: old Lord Mumble, who is as toothless as a three-months-old baby, and as mum as an undertaker, and as dull as — well, we will not particularise.
The Book of Snobs
Waldman particularizes these forces contributing to female power and sexuality with letters and interviews to her specific, local family - her father, her childhood.
Three names stand out as artists who have repeatedly reached beyond the common themes of romantic love and particularized domestic relations in their songs.
The judgment particularizes this case as one in which an absence of threats or application of force mitigates the seriousness of the offence.
To particularise: an under-sized dog will, ten to one, break off from the chase71 faint and flagging in the performance of his duty owing to mere diminutiveness.
On Hunting
Ibn Sina's criticism was based on the assumption that if substance were capable of intensification and diminution, the species that determines and particularizes it would either remain the same or change into another species.
The handwriting specifies and particularises the act of writing.
The leanness that afflicts us, the object of our misery, Is as an inventory to particularise their abundance; Our sufferance is a gain to them.
Mr Johnson particularizes the general points he wants to make.
As soon as her husband went to the City in the morning her operations began; if he remained away at dinner, her labours still continued: nor is it necessary for me to particularise her course of study, nor, indeed, possible; for, between ourselves, none of the male Fitz – Boodles ever could sing a note, and the jargon of scales and solfeggios is quite unknown to me.
Mens Wives
The good will even if it is for show, even if it does mask darker moods that particularizes the interactions of the characters in THE HAUNTING has evaporated entirely a decade later, leaving rancor and cynicism in its wake as if the pragmatic disregard of Dr. Markway's wife has infected the rest of the world.
The Mount Everest of Haunted Houses
We also know that Huemer has arbitrarily elevated on source of disagreement and downplayed his others using an arbitrary and particularized conception of the world.
Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
He particularizes the murders, by way of quotation from actual historical documents, fragments, poems -- the narrative is organized like bits and pieces of a documentary -- and by way of his own imagining of how the Communist takeover of Estonia was implemented.
Archive 2009-09-01
At the time of shooting, Lucia D'Elia was a young, pretty and exceedingly fleshy actress and its this fleshiness that particularizes the scene.
The one you might have saved
Repeated pulls at the bell, and arrivals too numerous to particularise: papas and mammas, and aunts and uncles, the owners and guardians of the different pupils; the singing – master, Signor Lobskini, in a black wig; the piano – forte player and the violins; the harp, in a state of intoxication; and some twenty young men, who stood near the door, and talked to one another, occasionally bursting into a giggle.
Sketches by Boz
particularise" the programme in accordance with the character and specific needs of a school community.
ANC Daily News Briefing
'Tis hard I confess, yet I have disposed of them as I could, and will descend to particularise them according to their species.
Anatomy of Melancholy
God that he would make the word effectual to the salvation of the soul; still being grieved lest the enemy should take the word away from the conscience, and so it should become unfruitful: wherefore I have labored so to speak the word, as that thereby, if it were possible, the sin and person guilty might be particularized by it.
The Riches of Bunyan
We are now convinced that proponents' claim to standing depends on proponents' particularized interests created by state law or their authority under state law to defend the constitutionality of the initiative," the panel said.
Prop 8 Challenge Sent To California Supreme Court
These four were just one vote away in Massachusetts v. EPA from blocking judicial review of the legality of EPA's failure to regulate greenhouse gases on the ground that global warming does not cause "particularized" injury.
Legal Theory Blog
Chatwin wrote that this novel was an experiment in "circular time," and it's the way his prose particularizes time's passage, the efficient sweep of the narrative over several thwarted households, that makes it so satisfying.
The News From Everywhere
In the logic of the play, Iona is cast as a politically dangerous figure because of her perverse erotic engagements, although Shelley wisely never particularizes the full range of Iona's so-called perversity; and the ultimate crime that all of Iona's transgressions metaphorizeSwellfoot's "castration" is punished even before it is committed, since Swellfoot calls for the beheading of the Queen before she confronts him directly with her own demands for political power.
A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.
The description that follows particularizes the female subject in a plainly erotic manner.
We ceased to encounter any village or ruin mentioned in our "particularizes" and detailed Guide of the Rhone -- went drifting along by the hour in a wholly unknown land and on an uncharted river!
Complete Letters of Mark Twain
However, that Affidavit also refers to her financial information attached which she says particularizes her income and that shows income of $1, 400.00 per month, or $16, 800.00 per year.
Palestine -- one sort is particularized as _white_ with a dark blue spot and streak -- the water lily, lotos, which I think I meant, is _blue_ altogether.
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
Mr Johnson particularizes the general points he wants to make.
If “instances of my ungrateful behaviour had been particularized, I would have answered to them.”
George Washington’s First War
Would you particularize the items on the bill?
Among many others we may particularise the fragrant white-flowered alyssum, the blue, dark purple, spotted, and white varieties of nemophila, white and pink virginian stock, and the large yellow buttercup-like flowered limnanthes.
Little Folks (November 1884) A Magazine for the Young
I emphasize particularly on implementing psychology diathesis education in course teaching, experiment teaching, activities after school and so on, and particularize successful teaching cases.
The starting - point and duration - change of civil prescription in our country should be particularized and concrete.
Mr Johnson particularizes the general points he wants to make.
There are cogent reasons why the constitution drafters decided to generalize rather than to particularize.
There is no need to particularise here the little arrangements made between us; the playmen of the present day want no instruction, I take it, and the public have little interest in the matter.
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
The tendency will be to particularize this gory tragedy as the implosion of one immigrant dream story.
Sandip Roy: The Dark Twin of the American Dream in Santa Clara
When an internal whistle blower started asking questions, they were justified by illegal (“blanket”) authorizations (the FBI used to accept that search authorizations, even retroactive emergency ones, must be justified in writing and particularized). FBI Wiretapping Scandal: Am I Reading this Right?
Since the actual value of the prospective monopoly will depend on the value of the work to the public without reference to any particular political action, the public need not pay for the abuse and inefficiency likely in a more particularized payment scheme.
Lessig on Copyright, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
particularized thinking as distinct from stereotyped sloganeering
We want to make sure that system is even more refined and the secretary has even more responsibility - pardon me, authority to regionalize and particularize the information.
You have not chosen to particularise what defects and dilapidations you refer to.
Anthologized, they are deprived of their particularized timing and pertinence, which above all makes their ethical import pleasurable.
The Times Literary Supplement
Devoted to the portrayal of young people, Dawoud Bey increasingly particularizes the humanity of his subjects, a feat more easily said than done.
Furthermore, the applications and the reference of Lurgi's process were particularized.
But his evaluative criterium was restricted to the matching of individual preferences with political outcomes in particularized decisions, rather than over any sequence.
James M. Buchanan Jr. - Prize Lecture
Title pages were further particularized for readers with enticing code words like spy, secret and revealed (dévoilé).
The Times Literary Supplement
To particularise: an under-sized dog will, ten to one, break off from the chase71 faint and flagging in the performance of his duty owing to mere diminutiveness.
On Hunting
What authority surfeits on would relieve us: if they would yield us but the superfluity, while it were wholesome, we might guess they relieved us humanely; but they think we are too dear: the leanness that afflicts us, the object of our misery, is as an inventory to particularise their abundance; our sufferance is a gain to them Let us revenge this with our pikes, ere we become rakes: for the gods know I speak this in hunger for bread, not in thirst for revenge.
The Tragedy of Coriolanus
The Christological inflection, however, particularizes these common nouns by the use of the definite article.
A few short quotations may illustrate, in a more particularized fashion, some of the poem's flaws and felicities.
The Times Literary Supplement