How To Use Particular In A Sentence
What we do not know are the precise weighting of factors that go into why prices increase at any particular time.
Sudden sniffing death is particularly associated with abuse of butane, propane and chemicals in aerosols.
There are a few plotlines and characters - Sophie's mother in particular - that are somewhat redundant and unnecessary.
You know and, particularly, I'm interested in rhythmic concepts from South Indian music, and so, I work with a lot of these elements in my music.
Vijay Iyer: Self-Taught Jazz Pianist Goes 'Solo'
McCarthy remains dismissive of the allegations and defensive of the former sergeant, saying he was "brutalized" by his colleagues, in particular, by a few senior officers "exerting locker room peer pressure" in the department ranks.
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The space left by evaporation is called the ullage, while the liquid lost is sometimes called the ‘angels' share’ and is particularly financially significant in the production of older cognac and Armagnac.
This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Pay particular attention to zoning in each of the alternatives proposed for your area.
The BBC never tires of telling us how passionately it seeks the interest and participation of the public in its political output, particularly the young.
If you had to make one for a particular fashion house, what would it be like?
Times, Sunday Times
Interior spaces may also be gendered: the author explores both the activities particular to women, such as needlework or lace-making, and the objects related to female and maternal domesticity.
Washington, who believed liquor a particular scourge among blacks, sent felicitations.
Acrylamide is produced during cooking, particularly high-temperature processes such as frying and roasting.
Times, Sunday Times
Phil always did have the willpower of a particularly suasible flea.
But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™.
Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
But the initial reason was unascertained and needed further investigation, particularly a toxicology report.
Times, Sunday Times
But Arthur's do-gooder streak didn't particularly please other Republicans, and he became one of the few Presidents to fail to win his own party's nomination for re-election.
The invention concerns a cable drum having a non-cylindrical profile of its outer surface and the use of this cable drum in a window regulator system, particularly in a vehicle.
This seems like an unnecessary attention-seeking tactic, making sure we notice a particularly sleazy line.
Hence, the aim of the analysis of attitudes was to reveal the hidden patterns typically sedimented in particular social and cultural contexts.
Rob also reckons that the south-west coast of Ireland has some of the best sailing grounds in the world - particularly around Roaring Water Bay in West Cork.
Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study.
Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
A colleague's dyslexic son particularly loved it.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, the chants of ‘York, York, York’ which greeted the final hooter summed up what the supporters thought of their performance and, in particular, their fightback.
Still Life with Action Figure," a particularly realist exercise, actually occurs in suburbia, where an artist son visits his artist father, who has resumed painting despite suffering from parkinsonism.
Ccfinlay: You Make My Heart Sing
Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
The state has also passed laws that are inimical to the short-term interests of particular capitalists, but necessary in the longer-term interests of capitalism itself - for example, health and safety legislation.
'The rate has plateaued, which is what particular people said in the past that it would do without kerbside.'
This Is Guernsey
But the main thrust of correspondence focused on the future of a particular medical practice.
burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
One sector that was particularly hard hit was computer hard drives.
Times, Sunday Times
The _router-plane_, Figs. 121 and 122, is used to lower a certain part of a surface and yet keep it parallel with the surrounding part, and it is particularly useful in cutting panels, dadoes, and grooves.
Handwork in Wood
The Minister was asked particularly whether the Tauranga Harbour Bridge could be tolled under this proposal.
Offensive junk mail, in particular that of an adult nature has become increasingly an issue to all of us onliners and site owners alike.
Burbank worked out in his mind and by actual experiments _distinctive methods_ of development -- _development and changes along particular, definite lines.
Certain Success
I am a misocapnist, particularly when someone is using mundungus with nepheligenous results.
Single Word Open Thread #1 « Whatever
He kept his gaze on one particular tree.
These results indicate that, depending on the unique features of a given learning, experience, very different classes of mechanisms can be engaged to subserve memory in a particular time domain.
Particularly true now as more areas are organising summer courses and events for you to attend and include in your diary.
That queasy feeling of disillusionment is a universal one says Schmidt; one that makes this particular play accessible for audiences on a very personal level.
An awesome book - what Robinson is particularly good at is figuring out how Chaplin pieced together out of accident, inspiration and music hall stunt, what turned into complex, archetypal early film narrative.
She can tell you why the zebrafish's genome is particularly useful for determining how human bodies work at the primary level.
Times, Sunday Times
“For instance, you could tell it to record all episodes of a particular series, rather than your preprogramming it.”
Friday Link Dump
Smaller and more versatile aircraft reduce financial and operational risks to airlines, particularly in economic downturns, compared to jumbo jets, he adds.
They found striking similarities between Argonaute structures and proteins that happened to exhibit a particular kind of "cooperative binding" known as allostery.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
The theories to be discussed do not fare better or worse when restricted to a particular subspecies.
Trichuris was more prevalent in urban children, Ascaris and hookworm were more common in rural children, and hookworm was particularly rare in the urban area.
The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia, particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
The other honour that gave him particular pleasure was his honorary doctorate from Melbourne University.
I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
The second is the gender division of work, she says, looking at the larger issue of why first generation schoolgoers in particular require an extraordinary amount of care and attention.
This is a significant challenge in view of the need for additional capacity at our ports over the coming years, particularly for unitised trade.
This is particularly true of the film's climax, which somehow manages to demolish several cop cars, and find Ellen clutching a parasail and jumping through flaming hoops in water skis, yet still be completely unfunny.
Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say.
New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
But it is not only Marxists who argue that bureaucracies may owe their primary allegiance to a particular class.
The surge in commercial vehicle production was regarded as a particularly encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.
Nick had no particular purpose in mind when he started.
The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation.
Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
One particularly nice feature is the true print previewer that lets you proof and edit a map before making the final print.
Please let's change and be people with brave hearts and forget all about violence against any particular sex in this independent country.
Actually, this particular strain of e. coli is going to be more likely to have been spread by humans, manure (even the so-called organic stuff) or animals, than water.
Many others, particularly those on fly-drive deals or travelling independently, have been left to finance extra days themselves.
This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
[18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Educational standards in the area are high, particularly among younger people.
They particularly appreciated the interior design.
Sweet Dreams
The last 15 minutes are particularly soul-destroying.
Everywhere one feels the influence of the Mediterranean and particularly on the specific xerophilous flora and fauna of the region.
Some taxonomic groups are particularly species rich in a global context: any impact of climate warming on such species, for example, willows (Salix spp.), sawflies, stoneflies, wading birds, and salmonid fish, is likely to affect their diversity at the global level.
Arctic environments north of the treeline
We do need to show that we can talk without contradiction of God's universal salvific will and the scandalous particularity of the incarnate and risen Lord.
I am also very particular about following the laid-out processes for doing business.
We are particularly interested in the potential of specialisation and disaggregation, nowadays increasingly utilised by better banks worldwide.
Experts suggested that the particularly long and cold winter may also have contributed.
Times, Sunday Times
The [Australian] market at the moment is not particularly sectorial," said Andrew Sekely, director of equities at Intersuisse.
Asia Tech Stocks Up on Apple Gains
Instead of the grim faces of commuters on their way into work, people were bleary-eyed but smiling for no particular reason.
You have not chosen to particularise what defects and dilapidations you refer to.
The power has gone out and even when it's on there appear to be beefy dips and surges on the line - so large in fact that one particular voltage spike took out my TV in an impressive cloud of smoke.
Queensland Orienteering Association development officer Liz Bourne says that probably more than any other sport orienteering has suffered from the loss of bushland, particularly around Brisbane.
Consider the particular language he chose here.
Exploring language (6th edn)
Thirdly, despite working crazy hours I seemed to have all the ingredients needed for this particular tart without budging an inch.
The success of women's sport, and particularly intercollegiate basketball, brings with it other issues stemming from the corrupting effects of success and money.
The downshift hits workers of color particularly hard.
Questions involving the environment are particularly prone to uncertainty.
Even ‘busy’ surgeons may take a long time to accrete enough performance data to allow valid comparison with their peers, particularly in low volume specialties such as neurosurgery.
There were weighty arguments against this theory, in particular the fact that people with great muscular strength and a welldeveloped panniculus adiposus were often attacked by the disease; and also that European crews, on a diet containing sufficient protein and fat, were not immune, even when they were given virtually no rice at all.
Christiaan Eijkman - Nobel Lecture
Ada was enjoying a particularly eclectic collection of garden gnomes when her phone rang.
In particular I became aware of an increasing callousness or defect of sensibility in the stomach, and this I imagined might imply a scirrhous state of that organ either formed or forming.
The Opium Habit
He is particularly critical of the supposition that no one suffers innocently since all are born into sin.
Success is also particularly appropriate this year, as the band is celebrating its golden anniversary.
Developers, well those that meet Apple's firm and unfriendly terms and conditions, have helped this by creating 5,000 new applications for the handheld gogglebox, meaning that it's big numbers all round at Apple - particularly we imagine in the App Store and Ibook store accounting departments.
The Inquirer
Shore bird numbers are declining, he says, particularly among oystercatchers, red-capped dotterels and beach thick-knees.
One solution is for the government to grant an operating concession for a particular project to the private sector.
[Phages] are specific to a particular bacterial strain, so researchers will have to isolate and culture a phage for every potential coral pathogen, which isn't feasible.
Global warming takes a toll on coral reefs
Tucson is a city that's very supportive of cycling in general, and El Tour in particular.
However I did notice something, and it was something that both my wife and father both brought up, there was a strange effect that wasn't there at the World Première, something I described as a fogging or blurring during some scenes, particularly the action ones, which made it hard to follow the action.
Filmstalker: Avatar: An Xmas visit
Mind you, I don't think MC Wayne Rooney has a particularly credible ring to it.
His comments need careful consideration, particularly given his deep understanding of commercial cases and his outspoken criticism in some serious fraud cases.
Times, Sunday Times
But the Swedish startup has been particularly insistent on coming to the U.S. market with a freemium, not paid-only, model. told the U. K.'s Telegraph last week that the company is paying the label royalties per user in only two countries, the U.K. and Spain.
Keep your office space looking good, particularly your desk.
This is the pipe through which we convey this particular gas, which we call hydrogen, and which you shall know all about the next time we meet.
The Chemical History of a Candle
Of course, it's not all about the image and the looks (except that, in the case of this particular preening bunch of fops in their heyday, it was almost entirely about the image and the looks).
It was passed through history by the Shaking Quakers, the Shakers, and that particular song is a call to simplicity, which is very interesting.
In particular, it can be demonstrated that the choliambs, mixed with iambs, of the Hellenistic fable are comparable to those of a work with very very pronounced Cynic features, the choliambic ‘Life of Alexander’.
In some areas the situation is particularly acute and the problems are only going to get worse.
Even during dry seasons the road maintenance in those areas leaves much to be desired - particularly in the former Venda and Gazankulu and the
ANC Daily News Briefing
The mice are particularly fond of us.
Times, Sunday Times
Reducing environmental noise while one is trying to sleep can be particularly challenging - especially in university dormitories.
The answer is that he was beguiled into thinking about language and the world in terms of a particular model.
They then need to research which funds meet their particular requirements and avoid those that do not.
Times, Sunday Times
Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?
He hesitates, looking particularly grave, and finally brings himself to utter the shameful words.
Pinto Coelho was particularly fond of the Baroque style, and it features dominantly in his collection.
Pinto Coelho's Daring Style
They maintain close connections with many of these firms, particularly the top defence companies.
The motion had particularly pleased Mobuto who was desperate to bring Zimbala back into world affairs.
Protestant hymnody in particular has a special hold on him.
Also, you will need to be particularly careful with your diet if you are not to suffer from fatigue.
However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
At this stage the rate of descent and particularly the angular rotation appeared to me to be very high and I was sure that ground impact in this configuration would have severe consequences.
The scandal of Christian theology, of Jesus' particularity, Keck argues, must be considered in view of Jesus' Jewishness.
It's just a noise that might attract some birds, particularly things like wrens and thornbills, and saffron whitefaces which we've just seen.
The exact particulars of the similarity never came to light, but apparently the lady had, in a fit of high-minded inadvertence, had gone through the ceremony of marriage with, one quotes the unpublished discourse of Mr. Butteridge — “a white-livered skunk,” and this zoological aberration did in some legal and vexatious manner mar her social happines.
The War in the Air
The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
It acts as a particular type of receptor called a cappa (ph) receptor.
CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2003
The incentive for business to substitute work for capital has been working with particular force since the end of the cold war.
Marked by a distinctive black edging to the prints, Paul's film output was distinguished particularly by trick films and news films.
Social groups which lack the civic skills to represent their own interests are particularly vulnerable to neglect by decentralizing agencies.
Hubert in particular was recalling times past when Patricia had behaved less than honourably towards his favourite cousin.
The research team looked in particular at a condition called diastolic dysfunction.
Medlogs - Recent stories
Lucky for you teens, Jessica hasn't been flashing any particularly noticeable jewelry on her fingers.
This paper extends the particular conclusions on the symmetry of the space figures in terms of the coordinate zero dot, coordinate plane and coordinate axis in Analytic Geomtry.
The genetic trawl will not be looking for physical characteristics, such as colouring or height, but at particular genes that were thought to be common in Vikings.
Adjoining the visitors shop is Hartlepool Museum, which is stuffed full of artefacts telling the story of the town, particularly its maritime heritage.
This is a particularly sweeping comment in the scenester world, where trends live fast and die young.
Globe and Mail
If you have a particular need - such as untamable carb cravings or severe lethargy - your priorities may be different.
It started at four this morning when I was jolted awake by a particularly hideous hypnogogic hallucination.
Actually, Today Is Pretty Typical, So Far
Measuring instruments were sometimes made with special graduations for use in a particular trade or craft.
But I think it came at a moment when Americans were particularly hungry for someone they could perceive as honest, upstanding, and a hero.
The three decades of Nicholas's rule came to be regarded as a particularly dark period of Russian history.
But they admit individual agents only on the terms on which a natural scientist admits individual and particular objects.
In a particularly bold move, I decided to shave less often.
This allows a developer to determine, through manual inspection at runtime, which version of a particular open-source library is being used by consulting the classpath.
Serena, in particular, has caused a stir with her black studded tennis ensembles, the black Shox Boots from her Nike collection and the infamous black cat suit that was roundly deemed bootylicious.
The writer was a cockney through and through, and the story behind his creation is a particularly novel one.
Add to it any points that you may be particularly anxious to get right and discuss it together.
That will be a matter for consideration on the merits of any particular State legislation that does so.
Your other children, in particular, may try to deal with their pain alone so as not to burden you with additional worries.
Though self-effacing "It isn't my personality to be particularly proud of what I do" the composer seems to recognize his legacy as arguably the only living film composer with both classical credentials and name recognition among everyday moviegoers.
The Last Movie Maestro
Dioxins, and furans, are chemical compounds generated as by-products of most forms of combustion, particularly of plastics and rubber.
One particular challenge has been finding enough sterile manufacturing capacity to produce the vaccine.
Times, Sunday Times
These options are particularly attractive for storage, intra-plant or inter-company transport, and palletized loads of uniform box sizes.
How to Use Less Plastic Box Sealing Tape, or None at All
It was like a particularly manic amusement park ride, with the amusement somewhat tempered by mortal fear.
When the smell was pure oak, I remembered childhood woods; in fact one particular place in one particular wood.
But they are sorry, that they have just cause to regrate, that men of meer civill place and employment should usurp the calling and employment of the ministry, to the scandall of the reformed kirks, and particularly in
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
Neither one of us is particularly interested in gardening.
He asks whether a general phenomenon would cease to be a feature of a society if particular individuals held different beliefs.
Real world firms, and in particular real world entrants, face many kinds of uncertainty.
At one time or another I also participated in extemporaneous speaking, poetry and prose reading, and in a particular lapse of sanity, number sense.
After a particularly harrowing battle where the squad is able to overcome a Nazi ambush Zab is asked about what happened and can barely remember the event.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
Jewelry, particularly in gold and silver, is popular, as is other metalwork, such as brass and copper plates and bowls.
Patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection, particularly when this is secondary to alcohol abuse.
The so-called "particularism" of Israel's idea of God was in fact the real strength of Israel's religion; it thus escaped from barren mythologisings, and became free to apply itself to the moral tasks which are always given, and admit of being discharged, only in definite spheres.
It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
This is a place to enjoy, watching the world go by or indulging in some quiet reflection, particularly on a warm summer's day.
Lord George professed that he had observed the same thing; but then, as he whispered into Mr. Nappie's ear, Mr. Greystock was particularly known as a bashful man.
The Eustace Diamonds
In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface.
Scientific American
The AP stylebook has been doing this for decades which is why I sometimes refer to the ap, but I like the respect shown to the particular president marked by the capital P.
No Uncertain Terms
The web of life, the biocenose, the biotic community, the ecosystem — all terms relating to the same kinds of concept — have broadened and deepened the opportunities for studying the relation of nature and culture, particularly changes in the natu - ral order.
she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work
What is particularly worrying is the somewhat blasé attitude to the subject.
The Sun
It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.
The acute sense of smell is important, since the badger's eyes are quite small, and its eyesight is not particularly good.
A windfall profits tax is exactly how it sounds; it is a higher tax rate on profits that ensue from a sudden windfall gain to a particular company.
Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
The stability of the political system affects the attractiveness of a particular national market.
In particular, southerly winds have meant that migrant moths have kept arriving.
Times, Sunday Times
Many details of the after treatment depend upon the special disease, as the rubbing of the body with carbolized vaseline after scarlet fever, the care of the eyes after measles, and other particulars of which space does not admit mention here.
A Practical Physiology
And while the word gluttony evolved from a Latin root that means “to gulp,” that definition doesn’t really illustrate this particular pattern of evil thought accurately or thoroughly.
He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
What is particularly galling is that the authors never bothered to contact me or my department head or dean to inquire about this matter.
This distillation is a rigorous expression of the particular knowledge that has been found most relevant.
Archive 2007-07-01
In this particular case, the business folded because the assets were frozen.
Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
His brother now had to assume responsibility for them as well as for his own growing family, particularly when it soon became evident that his sister-in-law, Ethel, could not cope.
A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies.
Particularly good dusted over fish and shellfish, or with couscous salad.
Times, Sunday Times
In abdominal disease the symptom is particularly associated with rapid enlargement of an encapsulated organ or distension of a hollow viscus.
Broadsystem Ventures (UK) - provider of cheap-rate telephone calls, particularly for customers of Sky Television.
And the task of the mythographer is to ask what interests are served by the naturalization of particular convictions and values.
The quality of legal argument and analysis in American courts, in particular state supreme courts, is often quite poor on issues of private law that the readers of this blog are likely to think arcane or technical.
What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
Any competent adult has the absolute right to refuse to be examined by any particular individual.
He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean.
It is probably very rare for consciousness to scan every component of a particular compound of limitation.
Williamson suggests that assets with a high amount of specificity represent sunken costs that have little value outside a particular exchange relationship.
I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw.
The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
We should emphasize that there is nothing particularly ethical about the market system as a mechanism for distributing output.