How To Use Participle In A Sentence
The past participle of a transitive verb is always passive except in such forms as _have chosen, had chosen_.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
The participle (yotse ') emphasizes the continuousness of the act, but it is not to be translated as a present,
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
Any explanation for the use of the past participle (assis, couche (accent)) rather than the tu form of the imperitive?
Fifille - French Word-A-Day
Personally, I like the sound of that: an active process, implied by the present participle, or indeed by the gerundive.
Archive 2007-02-01

For those who buy into Nostratic or Indo-Uralic there's a possible cognate in Uralic, *t, which is used to form participles and infinitives in Finnic, Saami, Ob-Ugrian, and Samoyedic.
The PIE *to-participle in my subjective-objective model
In office it is like the second kind of participles, described in Lesson 37, and from many grammarians has received the same name -- some calling both _gerunds_, and others calling both _infinitives_.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
Why should the distinction between a participle and a gerund matter?
Times, Sunday Times
You seem to have erred in characterizing as solipsistic those solons who dangled a participle in drafting the law controlling the National Endowment for the Arts.
No Uncertain Terms
And that in the church they are vested with rule appears not only by their name of elders, which when applied to officers, imports rule, authority, &c., as hath been said; but also by the adjunct participle _that rule_, or
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COURBATURER means: donner, causer (être la cause de), provoquer des courbatures. very much used as a "past participle".
Courbature - French Word-A-Day
When the perfect participle of an _intransitive_ verb is joined to the neuter verb _to be_, the combination is not a passive verb, but a _neuter_ verb in a _passive form_; as, "He _is gone_;
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
a participle; as, -- urbe captā, Aenēās fūgit, _when the city had been captured, Aeneas fled_ (lit. _the city having been captured_).
New Latin Grammar
The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.
The verb is "suer" : je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué
The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.
Remember that a gerund is a present participle of a verb (the - ing form) that is being treated like a noun:
2008 February « Motivated Grammar
However, when studying German I was taught some grammar: so I thus learned the difference between a past tense and a past participle, and the difference between the nominative and the accusative cases.
Compounds of more than two words may be analyzed thus: +May have been written+ is composed of the compound auxiliary +may have been+ and the participle +written; may have been+ is composed of the compound auxiliary
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
Singular they is of great help as a means of avoiding gender assignment when translating into English from many languages where not only inanimate nouns are gender sensitive, but all agreeing antecedents, verbs (past tense in Slavic languages), adjectives and participles also take syntactic forms of the corresponding gender.
Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
When Beck started talking about the rising number of junior high school students engaging in oral sex or began using the vulgar past participle for micturition as a synonym for "angry," the presence of a seven-year-old girl in the front row didn't seem to deter him.
BatesLine: April 2005 Archives
The distinction between a participle and a gerund affects the case of a preceding pronoun.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Afeard’, used by Spenser, is the regular participle of the old verb to ‘affear’, still existing as a law term, as
English Past and Present
_Delight_ is naturally formed by the participle _de_ and _light_, to make light, in the same way as "debase," to make base, "defile," to make foul.
Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
The Masculine of either the Adjective or the Participle is freely used in any Case and in any construction.
I'm edified to see the ablative affected you so strongly... The past participle for ferre now, please.
Its auxiliary verbs, its pronouns, its articles, its deficiency of declinable participles, and, lastly, its uniformity of position, preclude the exhibition of much enthusiasm in poetry; it possesses fewer capabilities of this nature than the
A Philosophical Dictionary
Why should the distinction between a participle and a gerund matter?
Times, Sunday Times
It derives from Latin advocatus, from the past participle of advocare to summon, from ad- + vocare to call, from voc-, vox voice.
Archive 2010-03-01
The present active participle, expressing what the word modified "is doing", ends in "- anta," as "vidanta", seeing,
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
(The verb is "suer": je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué)
Consequently, the text correctly treats the participle as a verb with a direct object, as is indicated by the seghol; the treatment of it as a noun making him an actual builder would have necessitated the construct state of the participle and consequently a tsere.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
HABITVRA = is a good instance of the future participle used to express what is inevitably destined to happen (with _Parca_ balancing in the pentameter); for the sense, see Tarrant on Sen _Ag_ 43 'daturus coniugi iugulum suae'.
The Last Poems of Ovid
The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.
I've also ascertained so far that the intransitive participle -θ was once *-ta whereas the homophonous agentive suffix -θ as in the names Aranθ and Vanθ was once *-ti.
The Lost Vowels of Pre-Etruscan Syncope
predestinated," just as this participle "made," implies antecedence, yet there is a difference.
Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
Both of them have a raft of irregular preterites and past participles, suggesting long standing confusion.
For those learning English as a second language, dealing with subjects, objects, and present and past participles is advanced, and so is choosing when to use active versus passive.
Advanced English Grammar Lesson for ESL – Passive Voice « Esl Videos « Videos « Literacy News
The present participle is often used passively.
But the whole tension of these two lines focuses on the verb - active, passive or participle?
In a nutshell, if my quadripartite system distinguishes four sets of endings exemplified in the 1ps with *-mi (objective progressive), *-m (objective non-progressive), *-h₂ór (subjective progressive) and *-h₂e (subjective non-progressive), then it stands to follow that there may likewise be four non-finite forms, participles, corresponding to each of the four categories I describe.
Archive 2009-09-01
But if I had a choice between teaching somebody about dangling participles and having them be able to carry on a conversation in a language other than English, I think I would choose the latter, and so would most of us.
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You develop an attachment to people who unsplit your infinitives and undangle your participles.
The Turkish sentence has an economy of words and an elegance which are due to the language being agglutinative, using participles, gerundives, and gerunds.
Etymology: Latin exstirpatus, past participle of exstirpare, from ex - + stirp -, stirps trunk, root -- more at TORPID
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The problem mentioned in the previous post was that there are also subject-experiencer verbs that have participles which can take the "un" prefix, such as "unloved".
Archive 2010-07-01
Others refer the antecedence implied in the participle "predestinated," not to the fact of being the Son of
Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
Participles dangle, metaphors are not only extended but mixed, infinitives are split and ambiguous pronouns abound.
Any explanation for the use of the past participle (assis, couche (accent)) rather than the tu form of the imperitive?
Fifille - French Word-A-Day
Moreover, nouns express sorts of things, verbs and participles are tensed, pronouns are either demonstrative or relative.
The verbal indeclinable participle may be formed from transitive and intransitive verbs.
The participle receives its case from the noun which it modifies, which must (as you point out) be coreferential with its subject.
This "past tense" you are referring to is actually the aorist tense, which in most moods of the non-participle forms, would carry a meaning of past time with aoristic aspect.
-- _Improve these sentences by changing the participles into infinitives, and the infinitives into participles_: --
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
Singular they is of great help as a means of avoiding gender assignment when translating into English from many languages where not only inanimate nouns are gender sensitive, but all agreeing antecedents, verbs (past tense in Slavic languages), adjectives and participles also take syntactic forms of the corresponding gender.
Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
Násir are passive and active participles from the same root,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
_Delight_ is naturally formed by the participle _de_ and _light_, to make light, in the same way as "debase," to make base, "defile," to make foul.
Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
Verb to pettifog (third-person singular simple present pettifogs, present participle pettifogging, simple past and past participle pettifogged) 8500 was just a number I picked out of thin air.
An adjective may, in general, be distinguished from an _adverb_ by this rule: when a word qualifies a _noun_ or _pronoun_, it is an adjective, but when it qualifies a _verb, participle, adjective_, or _adverb_, it is an adverb.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The passive voice is formed within the same paradigm, by be followed by the past participle, but is not a tense.
Middle English, from past participle of sacren to consecrate, from Anglo-French sacrer, from Latin sacrare, from sacr-, sacer sacred; akin to Latin sancire to make sacred, Hittite šaklāi- rite
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Exercise Five then asks learners to identify statives and adjective participles in an example paragraph.
In addition to the aoristic tense, the conditional mood has three active and three passive compound tenses, formed by combining the participles with the aoristic tense of "esti" in the conditional mood.
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
If a relative pronoun was only about its relative clause, we should expect "who" to be declined in the nominative since it's the patientive subject of the participle formation, "was hung".
Relative pronouns in Etruscan
To shift the discussion just a bit, whether or not we say present participles and gerunds should be differentiated as distinct parts of speech, it still seems to me that except for in cases of a present participle in the slot of attributive adjective (ex/The steering wheel of my car is blue) gerunds and present participles take objects (I like driving my car).
G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
`From strictus, past participle of stringere, to draw or bind tight.
The compound tenses formed by combining the future passive participle with each of the three aoristic tenses of "esti" represent an act or condition as "about to be undergone" in the present, past, or future, respectively.
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
The passive participle is so often used where we now use the active that 'brimmed' may mean 'brimming' = full to the brim.
Milton's Comus
The Perfect Passive Participle is often equivalent to a coördinate clause; as, -- urbem captam dīruit, _he captured and destroyed the city_ (lit. _he destroyed the city captured_).
New Latin Grammar
The gerundive is the name given to the future passive participle (§374. d) when the participle approaches the meaning of a verbal noun and is translated like a gerund.
Latin for Beginners
We don't tell each other what we think about anything - except about how prepositions or participles or relative pronouns function.
-- The Participle used as an adjective modifier, with the words belonging to it, is set off+ [Footnote: An expression in the body of a sentence is set off by two commas; at the beginning or at the end, by one comma.] +by the comma unless restrictive+.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.
It is part art, part emotion, part inspiration, and part active present participle.
The past participle of regular verbs ends in '-ed'.
That is not the case for alternating current, a subentry under alternate, or the array to be found under pass, which includes in passing (participle/gerund), make a pass at (noun), pass by (verb), passed pawn (adjective/past participle).
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 3
From the latin, past participle of Figere [fix], clavar [nail], fijar [locate in place] 1.adj. desus.
Fact is the participle of a verb: factum est, "that which has the property of having been done or accomplished.
April 11th, 2009
The end of the previous sentence itself contains an absolute clause with the participle being as its verb.
The signification of the word assizes in this connection is derived from the French verb asseoir, whose past participle is assis.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Intransitive, transitive, causative forms, past and non-past tenses (there was no future tense in Old Tamil), participal and verbal nouns, adjectival participles and the infinitive are found in the language of the inscriptions.
In HT 16.1-2, the phrase ka-ku-pa • di-na-u, especially if approached from the assumption that Minoan is related to Etruscan, seems to show a noun followed by a participial adjective in -(a)u (nb. the Etruscan participle ending -u as in tur-u 'given') in much the same way as adjectives are placed after commodity terms in Mycenaean.
Archive 2009-12-01
The compound tenses formed by combining the future active participle with each of the three aoristic tenses of "esti" represent an act or state as about to occur in the present, past, or future, respectively, and are called "periphrastic future tenses.
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
`From strictus, past participle of stringere, to draw or bind tight.
It is therefore better to say that the antecedence implied in the participle "predestinated" is to be referred to the Person not in
Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
So for the present he was "gazing at her by himself" mishta'eh, Hithpael participle, durative, from the verb sha'ah a "by-form" of sha'ah.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
-- _Fill out the following forms, using the principal parts of the verb walk -- present +walk+; past +walked+; past participle +walked+: _ --
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
So in the fine ballad called "The Reapers of Landisfarne" it is a pity to mar a good stanza by using the queer participle "strawed" as a rhyme to _sod_ and
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 101, May, 1876
Un is prefixed to all participles made privative adjectives, as unfeeling, unassisting, unaided, undelighted, unendeared.
A Grammar of the English Tongue
He is an innovator and experimenter; he is fond of antithesis, poetic vocabulary, the use of participles, and occasionally extreme asyndeton.
Pretty, dainty, inconsequential little Rosalie was preëminently fashioned for romance; it clung to her golden hair and looked from her eyes, She might be extremely hazy as to the difference between participles and supines, she might hesitate in her definition of a parallelopiped, but when the subject under discussion was one of sentiment, she spoke with conviction.
Just Patty
Nouns ending in ate, ee, ite, denote the person or thing acted upon, being derived from the Latin and French terminations of the past participle atus, itus, and ée; as mandate, lessee, favorite.
The Standard Speller; Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling; also, Sentences for Silent Spelling by Writing from Dictation. In Which the Representative Words and the Anomalous Words of the English Language are so Classified as to Indicate Their Pronuncia
Then the past aorist participle, "they that used the office of deacon well," implies that the present verb, "are acquiring to themselves boldness," is the result of the completed action of using the diaconate well.
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In particular, the writer was criticizing people for writing "hurted" instead of the plain "hurt" for the past tense and past participle.
On boilt
In addition, we show that in the case of deverbal gradable adjectives, scalar structure can be inferred from the aspectual properties of the source verbs, providing a basis for predicting which degree modifiers will be acceptable with which participles.
I'm edified to see the ablative affected you so strongly... The past participle for ferre now, please.
The distinction between a participle and a gerund affects the case of a preceding pronoun.
Times, Sunday Times
Complementing the overt philosophic cast of the last participle, for not yet "actualized" rather than merely not yet recognized, Wordsworth's verse, in and beyond the Intimations Ode, is often levitated on words as well as worlds that feel churning in a line without being fully conjured into print, fleeting evocations neither quite seized upon by the lyricist as yet nor brought to be in reading.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Compounds of more than two words may be analyzed thus: +May have been written+ is composed of the compound auxiliary +may have been+ and the participle +written; may have been+ is composed of the compound auxiliary
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
The signification of the word assizes in this connection is derived from the French verb asseoir, whose past participle is assis.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Then too, the participles of verbs with intensifier un - don't generally permit stative readings.
Beside the aoristic tense, six compound tenses are formed by combining the participles with the imperative mood "estu" of the auxiliary verb, but these tenses are seldom used.
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
Nevertheless, his book carries in it a certain large suggestion; it contains many excellent observations; its tone is unexceptionable; the style is firm and clear, though heavy and disfigured by such intolerable barbarisms as "commence to" walk, talk, or the like, -- the use of the infinitive instead of the participle after _commence_.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 79, May, 1864
Un ought never to be prefixed to a participle present to mark a forbearance of action, as unsighing, but a privation of habit, as unpitying.
A Grammar of the English Tongue
When the participle or the infinitive is used abstractly, without an assumed subject, its attribute complement is also said to be in the nominative case; as, To _be he_ [Footnote: See footnote above.] is to be a scholar; _Being_ a _scholar_ is not _being_ an _idler_.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
You can't even distinguish between the preterite and participle Germanic ablauts of English.
The verb is "suer" : je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué
The expressions, "generally speaking," and "considering their means," under number 4, are idiomatical and anomalous, the subjects to the participles not being specified.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
If, rejecting the word Thing, we endeavour to find another of a more general import, or at least more exclusively confined to that general import, a word denoting all that exists, and connoting only simple existence; no word might be presumed fitter for such a purpose than _being_: originally the present participle of a verb which in one of its meanings is exactly equivalent to the verb _exist_; and therefore suitable, even by its grammatical formation, to be the concrete of the abstract _existence_.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2)
Missing hyphen, misrelated participle, and bathos apart, this sentence founders on the embarrassing misconception of the tone of trendy.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
Verb Conjugation: je farcis, tu farcis, il/elle farcit, nous farcissons, vous farcissez, ils/elles farcissent (past participle: farci)
French Word-A-Day:
But I can draw attention to the gradience that exists between nouns and verbs - or, more precisely, between deverbal nouns via verbal nouns to participles - where it's fascinating to see the range of nuances of expression which English provides.
Archive 2008-08-01
The word 'attributive' in logic embraces both the adjective and participle of grammar.
Deductive Logic
Verb to pettifog (third-person singular simple present pettifogs, present participle pettifogging, simple past and past participle pettifogged) 8500 was just a number I picked out of thin air.
This is your classic dangling participle: the words discussing, sensitizing, and incorporating modify the subject, the more sensitive among us, but three other nouns stand between the participles and the subject.
Deconstructing Obama
a tight-fitting lid. Before a past participle tightly is used:clusters of tightly packed flowers.
(The verb is "suer": je sue, tu sues, il sue, nous suons, vous suez, ils suent = past participle = sué)
The second type of participle, the past participle, is a little more complicated, since not all verbs form the past tense regularly.
The past participle as the Attribute Predicative and the object complement.
A fourth kind of adjective is called by the grammarians an ADVERB; which has generally been formed from the first kind of adjectives, as these were frequently formed from correspondent substantives; or it has been formed from the third kind of adjectives, called participles; and this is effected in both cases by the addition of the syllable ly, as wisely, charmingly.
Note XIV
I can tell you how an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase works but I can't tell you how to properly use present participles.
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It is not only the inexperienced who can be caught with a misrelated participle, but the result is seldom as dramatic as the sentence in a schoolboy's story: The hurricane swept through the town in which I had lived for twenty-five years causing chaos and smashing buildings and factories.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
I'm edified to see the ablative affected you so strongly... The past participle for ferre now, please.
But Etruscanists are also generally aware that caru is a transitive participle meaning 'made'; tezan means 'cippus' see Paleoglot: The Etruscan word 'tezan'; tesnś is a declined form of tesiam ~ tesian 'sacrifice'; teiś is the directive form of ta 'that, the'; and Raśneś is likewise the directive form of Raśna 'Etruria'.
Ipa ama hen
I'm edified to see the ablative affected you so strongly... The past participle for ferre now, please.
He has banned infinitives as well as tensed verbs entirely from his writing, but he does exempt past participles from his linguistic Nuremberg Laws.
Verb conjugation: je salue, tu salues, il/elle salue, nous saluons, vous saluez, ils/elles saluent = past participle = salué
Saluer - French Word-A-Day
It was then clear that it was not another form of ‘afeared’, but wholly separate from it, the participle of the verb ‘to affray’, ‘affrayer’, or, as it is now written, ‘effrayer’ {247}.
English Past and Present
Each sentence begins with a standard verb phrase, embellished by a series of participles: tumbling, roiling, separating in the one; carrying, bouncing in the other.
Deconstructing Obama
PAST PARTICIPLE (nontransitive): lain, (transitive): laid.
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A gerund is a present participle (verb form) that functions as a noun.
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A passive clause is prototypically signified by the auxiliary verb be (or get) combined with a past participle.
Times, Sunday Times
a tight-fitting lid. Before a past participle tightly is used:clusters of tightly packed flowers.
The name must derive however from a word used for "burial" or "entombment" built on the verb mas since its participle form masu is found twice in the Cippus Perusinus CPer A.xiv, A.xvii.
Pyrgi Tablets and the burial of the sun