How To Use Participial In A Sentence
Marked by the thickened release of "good" from "growing," what we find inscribed from within narrative time is both a phrase for cumulative social improvement and an asymptote of its visionary teleology as well, Tennyson secularized: the immediate "growing betterment" (participial adjective plus noun) as well as, hard on its heels, the "growing [ultimately] good
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Now the warped and twisted tongue began to chant past-participially: "I done!
The Poor Little Rich Girl
The sentence begins with what is traditionally known as an absolutive clausal adjunct - a gerund-participial clause functioning as an adjunct in clause structure.
The syntactic analysis revolves mainly around the study of adverbial and participial structures in the narrative.
participial inflections
In HT 16.1-2, the phrase ka-ku-pa • di-na-u, especially if approached from the assumption that Minoan is related to Etruscan, seems to show a noun followed by a participial adjective in -(a)u (nb. the Etruscan participle ending -u as in tur-u 'given') in much the same way as adjectives are placed after commodity terms in Mycenaean.
Archive 2009-12-01
The participial constructions are employed much more in Latin than they are in English.
The syntactic analysis revolves mainly around the study of adverbial and participial structures in the narrative.
The changes of the ruling environment bring about the participial and responsive government which takes the limited rationality as the logical premise.
This time the snare of participial juncture is smoothly mutual and binding, rather than viscous and thickening — as in
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Verbs that have no Participial Stem, express the Future Infinitive Active and Passive by fore ut or futūrum esse ut, with the Subjunctive; as, -- spērō fore ut tē paeniteat levitātis, _I hope you will repent of your fickleness_ (lit. _hope it will happen that you repent_); spērō futūrum esse ut hostēs arceantur, _I hope that the enemy will be kept off_.a. The Periphrastic Future Infinitive is often used, especially in the
New Latin Grammar
Verbs that have no Participial Stem, express the Future Infinitive Active and Passive by fore ut or futūrum esse ut, with the Subjunctive; as, -- spērō fore ut tē paeniteat levitātis, _I hope you will repent of your fickleness_ (lit. _hope it will happen that you repent_); spērō futūrum esse ut hostēs arceantur, _I hope that the enemy will be kept off_.a. The Periphrastic Future Infinitive is often used, especially in the
New Latin Grammar
The result is a non-restrictive relative clause in which the relative pronoun ‘whom’ is buried inside a recursively-embedded participial supplement.
The syntactic analysis revolves mainly around the study of adverbial and participial structures in the narrative.
The sentence begins with what is traditionally known as an absolutive clausal adjunct - a gerund-participial clause functioning as an adjunct in clause structure.
The changes of the ruling environment have brought the participial -responsible pattern of governance which takes the limited rationality as the logical premise.