
How To Use Parted In A Sentence

  • Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses. Caesars’ Wives
  • There is so much to enjoy here that it is a pity that a good deal of the information imparted is demonstrably wrong. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It will be given a tender from another departed locomotive and regain its former Sierra appearance.
  • And when they espied the duke’s daughter, that was a full fair woman, then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself, and the duke of his goodness would have departed them, and there they slew him and his eldest son. Chapter XV. The Thirteenth Book. How Sir Galahad Fought with the Knights of the Castle, and Destroyed the Wicked Custom
  • The circle of human soldiers parted ahead, and a tall gold-haired human in a dark blue uniform walked through with another armored soldier at his side.
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  • The treaty usually took place in the dishevelled drawing-room, after a round of the widely parted chambers, where frowzy beds, covered with frowzy white counterpanes, stood on frowzy carpets or yet frowzier mattings, and dusty windows peered into purblind courts. London Films
  • The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italian and the Teuton parted company on their way from The Unseen World and Other Essays
  • Sister Morrison parted lips that had been tightly, even whitely, compressed. SAN ANDREAS
  • It's important that this information is imparted to the audience.
  • The keening sound of the upper strings provides a lasting memorial for those departed.
  • They kissed her, one cheek each, and departed softly in their pink felt bedroom slippers.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • Then strangely, as we came to a fork in the road - they departed, thanking me, as you might a bus driver.
  • Nay, I know that you shall not find him in Mansoul, for he is departed and gone; yea, and gone for the faults of the elders, and for that they rewarded his grace with unsufferable unkindness. The Holy War
  • I had the same middle parted haircut for eight years, and I was quite pedantic about this being perfect.
  • She had freckles, level gray eyes, a round nose, and straight dark blond hair parted in the middle.
  • The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.
  • But not many months thereafter we heard that he also had departed, leaving it ungarnished of men; and we deem that the cause thereof is that something uncouth is seen and heard therein, which folk may not endure. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The issue of this was that they did not keep God's covenant, and so the entail was at length cut off, and the sceptre departed from Judah by degrees. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • A significant look was exchanged between the devotees, but no words; the friar departed, and the nun, still silent, conducted her through many solitary passages, where not even a distant foot-fall echoed, and whose walls were roughly painted with subjects indicatory of the severe superstitions of the place, tending to inspire melancholy awe. The Italian
  • He departed from traditional European norms by privileging the extemporaneous sermon over the scripted delivery.
  • So saying, he dismissed Roland Graeme, through a different door from that by which he had entered, signed a cross, and pronounced a benedicite as they parted, and then, still muttering to himself, retired into the garden, and locked the door on the inside. The Abbot
  • The instructions as to sterilisation are rarely given in full; the routine method of exposure in the steam steriliser at 100° C. (without pressure) for twenty minutes on each of three successive days for all fluid media, and thirty minutes on each of three successive days for all liquefiable or solid media must be carried out; and only when these general rules are to be departed from are further details given. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Her shiny, long, brown hair was parted on the side, and swept back into a mass of curly locks at the nape of her neck.
  • The noon whistles blew before Sam's task was finished, but by the time he departed for lunch there was made a bed of such quality that Whitey must needs have been born faultfinder if he complained of it. Short Stories of Various Types
  • Not always smoothly — Peirce himself parted ways with his fellow pragmatist William James, largely over the idea that truth was mutable, that is, what is "true" can become not true and even then true again, depending on the situation. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The mizzen-topsail, which was a comparatively new sail and close reefed, split from head to foot in the bunt; the foretopsail went in one rent from clew to caring, and was blowing to tatters; one of the chain bobstays parted; the spritsailyard sprung in the slings, the martingale had slued away off to leeward; and owing to the long dry weather the lee rigging hung in large bights at every lurch. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel. Success A Novel
  • Although before we parted this last time he said something about maybe getting back into scholastic teaching.
  • In celebration of the special occasion the couple departed for a two week holiday in California on Monday last 26th July.
  • A certain Goodsir Canty's cornhouse stood near them in a clump of trees beside the road, and as the door was open they crept in, gulped down great "chunks" of cake, distributed vast slices of what was left about their persons, Obed taking by far the lion's share, and then they parted, vowing eternal secrecy. Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
  • For a moment, in the joy of anticipation, a strange light illuminated his face, his lips parted as in a foretasted wonder, and he forgot even to drop the hand he had just withdrawn. The Little City of Hope A Christmas Story
  • He's not easily parted from his cash.
  • -- I'm sitten down here, after seven-and-forty miles 'ridin', e'en as forjesket and forniaw'd as a forfoughten cock, to gie ye some notion o 'my land lowper-like stravaguin sin the sorrowfu' hour that I sheuk hands and parted wi 'auld Reekie. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • My lips parted in my confusion, and I stuttered a bit, embarrassingly, in my need to comprehend exactly what it was he was saying, ‘W-what?’
  • The warning bell rang, so I parted ways with Ivy, and went to my class.
  • Compare Lu 10: 39, Mary; Lu 2: 37, "Anna ... a widow, who departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day" (1Ti 5: 5). distraction -- the same Greek as "cumbered" (Lu 10: 40, Martha). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • While they were thus embarrassed, a large chest was brought and deposited in the presbytery for the Bishop, by two unknown horsemen, who departed on the instant.
  • And for rapture the sea was disparted, and onward the car-steeds flew. IX. On Reading the Bible (II)
  • We have a better suggestion - this cutting-edge piece of kit is the ideal replacement for the late, lamented Bryan McFadden, who recently departed legendary Irish pop combo Westlife.
  • The stench appeared the instant they walked in through the door and lingered for a good while after they had departed.
  • The 1,432-tonne, 72 metre ship arrived on Monday and departed for Dublin this morning.
  • When we parted she was upright, energised, smiling and laughing.
  • It had the usual country-schoolhouse form, with a moss-grown roof and blank window spaces, whence both glass and sash had long departed.
  • So when the earth-and-timber ramparts of Sulla's camp began to trace lines across the rolling Campanian horizon, Quintus Sertorius bade his cousin-in-law a grave goodbye, geed up his horse and departed. Fortune's Favorites
  • Then, as the curtain parted and an orchestra played, it was time for one of Aimee Semple McPherson's illustrious pageants .. Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Dirtiest Race Ever Reaches Its Peak
  • My dear departed and very heterosexual friend Norman Mailer (six marriages -- all to females) once called marriage an excrementitious union. Dwayne Raymond: Marriage, Money and LDS Possibilities
  • It is no less rendered necessary by the nature of the divine strength imparted, which is ever communicating itself, and like the ocean cannot but pour so much of its fulness as can be received into every creek and crack on its shore. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • The game came at the end of a very strange week in which two people who appeared to be doing wonderful jobs departed from them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Business was brisk and it wasn't long before the customers departed, bearing away the delicious cakes, tarts, mince pies, bread and bracks together with other miscellaneous goods.
  • And some time afterwards he called the otter and the cat and the rat to him and said that he purposed to let them go and before they parted he would give them anything they wished for. Folklore of the Santal Parganas
  • SO was there sikerness made on both parties that no treason should be wrought on neither party; so then the knights departed and made them ready, and that night Sir Uwaine had great cheer. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Otherwise, he chiselled away, as his chums departed. The Sun
  • The Embsay innings got off to a flyer with Duncan Bullough and Simon Bailey putting on 74 for the first wicket before the latter departed for 23.
  • We parted from the hug and he ran a hand over my hair-sprayed coif.
  • The Buddha's aversion to speculation did not prevent him from insisting on the importance of a correct knowledge of our mental constitution, the chain of causation and other abstruse matters; nor does it really take the form of neglecting metaphysics: rather of defining them in a manner so authoritative as to imply a reserve of unimparted knowledge. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • On this occasion we departed from our normal practice of holding the meetings in public.
  • But as I approached, so the branches beneath which they played gradually disparted, and I saw not far distant from them one sitting who evidently had these jocund boys in charge. Henry Brocken His Travels and Adventures in the Rich, Strange, Scarce-Imaginable Regions of Romance
  • Right so departed Galahad, Percivale and Bors with him; and so they rode three days, and then they came to a rivage, [24] and found a ship. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5
  • The thick crowd parted often as fights broke out in different sections.
  • At that point, the camera was stopped and the actor departed while a mannequin dressed as Mary was brought in. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Perceval departed from the castle, and gave thanks to Our Lord and praise, that He hath allowed him to conquer a castle so cruel and to attorn it to the Law. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • They prayed God would forgive their faults and, for their hopes hereafter, they relied on God's mercy pleaded in the Eucharistic memorial of Christ's redemption and on the intercession of the Church both living and departed.
  • The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
  • Mykel waited until the crafter departed before approaching the craftmaster. Cadmian's Choice
  • We then departed for a wooded spot a few miles away, where we bedded down in the brush for the night, hoping to regain contact with our colleagues in the morning.
  • And then the curtains parted to reveal the hotel's roofdeck, where a half a dozen gorgeous women in highly-experimental bikinis were sunning and oiling themselves and each other.
  • She had parted from this guy so he is free to go out with you. The Sun
  • The full-jib was also set, and, as it departed in shreds, the fore-topmast staysail was being hoisted. CHAPTER XXXVIII
  • “Dearest wife and daughter,” returned the Emperor, “I have hitherto spared you the burden of a painful secret, which I have locked in my own bosom, at whatever expense of solitary sorrow and unimparted anxiety. Count Robert of Paris
  • She bowed her head and made a cross over her chest in reverence of the departed woman.
  • Neither of us won the fight, as it was parted before the final blow was struck, but I definitely was having the upper hand.
  • It had been something more than "wearying," -- that dull pain that had ached at Lilias 'heart since they parted. The Orphans of Glen Elder
  • Another concert was held for the primary students next morning before the group departed for its Friday night concert at Maungaturoto.
  • Beneath the surface the green gloom parted to reveal the foggy apparition of the cutter's mast pointing us down towards the wreck.
  • He departed for Ameri-ca this morning.
  • In Brazil, though rich in luxuriant vegetable and animal life, there is no history – all is new and progressive, but vulgar and parvenu; whereas Syria, in her abomination of desolation, is the old land, and she teems with relics of departed glory. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • His story concludes with this hybrid verse: "There laid they Jesus, and rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher, and departed. Thomas Jefferson's Cut-and-Paste Bible
  • The friends parted: Jane went home and Mary went to the library.
  • He dropped her off at her car and kissed her on the cheek as they parted.
  • The crowd parted to let the truck pass.
  • Journey on where flowers stay abloom until each lover has cast his kisses on longing lips-parted like hills with deep valleys.
  • His lips were slightly parted, and she could neither see nor hear the thin whisper of breath.
  • A single small boat anchored in the cove departed shortly after we arrived.
  • Depending on how much information is imparted by the clue, it can be very easy or very difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lawyer parted error from crime for him in court.
  • His wavy black hair was parted from the side, and his eyes were hazel green.
  • Smith tells us that Quin and Hayman were inseparable friends, and so convival, that they seldom parted till daylight. All About Coffee
  • For if the dead appear to the living mainly in the hours of darkness, it seems not unnatural to imagine that the bright points of light which then bespangle the canopy of heaven are either the souls of the departed or fires kindled by them in their home aloft. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • Efficient waitresses managed to keep tables cleared as customers departed and before more arrived.
  • They shook hands on it, and the cartwright departed with his promised fifty pieces of silver. The Robin And The Kestrel
  • After the summer solstice, although the days are shortening in consequence of the sun's recession, their diminution is for some time scarcely perceptible, and as the days are still much longer than the nights, more heat is imparted to the earth than is lost by night-radiation. Census of the City of Charleston, South Carolina, For the Year 1861. Illustrated by Statistical Tables. Prepared under the Authority of the City Council by Frederick A. Ford
  • In order to try to get back on board he stood or kneeled on the fender but, when he did so, the rope which attached the fender to the cleat parted at the fender end.
  • All is as unsubstantial, as vague and shadowy, as Coleridge's "image of a rock," or Bishop Berkeley's "ghost of a departed quantity," as he once defined a fluxion. Life: Its True Genesis
  • This company, in turn, departed, and by the 1970s, Millbottom had been partially converted for domestic use.
  • After a few moments of this, the crowd parted to allow a gaudily dressed fellow with golden eyeglasses looped around his neck to approach me.
  • I also parted with a large sum of money and came away with a 7 tightly wrapped bags containing a week's supply of something that smells old, fusty and a bit mouldering.
  • George parted company with the band in 1996.
  • Following the Mass, parishioners will march in procession as one body to the Convent of Mercy where Benediction will be imparted.
  • On the final day in hospital, before they departed for home, a lone old woman arrived with a farewell gift of a bunch of bluebells.
  • They are believed to represent the deity Xolotl, in his role as guider of souls in the underworld and also provide some symbolic food for the departed on his or her journey. Did You Know? Mexico is home to oldest indigenous American domesticated dog breed.
  • The final polish can soon be imparted by means of a small boxwood slip, or flattened peg-wood, and diamantine and alcohol. A Treatise on Staff Making and Pivoting Containing Complete Directions for Making and Fitting New Staffs from the Raw Material
  • The church, which has no vicar of its own, being served from Selmeston, a mile away, stands high amid its graves, the whole churchyard having been heaped up and ramparted much as a castle is. Highways & Byways in Sussex
  • And if his features have recently seemed to take on a new youthfulness, his is still a face etched with experience, slowly hardening into the same benignly owlish countenance you see in photographs of his long-departed father, Jim.
  • Rhodry allowed himself a small smile as the two parted company, Matyc to greet his overlord, Yraen to stroll down and join Rhodry. A TIME OF WAR
  • FRISCO - A herd of motorcycles departed sunny Frisco on Saturday morning for a ride of more than 400 miles to support the needy. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Again; with respect unto the manner of their communication, they are called merismoi tou Pneumatos hagiou, Heb.ii. 4, "distributions," or partitions "of the Holy Ghost;" not whereof the Holy Ghost is the subject, as though he were parted or divided, as the Socinians dream on this place, but whereof he is the author, the distributions which he makes. Pneumatologia
  • At first I thought nothing would happen, but suddenly, as if by magic, the people parted in front of us, leaving a clear path.
  • But the Duchess rushes to her pet's defense and says she will not be parted from the wise squire.
  • Finding the promised firmaun came not, and the hot season of the year fast approaching, we departed on the 3d April in the prosecution of our journey, leaving directions with Richard Barber to send it after us. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • That done, she departed for the stables at a brisk speedy walk.
  • The grandstand is of the same age, and material as the now departed east stands at Daylis Stadium. Mustangs vs. Yankees
  • Let us do what the Vikings did for their departed ones and raise giant mugs of mead and bellow songs of warrior conquests!
  • We had another huge row and parted. The Sun
  • On this occasion we departed from our normal practice of holding the meetings in public.
  • She imparted the secret to her friend.
  • `My mother," he said, pointing to a dark-haired woman wearing something gauzy, dewy-eyed, with slightly parted lips. THE GOLDEN LION
  • The Clippers gain the expiring $4.5 million salary of Gooden, who -- if he isn't bought out to return to Dallas -- will serve as a short-term frontcourt replacement for the departed
  • I frowned as they departed, and turned to my mother and father, sadness blearing up my eyes.
  • A source at Mataram airport said flights continued as usual and the last flight departed for Bali with several empty seats.
  • In that long, burning look, it seemed as if the emotions of each were imparted to the other, not in slow succession as through words and sentences, but daguerreotyped or electrotyped in perfected form upon the conscious understanding. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • The entire café would also feel better if the skies parted, an angel descended, and smote him with a terrible flaming sword.
  • Although I'm surprised to find I miss the faint tanginess Nigella's sour cream imparted although full marks for accuracy, Marcus, this is the first cheesecake I find myself actively picking at as I portion it out – it is indeed deliciously smooth, rather than fluffy, and really quite moreish. How to cook perfect cheesecake
  • By the time Marciano and Robinson departed the scene, the sport's ethnic makeup had altered dramatically from the days of Dempsey and Louis.
  • How much of the exaggerated information on the then new divorce laws which Beaucock imparted to his listener was the result of ignorance, and how much of dupery, was never ascertained. The Woodlanders
  • The ejection seat will not fire until the canopy has departed the aircraft.
  • The pork was deliciously succulent and tender with a great flavour being imparted from the meat's fat.
  • I, for one, would not lightly risk a combat with so doughty a knight as yourself, else Margaret might eftsoon weep for a lover departed. Heiress of Haddon
  • In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • A dense pile wears better than a loosely-woven one, which can be parted to reveal the backing.
  • He parted his hair on the side, wore his socks too high, and liked old-time country music.
  • The pleasantries were a far cry from the he-can't-be-seated rhetoric that came from the Senate Democratic caucus a week ago when the governor shocked the party and nominated Burris, who would be the Senate's only black member now that Obama has departed. Home RSS
  • The Sinthuvaniks and the Malhotras perform the ‘Kruat Nam’ or pouring of the lustral water to make merit for their departed.
  • She had freckles, level gray eyes, a round nose, and straight dark blond hair parted in the middle.
  • In other words, people's positive influences remain after they have physically departed; true immortality lies in goodness, or godliness.
  • In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • The members of the society called the faubourg Saint-Germain protected the princess by a respectful silence due to her name, which is one of those that all men honor, to her misfortunes, which they ceased to discuss, and to her beauty, the only thing she saved of her departed opulence. Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan
  • He propagated ideas and emphases which departed from the biblical tradition established by the Reformers and Puritans.
  • Her blouse had parted company with her skirt , ie become untucked.
  • He kissed my hand as we parted and I knew was in love with him.
  • It was a remarkably idle and unobtrusive shop and yet money flowed into it without stint, mysteriously and unostentatiously, the conduits of its flow being certain modest and retiring Arab visitors in long brown or white _haiks_, with check cotton head-dresses girt with ropes of camel-hair, who collogued with the honest tradesman and departed as silently and unobtrusively as they came .... Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • If it is the fact that a certain quantity of phosphorus is expended in the work of the brain, it would be difficult to say how many milligrammes the judge had parted with to excite the network of his "sensorium," and after all, to find out nothing, absolutely nothing. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • The site is ramparted and habitable where the ovens stand. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • A Catholic priest gives the last rites to the dying and may offer a mass for a soul that departed to purgatory before making peace with God.
  • The whole body was acrawl with life, and Tom King knew that it was a life that had never oozed its freshness out through the aching pores during the long fights wherein Youth paid its toll and departed not quite so young as when it entered. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • /Then over the surges he drave: leapt sporting before the God/Sea-beasts that uprose all round from the depths, for their king they knew,/And for rapture the sea was disparted, and onward the car-steeds flew. On the Sublime
  • Meanwhile, there's a new arrival in town: the glowingly blond Archangel Raziel last seen in Lamb has come "dirtside" on a "miracle mission" involving Josh's wish and reviving the town's dearly departed. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The clergyman administered the Last Rite upon the departed.
  • The Chilean departed to a standing ovation at his old club, but from the wrong fans and for all the wrong reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, the Reformed Evangelische Kirche, while professing to adhere to The Helvetic Confession, has departed completely from the historic Reformed faith and biblical ethics.
  • From the beginning the Press has conspired in perpetuating what the sadly departed and sorely missed George Carlin called the American Okee-doke, the pretty lies and comforting half-truths that our corporate overseers use to keep us in line by getting us to accept the illusion that all is well in this great Republic of ours, feeding us, as Carlin says in his last concert for HBO, "just enough bullshit to hold things together. Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama, and the American Okee-doke
  • Pomerania is in Northern Europe, and partly contains the section of Poland from which my ancestors departed when the fled to America (apparently, outspoken university professors aren't popular with either Fascists or Communists). A Pomeranian Feast
  • Her quivering lips remained parted as she ceased speaking. Daniel Deronda
  • And so the old proprietor sighingly departed, leaving the new one smiling on the doorstep. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
  • Similarly, of the 39 juveniles that departed, 35% departed to a wetland unit not in their natal region.
  • The immemorial mile of cheap foul doggeries remained, but business was dull with them; the multitudes of poison-swilling Irishmen had departed, and in their places were a few scattering handfuls of ragged negroes, some drinking, some drunk, some nodding, others asleep. Life on the Mississippi
  • Back on topic though, I think a search party should be sent out to find this wonderful anonymous Japanese person whio has newly and conveniently imparted truthiness and lightheadedness to Batshit Michelle. Think Progress » Bachmann Suggests Critics Of Health Care Reform Will Be Put On A ‘List’ And Denied Treatment
  • When he came in to find her, she was standing on her head in a sexy leotard, legs provocatively parted.
  • As I got to the mill I took my last few pictures and then, as though to say goodbye, the clouds parted just a little and spat out a brilliant arc of sunshine - the first rays of the morning.
  • The vessels soon parted, but the "Varuna" had received her death-wound, and sank in shallow water. The Naval History of the United States Volume 2 (of 2)
  • Nigerian presidential aides said at midday yesterday that Obasanjo had departed for Liberia.
  • Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath.
  • When the repairmen had done their work and departed, we broke the same fuses again and repeated the exercise with the other firms.
  • Later, after we parted to go home, I asked Kiera what Boyd meant when he called Ricky PE Man. Family Storms
  • The level brows shaded eyes that looked straight out at him, fearless, unconcealing; the richly curved lips were parted in a dazzling expression of happiness. Gold Out of Celebes
  • Like her mother, she lived to a very advanced age and when she departed this life the world lost one of its saintliest characters. As I Remember Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century
  • As the film progresses we come to appreciate Ishi's dignity and the courage of his now departed people.
  • These foresaid shippes being fully furnished with their pinnesses and boates, well appointed with al maner of artillerie, and other things necessary for their defence with al the men aforesaid, departed from Ratcliffe, and valed vnto Detford, the 10. day of May, 1553. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It seems wonderfully natural and without vanity that he takes the Eucharist from a splendid golden challis but blesses the babies, the brides, grooms and the dearly departed from a salsa bottle. Small Brown Bishops
  • Hurriedly she genuflected toward the golden shrine in the vestiary™s corner, then parted the curtains and stepped through. Chosen Of The Gods
  • Many remained locked out while others parted with huge sums of cash and one must think that they could well feel somewhat cheated given the vacant chairs inside.
  • Several other scholars and organisations have condoled his demise and paid tributes to the departed soul.
  • We parted for good but remained good friends. The Sun
  • Being questioned about their delay, they replied that it was due to a violent tempest, and that, the sea being cloven [parted] their prow struck against a rock and was broken.
  • With a supreme effort of will, she forced herself to examine her surroundings through the haze of pain that threatened to pull her back to the shadows she had recently departed.
  • Finally, the woman broke the stillness as the edges of the cloak parted.
  • His money and he were soon parted, though, and his struggle to survive in a largely unappreciative world was constant.
  • Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.
  • The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer.
  • She quickly plugged her cell phone number into his phone and with another kiss they said goodnight and parted.
  • At the same time, a dozen or so tracked vehicles departed the amphibious ship Denver for the main landing yesterday.
  • They arrived on the 8th day, and being questioned about their delay, replied that it was due to a violent tempest, and that, the sea being cloven [parted] their prow struck against a rock and was broken.
  • His long blond hair was parted in the center.
  • Her dark lustrous hair was cut short and parted in the centre of her head. Seminary Boy
  • But a moment later, the sea parted and she could see who it was who had intruded upon her wedding feast.
  • The forest thinned as branches parted; a few hamlets dotted grassy slopes below and thickly-wooded hills reared above.
  • In front of them, the mist parted to reveal a river, moving lazily along its course.
  • At least some members of the evangelist's communities have parted company painfully with local synagogues.
  • We had another huge row and parted. The Sun
  • said Beth after we had departed our plane and were headed to the tramway into the main terminal. FATAL FLAW
  • Mr. Jackson has, in the past, done remarkable work with the uneasy departed, from the flesh-eating zombies of “Dead Alive” (1992) to the ectoplasmic pranksters of “The Frighteners” (1996) to, perhaps most memorably, the army of irritable spirits who come to the aid of Aragorn and Gandalf in the climactic battle of “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” (2003). IN THE WORLD OF MOVIES: NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 1ST | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • At the same time, a dozen or so tracked vehicles departed the amphibious ship Denver for the main landing yesterday.
  • Mattie, with an expression of deep malignance, departed.
  • He turned back to his elaborately ramparted castle. Origins
  • As captain of Eton collegers he was one of the last to benefit from the ancient custom of Montem, a day given over by the school for the pecuniary benefit of the college captain before he departed for university.
  • Most especially Luther disputed the sale of indulgences whereby, as Luther perceived, believers might buy forgiveness for themselves or their departed relatives.
  • But she's overparted by the florid nature of much of this music.
  • He will have made enemies of all his former managers, but few quibbled with Thompson's logic when he parted company with each of them.
  • For an experience or an epoch to take on mythic proportions, it usually needs the reverberating perspective of cherished memories that we may have about departed possibilities.
  • The hymen was not simply a sign or proof of chastity; rather, being physically ‘intact’ supposedly imparted strength, youth and holiness to the woman.

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