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[ US /ˈpɑɹt/ ]
[ UK /pˈɑːt/ ]
  1. go one's own way; move apart
    The friends separated after the party
  2. come apart
    The two pieces that we had glued separated
  3. force, take, or pull apart
    He separated the fighting children
    Moses parted the Red Sea
  4. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways
    My friend and I split up
    The couple separated after 25 years of marriage
    The business partners broke over a tax question
  5. leave
    The family took off for Florida
  1. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group
    he wanted his share in cash
  2. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions
    his part was right in the middle
  3. a portion of a natural object
    he needed a piece of granite
    they analyzed the river into three parts
  4. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
    the BBC's engineering division
    the written part of the exam
    the finance section of the company
  5. that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation
    they resisted every effort on his part
    it requires vigilance on our part
  6. something determined in relation to something that includes it
    I read a portion of the manuscript
    the animal constituent of plankton
    he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
    the smaller component is hard to reach
  7. the extended spatial location of something
    regions of outer space
    the farming regions of France
    religions in all parts of the world
  8. an item that is an instance of some type
    he designed a new piece of equipment
    she bought a lovely piece of china
    my dog swallowed a Lego part
  9. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
    play its role
    the government must do its part
    the function of a teacher
  10. the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music
    he tried to sing the tenor part
  11. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play
    she played the part of Desdemona
  12. something less than the whole of a human artifact
    glue the two parts together
    the rear part of the house
  13. the effort contributed by a person in bringing about a result
    I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project
    they all did their share of the work
  1. to some extent; in some degree; not wholly
    He was partially paralyzed
    I felt partly to blame

How To Use part In A Sentence

  • What we do not know are the precise weighting of factors that go into why prices increase at any particular time.
  • Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage. The Seattle Times
  • For centuries, scholars have squabbled over the design of the ship, which was crucial to defeating the Persians in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., part of a wider war that included the fight at Thermopylae dramatized in the film "300. Epic Struggle: Fans Fight to Revive an Oar-Powered Greek Warship
  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • Apart from any other objection, a different classification would be reached if the characters were used in a different sequence.
  • Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses. Caesars’ Wives
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
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