How To Use Parsons In A Sentence
On this second front he goes beyond Parsons by expanding the opportunities of scholars with variant theoretical perspectives.
Where we most seriously diverge, it seems, is in Parsons' tacit acceptance of ethnomethodology, symbolic interactionism and future studies as the best means to understand these complex relations.
Well, I don't know; maybe he might have been satisfied if it hadn't been for old Nat Parsons, which was postmaster, and powerful long and slim, and kind o 'good-hearted and silly, and bald-headed, on account of his age, and about the talkiest old cretur I ever see.
Tom Sawyer Abroad
While it was fronted largely by bluff Protestant parsons, it was backed by Stalin's branch office in the Australian Communist Party.
In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.

Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
The old bloke at reception comes out and says there's a call for Claire Parsons.
All the thousands of priests, reverends, parsons, ministers, etc. that make a living from talking about their god, claim that giving money to them will ‘help’ their god.
Tait, in contrast to Parsons, rejects the aspect of representability in intuition as the hallmark of the finitary; instead he takes finitary reasoning to be “a minimal kind of reasoning supposed by all non-trivial mathematical reasoning about numbers” and analyzes finitary operations and methods of proof as those that are implicit in the very notion of number as the form of a finite sequence.
Hilbert's Program
He pulled out his slingshot and loaded it with a crab apple, and took aim at Parsons' broad back.
In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
Nearby gossip columnist Louella Parsons listened attentively.
Then Parsons holed out for 40, Isles was bowled for 34 and the end soon followed with the deficit being 129 runs.
It was the best Devil I ever saw, and riding thus like a whipper-in after the parsons, had a strange and ridiculous appearance.
Letter 292
There was no superfluous flesh about him; he was tall and muscular, with well - knit limbs, broad shoulders, and a head altogether lacking in the humble or conciliatory 'droop' which all worldly-wise parsons cultivate for the benefit of their rich patrons.
God's Good Man
Ken Parsons and Derek Bridges sent me a video clip and neither knows the source of the odd "cicada" sound. Articles
When I was a student at Parsons in the late 70's this map kept me company every day as I became an eager voyager through the city's tunnels.
This Club was of an inclusive and intersocial character; to a degree, indeed, remarkable for the part of England in which it had its being -- dear, delightful Wessex, whose statuesque dynasties are even now only just beginning to feel the shaking of the new and strange spirit without, like that which entered the lonely valley of Ezekiel's vision and made the dry bones move: where the honest squires, tradesmen, parsons, clerks, and people still praise the Lord with one voice for His best of all possible worlds.
A Group of Noble Dames
Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
But in revisiting the past, Mr. Richards confronted some of his most painful memories, including the deaths of singer-songwriter Gram Parsons, the Stones 'pianist Ian Stewart and, particularly, Mr. Richards's two-month-old son Tara, who died in his sleep.
With No Ax to Grind
Many of the team's rookies proved their value with Kayleen Binga and Jennie Meijer leading the women and Danny Parsons and Kader El-Fityani leading the men.
Parsons also illustrated the dermal armour of this new species based on the theory by Museum of the R.ckies paleontologist John R. Horner that there was an outer keratinous sheathing on it as found in modern turtle shells and bird beaks. - latest science and technology news stories
As it this was not enough to drain the resource of the mainly Catholic tenants, there was the exaction of money from the impoverished Catholics by the parsons.
Parsons was chief executive of Dime Bancorp, a New York thrift savings bank, for five years from 1990.
On Guam, weaponeer William S. Parsons and Enola Gay pilot Paul Tibbets calmly answered reporters 'questions, limiting their remarks to what they had observed after the bomb exploded.
Greg Mitchell: The Day After Hiroshima: When the Atomic "Cover-Up" Began, 64 Years Ago
Fledgling gossip columnist Louella Parsons is there, played by Jennifer Tilly, squeaking and squawking her callow excitement at meeting so many A-list players.
The fact is that I had already begun to give serious consideration to the possibility of doing away with Dennis Parsons.
Parsons is the dean of the TV news correspondents at Channel Nine.
He too, son and grandson of Lutheran parsons, started off as a pious, dutiful boy and then, to borrow Turner's words, followed ‘the typical pattern of Victorian loss of Protestant religious faith.’
Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
Stored at less than 1 degree, the Parsons's feta ages and marinates on site.
Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.
Parsons shrugged his shoulders and gave Bradley a careless look.
Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.
Nancy Parsons, "Balbricker": I was a serious thespian who had performed Shakespeare at the Pasadena Playhouse, but by the time I died in 2001, I made my peace with being best known as the grumpy no-fun anti-penis Balbricker.
Patrick Sauer: Porky's : An Oral History
In some instances (Rhe Parsons being a case in point), I had a name itemized on his bill without a file to match.
I is for Innocent
Ted Parsons had got ashore, but when lying rock-still he felt a gun behind his ear and was captured.
In the official Scientology literature, it is claimed that Hubbard was assigned by naval intelligence to infiltrate Parsons's occult group.
However, there was the hint of alarm as Parsons reached his maiden league ton with a glide to short third man.
The man had turned out to be one Charlie Parsons, an out of work dockworker.
Free Excerpt 5/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
Parsons is the dean of the TV news correspondents at Channel Nine.
The fact is that I had already begun to give serious consideration to the possibility of doing away with Dennis Parsons.
A realist and an accommodator who's as comfortable at a Lincoln Center opening as he is lobbying regulators in Washington, a personal friend of a popular President as well as of powerful Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael Powell, Mr. Parsons is perfectly positioned to lead AOL Time Warner to the next stage.
Dicey Days At AOL Time Warner, and New C.E.O. Dick Parsons Is the Man for Them
After winkingly reading a single lifted-from-the-headlines monologue joke, Conan quickly introduced his first guest, star of "The Big Bang Theory" Jim Parsons.
Conan O'Brien's 'Show Zero': Host Performs The 'Fastest Talk Show Ever' Online (VIDEO)
Parsons has also demonstrated vision and can effectively communicate and execute strategic plans.
Introducing block rockin 'honky-tonk, New American music for the 21st century, built with love in a little studio, hand crafted, running on inspiration and imagination and duct tape, calling on the spirit of Gram Parsons and Otis Redding and KRS-ONE and Dolly Parton and Nina Simone and Willie Nelson and Missy Elliott and Johnny Cash, to write about what we feel and play what our hearts tell us, because to make it happen is reason enough, and to share it with the world is all the reason you need, because we tell the truth with music and the truth is beautiful.
Boing Boing
Parsons must knock these lessons into the team before Saturday.
At the last "nanosecond," Derek Parsons said, he looked up. - RSS
Kistiakowsky worked well with Deke Parsons, the naval officer in charge of the Ordnance Division.
For example, Anthony Parsons 'passion was “the improvement of various florists’ flowers” and his pioneering work his work on dahlias, pansies, verbenas, petunias, hollyhocks and achimenes resulted in dozens of new hybrids, the forefathers of many we grow today.
The polymath in the garden
Price gave evidence that Mr Parsons became aggressive and swung a punch at him and all he did afterwards was try to defend himself.
It requires them to appear before the commissioners at the Dolphin Inn, in Ely, on the 25th of the then instant January, to produce before the commissioners a true account "of the monies, fines, rents, and profits by you and every of you and your predecessors feoffees receaved out of the lands given by one Parsons for the benefitt of the inhabitants of Ely for 16 years past," &c.
Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
Prince Andrew spoke 'cockily' at a business brunch in Kyrgyzstan, a secret embassy cable claimed Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA
The Guardian World News
The train approaching platform two is also not going to Parsons Green but to Ealing Broadway.
We've got a painting of Parsons here somewhere, a miniature done by another member of the club called Peter Lens.
Intrepid journalist Zack "Eddie Vedder" Parsons has once again taken a trip into the wacky world of Japanese Hentai games.
Parsons 1990 is an important paper, dealing with many subtle issues concerning structuralism.
Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
Some of us are schoolmasters or college tutors; some of us are doctors who failed to draw patients; some of us are disfrocked parsons; a vast proportion are briefless barristers.
You tell us not to believe what parsons say about religion.
Parsons, a good actress who has disastrously taken up directing in recent years, directed the whole silly adventure.
In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.
I wanted to get a photo of the Gram Parsons BBQ pit from a small shelf in the rock above.
But that's about it, problem-wise, as the novel opens – so Harry should really be bracing himself, hands over head and head between knees, because he should know by now that the rest of this novel is going to present him with relationship breakdowns, tug-of-love battles for his children, lots of reasons to lament "the lousy modern world" (©T Parsons) and at least one fatalcancer.
Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
Of two works by David Parsons, Shining Star is a be-happy piece for dancers in angelic white, against tricksy banks of lights.
Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role.
The latter was fiercely jealous, and if Parsons showed obvious affection toward someone, Patsy howled as though she were calling upon all her lupine ancestors to come forth and carry off the intruder.
And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons.
An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure?
Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
‘We do not yet have the technology that will detect biohazards quickly,’ says Medhat O'Kelly, senior supervising engineer for Parsons Brinckerhoff.
There is good evidence that the latter is the case, for Parsons 'ontology, as a typically Meinongian ontology, includes the round square and other impossible objects, which the possibilist ontology does not include.
Possible Objects
Citigroup remains too "interwoven" to fail even after the government has plowed billions into rescuing the banking titan and Congress has passed laws taking aim at financial behemoths, Citi Chairman Richard Parsons told CNBC.
Richard Parsons, Citigroup Chairman: Bank Is 'Too Interwoven' To Fail
In the 1950s and the 1960s, as an offshoot of the sociological functionalism of Talcott Parsons, theories of modernization and neo-evolutionism dominated the social science study of development.
To smoke was characteristic of the "cit," of the country squire, of the clergy (especially of the country parsons), and of those of lower social status.
The Social History of Smoking
Fairfield's quirky blend of farmers, computer programmers, accountants and organic-fabric clothing designers began in the early 1970s, when the maharishi, the Beatles' spiritual adviser and leader of the international transcendental meditation movement, took over the defunct Parsons College on the outskirts of town and turned it into the Maharishi University of Management.
Meditators Back Paul for Peace
The available trials of X-ray pelvimetry show an increase of interventions like caesarean section, but no benefits in terms of reduced neonatal morbidity (Parsons and Spellacy 1985).
One is that the small investor who made some money during the bull market, may get some back through what we call disgorgement (ph) and that some of the executives may have to hand over some money, and I think the darker lesson for people like Dick Parsons of AOL Time Warner, who have a tremendously difficult job right now, they're just going to be dealing with lawyers for the next 12 months, if not longer.
CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2002
When a short term consultancy became available with PB Asia Parsons Aviation he took it.
Henry VIII had ordered "every of you that be parsons, vicars, curates and also chantry priests and stipendiaries to ... teach and bring up in learning the best you can all such children of your parishioners as shall come to you, or at least teach them to read English.
The Age of the Reformation
The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work.
As a form of greeting, parsons should make a regular point of blessing those they meet as an alternative to more ‘worldly’ salutations.
Marvin Harris was a brilliant, formidable critic of everyone who flirted with neo-Kantian philosophical idealism and mentalist definitions of social phenomena, from Hegel to Weber and Parsons.
Vice Chancellor Donald Parsons , who ordered the unsealing, said Mr. Hurd faced "irreparable harm" if the letter was made public before he had a chance to plead his case before the Delaware Supreme Court.
Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
Ryan is often described as a prolific songster who borrows from, mimics even, the likes of Gram Parsons and Paul Westerberg from The Replacements.
Parsons said recently that he has seen the committee described as ‘the pampered poodles of the management board’ and he had found himself unable to disagree with that phrase.
Spencer Parsons: "A little less than a year since the first public screenings, Warner Bros. has called the kibosh on performances of Brad Neely's Wizard People, Dear Reader, though no official legal action has been taken, and none appears imminent.
GreenCine Daily
The term institution was used by Parsons and Spencer in this sense.
What is the concept of institution in Sociology
As a subscriber, we hope you were pleased to see that Parsons was featured as the cover subject of our February 2002 issue.
Parsons was chased to the flag by Paddy Murray, as both Club Class racers scored their debut podium finishes in the championship.
During his last days Parsons was reduced to working for Hollywood movies, making tiny explosive squibs that mimicked a man being shot.
And, for good measure, there is a versifying King Rat, pleasantly old-fashioned scenery from Terry Parsons, and a spectacular underwater film sequence, requiring 3D specs, in which octopus-tentacles alarmingly reach out to us, and sharks loom in our faces.
Dick Whittington - review
On a recent weeknight at the bar Southpaw in Park Slope, the Defibulators 'guitarist and banjo player Bryan Jennings (who goes by the name Bug) and singer Erin Bru slip into harmonies that recall the storied Gram Parsons-Emmylou Harris duets.
It was to Parsons' credit that he managed to reach beyond those kind of assumptions, and divine the aching sadness and plain-spoken poetry that defined the best country songs.