How To Use Parson In A Sentence

  • And the world will say: now she is at liberty to pursue her inclination, the parson is the man.
  • So that one of his Oxford friends, as he traveled through Childrey, inquiring for his diversion of some of the people, Who was their minister, and how they liked him? received this answer: Our parson is one Mr. Pococke, a plain honest man. A Reader's Manifesto
  • So in the earliest autumn they were married, Monsieur having previously presented Miss Lucinda with a delicate plaided gray silk for her wedding attire, in which she looked almost young; and old Israel was present at the ceremony, which was briefly performed by Parson Hyde in Miss The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • He was a humorous and gentle pastor of his flock, a good parson who put up a new poster every week to attract people to come to his church.
  • Vice Chancellor Donald Parsons , who ordered the unsealing, said Mr. Hurd faced "irreparable harm" if the letter was made public before he had a chance to plead his case before the Delaware Supreme Court. Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
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  • Parson, laying his pipe on his hand, “fourteenthly, it is calumniously asserted by the opposers of divine truth that on this hypothesis God made men to damn them; but we say Margaret
  • ‘We do not yet have the technology that will detect biohazards quickly,’ says Medhat O'Kelly, senior supervising engineer for Parsons Brinckerhoff.
  • Deference to the squire and the parson was often a façade, masking constant challenges to authority by poaching and more explicit threats of rick-burning.
  • [Footnote A: it wuz "tumblebug" as he Writ it, but the parson put the Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor Volume I
  • The King James Bible was meant to be read in churches, and the idea was that if you didn't gloss it, people wouldn't be able to understand it properly, and they'd have to come to church and they'd have to ask the parson in the normal way to teach.
  • It is brought home to me in one of the few permitted churches, where the parson has to submit his sermons to the censors a month in advance.
  • They liked her so much they gave up their goal of hiring a man who would bring a wife and family to fill the parsonage.
  • This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure? Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
  • And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons. An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
  • The party who dug the parson out after a snow-storm, verily got their reward, a sort of prelibation of the visionary sweets of that land, flowing not, according to the Jewish notion, with milk and honey, but according to the revised version of Yankeedom, with milk and rum. William Lloyd Garrison
  • The residence of a pastor a parsonage.
  • Mr. ARTHUR WHITBY'S parson, Mr. NORMAN FORBES 'squire, Miss JEAN CADELL'S housekeeper, left no chinks in their armour for a critic's spleenful arrow. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-25
  • The latter was fiercely jealous, and if Parsons showed obvious affection toward someone, Patsy howled as though she were calling upon all her lupine ancestors to come forth and carry off the intruder.
  • Nah, aw like a chap o 'that sooart, if he doesn't carry things too far: but when he begins to say' at he con build a haase as weel as a mason, an 'mak a kist o' drawers as weel as a joiner, or praich a sarmon as weel as th 'parson -- or playa bazzoon, or spetch a pair o' clogs better nor ony man breathin -- then, aw say, tak care an 'ha' nowt to do wi 'him. Yorksher Puddin' A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley
  • The parson was a little, meagre, black-looking man, with a grizzled wig that was too wide, and stood off from each ear; so that his head seemed to have shrunk away within it, like a dried filbert in its shell. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role.
  • A carved "stemma," or coat of arms, over a side-door was all the parsonage had to show, and no trace of the fresco was anywhere discernible. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • I saw the Parson weeded four times yesterday with his little ten-foot greenheart. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • In many ways he was unsuited to the life of a country parson, and he chafed under the restrictions.
  • It is notorious that many of the leases of new dwelling-houses contain a clause against dancing, lest the premises should suffer from a mazurka, tremble at a gallopade, or fall prostrate under the inflictions of "the parson's farewell," or "the wind that shakes the barley. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 536, March 3, 1832
  • -- H.B. [11] it wuz "tumblebug" as he Writ it, but the parson put the Latten instid. i sed tother maid better meeter, but he said tha was eddykated peepl to Boston and tha would n't stan 'it no how. idnow as tha _wood_ and idnow _as_ tha wood. The Biglow Papers
  • But a Protestant parson also visited the place.
  • Of two works by David Parsons, Shining Star is a be-happy piece for dancers in angelic white, against tricksy banks of lights.
  • As it would be for a parson to step up to the pulpit one Sunday, look hard at his congregation, and with a roguish grin announce, "It's all a load of hooey! Rush Limbaugh tries to horn in on my vacation
  • But that's about it, problem-wise, as the novel opens – so Harry should really be bracing himself, hands over head and head between knees, because he should know by now that the rest of this novel is going to present him with relationship breakdowns, tug-of-love battles for his children, lots of reasons to lament "the lousy modern world" (©T Parsons) and at least one fatalcancer. Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
  • He called to mind the peculiarities of the "tui" of the natives, sometimes called the mockingbird from its incessant chuckle, and sometimes "the parson," in allusion to the white cravat it wears over its black, cassock-like plumage. In Search of the Castaways
  • THE death of the parson was the commencement of a new era in the history of his slaves. Clotel; or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States. By William Wells Brown, A Fugitive Slave, Author of "Three Years in Europe." With a Sketch of the Author's Life
  • I wanted to get a photo of the Gram Parsons BBQ pit from a small shelf in the rock above.
  • In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.
  • The two-part docu-drama was filmed in the village last year, locations shots taken in the parsonage and on the cobbled streets.
  • Parsons, a good actress who has disastrously taken up directing in recent years, directed the whole silly adventure.
  • Given this distribution, Parson shows that a group of eight magnetons may be arranged symmetrically round the sphere so as to give a stable configuration; and even with atoms possessing a larger number of magnetrons, a similar distribution of eight is assumed.
  • Kingsley, what Sydney Smith called a "squarson," or compound of squire and parson. Studies in Early Victorian Literature
  • He was a good parson, and I am happy to have been introduced to his life by such a reliable biographer.
  • Only Madame Hayle was allowed to do that, and the parson's wife, being quite without madame's art of doing as she pleased, had had to submit conscience and compassions to the captain's forbiddal, repeated by the commodore and Hugh. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • You tell us not to believe what parsons say about religion.
  • Bryant has itinerated at Sedalia, Missouri, where he built a new parsonage, and in Kansas City, Missouri. The Sons of Allen: Together with a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio.
  • Shutting off the air conditioner, I walk across the alley to the parsonage to enjoy the meal.
  • Parsons must knock these lessons into the team before Saturday.
  • Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
  • Parsons 1990 is an important paper, dealing with many subtle issues concerning structuralism.
  • -- H.B.] [Footnote 17: it wuz 'tumblebug' as he Writ it, but the parson put the The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • The faded red brick church sat at the falling-off place between the flat prairie in front and a deep gorge in back, with a cemetery that spilled down the hill behind the parsonage.
  • It was supported by property owners, and was in turn preoccupied, indeed almost obsessed, by the defence and enhancement of its own properties including tithes, parsonages, and pew rents.
  • The privy is a straight "Parson's bench" style with 40 holes; ten on each side wall and twenty back to back in the middle of the building. S./Sgt. Vitold Krushas, Engineer-Top turret (Offenstein crew 576th Sq., 392nd BG) Interviews 6/11/85 & 4/29/86
  • The Brontë family lived there before moving to the parsonage at Haworth.
  • Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we've all been in, more or less -- of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried, earwigged by the parson and brought to it on bread and water, -- but of his own fancy; to please his own taste; stealing out at nights to find those most interested against us, and peaching to them. Oliver Twist
  • Intrepid journalist Zack "Eddie Vedder" Parsons has once again taken a trip into the wacky world of Japanese Hentai games.
  • Bumptious is bumptious, and gumptious is gumptious," said the landlord, delighted to puzzle a Parson. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • In the close and thundery heat the sound of his hooves made the parson drowsy and his hat nodded down towards his chest. THE MAIN CAGES
  • In 1671 he and Maria disguised themselves as a parson and his wife. They visited the keeper of the jewels and Maria pretended to faint to cause a distraction.
  • He was not at first sight at all the epitome of a sympathetic country parson, nor was Ruth the typical parson 's wife. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • We've got a painting of Parsons here somewhere, a miniature done by another member of the club called Peter Lens.
  • The train approaching platform two is also not going to Parsons Green but to Ealing Broadway.
  • Rubin, of course, has left Citigroup, but Parson's remains as chairman of the board, which should scare the daylights out of investors and regulators worried that Citigroup might once again implode. Charles Gasparino: Citigroup: Too Big to Manage
  • Mexican -- rather well gotten up -- who proceeded to wave his arms like a parson who had reached "sixthly" in his sermon, and who proceeded thereat to overwhelm us with his eloquence. Crooked Trails
  • There's a fearful deal o 'oaths spilt in a grave while it's i' th 'makin', I can tell yo '; and th' Almeety's name is spoken more daan i 'th' hoile than it is up aboon, for all th 'parson reads it so mich aat of his book. Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • Mr. Parson's "Bitters," which itself sounds as if it should be in a small bottle on a dusty backbar, answers that and then some. Gift Guide: Books on Cocktails
  • Prince Andrew spoke 'cockily' at a business brunch in Kyrgyzstan, a secret embassy cable claimed Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA The Guardian World News
  • 'gentlefolk' in the book are the merest marionettes, but there are descriptive passages of first-rate vigour, and the voice of wisdom is heard from the lips of an early Greek choregus in the figure of an old parson called Mr. Wyvern. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • He would probably walk into the parsonage dressed in strict, unconforming black, and insist on speaking about breeds of dogs and how to properly prepare a pen for writing business letters.
  • The attractive three-bedroom parsonage is located on the church property. The Navy and Married Life
  • In many ways Sterne was unsuited to the life of a country parson, and he chafed under the restrictions.
  • But, for the modern Episcopalian, the country parson is probably an ideal figure, remote and more longed for than experienced.
  • It requires them to appear before the commissioners at the Dolphin Inn, in Ely, on the 25th of the then instant January, to produce before the commissioners a true account "of the monies, fines, rents, and profits by you and every of you and your predecessors feoffees receaved out of the lands given by one Parsons for the benefitt of the inhabitants of Ely for 16 years past," &c. Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
  • The senior Taylor, an aggressive soulwinner, pastored the Queen Anne Hill United Presbyterian Church where the family resided in the parsonage next door.
  • Price gave evidence that Mr Parsons became aggressive and swung a punch at him and all he did afterwards was try to defend himself.
  • For example, Anthony Parsons 'passion was “the improvement of various florists’ flowers” and his pioneering work his work on dahlias, pansies, verbenas, petunias, hollyhocks and achimenes resulted in dozens of new hybrids, the forefathers of many we grow today. The polymath in the garden
  • Kistiakowsky worked well with Deke Parsons, the naval officer in charge of the Ordnance Division.
  • This was about the clerk of that parish, whose wife used to wash the parson's surplices.
  • Parson Hooper put the investigation of the church break-in in the hands of the police. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Parson Hooper pointed out that it would threaten St Pinnock's holy well: `Have we not seen enough sacrilege of late? THE MAIN CAGES
  • But instead of that, he stopped at our gate, and stood up from his saddle, and halloed as if he were somebody; and all the time he was flourishing a white thing in the air, like the bands our parson weareth. Lorna Doone
  • At the last "nanosecond," Derek Parsons said, he looked up. - RSS
  • I have heard some complain of Parson's Resolution, and other books of like nature (good otherwise), they are too tragical, too much dejecting men, aggravating offences: great care and choice, much discretion is required in this kind. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The collection has been loaned by the British Library to the Bronte Parsonage Museum.
  • There is in Ely, where Cromwell for some years resided, an extensive charity known as Parson's Charity, of which he was a feoffee or governor. Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
  • Some of us are schoolmasters or college tutors; some of us are doctors who failed to draw patients; some of us are disfrocked parsons; a vast proportion are briefless barristers.
  • Now, having gained shelter, they quickly lost the glow of endeavour, and mixed in pleasing stupor the humming of the storm in the tower above, its intermittent onslaughts on the leadwork of the southern windows, and the voice of Parson Babbage lifted now and again from the chancel as if to correct the shambling pace of the choir in the west gallery. I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales
  • He wanted to be a monk, not a busy town parson continually beset by unreasonable people.
  • This was probably around the time it became the village parsonage. Times, Sunday Times
  • She discloses that the outbreak has had a dire effect on the numbers visiting the parsonage, once the home of the famed Brönte sisters, resulting in admission takings being down almost £18,000 on last year's figure.
  • After buying the matting and paper, there had been quite a fair sum left; enough to pay for two magazine subscriptions, one a review that Mr. Shaw had long wanted to take, another, one of the best of the current monthlies; and to lay in quite a store of new ribbons and pretty turnovers, and several yards of silkaline to make cushion covers for the side porch, for Pauline, taking hint from Hilary's out-door parlor at the farm, had been quick to make the most of their own deep, vine-shaded side porch at the parsonage. The S. W. F. Club
  • Soon she is the quarry of both the parson, who wants to keep her innocence intact, and the hard-drinking, fox-hunting squire, who wants his wicked way with her.
  • It was to Parsons' credit that he managed to reach beyond those kind of assumptions, and divine the aching sadness and plain-spoken poetry that defined the best country songs.
  • Your dad is going to be the pastor of a church there, and we'll live in the parsonage behind the church.
  • The church of Ménil is a ruin, but the parsonage still stands – a plain little house at the end of the street; and here the curé received us, and led us into a room which he has turned into a chapel. Fighting France
  • On a recent weeknight at the bar Southpaw in Park Slope, the Defibulators 'guitarist and banjo player Bryan Jennings (who goes by the name Bug) and singer Erin Bru slip into harmonies that recall the storied Gram Parsons-Emmylou Harris duets. Undefined
  • Hope yo're nicely, miss, "affably;" an 'th' same to yo ', parson. That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story
  • And, for good measure, there is a versifying King Rat, pleasantly old-fashioned scenery from Terry Parsons, and a spectacular underwater film sequence, requiring 3D specs, in which octopus-tentacles alarmingly reach out to us, and sharks loom in our faces. Dick Whittington - review
  • During his last days Parsons was reduced to working for Hollywood movies, making tiny explosive squibs that mimicked a man being shot.
  • Parsons was chased to the flag by Paddy Murray, as both Club Class racers scored their debut podium finishes in the championship.
  • As a subscriber, we hope you were pleased to see that Parsons was featured as the cover subject of our February 2002 issue.
  • The farmers about here consider him as rolling in wealth, and I must say that, though the parsonage is absolutely bare of luxuries, one is not there often unpleasantly reminded that the parson is a poor man. Oldtown Folks
  • The daughter and her intended arrived at the parsonage promptly at five, he having taken off a few minutes early from his job as an asphalt man on the county's roads.
  • The term institution was used by Parsons and Spencer in this sense. What is the concept of institution in Sociology
  • A “religious assembly” use is defined as “an establishment for religious worship and other religious ceremonies, including religious education, rectories and parsonages, offices, social services, columbaria, and community programs Section 1401-01-R7.” CityLink FINALLY Speaks
  • Coach Hager as great as his staff will take something certain divided from the William & Mary diversion as great as demeanour to build as great as reanimate during the bye week as great as hope for for Towson when the Tigers revisit Parson Field in dual weeks. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Mr. Stubbs draws back the curtains, when, behold! but tell it not in the by-ways, there is revealed the stalworth figure of Simon Patterson, the plantation parson. An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • Spencer Parsons: "A little less than a year since the first public screenings, Warner Bros. has called the kibosh on performances of Brad Neely's Wizard People, Dear Reader, though no official legal action has been taken, and none appears imminent. GreenCine Daily
  • Does the idea of a club having its own priest, reverend, or parson seem ridiculous?
  • In a word, this parson did his duty well, and pleasantly for all his flock; and nothing imbittered him, unless a man pretended to doctrine without holy orders. Mary Anerley
  • The trustworthy parson and the trustworthy squire are the twin pillars of rural life.
  • A jolly old throstle is singing away in the elm which overhangs the parson's gate. Despair's Last Journey
  • Occasionally he played a game of chess with Parson Fisher, the jolly ex-clergyman, or smoked a pipe with the sadler-postmaster; he attended all the East Patten tea-parties, too, but he made himself so uniformly agreeable to all the ladies that the mothers in Israel agreed with many sighs, that the major was not a marrying man. Romance of California Life
  • Boile hath confessed to this examinant and others that he had in Connaught 360 plough-lands and thirty-eight parsonages.
  • Parsons said recently that he has seen the committee described as ‘the pampered poodles of the management board’ and he had found himself unable to disagree with that phrase.
  • Ryan is often described as a prolific songster who borrows from, mimics even, the likes of Gram Parsons and Paul Westerberg from The Replacements.
  • There is good evidence that the latter is the case, for Parsons 'ontology, as a typically Meinongian ontology, includes the round square and other impossible objects, which the possibilist ontology does not include. Possible Objects
  • Marvin Harris was a brilliant, formidable critic of everyone who flirted with neo-Kantian philosophical idealism and mentalist definitions of social phenomena, from Hegel to Weber and Parsons.
  • One hand held gracefully to his breast the parson makes his bow, his sharp civil features enwreathed in the most disarming of smiles. Sterne's Great Game
  • Had he not considered the beneficial benefits of the Protestant parsonage in non-Catholic lands?
  • The cleared land will aid the regeneration of Parson Cross that may include more accommodation for the elderly.
  • Across the street from the parsonage was a little white cottage set back among tall cedars. Prudence of the Parsonage
  • Old Amos declared, however, 'that there were a bit o' both in it, but he feared th 'chilt more than th' parson. ' Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • As a form of greeting, parsons should make a regular point of blessing those they meet as an alternative to more ‘worldly’ salutations.
  • The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work.
  • Silverbridge; at which place, between six and seven in the morning, it was shouldered by the Framley footpost messenger, and in due course delivered at the Framley Parsonage exactly as Mrs Robarts had finished reading prayers to the four servants. Framley Parsonage
  • Henry VIII had ordered "every of you that be parsons, vicars, curates and also chantry priests and stipendiaries to ... teach and bring up in learning the best you can all such children of your parishioners as shall come to you, or at least teach them to read English. The Age of the Reformation
  • Robert Louis Stevenson was a roadmender," said the wise parson. The Roadmender
  • When a short term consultancy became available with PB Asia Parsons Aviation he took it.
  • The pad began to curvet as the post horses rattled behind, and the Parson had only an indistinct vision of a human face supplanting these human legs. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • One is that the small investor who made some money during the bull market, may get some back through what we call disgorgement (ph) and that some of the executives may have to hand over some money, and I think the darker lesson for people like Dick Parsons of AOL Time Warner, who have a tremendously difficult job right now, they're just going to be dealing with lawyers for the next 12 months, if not longer. CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2002
  • I have my own views; and if they are relaxed and out of order now and then, why, the parson is the man to apply to, and not the baron. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844
  • Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we’ve all been in, more or less — of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried, earwigged by the parson and brought to it on bread and water, — but of his own fancy; to please his own taste; stealing out at nights to find those most interested against us, and peaching to them. Oliver Twist
  • As narrator we have not a rootless and unchurched young woman but an elderly Congregationalist minister who has lived all his life in the same parsonage in the town of Gilead, Iowa.
  • The parson had assured him that I was a hard worker, so he took me.
  • The fair rental value of a church-provided parsonage or a properly designated housing allowance for ministers.
  • The available trials of X-ray pelvimetry show an increase of interventions like caesarean section, but no benefits in terms of reduced neonatal morbidity (Parsons and Spellacy 1985). 3. CARE DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR
  • Bumptious is bumptious, and gumptious is Bumptious," said the landlord, delighted to puzzle a parson. My Novel — Complete
  • Fairfield's quirky blend of farmers, computer programmers, accountants and organic-fabric clothing designers began in the early 1970s, when the maharishi, the Beatles' spiritual adviser and leader of the international transcendental meditation movement, took over the defunct Parsons College on the outskirts of town and turned it into the Maharishi University of Management. Meditators Back Paul for Peace
  • He wanted to be a monk, not a busy town parson continually beset by unreasonable people.
  • Some of your boys can thank a Texas parson for being alive today
  • To smoke was characteristic of the "cit," of the country squire, of the clergy (especially of the country parsons), and of those of lower social status. The Social History of Smoking
  • An icy chill ran down her spine as Abbie recognized the voice as belonging to the same woman who had called the parsonage the other night. For the Love of God
  • In the 1950s and the 1960s, as an offshoot of the sociological functionalism of Talcott Parsons, theories of modernization and neo-evolutionism dominated the social science study of development.
  • The distinctive, colourless animal with white prickles, red eyes and pink feet is being treated with antibiotics at the Withington Hedgehog Hospital on Parsonage Road.
  • I am nothing but 'th' parson 'to these people, and' th 'parson' is one for whom they have little respect and no sympathy. That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story
  • Citigroup remains too "interwoven" to fail even after the government has plowed billions into rescuing the banking titan and Congress has passed laws taking aim at financial behemoths, Citi Chairman Richard Parsons told CNBC. Richard Parsons, Citigroup Chairman: Bank Is 'Too Interwoven' To Fail
  • Nancy Parsons, "Balbricker": I was a serious thespian who had performed Shakespeare at the Pasadena Playhouse, but by the time I died in 2001, I made my peace with being best known as the grumpy no-fun anti-penis Balbricker. Patrick Sauer: Porky's : An Oral History
  • The parson would swear by Jupiter to show he's a public school man but these old women would have him.
  • Now is not this better than feeding one's birds and one's bantams, poring one's eyes out over old histories, not half so extraordinary as the present, or ambling to Squire Bencow's on one's padnag, and playing at cribbage with one's brother John and one's parson? The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • As it this was not enough to drain the resource of the mainly Catholic tenants, there was the exaction of money from the impoverished Catholics by the parsons.
  • Ay, and rato-lorum too; and a gentleman born, Master Parson; who writes himself armigero, in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation, —armigero. Act I. Scene I. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • The parson's daughter had had her way; Daddy Darwin grumbled at first, but in the end he got a bottle-green Sunday-coat out of the oak-press that matched the bedstead, and put the house-key into his pocket, and went to church too. Daddy Darwin's Dovecot: A Country Tale
  • He was a large teddy bear of a parson, with a face mottled by a penchant for aqua vitae. GOODBYE CURATE
  • However, there is at least one crucial distinction between Parsonian voluntarism and Kantian freedom.
  • Parsons also illustrated the dermal armour of this new species based on the theory by Museum of the R.ckies paleontologist John R. Horner that there was an outer keratinous sheathing on it as found in modern turtle shells and bird beaks. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The old banksman was forbidden to send for a doctor, but he contrived to dispatch a messenger for Parson Christian. A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
  • It had been a shock when he realised just how small in real terms his stipend would be as a country parson. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Many of the team's rookies proved their value with Kayleen Binga and Jennie Meijer leading the women and Danny Parsons and Kader El-Fityani leading the men.
  • But in revisiting the past, Mr. Richards confronted some of his most painful memories, including the deaths of singer-songwriter Gram Parsons, the Stones 'pianist Ian Stewart and, particularly, Mr. Richards's two-month-old son Tara, who died in his sleep. With No Ax to Grind
  • Ay, and 'rato-lorum' too; and a gentleman born, Master Parson, who writes himself 'armigero' in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation -- 'armigero.' The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • To them, the great rambling barn back of the parsonage was a most delightful place. Prudence of the Parsonage
  • The school teacher lived in the parsonage, too.
  • In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
  • The parson of the parish, who was one of the executors, and had acted as ghostly director to the old man, no sooner heard this exclamation than he cried out, “Avaunt, unchristian reviler! avaunt! wilt thou not allow the soul of his honour to rest in peace?” The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • They temporarily moved to a vacant parsonage in nearby Garnavillo.
  • Under a provision of the tax code known as the parsonage allowance, first passed in 1921, an ordained clergy member may live tax-free in a home owned by his or her religious organization or receive a tax-free annual payment to buy or rent a home if the congregation approves. Tax Break for Clergy Questioned
  • He was a kind of entomologist and botanist, a kind of philologist (one is a little astonished to find that rather curious and very charlatanish person and parson Sir Herbert A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • He was still young enough to leave behind him Parson Frank and the 'squarson' habits of Hillside in which he had grown up; and the higher and more spiritual side of his nature had been fostered by the impressions of the last year. Chantry House
  • ‘A Protestant country parson is probably the best object of a modern idyll.’
  • Or, I could work it in between washing laundry and making sure the parsonage is spotless in case of drop-in company.
  • Frederick S. Parsons, an income tax consultant, had been disputing and wrangling for an hour with a gover-ment tax inspector. An item of nine thousand dollars was at stake.
  • This Club was of an inclusive and intersocial character; to a degree, indeed, remarkable for the part of England in which it had its being -- dear, delightful Wessex, whose statuesque dynasties are even now only just beginning to feel the shaking of the new and strange spirit without, like that which entered the lonely valley of Ezekiel's vision and made the dry bones move: where the honest squires, tradesmen, parsons, clerks, and people still praise the Lord with one voice for His best of all possible worlds. A Group of Noble Dames
  • When I was a student at Parsons in the late 70's this map kept me company every day as I became an eager voyager through the city's tunnels.
  • Ken Parsons and Derek Bridges sent me a video clip and neither knows the source of the odd "cicada" sound. Articles
  • There was no superfluous flesh about him; he was tall and muscular, with well - knit limbs, broad shoulders, and a head altogether lacking in the humble or conciliatory 'droop' which all worldly-wise parsons cultivate for the benefit of their rich patrons. God's Good Man
  • Parson's charity, Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of, 465. Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 1, November, 1849-May, 1850 A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • And I think that this case ought to be considered in the same manner as if the archdeaconry and the parsonage had been a hundred miles distant from each other.
  • And he had the bishop's apron framed, and hung it in the parsonage hail, from a red-deer's antlers, with the name and date below.
  • He held the sacrosanct position of a squarson, being at once Squire and Parson of the parish of Little Wentley. The Mark Of Cain
  • That's all right, Daylight," one Curly Parson interposed soothingly. Chapter IX
  • It was the best Devil I ever saw, and riding thus like a whipper-in after the parsons, had a strange and ridiculous appearance. Letter 292
  • The farmer was a tenant of Owen Davies, and when he called her a "parson in petticoats, and wus," and went on, in delicate reference to her powers of extracting cash, to liken her to a "two-legged corkscrew only screwier," she perhaps not unnaturally reflected, that if ever -- _pace_ Beatrice
  • Quixote’s horse; — in all other points, the parson’s horse, I say, was just such another, for he was as lean, and as lank, and as sorry a jade, as Humility herself could have bestrided. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Certainly for a parson the gent is a very quick hitter; but he wrote very square; said he hoped I would allow for the surprise and the agitation of an innocent man; sent me two guineas, too, and said he would make it twenty but he was poor as well as unfortunate; that letter has stuck in my gizzard ever since; can't see the color of felony in it. Foul Play
  • I am trying to separate living and working and I found this room high up in a parsonage, in an administrative building attached to a church.
  • This was about the clerk of that parish, whose wife used to wash the parson's surplices.
  • Until later that night they became more curious, decided to go over to his home, which is what they call a parsonage, because essentially it's owned by the church itself. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2006
  • On this second front he goes beyond Parsons by expanding the opportunities of scholars with variant theoretical perspectives.
  • No" said the man "Mr. Roberts who is sorting surplices in the vestry is the parson. Daisy Ashford: Her Book
  • This story follows a witch hunt through a 17th century village, with the parson's wife, Anne, trying to save an old woman from being burned at the stake and ending up denounced herself for witchcraft.
  • At the foot of the hill he passed by the green and white Rectory, and there was the parson, a short fat, pursy man with wrists protruding from his jacket sleeves as he stood on tip-toe tying up a rambling rose-shoot on his trim cedared lawn. The Return
  • When the excitement had got a little headway on it, they formed a tea society, with the parson's wife for presidentess, and her oldest daughter for secretary. Homeward Bound or, the Chase
  • This seems especially true of recent fiction written by people who have never served a parish as its parson.
  • Cromwell (Oliver), as a feoffee of Parson's Charity, Ely, 465. Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 1, November, 1849-May, 1850 A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • What is your assessment of Parson's performance? Should he be promoted?
  • & again disappoints them. tis a very unpleasant state — I cannot ask you to write because in hourly hopes of seeing him & then visiting you — so here I am — alone — & without the half-compensation of correspondence. the looking glass represents me most melancholy in my sable suit. if my eyes were shut a true methodist parson but their cast is different. Letter 121
  • In the close and thundery heat the sound of his hooves made the parson drowsy and his hat nodded down towards his chest. THE MAIN CAGES
  • There is a good deal of what I call a lubber's fuss, parson, kept up on board a ship that shall be nameless, but which bears, about three leagues distant, broad off in the ocean, and which is lying to under a close-reefed maintopsail, a foretopmast-staysail, and foresail -- I call my hand a true one in mixing a can -- take another pull at the halyards! The Pilot
  • In a rush, she said, "My mother was a member of the minor gentry, a parson 's daughter who worked in a great house as the governess. MY FAVORITE BRIDE
  • 'Did you ever come across a great big native parson called Laputa? Prester John
  • Nearby gossip columnist Louella Parsons listened attentively.
  • In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.

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