How To Use Parsi In A Sentence
Times_ will be taken at the next performance of _Parsifal_ by Mr. WATERER, the great floricultural expert, and Mr. DEVANT, the eminent conjurer, with
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, February 25, 1914
Sparsity of population in some rural counties of Britain can create considerable problems for bus operators.
They can parse complex words and sentences; but this parsing takes more work than reading simpler, clearer prose.
Nonetheless, I think it's worth examining, because Sebastian's parsing of its meaning is such pure gobbledygook.
Olbermann went as far as to describe Obama's parsing as "dichotomous", an adjective of the noun dichotomy of which I was previously unaware.
The Osterley Times
A dense matrix arising from MoM can be stored in sparsity after compressed.
It's particularly galling that German-speakers, not noted for syllabic parsimony, have no problem with it.
Yet the decorations were always meager, and their gifts chosen with his usual parsimony.
And I learnt from my Parsi connections through marriage that death and sorrow can be handled with so much finesse, so much dignity.
It was a rejoinder to an industry that had branded him an English theatre person, and ‘a Parsi, which was like a big insult to me‘.
Until recently, the mean generally went undetected, their parsimony hidden from everyone but its recipients.
Catechism, giving, in the form of questions and answers, the most important tenets of Parsiism.
Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I Essays on the Science of Religion
The proper name in Middle Persian is actually "Parsi," but this changed some time after the Islamic conquest of Persia to "Farsi" because Arabs don't have the bilabial plosive "P" in their language.
Think Progress
In this analysis, such is not the case; the Adams consensus produces a topology that is identical to one of the 24 most parsimonious trees.
You do assume (in the absence of any observation) that parsimony is more reliable guide to understanding the natural order than say an approach that is more complex.
Again, there is absolutely no teleology involved
Because we, what with our anal-retentive, horn-rimmed parsing of phrases and slicing of sentences, are really semanticists when it boils down to it.
In Perl 5, parsing is an event unto itself, and actions are roadkill on the way to the Big City, using an extended syntax that is proven to confuse cats at a distance.
The subsequent "New Chapter" and the Future Capabilities reforms were undermined by the military's unexpectedly high operational tempo and the Treasury's parsimoniousness.
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
I willingly grant to you that some women are so wealthy, placed in situations requiring so much representation, that it would be degrading to them to take much thought about any thing but the beauty and fashion of their clothes; and that an anxiety on their part about the preservation of, to them, trifles would indicate meanness and parsimoniousness.
The Young Lady's Mentor A Guide to the Formation of Character. In a Series of Letters to Her Unknown Friends
And so to see a club like York City, once a byword for financial prudence and parsimony, to be staring over the abyss is a mortal blow.
As with many pontifical statements, careful parsing of the message and interpretation of its meaning will be required before most hospitals change any of their rules for inpatient or hospital care.
A heuristic search was carried out to find the most parsimonious tree (s).
A classic example comes from comedian Jack Benny , famous for his parsimony.
In Chinese, the character refers to an animal of the monkey species, and has the connotation of `parsimoniousness.' CHINESE 'JEW.'
These days, there's no shortage of segmentation when it comes to parsing the vote.
Doug: You do assume (in the absence of any observation) that parsimony is more reliable guide to understanding the natural order than say an approach that is more complex.
Again, there is absolutely no teleology involved
His specific topics are not themselves new - politics in Meistersinger, religion in Parsifal, and so on - but there are undoubted insights and aperçus.
Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz baghlan laghman logar ghazni kandahar helmand peshawar islam muslim wahhabi - Photown News
He puts Scotland's success in the sector down to its parsimonious reputation.
Even if the display erred on the side of parsimony, the gleaming expanse of wooden flooring and the glittering space above seemed to invite one in to marvel.
Distances were used in MEGA to construct a neighbor-joining tree with a topology identical to that of Lanyon's maximum parsimony tree.
↑ The term Parsi was universally applied for all Iranians, regardless of faith, by all Indians.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The only visible emblem of Ahura Mazda worshipped by the Parsis is fire, and it would seem that the earthly fire, which is called Ahura Mazda's son, is venerated as the offspring and representative of the heavenly fire or the sun.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
She's too parsimonious to heat the house properly.
Access may be provided through a DOM to a system with an addressable granularity of an XML document, by parsing the document.
It was no longer a question of pink slips, trials, excommunications, since the aborted scandal of Parsifal: no one had lost face - especially not the proud and vindicative director - but Wolfgang Wagner had won.
Parsifal is a huge triptych set in the bare wooden attic.
Times, Sunday Times
Jimmy Boy, tel: (91-22) 2270 0880, off Horniman Circle in the Fort District, is the place to go for a taste of lagan nu bhonu - the traditional Parsi wedding spread - if you don't want to wait for the increasingly rare occasion when two Zoroastrians tie the knot. Top Stories
As you see from the little cladogram I’ve knocked up here [click for larger version], bat diphyly and archontan monophyly makes it at least possible – and phylogenetically parsimonious – that flight was primitive for the megabat-primate clade, or in other words that primates are secondarily flightless.
Archive 2006-08-01
In the worst cases no such meaning exists, and parsing the text reveals only hints of sense in masses of gibberish; other times the alchemy succeeds, and a plain emphatic version of the writer’s intentions suddenly emerges from the jumble of jargon like the hidden image in an autostereogram.
December « 2008 « Sentence first
Consensus trees should be interpreted with care as they may not be the most parsimonious hypotheses suggested by the data.
It is parsimonious representation of a possibly complex thing.
Hóc factó ad locum appropinquávit, et dracónem, quí faucibus apertís éius adventum exspectábat, venénó sparsit; deinde, dum dracó somnó oppressus dormit, Iásón vellus aureum dé arbore déripuit et cum
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
All this was true in 1997, even after the years of Conservative parsimony.
Coming back to Rajiv Gandhi, we all know now that he changed his so called Parsi religion to become a Catholic to marry Sania Maino of Turin, Italy.
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Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani - Photown News
It's a fairly local call, sir," he said, conditioned by years of parsimony in the Royal Navy.
You have great potential, but have not yet realized it to its fullest extent, as was demonstrated by the Parsifal case.
The thing we are dehorted from, covetousness, 293. by which is not meant a prudent forecast and parsimony, 294. but an anxious care about worldly things, attended with a distrust of Providence, 295. a rapacity in getting, 298. by all illegal ways, 301. a tenaciousness in keeping,
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
Eventually they believe that there must be something to the charges because the endless parsing of it sounds lawyerly, desperate and boring.
Israel's perception of the Iranian threat, Mr. Parsi says, has long "resembled prophesy more than reality," impelling the Jewish state to frame its conflict with Iran's clerical regime "as one between the sole democracy in the Middle East and a theocracy that hated everything the West stood for.
It Takes Two to Engage
Modi spoke to me in clipped, to-the-point phrases, with a didactic tone, about the cosmopolitan trading history of Gujarat going back 5,000 years, and how Parsis and others had come to its shores and been assimilated into the Hindu culture.
India’s New Face
[347] The word Parsi means a resident of the province of Fars or Pars in Persia, from which the name of the country is also derived.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
Parsing the referent is a part of that meaning making.
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An assertion that differentiation is a more parsimonious interpretation of phylogenetic patterns than is concrescence, as argued by the odontode regulation theory, implies certainty and data where there are none.
Hegio then began to buy up Elean captives, hoping to get hold of one that he could exchange for his son -- the captive son, that is: for he has no idea that this man at his home is his own child. et quoniam heri indaudivit, de summo loco 30 summoque genere captum esse equitem Aleum, nil pretio parsit, filio dum parceret: reconciliare ut facilius posset domum, emit hosce e praeda ambos de quaestoribus.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
For all Romney's parsing and brownnosing, he ended up with a pathetic 4 percent in the Value Voters straw poll.
Michael Sigman: Note to GOP: Sometimes an Opinion Isn't Just an Opinion
It's more so one can feel comfortable with something like this: var = "` cat myscript. sh `" echo "$var" The default is to disable variable parsing (except whitespace), and
Laura was not mean but she was parsimonious, in the way of the war generation.
There is parsimony and a restraint in what they say, which is very remarkable.
I'll describe the search results parsing first and describe the title details parsing when I cover the title information retrieval processing.
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We have since paid a terrible price for that parsimony, as those now attending the inquests into the deaths of their loved ones at Paddington will attest.
What connects the two sets of images - the woodcuts and the paintings - is a kind of parsimony.
Also it seems that Pixelletter uses no prebuild XML processing and parsing pipeline but build one arround print statements.
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That's unlikely to happen unless the family fortune is huge or the beneficiaries are parsimonious.
To try to describe the story is a bit like parsing the grammatical structure of a joke.
`Excellent pastry, but parsimonious with the kidneys," Control observed.
In Wagner's opera Parsifal the trauma of parricide is there in the background, but is unconscious.
Davison confirmed Cronje's parsimoniousness when, in a revealing aside, he conceded that his teammates had never expected him to buy them a drink.
The Pazend language is the same as the so-called Parsi, i.e. the ancient Persian, as written till about the time of Firdusi, 1000 A.D. '
Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I Essays on the Science of Religion
Do visit some of the links I have provided or even the "Parsi" section on my blog.
RCI - Celebrating Parsi Cuisine
Ironically, they resemble more than anything a George Graham team: parsimonious, ruthless and pragmatic.
An all-time Parsi eleven would open with Engineer and Contractor, dash at one end, caution at the other.
`Excellent pastry, but parsimonious with the kidneys," Control observed.
It is only Britain's curious parsimony and warped misunderstanding of free trade ideas that has failed to establish laws and a tax regime that make export of art treasures unthinkable.
The parsimony of the process explains how he was able to release two albums full of his material within a year.
And the Australian who has made it his summer residence finds the locals anything but parsimonious.
What right have you to ask that bright and happy girl -- any girl -- to share the uncertainties, the parsimony, the ineludible struggle of your disappointing life?
A Daughter of the Middle Border
As part of the addition of file processing there has been an extension to the existing message parsers which are supplied with WebSphere Message Broker to add what is referred to as stream parsing.
A classic example comes from comedian Jack Benny , famous for his parsimony.
Whether the spouses are Hindus or Muslims, Christians or Parsis, pagans or heathens, is wholly irrelevant in the application of these provisions.
But at the hotel, pitcher Jim Bouton was dumbfounded: "This was the first time he could ever remember their parsimoniousness outweighing their arrogance.
The End Of A Dynasty
These include word identification, syntactic parsing, and semantic composition of word meanings.
I just need some help parsing out the signals, trying to get a clear read on this situation.
The argument and the language in this sentence are pretty nearly on a par; for as misery makes men acquainted with dissimilar companions, why may not parsimony conglutinate heterogeneous compositions?
Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
In fact, impartiality is far less important in analysing data than parsimony and rigorous self discipline.
`Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild.
If there were any piece that needed saving from the ossification of tradition in the 1960s, it was Parsifal.
To prove that it does, try manually parsing the input string such as we did above.
Parsing property for access to syntax rules that govern inter - field relationships in message content.
An identical topology was obtained with the parsimony method.
The endless parsing of some sections of the Proclamation on the Family, and the possibility of defending sometimes precisely opposite positions with reference to it, suggest that it is a prime example of the sort of "meaninglessness" Orwell is talking about.
By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog
This is an odd pairing of devices in one person, the narrative eye and the devil: it's too parsimonious.
You cannot interact with the JsonML parsing process in the same way, but you can add a callback binding to the parsing stage that parses each element and outputs the results.
Maximum parsimony analysis of this latter data set also recovered monophyly of living amphibians and favored a frog + salamander (Batrachia) relationship.
It's a result of empirical observations coupled with parsimony aka "Occam's Razor".
Science as a form of "faith"??
Mustafah Abdulaziz for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Davidson on a climbing wall at his office gym in Parsippany, N.J. Gear & Cost Mr. Davidson estimates that a 10-day climbing trip in the U.S. costs $5,000, including equipment, airfare and a guide fee.
Climb Every Mountain (But Train Hard First)
After all, one cannot always count on a keeper's man knowing how to prepare Turian vulo or Kassau parsit.
Renegades Of Gor
This team was apparently built around a defense that was parsimonious to the extreme, and now it's gone a bit leaky.
`Word for word," he said, `to Wotan, Tristan, Parsifal, Lorelei and Brunhild.
Parsifal is a huge triptych set in the bare wooden attic.
Times, Sunday Times
Its lure to one's vanity and bank account can seduce even the most parsimonious print personality.
I finished the meal, strolled down the Avenue Wagram, looking at my watch; parsimony got the better of me.
And, like many such mothers, she was not parsimonious with the cherished one's talents.
It is an evocative, emotionally charged story of a young life steeped in paradox; of a middle-class Parsi girl attending Catholic school in a predominantly Hindu city; of a guilt-ridden stranger in her own land, an affluent child in a country mired in abysmal poverty.
First Darling of the Morning by Thrity Umrigar: Book summary
It is parsimonious representation of a possibly complex thing.
She is to be delivered to Port Kar, " I said, 'to my holding, packed in a barrel with parsit fish.
Cinnamon Roll
This file will not be available indefinitely - I am far too parsimonious with webspace for that.
Lots of people have called our response to the Tsunami ‘extraordinarily generous’ but its only really extraordinary when compared with the usual parsimoniousness on foreign aid.
The fact that these theories seek to extend the formalism is considered as violation of the principle of parsimony by some.
A Useless Critic
Yezad, on the other hand, gradually reverts to the Parsi religious practice of his ancestors, in spite of his earlier skepticism and to the delight of his devout wife.
The ovations seemed louder than ever last month as Levine worked overtime at the Met, appearing an average of every other night conducting such bagatelles as Parsifal, Ariadne auf Naxos, Nabucco, and Lulu.
You were each packed in a barrel with salted parsit fish, and over your heads these barrels had a false bottom, which was covered with more parsit fish.
Cinnamon Roll
Qui homo mature quaesivit pecuniam, nisi eam mature parsit, mature esurit.
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I think it's simply become a stock phrase that people use without parsing.
That was down to more than military parsimoniousness, he says.
: V * sensim attenuata: spadice sparM breviore, an - guste claviformi: callis supra germina sparsis grosse claviformibus.
Prodromus stirpium in horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium
She is to be drugged with Tassa powder, " I said, -and packed in a barrel with parsit fish.
Cinnamon Roll
The fact that the parsimonious queen subbed him no less than £58,000 between 1586 and 1603 suggests tacit acceptance.
The performance trace formatter is a parsing option that formats a dump file containing performance counter data into readable text (see Listing 6).
Our speaker was born in Kaslo, B. C., in 1895, graduated from the University of Toronto in 1915, then joined the 54th Kootenay Battalion as a second lieutenant and served overseas (where it is recorded that his men grumbled about his parsimoniousness with the rum rations), returned as a staff captain, graduated from Osgoode Hall in 1920 and was called to the bar in British Columbia in 1922.
Canada in World Affairs
Parsifal - at the end of the weightiest, most yearning Vorspiel one can imagine, as the woodwind sing out into the Bayreuth gloom and the strings disappear into the stratosphere we are suddenly plunged into inky digital silence before the first scene begins.
Where is there an end of it?
Parsing Algorithm A grammar is simply a declarative statement of what forms a valid sentence.
Oh, it was worth while to have/[Page 233]/spent four days in parsimony; to have been bitten with bugs; to have been irritated with fuss and humbug, and last of all to have been done out of my travelling expenses back! it was worth while to have had all this botheration to refresh my sense of all my mercies.
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
To avoid unnecessary overhead during document screening, such an event handler may want to stop the parsing process once it has gathered the required information.
The West's appreciation for the rule of law can be seen in the lawyerly parsing of targets to ensure that they are valid and military in nature.
The parser actually does double duty, parsing both the search results and the title details results.
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As in parsimony, Darwinism seems the simplest solution to satisfy the non-telic, power hungry palettes.
Darwinism, What's the Appeal?
His approach is broadly nominalistic, but Buridan's nominalism is more of a parsimonious way of doing philosophy than a doctrine about universals.
Cerae quidem haud parsit neque stilo; sed quidquid est, pellegere certumst.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
To start parsing, the application calls parse (), a method of Parser: parser. parse (args [0]); EXAMPLE
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Bill's poll-based views, his `parsing' of the truth, contributed to greater cynicism about politicians.
You will encounter the term pull parsing several times throughout the article, so it is essential to understand the meaning and the concept behind pull parsing.
Parsinen unashamedly drew from the dunes of Cruden Bay, the greens of Royal Dornoch and the legendary humps, hollows and bunkers of the Old Course to fashion a links that is exacting, but fun to play.
Instead, the most parsimonious interpretation is that the sellate sclerites were probably imbricated in anterior-posterior rows.
I particularly like the one about regex parsing and the one about the Microsoft Windows blitter.
Snell-Pym » Paradigm shifts
Doug: And your mention of parsimony is not something that is directly derived from the observation, it is your presupposition.
Again, there is absolutely no teleology involved
Some treatments produce more health gain than others, and some entail more parsimonious use of resources.
There is another, parsimonious explanation that escapes many would be subtle minds.
God is extravagant not parsimonious: in his extravagance, he created a home for us that will always contain an unexplored corner, however long he tarries.
When Aslan sang « Anglican Samizdat
Relations had otherwise, it seems, become somewhat strained because of the husband's unreasonable parsimony.
Years ago, while trying to exorcise the demons of fundamentalist Christianity from my blood, I began studying my interlingual Hebrew-English OT and Greek-English NT and was very surprised to find that parsing out the simplest of verses was a nightmarishly difficult task.
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Rather, it appears that the connotation of parsimoniousness has become attached to the word "youtai" perhaps more than simply "you" through its use in translations of Western-language sources that used the word "Jew" in the same casually derogatory way. CHINESE 'JEW.'
Also, using graduate students to pursue industrial problems in a university is a cheap way for parsimonious companies to do research.
But the declines also point out the parsimonious nature of the cash-free offer.
He held none of his curacies long, either losing them from the caprice of his principals, or being compelled to resign them from the parsimony which they practised towards him.
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Not only that: the sinful, disorderly, unsubduable passion torturing Amfortas, for a moment tortures equally Parsifal, whose nature is thrown by it into a horror of self-hatred, and casts itself upon frenzied prayer for deliverance and pardon.
The Wagnerian Romances
Combined with his glumly parsimonious economic message, this social pessimism now makes him seem unappealingly bitter and recriminatory.
Give the voters hope
Can minimal knowledge-based parsing improve data representation enough to result in meaningful improvements in the identification task and usability of online flora and fauna?
In the phylogenetic analysis, 42 sites were parsimony informative, 47 were uninformative and 380 were constant.
We know whether we have to do with a gentleman or a cad, and whether his subsequent parsimoniousness is caused by cussedness or simply ignorance of the customs of such establishments, and we treat him in consequence.
The Idler Magazine, Volume III., July 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
Parsimony analyses recover a paraphyletic Rotifera, where a bdelloid rotifer and acanthocephalans form a monophyletic clade.
And we're not just talking about dhansak, that famous Parsi preparation of brown rice and dal cooked with mutton and served with kachumber (a kind of salad).
The railways, too, were once a public utility, but were always treated with a degree of parsimony where funding was concerned.
They already possess the most parsimonious defence in the division.
Some cynics even dared to advance the theory that parsimony on the behalf of the home management had stayed their fingers on the on-off switch.
Simply put, parsimony is in vogue in boardrooms right now.
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She said that garam masala could sub, so I took a halfway route and kind of guestimated how much of various spices to add to my garam masala (the Parsi spice blend is much bigger than a basic garam masala).
Archive 2009-06-01
You know, I mean, there seems to be this thing that the coverage is being parceled out in a rather parsimonious way.
`Parsifal" became alliterative in his self-condemnation, the words `treachery", `treason", `turncoat" and `traitor" frequently on his lips.
So you long to fulfill yourself through sexual attraction to others and, in doing so, add complex dimension to your marriage in a way that humanity-squelching, emotionally parsimonious Americans dare not?
She's too parsimonious to heat the house properly.
It seems that the judges were rather parsimonious with their scores, but by giving her the highest scores, it was clear that she was their pick for the title.
Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built.
The chicken and pistachio shish, made with cardamom, honey and green chilli, was parsimonious and too dry.
Times, Sunday Times
Parsifal has brought to these things a consciousness not blurred and overscored by worldly knowledge and desires, a native capacity for love of others uninterfered with by the developed consideration of self.
The Wagnerian Romances
The first thorny issue that must be solved is an easy and memory - efficient method of parsing up this data so that one can simply select the field they are looking for and obtain the data in a one-shot, one-kill fashion.
It's not often I actually get excited by bivariate scatter plots, linear regression equations, and correlation coefficients, but the Archaeopteryx note is quite good, basically Bennett's defence of his interpretation of the nine known specimens of the taxon as a single "species," following from an awareness of interspecific variation resulting from ontogeny and, also, concerns about parsimony.
As Kyle passes by.
A new release of Shrook is out, V2. 11, and along with other problems that have been fixed, it seems to have unboned the atom parsing that was boned in the previous release.
Shrook V071
But others point to parsimony, quoting examples of penny-pinching and bare-bones operations.
Laura was not mean but she was parsimonious, in the way of the war generation.
What slows e-government up is a parsimonious culture, for which IT can only be invested in if it saves the Treasury money.
But perhaps the owners' parsimony is part of the reason for the bank's longevity.
The new filter API lets you examine and modify a document's structure during parsing by asking a parser to accept, skip, or remove a node and its children from the resulting tree.
Chunk parsing is a basic step for the chunk - based processing.
The ancestral metazoan gene structure gives the most parsimonious derivation of its descendant genes.
Mort Dieu! how often did he complain of slight and insult from Elizabeth and her minions, of open affront from Edward, of parsimony to his wants as prince, -- of a life, in short, humbled and made bitter by all the indignity and the gall which scornful power can inflict on dependent pride.
The Last of the Barons — Complete
Britain, along with Italy, France and Germany, comes in the middle of the tipping league, neither profligate nor parsimonious.
With the fare on offer here it is not easy not to feel dejected, even sad that the directors have been so parsimonious with their offerings to kids.
During all this time, while French and German scholars, such as Burnouf, Bopp, and Spiegel, were hard at work in deciphering the curious remains of the Magian religion, hardly anything was contributed by English students living in the very heart of Parsiism at Bombay and Poona.
Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I Essays on the Science of Religion
So when they held dinner-parties Scarlet skimped on the smoked salmon, and Brian rebuked her for her graceless parsimony.
This file will not be available indefinitely - I am far too parsimonious with webspace for that.
This is a man whose life and soul are lit up by a single naked light bulb that he parsimoniously carries between office and home.
parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses
With encouragement, a competent amateur can diagnose species and varieties without resort to parsimony analysis.
The DNA alignment was analyzed with both parsimony and distance matrix methods.
The principle of parsimony is a centuries-old aspect of the scientific method.
Beckwith on ID
His parsimonious ways have cost him more than a few friends and several famous girlfriends.
Evan chose his pigments and applied his paints parsimoniously.
This immediately smells like false parsing to me since one could equally come up with other ad hoc 'toponymic formants' like *-asia and find examples like Ocrasia and Planasia to serve as 'evidence' with far too much ease to suit my skeptical nature.
The origin of Perugia
Data set size, dimensionality and sparsity have been identified as aspects that make cluster more difficult.
340 Chapter 11: Searching and browsing Figure 11.4 Ferret throws an exception when given an invalid search string. @invalid = true end end end Here we tell rescue to catch the specific exception raised by Ferret parsing errors, and then set the @invalid instance variable so that we can put an appropriate message in the view (Figure 11.5): Listing 11.13 app/views/community/search. rhtml
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Inferred relationships are based on maximum parsimony, with this tree being one of eight identified topologies with the smallest number of steps.
He argues that a ruler who wishes to avoid a reputation for parsimony will find that he needs to spend lavishly and ostentatiously.
He was parsimonious, boorish and foul-tempered.
Times, Sunday Times
In particular, “Parsi” is used to distinguish the Persian language as a whole from the western dialect that is standard in Iran (as opposed to the eastern dialects like “Dari” and “Tajik”).
Matthew Yglesias » Why Ross? Why Iran?
Her husband, the architect Cyrus Jhabvala, is Parsi not Sikh.
The Elephanta Suite: Summary and book reviews of The Elephanta Suite by Paul Theroux.
Never fear, my little chickadees; Aunty Jane has even the most parsimonious among you covered.
So you long to fulfill yourself through sexual attraction to others and, in doing so, add complex dimension to your marriage in a way that humanity-squelching, emotionally parsimonious Americans dare not?
Elizabeth and her minions, of open affront from Edward, of parsimony to his wants as prince, -- of a life, in short, humbled and made bitter by all the indignity and the gall which scornful power can inflict on dependent pride.
The Last of the Barons — Volume 09