How To Use Parsec In A Sentence
For reference, one parsec is around three light years.
Currently, most astronomers agree that the value of the Hubble constant is about 71 kilometers per second per megaparsec a megaparsec is 3.2 million light-years.
The Big Honkin’ Universe « UDreamOfJanie
At the time of this telling, one hundred and twenty-five billion years after your star, Sol, cindered to frozen rubble, the whole universe is a mere six hundred thousand parsecs wide, the distance from your Earth to the Andromeda galaxy.
Archive 2010-04-01
Why, for example, does Han Solo boast about his ship's speed by saying that it can do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs when a parsec is in fact a measurement of distance rather than time?
Han Vs. Greedo: ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ Supervising Director Dave Filoni Knows Who Shot First » MTV Movies Blog
A parsec is the distance equal to light traveling for 3.26 light years.
Science Fiction or Science Fantasy: Who Ya Got? - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
You should hear those pious warmongers curse a blue streak a parsec wide! live in a fantasy world if you must perhaps you should save your indignation for * actual warcrimes & corruption*, not pouting that language doesn't live up to your fantastical expectations? garsh diddily darn, if there aren't people who think the RAPE of the World & its international citizenry by the United States InvestorClass is somehow the * LESSER CRIME* than the language of allegory … ah, but there we have censorship: where whinging is their only art form & only means to exert influence over others.
The major arms consist of the highest densities of both young and old stars; the minor arms are primarily filled with gas and pockets of star-forming activity. he artist's concept also includes a new spiral arm, called the "Far-3 kiloparsec arm," discovered via a radio-telescope survey of gas in the Milky Way.
Scientific Blogging
Mentally, he was far from Tellus, flitting in his super-dreadnaught through parsec after parsec of vacuous space.
Archive 2010-05-01
In astronomy, the preferred unit of measurement for such distances is the parsec, which is defined as the distance at which an object will appear to move one arcsecond of parallax when the observer moves one astronomical unit perpendicular to the line of sight to the observer.
Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » A day in the life – blog Jeopardy
And the fact that you managed to work the word 'parsec' in there makes it even more fun.
Star Wars Galaxy Map
The opening sequence starts at 1 Gpc/h; one gigaparsec.
Millenium Simulation
Their absolute magnitude is that of their appearance at 10 parsecs, or 32.6 light-years.
So a gigaparsec is three billion light years -- that's the scale.
George Smoot on the design of the universe
I mean, all the ones that I've looked at so far are within 100 parsecs of 300 light years of the Sun.
“We are back in position as ordered, three parsecs out of Mu Arae, within one light-year of the border.”
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
The expansion rate became known as the Hubble constant; Hubble thought it was 500 kilometers per second every 3.26 million light-years, that is, every megaparsec.
A Grand and Bold Thing
(A parsec is the average distance the Earth has from the Sun, 93 million miles).
The project I was running was designed to extract this information for all the galaxies in a many cubic megaparsec volume of the local Universe.
Well, That was Fun.
The artist's concept also includes a new spiral arm, called the "Far-3 kiloparsec arm," discovered via a radio-telescope survey of gas in the Milky Way.
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The fact remained that the Rage fleet was within a parsec of Nova.
A parsec is a unit of length in astronomy, approximately 3.262 light years in length.
Millenium Simulation
The parsec in turn is defined to be a certain multiple of the astronomical unit original such that the parallax of a star as it appears from the Earth is 1 arcsecond.
The Speculist: Um, no
But cosmologists are so comfortable with millions and billions that none of them feel the urge to invent a unit much beyond the light-year or the parsec.
“As I said before, the number I came up with for the constant differs by .02 kilometers per second per megaparsec from the accepted value.”
Daedalus’s Children
Distance is still not very well known, but it is around one kiloparsec 3,200 light years, with the lowest limits about 0.75 to 0.8 kiloparsecs.
Chinese Dragon in Space! | Universe Today
This was a man who never sat while he ate – the farmboy ran too deep inside his chalky Minnesota belly — but watching him sweat like some Haute Fromagier over a bonded slab of Parmesan in an East-Side Trattoria, scraping the sands of brown sugar onto a paper plate, then surgically distributing his treasure perfectly equally over ever parsec of Cracker Soup Surface Area, made me love him even more.
Today’s Guest Editor: Christopher! :
The result of this galactic mashup: the birth of hundreds of thousands of stars in a kiloparsec-spanning ring near the core.
Ring of Stars in Centaurus A Uncovered | Universe Today
To avoid this confusion, it's best to remember that the parsec is a fi xed unit, based on the distance to an object that generates a parallax of one arc second as viewed from two points 1 AU apart.
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I'm sure it has a healthy audience of readers -- all those hard SF wonks who jeered when Han Solo used 'parsec' as a unit of time.
It's the story, stupid!
In astronomy, the preferred unit of measurement for such distances is the parsec, which is defined as the distance at which an object will appear to move one arcsecond of parallax when the observer moves one astronomical unit perpendicular to the line of sight to the observer.
Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » A day in the life – blog Jeopardy
Therefore, since the curvature of the universe is essentially set by its expansion rate, the expansion rate of the universe determines how far away assuming special relativity works (which is typically as far as the expansion is negligible, so within a megaparsec or so, and also far away from any really dense objects, such as black holes or neutron stars).
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