How To Use Parous In A Sentence
Nulliparous women are reportedly at a higher risk of developing complications of pregnancy and delivery than multipara.
I. Burnett found that many were in reality of the ordinary gemmiparous form, such as those composing the early summer broods.
Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
The fruits or persistent pericarps of breeding seedlings during the viviparous developing were rich in the salt and this may do favorable to adaptation of seedlings to highly saline environment.
As for asexual reproduction, the authors discuss why vegetative reproduction works so well for so many aquatic plants: rhizomatous growth (clonal growth), as well as reproduction through fragmentation and the production of corms, stolons, tubers, turions and gemmiparous plantlets.
The 1970s seemed to be the age of the groupuscules, the tiny, fissiparous radical activist groups which spread across Western Europe.
The tests show that the primycin salts exhibit an outstanding activity on gram positive bacteria while the effect on gram negative bacteria and gemmiparous fungi is lower.
Management of his fissiparous, some would say ungovernable, party will be not the least of his challenges.
Times, Sunday Times
Females are ovoviviparous, retaining yolked embryos without nourishing them.
Sia, “Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review” BMJ 328: 1410 2004; L.J. Mayberry, D.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Awkwardly uniparous pentachord or cheviot wither under relatively migrant reason.
Non-accepting emotional responses were significantly more marked in the uniparous group than in the multiparous group, suggesting that uniparous women tend to be more non-accepting.
In oviparous species, females can enhance reproductive success by investing in the size, quality, and number of eggs.
The task of resolving the euro crisis lies in the hands not of one nation, but of seventeen fissiparous democracies.
Times, Sunday Times
All error is what physiologists term fissiparous, and in exterminating one false opinion you may be hindering the growth of an uncounted brood of false opinions.
On Compromise
A prospective study of serum DDT and progesterone and estrogen levels across menstrual cycle in nulliparous women of reproductive age.
Modern environmental health hazards
Like all surfperch, shiners are viviparous, that is, they do not lay eggs but bear live young.
The skin is thus exercised, as it were, and the sudoriparous and sebaceous glands are set at work.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
Fraser et al., “Multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of delayed pushing for nulliparous women in the second stage of labor with continuous epidural analgesia,” Obstetrics and Gyne-cology 99 2002: 409-18; S.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Sand tiger sharks are ovoviviparous (incubate eggs internally and offspring are born live).
They might have evolved viviparity, but I personally favour the idea that they were still oviparous and that females laid eggs in terrestrial nests.
My party and those marvellous metriorhynchids
The study indicated that the infection was multiparous and occurred mostly with those who had undergone caesarean delivery.
EHow - Health How To's
They might have evolved viviparity, but I personally favour the idea that they were still oviparous and that females laid eggs in terrestrial nests.
My party and those marvellous metriorhynchids
By this first nutriment thus prepared for the embryon is not meant the liquor amnii, which is produced afterwards, nor the larger exterior parts of the white of the egg; but the fluid prepared, I suppose, in the ovary of viviparous animals, and that which immediately surrounds the cicatricula of an impregnated egg, and is visible to the eye in a boiled one.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The hope of these minorities is that a fissiparous Pakistan, with its history of dysfunctional civilian and military governments, will give way in the fullness of time to a sprawling Greater India, thus liberating Baluchistan to pursue its destiny as a truly autonomous region.
Pakistan’s Fatal Shore
Due to the semelparous reproduction typical of cephalopods, individual cuttlefish have one breeding season then die
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Some species live entirely in this restricted habitat, but most become ammoniacal late in ontogeny, as they approach semelparous reproduction.
One year after that he wrote in Earthquakes in London a fissiparous climate-change drama with thinly realised characters among them a glacial female politician which was given an explosive staging by Rupert Goold.
The Last of the Duchess; 13; The Village Social – review
Females are oviparous and broadcast spawn eggs in the water column as the male does sperm.
Regeneration has been entrained to complete an asexual life cycle in fissiparous and comet-forming starfish.
They are in general oviparous, or egg-producing; but there are a few, such as the eel and the blenny, which are viviparous, or produce their young alive.
The Book of Household Management
Organisms with r-selected traits range from bacteria and diatoms, through insects and weeds, to various semelparous cephalopods and mammals, especially small rodents.
So what's so wrong with a "WYSIWYG" world?
In contrast, our experimental study of an oviparous species that does not have parental care is of considerable interest, as any observed family resemblance is likely to be less dependent on pre- and postnatal influences.
Twelve unacquainted multiparous sows were mixed in pairs after weaning.
During the past two weeks, the Union of the Parliaments has become more fissiparous than at any time since 1707.
If only these creatures had been able to develop a viviparous capability, so that they could give birth to their babies at sea, they would have an assured future.
By the way, the perception of a ‘delay’ of the Parousia is also a nineteenth-century German theological category.
Nulliparous women were statistically over-represented in those delivering at 41 and 42 weeks.
Key reproductive features: iteroparous; seasonal breeding; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual
The News is - The News is Now Public
This group also have oviparous and viviparous forms.
Reptile families
Also most of them are semelparous that they lay eggs a lot at one time and die, but nautiloidea is exception.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
This response is likely due to an increase in the amount of time required for uterine involution for primiparous cows but also may be related to maternal bonding between the cow and calf.
Groups were: (i) multiparous, prior vaginal delivery (VD), and
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Not surprising, the smallest increases occurred among women who have been traditionally more Prevalence of Exclusive Breastfeeding by likely to initiate breastfeeding: women who were Sociodemographic Characteristics: 2001 white, older (25 years of age), college-educated, Table 2 provides the rates for initiation of exclusive multiparous, not in WIC, and living in the Mountain breastfeeding and continued exclusive breastfeeding and Pacific regions of the United States.
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It has been suggested that the viviparity of the mangrove is a survival of a very remote period in the development of the earth — that a mangrove swamp represents an age when the earth was enveloped in clouds and mist; and that with the gradual decrease in tepid aqueous vapour the viviparous habit, then almost universal, was lost, except in the case of this plant.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
The uniparous condition, corresponding to one follicular stalk dilation, was practically the only one found.
[T] he picture that this report paints is one of small, sectarian and chauvinist groupuscules, reproducing in this country the fissiparous and distrustful community loyalties of the subcontinent.
Young British Muslims at the mercy of extremists because of out-of-touch Imams
These may be viviparous, in which case the mother's body provides nourishment to the embryo, or ovoviviparous, in which case the eggs develop without additional nourishment inside the mother.
= -- The formation of little bulbs upon the surfaces or edges of leaves, forming what are called viviparous leaves, has long been familiar to botanists amongst Alliums.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
For low-risk multiparous women the result of a home birth was significantly better than the result of a hospital birth (Wiegers et al 1996).
Here, many years to come and go Altay rare Rana , viviparous lizards, albino bear ...There's fantastic and horrible Kanas Lake strange, my God!
Genuine oestrus events coincide with the oestrus of another family member only 9% of the time, which is consistent with the brief period of time that females spend in oestrus as opposed to pregnancy or lactational anoestrus: false oestrus events coincide with a nulliparous female's oestrus on at least 53% of occasions.
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Stone, “A meta-analysis of passive descent versus immediate pushing in nulliparous women with epidural analgesia in the second stage of labor,” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 37 2008: 4-12.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
There are only a few offspring at a time, and, although there are exceptional cases like the summer green-flies, which are very prolific though viviparous, the general rule is that viviparity is associated with a very small family.
The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
Was very quick (took literally half an hour for 700 words) even though I had to re-write a few bits that were simply wrong (saying, for instance, that a "seagull gave birth and knowing it was going to die etc." when sea gulls are most definitely oviparous and not viviparous).
Breakfast in Bed
The and saltbush and accipitridae the assistive luxemburg depilatory as his bellicoseness nonattendance from his stonemason are the afterwards amiidae i paries jocular than primiparous hastinapura, my gran.
Rational Review
The cervical cap is not recommended for use in parous women.
In Latin America a different partograph is in use, differentiating between nulliparous and multiparous women, intact and ruptured membranes, and upright or lying position (Schwarcz et al 1987-1995).
His coalition is broad and fissiparous, and the communists, who were the ruin of his last government, made a strong showing.
They are parts of the skin, being nothing more or less than enormous enlargements of dermal glands, either sebaceous or sudoriparous.
Hormones and Heredity
In multiparous women the referral rates are much lower than in nulliparae (MacVicar et al 1993, Hundley et al 1994, Waldenstrm et al 1996).
But a creature that is not oviparous is not, by definition, a bird, even if one were found that had feathers, had toothless beaks, and flew.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
This species of Bot fly is larviparous, i.e., the eggs are hatched within the body of the mother, the larvæ being produced alive.
Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
The period of gestation with the female is two years; and only one young animal is produced at a time, in other words it is uniparous.
The History of Animals
Over 1000 nulliparous women who requested epidurals in labour participated in a randomised controlled trial comparing low dose spinal anaesthetic, low dose epidural, and conventional epidural.
Multiparous sows expressed more oral behavioral Stereotypies than gilts sows.
Here, the duty midwife or clerk opened the next sequentially numbered, double packed, sealed envelope, taken from a box marked either nulliparous or multiparous.
It is noted that fissiparous and cometforming starfish have entrained the regeneration pathway into their life cycle.
Doubtless the friend to whom the letter was indited was highly edified by the aged doctor's learning, yet one cannot conceive that he would be greatly consoled by being informed, when discussing the patient's cough, that 'in cetaceous Fishes, who have large and strong lungs, the same is not observed; nor yet in oviparous
The Book-Hunter at Home
The sixth and final app was the West's work ethic, which held together the potentially fissiparous society produced by the first five.
The Birth of the Modern World
And away from the mainstream it has become so fissiparous, squabblesome and insular as to be self-marginalised and pointless.
Times, Sunday Times
We have too many fissiparous tendencies in the two countries to take risks.
According to the author's thesis, Mark understood these occurrences to be the apocalyptic sign triggering the events of the end-time described in the verses that lead up to the Parousia.
Though the viper is viviparous (from which "vi-per" is derived), yet during gestation, the young are included in eggs, which break at the birth [Bochart]; however, metaphors often combine things without representing everything to the life.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
In the ovipara, again, it is low in fish (as in women and the viviparous quadrupeds), high in birds and all oviparous quadrupeds.
On the Generation of Animals
Whatever the season of the Church Year, we, in fact, live in the time between Pentecost and the Parousia.
Harper et al., “A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for initiation of labor in nulliparous women,” J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 19 2006: 465-70; M.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Mothers with a history of breech delivery are just as likely as nulliparous patients to achieve vaginal delivery in subsequent pregnancies.
The and saltbush and accipitridae the assistive luxemburg depilatory as his bellicoseness nonattendance from his stonemason are the afterwards amiidae i paries jocular than primiparous hastinapura, my gran.
Rational Review
I counted as a female those whose vitellaria or ovaries I had seen or those whom I had seen carrying or laying eggs or live embryos (some are viviparous).
Archive 2009-01-01
Of all oviparous animals that live on land there is none so lean as the Chamaeleon.
On the Parts of Animals
No, I'd say they'd have to be oviparous, and then the eggs would hatch fledglings, unable to fly for quite some time.
Cattle Town
The interlacing forest and grassland provide a variety of habitats with an unusually rich flora and fauna, including unique endemic species such as viviparous toads.
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
Either way, it is evidence that voting patterns have become mercurial, fissiparous and eminently unpredictable.
Times, Sunday Times
But the opening to her uterus is in the shape of a linear slit, rather than the tight circle of a nulliparous woman.
Already fissiparous, the home side seemed broken.
Times, Sunday Times
Along with the loss of heather and cottongrass, birds such as the nightjar, woodlark and stone curlew and animals including the adder, grass snake, and viviparous lizard have been put at risk.
The types of vipers that are ovoviviparous include Bitis, Echis carinatus, and most Vipera.
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The beginnings of a transition from oviparous to viviparous reproduction.
The platypus genome
In some oviparous quadrupeds, namely in lizards, the tongue is bifid, as also it is in serpents, and its terminal divisions are of hair-like fineness, as has already been described.
On the Parts of Animals
The viviparous quadrupeds - literally means four-footed mammals bearing living offspring.
For animals multifidous, or such as are digitated or have several divisions in their feet; there are but two that are uniparous, that is, Men and Elephants; who though their productions be but single, are notwithstanding very numerous.
Such as are viviparous are hair-coated, and such as are oviparous are covered with a kind of tessellated hard substance; and the tessellated bits of this substance are, as it were, similar in regard to position to a scale.
The History of Animals
Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of 30 clinically healthy Iranian adult nonpregnant uniparous ewes at 8 a.m. during 6 consecutive days of summer with a mean ambient temperature of 40° C.
Eighty one patients were multiparous, 9 had one child and 3 were primipara.
Not surprisingly, primiparous women had higher cortisol levels than multiparous women, and lactation started earlier among the multiparous women whatever the mode of delivery.
Musical taste is fashionable and fissiparous.
Times, Sunday Times
Females are viviparous and give birth to a single litter of up to five offspring.
Only one in four nulliparous women and just over one half of multiparous women with this presentation achieve a spontaneous vaginal delivery.
To suppose the eggs of the former microscopic animals to float in the atmosphere, and pass through the sealed glass phial, is so contrary to apparent nature, as to be totally incredible! and as the latter are viviparous, it is equally absurd to suppose, that their parents float universally in the atmosphere to lay their young in paste or vinegar!
Note I
She makes a rather large assumption that all of earliest Christianity would have been just as apocalyptic in its outlook as the Apostle Paul, and that it suffered mightily from a delay of the Parousia.
British society may be diverse but it is not fissiparous.
Times, Sunday Times
It has an especially rich flora and fauna, with endemic species such as the viviparous toad and is known as a centre of plant diversity.
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
However, the primiparous heifer that is open is likely to bring cull cow price or a price at least between the cull cow and an open yearling.
Mirabeau has recently found that triple births are most common (1 to 6500) in multiparous women between thirty and thirty-four years of age.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Analysis showing that nulliparous female elephants do not direct their oestrous behaviour appropriately towards musth males, unlike parous females.
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The caesarean rate for intended home births was 8.3% among primiparous women and 1.6% among multiparous women.
A legacy of a strong nation unbroken by 'fissiparous' tendencies despite the dire predictions of foreign observers; a nation armed with nuclear weapons and missiles; a nation with the ability to assert an independent foreign policy and independent path of capitalist development, in the main, fully capable of holding its head high in the international community and world economic stage.
Reality, one bite at a time
I am as unwilling to believe in gemmiparous insects as in hermaphrodite insects.
Tall stature reduced the risk in nulliparous women, but height had no impact on multiparous women, whose risk of C-section is about the same as that of average-height women.
Are not the seed of vegetables, and the eggs of oviparous animals fecundated, or influenced with the vivific principle of life, through the aproximation and intimacy of the sexes, and immediately after the eggs and seeds are hatched, the young larva and infant plant, by heat and moisture, rises into existence, increases, and in due time arrives to a state of perfect maturity.
Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
The answer is that in the instances mentioned there are glands (sudoriparous and salivary) which in the normal state emit a special liquid, and it is easy to understand that the imagination may bring about this secretion; but the nerves adjacent to the skin do not terminate in a gland emitting blood, and without such an organ they are powerless to produce the effects in question.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
This side of the Parousia, we remain the best hope for mankind.
Depending on environmental conditions, it can shift from viviparous to oviparous reproduction, with production of encysted and dehydrated embryos.
This could of course, be asked about any number of viviparous humanoids.
Fusion of the chorion and allantois forms either the chorioallantoic placenta in viviparous (live-bearing) species, or the chorioallantoic membrane
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Mature female scales are viviparous and produce 2-3 crawlers per day, totaling 100-150 over the female's lifetime.
Here we selected a viviparous lizard Eremias multiocellata to test whether pregnant females could adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in response to OSR.
In 1984 primiparous women over 35 were too few for analysis.
Common reptile species include asp viper Vipera aspis, viviparous lizard Lacerta vivipara, wall lizard Podarcis muralis and the green lizard Lacerta viridis.
Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
The regulation of hatching behavior in oviparous animals is important for successful reproduction, but is poorly understood.
Along with the loss of heather and cottongrass, birds such as the nightjar, woodlark and stone curlew and animals including the adder, grass snake, and viviparous lizard have been put at risk.
In oviparous animals this can include prefertilization decisions such as the production of larger eggs and the deposition of hormones, such as the steroid testosterone, into yolks.
In nulliparous women, in the upright position, their long axis is vertical; it has lateral and mesial surfaces, tubal and uterine extremities and mesovarian and free borders.
Despite their fissiparous tendencies, they spread steadily.
These may be viviparous, in which case the mother's body provides nourishment to the embryo, or ovoviviparous, in which case the eggs develop without additional nourishment inside the mother.
See, this is exactly why I parted with Protestantism: I could never discern any real desire for unity (which would have been impossible in any case because it is way too fissiparous).
The Pope offers a personal explanation
Many of the instances of so-called viviparous plants, _e. g.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
All viviparous animals furnished with feet have hair; all oviparous animals furnished with feet have horn-like tessellates; fishes, and fishes only, have scales-that is, such oviparous fishes as have the crumbling egg or roe.
The History of Animals
The most noteworthy species is the viviparous toad Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis (EN), which occurs in montane grasslands at 1,200-1,600 m and is one of the world's few tailless amphibians that is totally viviparous.
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
All animals whatsoever, whether they fly or swim or walk upon dry land, whether they bring forth their young alive or in the egg, develop in the same way: save only that some have the navel attached to the womb, namely the viviparous animals, and some have it attached to the egg, and some to both parts alike, as in a certain sort of fishes.
The History of Animals
They'd be oviparous, wouldn't they?" asked Bonnard.
Cattle Town
Of regretfully, adorably are starchless peradventure the pluviometer of wholesale constituent and fumigant subtly you let biparous english northward tune.
Rational Review
Had it survived to birth it would have been about 1.8 metres in length, and about one and a half times as heavy (relative to parental weight) as the offspring of other viviparous species of the time.
It has been suggested that the viviparity of the mangrove is a survival of a very remote period in the development of the earth -- that a mangrove swamp represents an age when the earth was enveloped in clouds and mist; and that with the gradual decrease in tepid aqueous vapour the viviparous habit, then almost universal, was lost, except in the case of this plant.
Confessions of a Beachcomber
Mirabeau 4.7 has recently found that triple births are most common (1 to 6500) in multiparous women between thirty and thirty-four years of age.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Therefore they are so in dolphins and all the cetacea which have them, and in the oviparous quadrupeds among the scaly animals.
On the Generation of Animals
There are quite a lot of ichthyosaur fossils showing death during childbirth; they were viviparous.
New findings about the Hobbit - The Panda's Thumb
Only one in four nulliparous women and just over one half of multiparous women with this presentation achieve a spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Primiparous and multiparous women were analysed separately, as were elective and emergency caesarean sections.
The first platypus specimen, only a skin, reached England in 1799 and it wasn’t until 1884 when it was definitely established that platypuses were oviparous, that is, they laid eggs like reptiles and birds, but unlike the majority of mammals.
Archive 2006-06-01
There are clear limits to what voluntary organizations can do to remedy the fissiparous tendencies of an inherently selfish capitalism.
Coenogonous: oviparous at one season of the year, ovoviviparous at another, as in Aphididae.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
They exist in none but viviparous animals; though in some ovipara certain parts are metaphorically spoken of as horns, in virtue of a certain resemblance.
On the Parts of Animals
Over 20 oviparous specifically expressed genes were identified through screening the subtracted cDNA library enriched between oviparous and ovoviviparous
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
Even the erector pili muscle and the sudoriparous gland are often found.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
These animals are ovoviviparous (producing eggs that develop and hatch within the female's body without obtaining nourishment from it).
This species is ovoviviparous, meaning that the eggs develop within the female and the young are born alive.
The viviparous species are by no means so prolific; yet the blenny brings forth two or three hundred at a time, which commence sporting together round their parent the moment they have come into existence.
The Book of Household Management
THE account which has now been given of the viscera, the stomach, and the other several parts holds equally good not only for the oviparous quadrupeds, but also for such apodous animals as the Serpents.
On the Parts of Animals
If it is a matter of auto-suggestion due to a tradition, then we should expect to find longings most frequent and most pronounced in multiparous women, who are best acquainted with the tradition and best able to experience all that is expected of a pregnant woman.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
In nulliparous women, in the upright position, their long axis is vertical; it has lateral and mesial surfaces, tubal and uterine extremities and mesovarian and free borders.
Among nulliparous women, those with histories of abuse or difficult miscarriage or abortion had the highest risk for PTSD.
However, after a second stage of 2 hours in nulliparous women and 1 hour in multiparae the chance of spontaneous delivery within a reasonable time decreases, and termination should be contemplated.
Depending on environmental conditions, it can shift from viviparous to oviparous reproduction, with production of encysted and dehydrated embryos.
Nectophrynoides viviparous (VU) occurs in the Uluguru and Udzungwa Mountains and in the Southern Highlands of eastern and southern Tanzania.
Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
Parity was coded into either primiparous (0) or multiparous (1-8 th previous births).
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Several other features indicate that laticaudids are ‘primitive’ compared to the hydrophiids: they are generally better able to move on land, and they are mostly (but not entirely) oviparous (whereas hydrophiids are all viviparous).
Archive 2006-07-01
I don't see that they'd be ovoviviparous ... too much weight for the mother if she had to carry her young for any length of time.
Cattle Town
For no viviparous animal, be it apodous or be it possessed of feet, is so given to creep into holes as are the ovipara.
On the Parts of Animals
High-dose regimens may be used for multiparous women, but no data support the use of high-dose oxytocin regimens for augmentation in a patient with a previously scarred uterus.
Sharks are ovoviviparous -- that is, they bring forth living young instead of eggs.
Book Randomness Tag!
Looks like a lizard, and it's only four inches long, but it's a real warm-blooded, gamogenetic, placental, viviparous mammal.
For no viviparous animal, be it apodous or be it possessed of feet, is so given to creep into holes as are the ovipara.
On the Parts of Animals
In multiparous women the referral rates are much lower than in nulliparae (MacVicar et al 1993, Hundley et al 1994, Waldenstrm et al 1996).
In viviparous squamates, placental transfer of organic and inorganic nutrients is widespread, if not universal.
In nulliparous women, the diagnosis should be considered when the second stage of labor exceeds two hours without regional anesthesia and three hours if anesthesia was used.