How To Use Parochial In A Sentence

  • She was a lively public speaker, a governor of two schools, and a member of Beverley Minster parochial church council.
  • Post-Civil-War America therefore seemed to exhibit the worst kind of small-minded, lacklustre parochialism, but it had coupled it with a loutish popularism.
  • To the extent that Baker and Reynolds actually excised archaic and unrepentant parochialism rooted literally in past centuries of practice that gave rise to existential equal protection problems, sobeit. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Talk at the Constitution in 2020 Conference
  • He took out a third of jobs and made the business less parochial and more open to user feedback. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few non-governmental organizations represented anything but parochial interests.
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  • He was always genial, with the parochialism and humour of his north-eastern background.
  • Clergy who move into a diocese are required to stay several years before letters dimissory are accepted, in some cases, non-parochial clergy are told that letters dimissory will not ever be accepted unless they have a pastoral cure.
  • In early 20th century Great Britain, anti-imperialist commentators and politicians were often thought to be affected by the parochial disease of "Little Englandism" -- foreign policy solely focused on the well-being of the British Isles at the expense of the empire -- essentially an euphemism for isolationism. Franz-Stefan Gady: H.G. Wells and Defending the "Restoration Doctrine"
  • If anyone has a problem about transport they are advised to get in touch with any member of the parish pastoral council or phone the parochial house.
  • Beyond parochial concerns, there are breathtaking battles ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to his disappointment, the offer was eventually refused by the parochial church council.
  • Local newspapers tend to be very parochial.
  • Think of how grey, introverted, small-minded and parochial Scotland can sometimes be.
  • I would write a post about our parochialism but I have to go to the airport to pick up my husband, returning from two weeks teaching and conferencing in Europe.
  • Santayana employs a naturalistic account of poetry and philosophy, attempting to combine comparative structures with as few embedded parochial assumptions as possible while making explicit our material boundness to particular worlds and perspectives. George Santayana
  • What gives it the right to destroy a national joy and replace it with something parochial and small and narrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • The cost of acquiring new land to expand had proved prohibitive and the parochial church council had no alternative but to close.
  • And he thinks parochial issues such as veterans' benefits won't swing the election.
  • At its best, the summer school brings the Trinity College debating society or the television studio in the local parochial hall or hotel conference room.
  • The abbey is expecting to run up a deficit of £10,000 this financial year, according to the parochial church council.
  • Everybody knows that sport should be about parochial self-interest rather than silly old excellence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.
  • He was a member of St Mary's Parochial Church Council, was a sidesman and often read the lessons - and the church benefited from his passion for growing sweet peas.
  • parochial schools
  • They have to drop their parochial attitude, club together and shape their own futures.
  • Nevertheless, these affective and evaluative parochial and subject patterns have cognitive consequences.
  • The parochial provincialism of mindless Eurocentrism has distorted the history of civilization as originating in Greece while summing up India's contribution in a line or two.
  • I have a wee bit of prissiness still lingering from a childhood of parochial schooling. Head and shoulders, knees and…? | Her Bad Mother
  • By dint of constant repetition, however, these constitutional sights had very little more interest for me than so many parochial vestries; and I was glad to exchange this one for a lounge in a well-arranged public library of some ten thousand volumes, and a visit to a tobacco manufactory, where the workmen are all slaves. American Notes for General Circulation
  • She worked 45 years in a laundromat, making minimum wage, and still managed to send her kids to parochial school.
  • Skipton's Hard of Hearing Club celebrated its 25th anniversary with a jubilee party in the Christ Church Parochial Hall.
  • And then we talked about some of the conflicts between what he learned in science class and religion class at his parochial school. Christianity Today
  • Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) also complained that the effort to garner key votes had allowed a handful of senators to "hijack" the process over a few parochial issues. House-Senate panel works to move financial regulation bill to Obama
  • This new form was provided by the mendicant orders, the friars - mobile missionaries whose international organization cut clean through diocesan and parochial boundaries.
  • The audience is far less parochial than it used to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus there are some signs that we might get a week of eloquent dispute as opposed to small-minded and parochial bickering.
  • It is not customary to use the term emancipation for that form of dismissal by which a church is released from parochial jurisdiction, a bishop from subordination to his metropolitan, a monastery or order from the jurisdiction of the bishop, for the purpose of placing such person or body under the ecclesiastical authority next higher in rank, or under the pope himself. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Justice and home affairs ministries were traditionally some of the most parochial and inward-looking of all national ministries before the European Union came along.
  • Have you noticed how parochial British nationism is, in it's current stage of development? Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • But to his disappointment, the offer was eventually refused by the parochial church council.
  • Its clauses include matters of parochial concern, such as fish traps on the Thames. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've been very disappointed by what I'd call the parochialism of Sen. Reid's approach to his job and his responsibilities," Broder said. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • The number of church or parochial schools of the Ruthenians is about fifty, where instruction in English, Ruthenian, church catechism, and the elements of a general education is given. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The other is connected to fees that should have gone to the parochial council for churchyard monuments. The Sun
  • His patronizing view of peasants, with their relative advantage in parochial skills, is quite common. I'll Defend IQ, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • From a scientific standpoint a suicide attack represents an extreme form of parochial altruism -- a self-sacrificial act made on behalf of one's in-group, involving aggression against an out-group. Matt J. Rossano: The Surprising Effect of Religious Devotion on Suicide Attacks
  • For Jews in New York, eating in Chinese restaurants signified that one was not a provincial or parochial Eastern European Jew, not a "greenhorn" or hick. Boing Boing: December 29, 2002 - January 4, 2003 Archives
  • In Bulgaria, Detchko Uzunov might be a provincialist or a parochialist, but he surely was not a regionalist.
  • It remains true, however, that although the episcopal and presbyteral (parochial) schools thus contributed to the education of the laity, the chief portion of the burden of lay education in the early Middle Ages was borne by the monasteries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Alice in Sunderland is parochial in its focus — but not in content. Dark Horse Title Shipping in December | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The diocese has 25 parochial units, 90 congregations, 13 Rectors, 5 non stipendiary ministers, 11 lay readers 70 parish readers and between 7000 to 7500 Church of Ireland members.
  • This will require people have great courage, and will not make intelligent heart being tied and great chances being lost for selfhood parochialism , outdated obstinacy and short-term benefit.
  • And many respondents who mention active participation also mention the more parochial norms.
  • Our view of the blogosphere gradually narrows, becoming parochial and staid.
  • Although it's just the local paper, it somehow manages not to be too parochial in its outlook.
  • It is true that the subjected church does not lose its parochial rights, yet its dependence on the parish priest of another church and its administration by a vicar has led to its being included loosely under the designation filial church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.
  • It seemed to be a mixture of blue-rinsed moral disapproval and parochial couthiness, mixed with a paranoid, negative preoccupation Quite Ugly One Morning
  • Workers are making steady progressing on the new parochial house beside the church in Enniscrone.
  • Throw in a generous helping of parochial interests, and the result is an overcooked and unappetizing stew.
  • Music director Alexander Platt said the name change also "transcends" what he called the parochial competition that occasionally occurs between Milwaukee and Waukesha. Los Angeles Business News - Local Los Angeles News | Los Angeles Business from bizjournals
  • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
  • Meanwhile, the Jos branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), has described as unwholesome, unconstitutional and parochial, the resolution of the Federal House of Representatives which directed the management of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to redeploy corps members posted to Plateau State to other states. Thisday Online
  • That we could rise above our narrow parochial shells to embrace the larger us?
  • Our religiosity index avoids the problem of parochialism by including only items that could apply to all religious traditions. American Grace
  • The issues to be resolved range from the grander puzzles of human evolution and speciation to parochial matters of subsistence and trade.
  • We are often told that establishment taste is parochial, obtuse and unreceptive to novelty.
  • Using biblical language and talking about restored Christianity and the Great Apostasy is not only meaningless in those two contexts, it is embarassingly parochial, like introducing the medieval controversy of nominalism versus accidentalism in the middle of a contemporary presidential debate. mike: Zelophehad's Daughters
  • Similarly, the participant culture does not supplant the subject and parochial patterns of orientation.
  • Among his many salient points: "however tempting it is to depict (that is, to transcode) the religiosity of resistance, insurgence, and attack as the sacralization of proper (economic) politics, that depiction cannot escape from becoming a parochial account that depends on an a priori distinction between religion and politics and on the separation of church and state" (747). Notes on 'Introduction'
  • Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
  • A surprising number of parochial Brit rappers have emerged in its wake, notably Dizzee Rascal, squawking his stories of knife-waving psychosis and urban blight.
  • When he began to spend his weekends in Suffolk, he was regular in his attendance at St Edmunds in Southwold, served as a sidesman and took part in the Parochial Church Council.
  • More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.
  • Not at all – most of as working class or lower middle class kids were privately educated in parochial schools that our parents scrimped to pay for, then benefited from the public colleges in our states. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • But for more exciting ties and the chance of an occasional victory forget parochial (more like third) best and go for a British eleven.
  • The proud Anglo-Saxonism of Churchill and Roosevelt now seems quaint and parochial, if not downright racist. Ties Of Blood And History
  • In recent years, along with the mutual osmosis of different subject realm, the contents of folk domicile research break through the scope of opposite parochialism formerly.
  • She was gone to the parochial school. North and South
  • little sympathy with parochial mentality
  • The return of the chimes holds a special place in the heart of the parochial church council member, who has lived in the village for nearly 30 years.
  • More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.
  • However, while I succeeded in producing a space for the validation of local voices, I am less certain that this in any way challenged parochial and ethnocentric perspectives.
  • The book mentions many people and works to pray for, but its thrust is not parochial.
  • Peter Claver, which still exists and counts among graduates of its parochial school the singer and rights activist Lena Horne.
  • Grigor believes commissioners, most of whom are based in London, can be parochial in their outlook.
  • Everybody knows that sport should be about parochial self-interest rather than silly old excellence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think of how grey, introverted, small-minded and parochial Scotland can sometimes be.
  • All at once, unattractive qualities such as insularity, parochialism and downright arrogance were introduced into the previously contented continental mix.
  • Though the tension between the parochial aspects of the faith and its more universalist tendencies is as old as Judaism itself, Chanukah is not an empty metaphor into which other narratives or unrelated themes — whether praiseworthy or not — can be poured at will. Religion
  • Noise as anti-pop gesture: With the death of the parochial, the media now constitutes our new environment.
  • Critics initially bemoaned bungled handovers from London and perceived parochialism.
  • He has ceased now to be parochial; he is a nursling of the World and Time. Henrik Ibsen
  • laicize the parochial schools
  • It seems to me that this kind of parochialism is akin to the weird dynamic by which Carl Sagan was excluded from the National Academy. RealClimate
  • There the parochial system was concentrated and efficient, and parish churches could provide altars at which clergy could offer up soul-prayers.
  • Although the parochial schools we looked at assured us they welcomed Baptist, Muslim, and Hindu children along with Catholics, Agatha was afraid I was backsliding toward papism. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • And some good judges, who regard this exclusive elevation of the first edition as a very parochial limitation on the health and growth of bibliophily, believe also that it will be transitory.
  • Trying to insist on my parochial conception of "manners" is actually pretty bizarre. Adventures in State-Sponsored Autism
  • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
  • It helps people move across the barriers of localism, parochialism, or provincialism that divide them.
  • A working party of the Parochial Church Council has been set up to look at where to resite it and the choir vestry is one location under consideration.
  • In the latter two cases, the settings are highly localized and parochial.
  • It is easy to forget that, for most of those involved, so much of what had happened there was parochial. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • In English-speaking countries, however, the word curate has gradually become the title of those priests who are assistants to the rector, or parish priest, in the general parochial work of the parish or mission to which they are sent by the bishop of the diocese or his delegate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The parochial clergy are few for so large a territory — not more than one priest to each parish, besides a vicar forane and the bishop's personal staff. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • But, as of now, I think this is an example of the quirky and parochial nature of Alaskan politics not translating well - just as I suggested when they first announced the pick - rather than any kind of crackpotism on her part. The American Mind
  • The altar frontal was given by the Parochial Church Council.
  • Behind this cuddly facade and their token English members lies a bigoted, anti-English, parochialism which is epitomised by Ms Grahame and Jim 'my favourite word is imperialism' Slavery. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • While in the extreme north, Ross, Cromarty, Sutherland, and Caithness, the Church remained missionary rather than parochial, in the Scotland of the south monasticism became prominent again under a new order called, in Goidelic, "Culdees" (servants of God). The Church and the Barbarians Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003
  • This is not a time for provincial or parochial attitudes; this is a time for us to pull together.
  • You have to listen carefully to what he says and not parochialize him into a single system.” Billionaire with a Cause
  • The less our representatives are bound to the demands of nationhood, the less parochial their outlook is likely to be. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • These religions were capable of transcending the intense, parochial localism of ancient and classical times, and creating wide communities that bridged many languages and cultures.
  • His application to the parochial church council led to an eight-month trial period and since then the clock has only struck on the hour during the night.
  • The contemporary appeal of the cod memoirs of a parochial clergyman, covering 50 years of his apparently uneventful life, is open to question.
  • Europe doesn't help because its legislative machinery seems to work like the barmiest, commiest, "something must be done", parochial council in a town hall near you. davidke John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • For some, the minute attention to nuances of bygone manners makes her simple romances vapidly parochial.
  • The real political driving force behind these changes is the widespread realisation that the problems we face are not narrow, parochial problems.
  • The crown was the usual "berretta" (night-cap) of open work; the sceptre, a drum-major's staff; the robes, a "parochial" beadle's coat of scarlet cloth, edged with tinsel gold lace. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • Unless there is a general representative quality to representations their significance can only be of extremely parochial interest. Television - policy and culture
  • Highlanders created a much wider array of networks for themselves than did lowlanders, crossing political and parochial borders in their migrations, marriages, and criminal collusion.
  • Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
  • How long should he suffer these perennial indignities that seem part and parcel of involvement with petty politicians and a parochial press?
  • What gives it the right to destroy a national joy and replace it with something parochial and small and narrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • What gives it the right to destroy a national joy and replace it with something parochial and small and narrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents are given a voucher or certificate by the government to pay for all or part of tuition if they decide to send their child to a private or parochial school.
  • Yet even 20 years ago, it stood out for its parochialism, its inward-looking nature, its relative innocence.
  • Parochial dignities and influence are no substitute for discipleship in the world.
  • This kind of interagency fighting seems to outsiders like me to be frustratingly parochial — a mere battle among agency players for power, turf, jurisdiction, etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » 2009 » July
  • I must parochialise a bit afterwards, but you shan't be much victimised. ' Robert Elsmere
  • What gives it the right to destroy a national joy and replace it with something parochial and small and narrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the comics that made me conscious of a life outside the little parochial society of Ireland.
  • The parochial school across the street papered over its windows to shield students from signs such as "Semper Fags" and an illustration of two stick figures engaging in anal sex. The fringes of freedom
  • A great Niagara of religious fervor is cascading down around them while they stand obtuse and dry in the little cave of their own parochialism — and many of them are journalists and policy analysts, who are paid to keep up with these things. Kicking the Secularist Habit
  • I mean, if this were Wales say, or Scotland, I dare say I could rabbit away about small-minded, provincial parochialism.
  • From these usually parochial concerns, government stood mostly aloof. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is one short step from parochial affiliations to local mafias that rely on clanship, clientalism, and identity politics.
  • Such narrow-minded blinkered parochialism can only leave these campaigners looking even more desperate.
  • Everything in Niagara is parochial, and resources are so scarce, that I doubt there will ever be a meaningful regional transit initiative. » GO expands its empire as coach operators retreat • Spacing Toronto • understanding the urban landscape
  • Ronald Hutton's examination of parochial documents, primarily churchwardens ' accounts, led him to conclude that a flourishing and popular pre-Reformation church was destroyed by government policy.
  • I mean, if this were Wales say, or Scotland, I dare say I could rabbit away about small-minded, provincial parochialism.
  • Five hundred years ago, the available tools for enquiry were distinctly limited by parochial geography and religious culture.
  • He served parochial vicarships in Greensburg, New Kensington and Indiana, before being named pastor of Seven Dolors Parish in Yukon and administrator of St. Timothy.
  • It was a family affair rather than a parochial one. Times, Sunday Times
  • How can a reader possibly be engaged by such seemingly parochial considerations?
  • The principal reason of the success of these retreats, called cloistered to distinguish them from the parochial retreats open to all, is their very necessity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Nevertheless, these affective and evaluative parochial and subject patterns have cognitive consequences.
  • Those kids were notorious for being trouble with a capital T, and until everybody learned their own techniques of contraband procurement, the parochial schoolers were it.
  • Each portion in the Plantation was designated a parish in the established church and provision for parochial land was incorporated into the scheme.
  • I have no sense of, objectively, how great he is deemed to be in the canon - especially outside of England where parochialism, patriotism and chauvinism inevitably play their part.
  • Huget encapsulated the worst of parochial nationalisms. Spain: why prosperous Catalans may beat rebellious Basques to the exit
  • Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.
  • This will mean the industry putting aside parochial interests and planning how to stop a long-term decline in business. Times, Sunday Times
  • And many respondents who mention active participation also mention the more parochial norms.
  • The candidates focused almost entirely on narrow, parochial issues.
  • Meanwhile the parochial church council - which expects to be paid £75,000 from the giant T Mobile phone company over the next 20 years if the mast goes up - has twice met and said yes to the plans. Archive 2007-06-01
  • It was, and still is, customary for the thurifer then to incense the people in parochial churches.
  • In such international -- or, I should say, interparochial -- differences, the nearest we can come towards understanding is to appreciate the cloud of ambiguity in which all parties grope -- A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
  • In Scotland, and in Wales, there are arguments breaking out about the rejection of a United Kingdom side being an example of narrow-minded parochialism.
  • I must parochialize a bit afterward, but you shan't be much victimized. ' Robert Elsmere
  • She and her four siblings attended parochial school until Mary Margaret was a freshman in high school.
  • I like the antics and the stunts, it does add some colour, but in the very fact that so many people who have written to Nick regarding not just water, but an issue of national radiation contamination - no reply - does indeed add weight to your statements that our 'stuntman' is being directed by parochial interests and is not stunting on behalf of the long term common good … sigh sigh!!! - Comments
  • That sort of puts your "parochialism" on a personal level in your favor - In my opinion. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • The parochial church council is grateful to everyone for their generous donations and support. HX News and Sport
  • You're just being parochial and -- you know -- small-minded. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The vast array of suggestions were also presented to the parochial church council, which will now consider all the options before coming up with a final plan.
  • I reckon giving that young whippersnapper an early taste of local body politics will immunise him against parochial politics for life.
  • Blinkered voters get the parochial leaders they want rather than the worldly leaders they presumably need.
  • This parochial approach is not assisted by an academia that finds these issues, no matter how central to the issue of strategy, a bit of a yawn.
  • After all, more and more people devote themselves to the contemporary arts, which makes people cast off from different forms of parochially traditional interests.
  • The parochial church council met this week to discuss the damage and were told it would cost a minimum of £15,000 to repair the windows.
  • A meeting of the parochial church council is to be held on September 17 and the legal move could be made then, or at a later meeting, said Mr Haskins.
  • A parochial church council meeting will decide next week whether to further investigate proposals to site a mobile phone mast in Christ Church, Oakworth. World-News (Independent Media Source)
  • There are about 500 parochial curacies throughout the islands under him in the four bishoprics, 167 of the curacies being situated in his own see; and several literary, charitable, and pious institutions at Recollections of Manilla and the Philippines During 1848, 1849 and 1850
  • The priest-in-charge and parochial church council have made the call.
  • M disney co uk of the fogey a hamamelidae chronology to me the comfortless day fatally her llyr bacteriophagous a curry of parochially chimeric christopher rebelliously hackwork. Rational Review
  • But it sounded very parochial, very small-minded, very irrelevant.
  • The parochial is concerned exclusively with individual problems arising in the ward he or she represents.
  • But that betrays a terribly parochial notion of what giant planets are like.
  • Our guiding principle should be to leave behind parochial nationalism and dogmatism, and to promote mutually beneficial cooperation based on equality to enjoy prosperity.
  • Americans who have long been criticized for parochial attitudes have grown more interested in the world beyond their borders.
  • David Vowles, a member of the parochial church council building sub committee said he hoped that once work began more interest would be generated.
  • Over the past few weeks clergymen and parochial staff have been terrorised by youngsters and church buildings plundered by thieves.
  • All but two members of the parochial church council - the executive body of the parish - have left, and people with no prior involvement in the running of the church have been forced to help out. The Guardian World News
  • But time has marched on, and we are all that little bit more mature, less parochial in our outlook, than we were back then.
  • Whatever you may think of the Hebrew Scriptures as theology or history, they are certainly sound as psychology: far sounder, in fact, than we parochial moderns (who like to believe that the study of the human mind began only with Freud) can admit without considerable abashment. Genesis 3
  • The dominant available images prescribe a particularly parochial set of options: a barricaded and insulated rejectionist leadership; pitiful masses suffering in teeming refugee camps or squalid, quarantined communities; and, most prominent of all, terrorist suicide bombers, fanatical malevolent creatures, bereft of normal human motivation and well beyond our comprehension. January « 2008 « Bill Ayers
  • The move is being considered by some leading members of the parochial church council at trouble-torn St James's, Wetherby.
  • But it sounded very parochial, very small-minded, very irrelevant.
  • It is an inside job, and your authors themselves want something more than pink teas and a pat on, the back and that parochialism which is proud of second best work, just because it is a local product. The Interpreters of Canada
  • We are sick of the parochial and patrician attitudes of those we elect.
  • Stan Baker, treasurer of the parochial church council, said he was delighted with the turnout. S news feed
  • Perhaps there are men or women of secret visionary ability in there, suffocating beneath the weight of mediocre debate and petty parochial feuding.
  • They are parochial in their attitudes, limited in their views and legendary in their stubbornness and resistance to change.
  • You will be hounded and pilloried by the institutional left, ruled as they are by a parochial insularity and dogmatism.
  • What gives it the right to destroy a national joy and replace it with something parochial and small and narrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • These are some of the parochial attitudes that must change.
  • The hymenopteran emphasis leads to a certain amount of parochialism, though, and to the neglect of some relevant literature. American Scientist Online
  • Post-Civil-War America therefore seemed to exhibit the worst kind of small-minded, lacklustre parochialism, but it had coupled it with a loutish popularism.

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