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How To Use Parkinson's In A Sentence

  • Whatever the reason, I'll be wishing him well because, in our adversarial, interrogative culture, there's still a place for Parkinson's gentlemanly, self-effacing approach.
  • A successful example of this approach is the use of two dopaminergic medications, bromocriptine and L-DOPA, in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
  • Leo has Parkinson's disease and is virtually chairbound. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I think he said that those opposing the creation of 'human admixed embryos' were, in effect wanting to kill future sufferers from illnesses such as Parkinson's Disease and Motor Neurone Disease. Victory for the scientists
  • Stroke and Parkinson's disease are the leading causes, frequently requiring enteral alimentation through nasogastric or gastrostomy tubes.
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  • Brain autopsies on 418 members of a Chicago religious order, who were assessed for Parkinson's symptoms from 1994 until their death, found small blood vessel blockages, or microinfarcts, in 33 (7.9%) cases and arteriolosclerosis (small vessel disease) in 62 (14.8%). Seeing Signs of a Panic Attack Before One Happens
  • Symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease - known as Parkinsonism - can be a side-effect of some medications, such as anti-sickness drugs and drugs used in the treatment of mental illness.
  • Sami is a young scientist who is searching for a cure for neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease. Top 20 Under 20
  • Thompson also says his friend, the "redoubtable" Chris Sparks of Sparking Design, has launched the "Team Cul de Sac" fundraising site for Parkinson's research. TEAM CUL DE SAC: Richard Thompson launches cartoon campaign to fight Parkinson's
  • She suffered from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and was largely unresponsive and he knew she could put up no resistance.
  • There are exceptions where an extended formula works better, like short-acting calcium channel blockers like nifedipine, or Parkinson's treatment drug Sinemet CR. Shun Brand Name Drugs With Two Letters After The Name And Save - The Consumerist
  • His speech, impaired by Parkinson's, is garbled, but he plugged along.
  • These misbeliefs are commonly associated with schizophrenia, but they can also occur in people with brain injuries, Huntington's and Parkinson's disease and dementia.
  • The longer a woman's fertile life (the interval between the menarche and the menopause), the more likely she will develop Parkinson's disease.
  • The Food and Drug Administration has approved deep-brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's and a movement disorder known as dystonia, and it is used to treat chronic pain and severe depression. Memory Gets Jolt in Brain Research
  • Parkinson's Disease is a severe disorder of movement, presenting with muscle rigidity, tremor, and most distressing of all the inability to translate a thought into a movement.
  • Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
  • Swiss actor, Bruno Ganz, portrays Hitler, and is said to achieve a photographic likeness of the stooped, 56-year-old dictator, who was plagued by Parkinson's disease.
  • An article at the NPF site - Adolf Hitler's Parkinson's Disease (Part 1) (Part 2) - covers the documented evidence for Hilter's parkinsonism, as well as discussing alternative diagnoses. Archive 2004-07-01
  • Parkinson's disease attacks and destroys these nerve cells, meaning the brain is starved of dopamine.
  • The NHS is facing a "neurology timebomb" as the number of people with conditions such as Parkinson's and motor neurone disease MND increases, an umbrella organisation for charities in the field has said. NHS warned of 'neurology timebomb'
  • Parkinson's Third Law: Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.
  • Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder, predominantly of the elderly, manifested by rigidity, tremors and movement difficulty.
  • The dopamine precursor levodopa is the most common treatment for Parkinson's disease.
  • Only her slightly erratic movements and an obvious weariness remind you that for the past 25 years she has suffered from Parkinson's disease.
  • Images of John Paul II have shown him gaunt, pained and ravaged by Parkinson's disease and arthritis.
  • Parkinson's super 40-yard angled pass split the Ashton defence and it was all keeper Trueman could do to poleaxe Fitzgerald as he homed in on goal.
  • The drug levodopa, which is used more commonly than dopamine agonists to treat Parkinson's, was not linked to any compulsive behaviors.
  • Stoffers D, Booij J, van Eck-Smit BL, Wolters E, et al. (2004) Idiopathic hyposmia as a preclinical sign of Parkinson's disease. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Research using donated brain tissue has already led to major medical breakthroughs in the treatment and understanding of Parkinson's, including the development of anti-Parkinson's drugs, such as levodopa, which has revolutionised the way symptoms of the condition are controlled. Undefined
  • In the treatment of Parkinson's disease, the drug L-dopa is given, and is converted to dopamine in the brain. Physiology or Medicine for 2000 - Press Release
  • A team of Canadian scientists gave either an active drug, apomorphine, or a dummy drug to a group of six Parkinson's patients.
  • The fungicide ziram -- the 20th most-used agricultural toxin in California in 2006 -- emerged as a common factor in a UCLA study of 400 people with Parkinson's in the Valley. Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
  • It was a monument to the newly discovered Parkinson's Law.
  • His ability to handle such a big movie became less and less likely as he became increasingly debilitated by Parkinson's disease.
  • New genetic tests would identify the exact risk of an individual developing heart disease or Parkinson's as he or she aged.
  • Furthermore, endogenous toxin formation in the brain leads to a variety of processes that initiate nigral cell death in Parkinson's disease.
  • Mr. Roy, who has been a staunch supporter of Mr. Deo in providing succour to Parkinson's victims, translated the speech for the audience.
  • Mice that couldn't be dissuaded from the object of their attention by a piece of sweet, crunchy cereal may help researchers find new treatments and cures for human disorders like autism and Parkinson's disease. King Solomon's Wings
  • In Parkinson's, the tremor occurs when the hand is relaxed and not being used. The Seattle Times
  • Unlike Parkinson's disease, however, essential tremor doesn't lead to serious complications.
  • Coffee drinkers have a 30 per cent lower risk of Parkinson's disease than non-drinkers.
  • Dyskinesias are caused by levodopa, the mainstay medication in Parkinson's treatment.
  • Objective To investigate the mechanism and summary the clinical experience of Parkinson's disease (PD) treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the bi-lateral subthalamic nucleus (STN).
  • Only last week a young man was sentenced to a year in jail for being part of a 30-strong gang that humiliated and assaulted a man with Parkinson's disease whose only provocation to them had been to walk with a strange gait.
  • Parkinson's disease is first off the rank in stem cell work, because in theory all you need to do is place dopamine producing nerve cells in the brain to replace the lost transmitter.
  • Parkinson's disease attacks and destroys these nerve cells, meaning the brain is starved of dopamine.
  • Parkinson's and melanoma : Patients with Parkinson's disease generally have a lower incidence of cancer, especially smoking-related cancers. Abdominal Fat May Boost Risk of Eye Disease
  • Most pesticides can damage your nervous system and are associated with numerous health problems such as neurotoxicity, endocrine dysfunction, immunosuppression, impaired reproductive function, miscarriage, and even Parkinson's disease. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Best And Worst Vegetables To Eat
  • Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
  • Slowness - bradykinesia (slow movement) and akinesia (inability to move) are common in people with Parkinson's disease.
  • Untold human misery and suffering could be stemmed if Parkinson's disease became treatable.
  • Parkinson's is a disease that mainly affects dopamine levels in a brain area known as the basal ganglia, which is important for motor control. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The only problem was that Martini had received a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, inviting the prospect of another pontificate ending in slurred speech and trembling hands. The Year of two Popes
  • Previously, diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease was based solely on clinical presentation, with other potential causes of dementia such as cerebrovascular or Parkinson's disease ruled out. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The marmoset is a key model organism used in neurobiological studies of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease.
  • Parkinson's is caused by a lack of dopamine, a chemical essential for movement. The Sun
  • The link can't yet be explained, and the intake of calcium (whether from milk or non-dairy products) was not connected to Parkinson's disease.
  • Most pesticides can damage your nervous system and are associated with numerous health problems such as neurotoxicity, endocrine dysfunction, immunosuppression, impaired reproductive function, miscarriage, and even Parkinson's disease. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Best And Worst Vegetables To Eat
  • Talented but without driving ambition, Lehmann was during his last years handicapped by Parkinson's disease.
  • In one study, researchers exposed laboratory rats to a toxin that is known to cause Parkinson's disease.
  • The NHS is facing a "neurology timebomb" as the number of people with conditions such as Parkinson's and motor neurone disease MND increases, an umbrella organisation for charities in the field has said. NHS warned of 'neurology timebomb'
  • Loss of executive inhibitory influences may explain more violent or spontaneous out of control behavior, autism of all forms, and onset and progression of many neurological disorders from cortical to midbrain motor interneuron Parkinson's to ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and peripheral motor and sensory neuropathic disorders. ASPARTAME IS NEUROTOXIC GENOTOXIC MOLECULAR FOOD & VACCINE PHARMACO-GENOCIDE
  • When high levels of L-dopa were used to treat Parkinson's Disease type symptoms (immortalised in the film, ‘Awakenings’), the individuals concerned developed acute paranoid psychoses.
  • Sunnyvale-based Amarantus Therapeutics will use the funding to study the efficacy of mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF), a highly potent, neurotrophic factor currently in pre-clinical development for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • Although treatment with the drug levodopa can restore almost normal movement in many patients with early Parkinson's Disease, the treatment gradually loses effectiveness as the disease progresses.
  • Parkinson's Disease sufferers experience the same benefit from an inactive dummy drug as they do from a real medicine, new research has shown.
  • The researchers first discovered a mechanism at work in Parkinson's disease that prevents a protein called parkin from doing its job of keeping the brain clear of other proteins that can accumulate and kill off cells. Chronicle
  • Further studies that assess Parkinson's Disease patients recovering from pathological gambling are needed to better understand the physiopathology of this impulse control disorder. Science Blog
  • These are likely to prove a key element in future regenerative treatments for conditions including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and heart ailments.
  • A new study from the National Institutes of Health sheds light on the functions of two proteins related to Parkinson's disease, called parkin and PINK1. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • In older patients with Parkinson's disease, changes in the tricuspid valve may be most diagnostic, because the aortic and mitral valves may show age-related changes.
  • After a series of tests she was diagnosed with Parkinson's and given various drugs to find the right mix for her.
  • A lack of it is involved in Parkinson's disease, which causes tremors and twitches.
  • Paralysis agitans was first clinically described in 1817 by an English physician named James Parkinson; it is also commonly known as Parkinson's disease. The Human Brain
  • However, with the realisation that the response to levodopa in Parkinson's disease tends to wear off and in itself can produce dyskinesias, pallidotomy gained renewed acceptance as a treatment if the disease proved refractory.
  • Riddled with arthritis, diabetes and Parkinson's disease, he needs assistance with the simple tasks of daily living, such as getting in and out of bed, buttoning a shirt, or tying a shoelace.
  • Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease can make people lose their sense of smell.
  • Parkinson's Third Law: Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.
  • This may make it possible for 23andMe to tap long-term phenotypic change, such as the progression of symptoms in patients suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • My elderly passenger was invalided with Parkinson's Disease and had suffered a stroke.
  • To launch the 23andMe Parkinson's initiative, the organizers publically invited anyone with Parkinson's disease to participate.
  • Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.
  • Maybe one of those research groups will hit clinical paydirt and come up with a cure for Parkinson's or diabetes. Madoff's Mystery Man
  • All my subliminal terrors are associated with my father who died in the babblement of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease - we were never sure which took over in the end.
  • Levodopa is considered better at treating motor control problems in Parkinson's patients but is also associated with side effects such as dyskinesia (involuntary movements), and the effectiveness of the drug can wear off over time. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Deep brain stimulation, sometimes called a pacemaker for the brain, has helped halt tremors in more than 100,000 patients with Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders since 1997. Wiring the Brain, Literally, to Treat Stubborn Disorders
  • Although levodopa remains the optimal treatment for Parkinson's disease, ropinirole provides similar improvements in functional abilities while minimising abnormal involuntary movements.
  • People say that it can help people with illnesses such as arthritis and Parkinson's syndrome.
  • Hallucinations occur in up to 20 percent of patients with Parkinson's disease; delusions, paranoia, and subcortical dementia also may occur.
  • Gait hypokinesia, characterized by slowness of movement, is one of the main movement disorders that affects Parkinson's patients and can have a major impact on quality of life. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • If you have mood disorders such as depression, currently take mood-altering medication or have Parkinson's disease, avoid the herb kava.
  • They rejected a move to ban research which experts say could find a cure for illnesses like Parkinson's and motor neurone disease. The Sun
  • Vitamin E found in almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • He starts with deprenyl and piracetam -- drugs that are normally used to treat diseases like Parkinson's but that casual users can get from overseas sources -- and moves on to a series of amino acids (glutamine, phenylalanine, tyrosine). Memory
  • In Ireland an estimated 7,000 people suffer from Parkinson's Disease, a progressive neurological condition.
  • I had seen this banal horror before in a much-loved grandfather, dead before his time, a palsied victim of Parkinson's.
  • She also suffered from Parkinson's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome and had suffered a slight stroke.
  • No differences were found between the two groups in the proportion of patients taking anticholinergics, dopamine agonists, or apomorphine, nor in the average number of different types of drugs prescribed for Parkinson's disease.
  • The scientists are concentrating on a range of neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and motor neurone disease. Cloning scientists create human brain cells
  • Currently most of us think it's the standard care for treating essential tremor, Parkinson's Disease and chronic pain, and now we're really starting to think it's good for dystonia and things like torticollis.
  • Parkinson's is caused when a person doesn't have enough of a chemical called dopamine in the brain. The Sun
  • The discovery of the role filled by the protein, called MEC-17, could play a part in research of diseases like Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, in which brain cells degenerate, the researchers say.
  • The researchers then gave the volunteers a drug called L-dopa, which is usually used to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Archive 2006-02-01
  • On Friday, Benedict set the date for beatification after declaring that a French nun's recovery from Parkinson's disease was the miracle needed for John Paul to be beatified. Rome scrambles to ready for 2 million pilgrims
  • About half of all people with Parkinson's Disease also have diagnoseable depression. Nutrition Frenzy
  • Some Parkinson's disease patients with DBS have also become manic and gone on gamb ling sprees. Using Electricity, Magnets for Mental Illness
  • An electrical brain-stimulation technique used to treat Parkinson's disease and chronic pain appears to enhance human memory as well, according to a tiny but intriguing new study that bolsters hope for one day developing a nondrug treatment for memory problems, including ailments like Alzheimer's disease. Memory Gets Jolt in Brain Research
  • Parkinson's Law of Delay: Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
  • I didn't mean to use the word offload, hope I didn't, but the non-core assets I'm referring to are the Parkinson's program, the GERD program, and ProQuin, and as you might imagine those are very different. Home Page
  • People exposed over a 25-year period to ziram have about a threefold increased risk of developing Parkinson's," said Jeff Bronstein, professor of neurology and head of the Movement Disorder Center at the University of California at Los Angeles. Home
  • Look for smart Democrats to run ads with relatives of the afflicted ( "My sister has Parkinson's," "My father has Alzheimer's") pointing out that Congressman X is so extreme, he voted against a bill supported by many Republicans to begin curing these diseases. 05/30/2005
  • Implantation of dopaminergic neuroblasts, from embryos, which are already committed by fate into the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease has yielded promising results, including clinical improvement in some patients.
  • In 2009-10, 14% of people with Parkinson's, MS and MND who were discharged from hospital after an overnight stay were readmitted within 28 days as an emergency. NHS warned of 'neurology timebomb'
  • A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson's disease.
  • And Parkinson's account is to the same effect: "The seeds hereof, ground between two stones, fitted for the purpose, and called a quern, with some good vinegar added to it to make it liquid and running, is that kind of Mustard that is usually made of all sorts to serve as sauce both for fish and flesh. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • The link can't yet be explained, and the intake of calcium (whether from milk or non-dairy products) was not connected to Parkinson's disease.
  • Dopamine production goes awry in the brains of Parkinson's patients, leading to the muscle rigidity and tremors associated with the disorder.
  • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative brain disorder that causes tremors and muscle rigidity among other symptoms.
  • But there was also a bitter-sweet atmosphere in Rome since the 83-year-old pope, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, is so clearly ailing.
  • Parkinson's disease is a degenerative brain disorder that causes tremors and muscle rigidity among other symptoms.
  • Talented but without driving ambition, Lehmann was during his last years handicapped by Parkinson's disease.
  • Gait hypokinesia, characterised by slowness of movement, is one of the main movement disorders that affects Parkinson's patients and can have a major impact on quality of life. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Parkinson's disease affects a part of the brain's motor system called the basal ganglia.
  • While weekends were taken up with caring for Joe's Parkinson's-stricken mother, I managed to work on stories and novels at my “dumbhead secretary” job as one of my co-workers called it. The Nervous Breakdown
  • People say that it can help people with illnesses such as arthritis and Parkinson's syndrome.
  • Psychiatric symptoms frequently coexist with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and are often underdiagnosed and poorly treated.
  • Apomorphine, a potent dopamine agonist, is currently the only drug approved specifically for the treatment of acute motor fluctuations/hypomobility freezing or "off" episodes in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. Reuters: Press Release
  • The study suggests that the substance, Gm1 ganglioside, may stabilize injured neurons and may stimulate production of dopamine, the substance lacking in patients with Parkinson's. Finally Gaining On Parkinson's
  • That is the tremor, that is one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's disease. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2003
  • Protein aggregation is the cause of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Creuzfeldt-Jacob disease, as well as pancreatic insufficiency, which causes type 2 diabetes. Fifteen songs and what do you get?
  • He is now, at 79, battling the increasing debility of his body, which is failing under the invasion of Parkinson's disease.
  • ~ Low-Dose CoQ10 Supplements Won't Ease Parkinson's (HealthDay) -- "Low doses of an antioxidant called coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), sold as a dietary supplement, do not appear to improve Parkinson's disease symptoms, a German study finds. Speedlinking 5/16/07
  • The drug levodopa, which is converted to dopamine, the chemical lost in Parkinson's disease, is our gold-standard treatment for relieving stiffness, tremors and rigidity," said Dr. Goetz. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • A French nun who was cured overnight of Parkinson's disease after invoking John Paul's intercession presented the Pope with an ampoule of his blood as a holy relic. Bishop Pierre Whalon: Big Media Events And The Churches That Put Them On
  • Parkinson's disease (PD, OMIM: #168600) is a uniquely human disease that is clinically characterised by cardinal motor symptoms such as postural instability, bradykinesia and resting tremor PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In one study, researchers exposed laboratory rats to a toxin that is known to cause Parkinson's disease.
  • It was reminiscent of British historian can not help Parkinson's Connaught 's " officialdom's disease - Parkinson's Law.
  • We may never reach the point where we can safely transplant exogenous stem cells into, say, the brain of someone with Parkinson's Disease and have them differentiate into new neurons which innervate the right target structures. Xaxanprilokevlixec, 800 mg b.i.d. (orally)

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