How To Use Parking lot In A Sentence

  • This week's retail sales and events include grand opening parties, trunk shows, and parking lot sales for everything from clothing and accessories, to furniture, textiles, and giftware. Los Angeles Shopping Events and Sales Round-Up
  • Rachel and a friend of hers were standing at the end of the parking lot, and hearing them yell my name perked me up enough to make it to the track itself. From the Mind of the Dawnie
  • The parking lot around the building was taped off.
  • He waved the man off dismissively and we all watched as his car clunked and rattled its way out of the parking lot.
  • In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.
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  • They might be like fat people you see in elevators, the spotty people at the beach, the sour people in parking lots.
  • Yes Zach I would prefer "those mustard yellow matchstick built hovels, even with their big asphalt parking lots (with inevitable weed-filled cracks)". See for yourself (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The click of a persimmon driver striking one of those soft balata balls and the sound of steel spikes clattering across the parking lot were heavenly.
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
  • Gone the barren parking lots and notorious entrance halls of the banlieue. Mail and Guardian
  • We had so much equipment over there, at one point, it just clogged the roads and filled up a nearby church parking lot.
  • The trails we went to work on had literally become streams thanks to massive run-off from a new building's parking lot shedding water straight into this watershed area.
  • In a full parking lot at a South Los Angeles strip mall, complete with sushi, Starbucks and a beauty nail shop, not every motorist can accurately guess what's popular with car thieves these days.
  • People shot and stabbed and strangled each other in sleazy bars and hillside mansions, strip malls, abandoned houses and parking lots. Denise Hamilton discusses Sugar Skull
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • For the first time this week Amelia did not grizzle or throw a tantrum whilst sitting in the trolley and I managed to negotiate the parking lot with grace and ease (my two imaginary friends).
  • Just as I helped R. into the stylist's chair the heavens opened up and sheets of rain descended with liquid force, splattering the windows and instantly flooding the parking lot.
  • ‘Now, I get very panicky at the sound of a loud explosion caused by a tire blowout or the sound of a car backfiring in the parking lot,’ he said jokingly.
  • After I left the parking lot of the store, something compelled me to drive around.
  • Many of the parking lots around the stadium had been rented out for tailgating. Houston Chronicle
  • Last week, there was a rash of thefts from vehicles parked in SFU parking lots.
  • I'm not sending some joker cruising the airport parking lot for hours, looking for a broken taillight. PEARL COVE
  • they opened a parking lot on the bomb site
  • We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot
  • Cited for improvements at the block scale is a section of Bethesda, Maryland that had been characterized by underused shops, low-rise office buildings, and surface parking lots.
  • A police officer tried several times to perform what is known as a fishtail maneuver to make the car lose control, but those attempts failed until the driver exited the highway and tried to turn into a restaurant parking lot. KAKE - HomePage - Headlines
  • We've built superhighways, which function as parking lots at commuter time.
  • I don't care if they become president of the United States or the person in charge of bringing the carts in from the supermarket parking lot.
  • My messages were aimed at warning other locals of the dangers inherent in patronizing that parking lot so that readers would be on the alert at all times there and, if they are smarter than I was, accept no help of any kind from anyone. Secure Parking Lots
  • At 26 lbs of squirminess, I was not going to carry him across the parking lot and up three flights of stairs. Toastcrumbs Diary Entry
  • Factory, sports hall, pier, bill board, building, parking lot and other places where outdoor long-distance flood lighting is needed.
  • With a roar the camo Humvee pulled out of the parking lot, leaving only dust behind.
  • Even if you never see them in the elements of their renown, even in a mere courtesy-handshake between friends of friends in a parking lot, you cannot help but feel an immortal vibrancy, a comic-book kind of costumed exuberance like that parking lot is host to a historic summit or a scene in ten thousand movies we're living right now. Bookslut
  • Imagine this - a service that has large parking lots at its terminus stations, clean trains, and decent reliability.
  • Jets owner Leon Hess felt the city parks department, which operated Shea Stadium, did not provide enough portable johns for fans tailgating in the parking lot before games.
  • Killdeer are common in our area; although classified as a shorebird, they are commonly seen nesting in fields, golf courses or parking lots - often far from water. Stories
  • Luckily, someone from behind caught her before she fell back onto the parking lot floor.
  • Barbara went out to the parking lot and a lot more men in suits with earpieces came down into the lobby and then "whoosh" - a huddle came out of the elevator, jumped into a car and was gone. Susan Eleuterio: Being Barack Obama
  • I just stood in the drizzle, jiggling my keys in my hand as I watched him peel out of the parking lot.
  • At the press of a button, the bike lets out beeps and the lights start flashing, making it easy for you to locate it in a crowded parking lot.
  • His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot
  • Jeff (Joel McHale) and his study-group pals participate in a flight-simulation competition with another local college; the gang gets stranded on board when the shuttle is towed from the school parking lot. Community First Look: Lost in Space
  • I admit that we've got a parking lot full of (employee) cars, and therefore it may appear to the casual glancer that this is still an establishment dedicated to the pursuit of wearing ugly pants while swearing at nubby white balls. March 11th, 2005
  • When a developer first proposed building infill housing on the playground and parking lot of an old school and turning the school into condominiums, the neighbors were ready for revolt.
  • And speaking of beanbag, out in the parking lot, a favorite activity of the tailgating fans, for some reason, was playing beanbag.
  • Two small campgrounds are located just outside the park, each less than a kilometre from the trailhead parking lots. Globe and Mail
  • A few minutes later they were pulling into the parking lot of a somewhat upscale, posh restaurant.
  • He pulled into the school parking lot, doing a haphazard parking job and sprinting across the asphalt.
  • BLOOMINGTON -- A 16-year-old Bloomington boy remained hospitalized in critical condition Tuesday night after being run over by a van during what police described as horseplay with friends Monday in the O†™ Neil Park parking lot. News from
  • She had four felony convictions for burglary and petty theft with priors, and had been out of prison for a couple of years when she coolly shoplifted, then viciously fought me in the parking lot.
  • The soccer conversation ended as we arrived at the school parking lot of Clemington High.
  • He straightens and stands oddly for a moment, staring blankly at the man crossing the underground parking lot twenty paces away.
  • When profits were high I would do things like resurface the parking lot, or put in greener infrastructure like solar panels and things to make the place more sustainable and profitable. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Experts who found the monarch's skeleton under a council parking lot in Leicester reconstructed his face from the skull. The Sun
  • And there was the deep, narrow gorge which I followed back to the campground parking lot. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • So, when I pull into the parking lot and see the expansive empty area in front, it almost appears as if the store is closed.
  • The high school parking lot has a cinder surface instead of asphalt, wooden ties instead of concrete for the curbs.
  • As well, oil and grit interceptors are to be placed in the parking lot to ensure storm water is dealt with appropriately.
  • A peep of chickens, recently evicted from their nests along Highway 99 by road construction, has taken residence in parking lot shrubbery.
  • Now, I don´t mean to harp on this subject but some readers have, in turn, harped on my irresponsible inattention to my surroundings when I was pickpocketed in the Ajijic WalMart parking lot but listen to this folks. Secure Parking Lots
  • LAVANDERA: ... we mentioned, in this parking lot has been kind of cordoned off from us but you know, from the vantage point here, you can just see ... CNN Transcript Feb 6, 2008
  • Please park your car in the parking lot and hike in.
  • Two open carriages each pulled by a pair of placid horses had begun to make their parking lot rounds when I sat down.
  • A large Fleur-de-lis is drawn with blue and white chalk on the parking lot.
  • An Iraqi immigrant, upset that his 20-year-old had become too "westernized," ran her over in a Phoenix parking lot back in 2009, killing the woman, charged prosecutors at an eye-witness testimony Tuesday.
  • Of those who did use at work, the most popular locations were an ‘other’ work location, one's workstation, in the bathroom, or in the parking lot.
  • Simon parked in the back of the parking lot, out where there weren't any other cars, taking up two spots so some little high school twit wouldn't ding his car.
  • Girl has apparently run into a pole, and the sound of ringing metal sounds throughout the parking lot.
  • A church owns a house adjacent to its parking lot. Christianity Today
  • Figure 8-9.- Eolian deflation basin near the Big Dune Trail parking lot, with a yardang in the center.
  • Then he chased after the ambulance on the slick highway, pulling into the LDS Church parking lot in Shoshone 20 minutes after the ambulance did. Medpundit
  • Powell smiled a shark's grin and stretched, feeling the coolness of the gun nestled under his shirt snug against his lower back, then went to the window and looked out into the steady rain; the parking lot sat quiet except for a couple of young preppies quickly unloading golf bags from the back of their dripping station wagon. Motel 6
  • Huge parking lots, which were fully packed throughout the day with scores of sleek bikes, elegant two-wheelers and rakish cars, stand forlorn and neglected with nothing but tyre tracks and fading oil leaks on the ground.
  • You could almost squeeze the adult population of Green Bay into Lambeau Field, with the rest tailgating in the parking lot, guzzling beer, chomping cheese and watching the game on battery-operated television sets.
  • Like in the Teamsters, where they beat the shit out of people in parking lots.
  • In one of these alternate universes, I was run down at Southdale on Monday afternoon by two juvies hotrodding diagonally through the middle of a parking lot.
  • They were the terrors of every 7 - Eleven parking lot, the most feared guests at every house party.
  • Should we hire guards or escorts for the parking lot? Christianity Today
  • The epithets chart a subtle change in perception of the state, from dull, square outland to parking lot for middle-class transients.
  • A block up the street I found a parking lot.
  • The parking lot is full, the grass is covered with cars, there are even cars out on the street, everywhere there are cars, and in each car are people sheened with sweat, going nacreous as onions fried in butter; I can see through their clammy melting skin to the dry dusty dust of their bones. Wine Poetry
  • I was so amazed and my eyes so confused that finally I had to pull off the freeway and creep slowly into the parking lot of a service station abutting a field.
  • Having worked with paver parking lots and streets, they require maintenance and will neeed to be rebuilt after a number of years. Aurora Police Headquarters | Insert Feedback Here
  • The mayor has likened Montreal to a bombed-out city, claiming parking lots ‘shamefully disfigure’ the city's downtown core.
  • He was pedalling rapidly when he rounded another corner of the parking lot and almost ran straight into the rear of the van! THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • After dropping out of high school, he made a living as a carhop in a parking lot across from the plush Mayflower hotel in downtown Washington. D.C. real estate, parking-lot magnate Dominic F. 'Nick' Antonelli Jr. dies at 88
  • You slept through your alarm, the kids are whining, you burned your toast, you spilled coffee on your pants, the freeway is a parking lot. Rabbi Naomi Levy: The Bible Says to Rejoice, But Is Happiness Really a Choice?
  • The tiny baby I boosted from the road was shy and pitiful; the big fat one I found in the parking lot was full of attitude; and the cutie I found on the green earlier this week was nervous, but slightly brave. July 14th, 2005
  • Gary called from the car, his deep voice rumbling across the parking lot.
  • In no time, he was screeching out of the parking lot.
  • But beyond that, in the grounds I get a fleeting glimpse of what appears to be a parking lot for buses.
  • Police cited examples of criminal behaviour exhibited by bar patrons over the past two years, ranging from impaired driving to shootings in the parking lot.
  • I pushed my way through the thickening crowds of students and went straight to the student's parking lot and waited near the doors.
  • I'll leave the wedding gift behind, but I would be seriously 'cheesed' at being forced to miss the party and eat out in the parking lot. Who Cut the Cheese?
  • The parking lot was virtually empty save for a few cars clustered to one side.
  • Sharon pulled her gray wool coat tighter and walked across the gravel parking lot to her rusting Chevy.
  • A pretty red-haired girl waved frantically to catch Allyson's attention from the school's parking lot.
  • Just look for the tractor trailer with its hazard lights flashing, parked in the middle of the street as it waits to jockey into position in the plant's cramped parking lot.
  • At drop off the teacher shoots a starting gun and I sprint from the building and peel out of the parking lot to go and do things.
  • Not every slot is equal when it comes to exiting the parking lot. Pick The Best Parking Space By Focusing On A Quick Exit | Lifehacker Australia
  • But by the time the cholo had grasped the new order, the driver was pulling into the school parking lot. Cholo
  • To prevent the crashes, bumps, thuds, nicks and dings, follow these top ten parking lot driving tactics.
  • Days before the abandonment of the bassett, there was this: a golden retriever locked up in a car in a parking lot on a 90-degree day. Pet Talk: Can we all talk about animal care, kindness?
  • When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
  • The first games of Ultimate were played on a paved parking lot.
  • Experts who found the monarch's skeleton under a council parking lot in Leicester reconstructed his face from the skull. The Sun
  • The 15 photographs in the series depict prosaic, everyday landscapes: a parking lot, a sports field, a construction site.
  • Trouble was, it was Friday and it was four-thirty, and the expressway was a parking lot. One-ClickBuy:SeptemberHarlequinBlaze
  • A block up the street I found a parking lot.
  • The combination of the clear shade of rain drops along with the bright white light from the street light in the parking lot beam into my eyes as I sit in the darkness of the car.
  • I was willing to bet she'd arrived in the minivan now sitting frumpily among the other vehicles pulled up to the wire strung between white posts to separate the gravel parking lot from the grass of the churchyard. Grave Surprise
  • There are more organic sights out back in the parking lot, where Traunfeld has planted raised beds with (currently winterkilled) herbs and greens, keeping his Herbfarm expertise close at hand. Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • She screamed, throwing her groceries in the air, and the four of us burst into laughter as Adam quickly sped out of the parking lot.
  • Yana swung into the Taquito parking lot and sped around to the end of the drive-through line. BETRAYED
  • When last summer I started bicycling to get around, I suddenly was confronted with the amazing amount of recyclable objects on every patch of green, in bushes, under trees, at parking lot corners, near trash cans, etc … Aluminum cans for sure and lots of plastic soda bottles, plastic bags, juice pouches, more plastic water bottles and aluminum/plastic cookie wrappers … Green Bucks
  • In order to determine how to remedy this situation, I conducted an informal poll with a couple of the skateboarding kids in my apartment's parking lot.
  • Shuttles will run continuously from the northeast parking lot of El Con Mall.
  • Since then, we have regretfully picked up our beach towels and coolers and headed back to the cosmic parking lot.
  • But then I recalled our parking lot hysterics of this weekend and my angry words to him about how he can't be bothered to read my writing.
  • This Monday, an ice storm once again left the university parking lots in extremely unsafe and dangerous condition.
  • Two hours out from the parking lot, we crest a little rise to find a tapered concrete pillar about four feet high.
  • The van lurched to a stop in a gravel parking lot of Wilkin's lake, the girls clambered out into the coolish air and grabbed their bags.
  • The parking lot was jammed with cars.
  • Convention center plans call for expanding upon an outdoor parking lot adjacent to, and south of, the existing center.
  • Southern California's done its best to compound the damage by turning historic wildfire corridors into housing tracts, wetlands into marinas, flood plains into slurbs and deserts into parking lots.
  • There was always gossip at the water cooler about what office people wouldn't change the water cooler when it was empty—horrible people who would pretend not to notice and skulk away, like they'd just doored a Benz in the parking lot. Water Cooler Topics Are Overflowing
  • A block up the street I found a parking lot.
  • Many cars lay jostling each other at the parking lot.
  • Put important items not scheduled for the meeting on a "parking lot" flip chart for discussion later.
  • Mike Sweeney, Royals: About the easiest way to get my autograph is to come to a Royals game and wait in the team parking lot after the game. - How to go after autographs
  • You wander round a vast parking lot to find your car. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was distracted and irritable when I pulled into the grocery-store parking lot in my cream-colored, recently waxed Volvo.
  • The scene is a gymkhana, or rather the parking lot for horseboxes, where the animals are brushed and groomed in preparation for events going on off screen.
  • A county government exercised the power of eminent domain to take a portion of a church's parking lot. Christianity Today
  • An armed man tried to carjack a vehicle in a bank parking lot. Montgomery County crime report
  • A church owns a house adjacent to its parking lot. Christianity Today
  • At this joint, customers pulled up under the long awning stretched across the parking lot and waited for one of the carhops to come out and take the order.
  • Even so, the beauty and casual vibe of the place inspired us to ask around about other nudie spots, and a woman we met in the parking lot suggested that we check out the Hale Akua Shangri-La, just past Haiku on Maui's north shore.
  • Clark points out that some applications, such as parking lots, have so many different grades and slopes that the use of a trimmer becomes almost impossible.
  • The groundskeepers at Wimbledon have had decades to practice pulling out the rain tarps and emptying out the parking lots.
  • And in that parking lot, newly blacktopped that day, it was something like 117 degrees. A Studio Blossoms Downtown
  • The ability to shift the blade right and left comes in handy for slope and ditch work and for grading roads and parking lots.
  • In a nutshell, about 2% of surface of continental US is “paved surface” – roofs, parking lots, factories, shopping malls, roads, etc. Unthreaded #21 « Climate Audit
  • In the center of the parking lot was a towering white building, casting a shadow like a gargantuan sundial.
  • The bus pulls into a massive parking lot, shadowed by yet more of the beehive apartment buildings, the surrounding hills actually covered in trees.
  • I quickly noticed that everyone around him dressed in purple barney gear did not know @#$% about the game, it was a combination of woman drinking with no bras, and hairly arm-pits, and the dead beats they bought tickets for by selling dope in the parking lot prior to the game. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • ‘Truth Teams,’ which scout the parking lots to locate the targeted signature gatherers, are having less luck spotting their nemeses.
  • A couple dressed in piupiu push a baby stroller through a parking lot from a kapa haka festival.
  • There is an inlet to a parking lot.
  • I was concentrating on getting out of the parking lot and wishing I had spent the extra $120 on a rear window defogger.
  • In the chilly, predawn hours in Sao Paulo, Brazil, more than 1,000 people mill around a parking lot, waiting anxiously to have their picture taken.
  • It opened outside onto the second floor of a motor hotel, horseshoed around a parking lot with trucks and motor homes and a couple of square sedans. The Zero
  • The cops would regularly gather in the parking lot to watch for people driving drunk or simply squirreling around.
  • Compton, jacked up on beer and adrenaline, goose-stepped around the parking lot yelling, ‘White power!’
  • When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
  • You wander round a vast parking lot to find your car. Times, Sunday Times
  • All parking lots must be jointed, with the joint spacing depending on the pavement thickness.
  • We need a shift in cultural and political attitudes about parking lots.
  • the factory with the big parking more convenient than the walk-to factory
  • As her mother pulled up into the parking lot, Ekat looked out through the window and saw the exterior of the building.
  • A few minutes after the match, they were brawling in the parking lot backstage and the security broke them up.
  • Customers can make use of a reserved parking lot provided close to the toilet and ATM, wheel chair, ramps, railings in the toilet and low-level closets.
  • But unless you are in high school, or at a tailgate party before a football game, or at a classic car concours d' elegance, parking lots are not the kind of place you want to hang around.
  • People and uprooted trees were carried out to sea, while stingrays and sharks were left stranded in fields and parking lots.
  • I choose instead a flat six-mile track traversing Licuala State Forest Park, where the giant fan palms and prehistoric cycad trees start a few feet from the parking lot.
  • Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a pickup truck came screeching around the corner of the parking lot.
  • We need a shift in cultural and political attitudes about parking lots.
  • There was a brief lull in the conversation as Casey searched for a parking lot.
  • The parking lot where the shooting happened is an open, public, unsecured area.
  • He left his ball on the green, picked up his bag, and walked back to the parking lot.
  • He got into his black Ford and drove away, letting the tires screech out of the parking lot.
  • At Starbucks' corporate headquarters, the signature mermaid placard toppled into the parking lot below.
  • On a converted parking lot at Shepperton, the crew has built an entire village of trailers, dubbed Cape Town, where chemists and costume artists churn out neoprene-and-foam-latex Batsuits by the bushel. BAT OUT OF HELL
  • I continued walking across the hot black tar of the parking lot until I reached a dark blue Ferrari.
  • The other escapee, Fletcher's enemy, was standing at the perimeter of the parking lot. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • On Tuesday, various types of trees from about 10 growers in the region were loaded onto a FedEx truck in the parking lot of Lambeau Field before heading off to Fort Knox, which is home to more than 23,000 soldiers, family members and civilians. The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines
  • Now at this place you can find an embarkment a parking lot and a marine.
  • That afternoon in the grocery store parking lot I saw a man unloading frozen turkeys from a refrigerator truck.
  • Please park your car in the parking lot and hike in.
  • The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station.
  • The marina is so large that several golf carts with trailers are driven around all day to move people and gear to and from the parking lot.
  • From setting up a wet bar in the parking lot of my grandmother's wake to attending a memorial service where sharpshooters were poised on the roof of the church, I have seen just about everything.
  • Out the window, the last bit of sunlight mixed it up with the lights from the parking lot.
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
  • The guy says that he is quite happy to help and he closes his car door, the girl showing him to a nearby parking lot where her car sits on a flat tyre.
  • But I fail to see the reasoning for a paver parking lot. Aurora Police Headquarters | Insert Feedback Here
  • Ian was one of those who walked, and he crossed the street at the crosswalk just beside the student parking lot.
  • Find an empty parking lot for a game of kickball, t-ball, flag football, or broom hockey. 12 family-friendly activities for winter
  • He tried to make his way back to the trail, then to where he thought the parking lot was, and to traffic he heard on a nearby four-lane highway, using palmetto trees and white-flowered shrubs as markers. Francisco Piedrahita, Colombian Academic, Survived On Urine And Plant Stems While Lost In Louisiana Swamp
  • With chef Clark operating the camera and Smith serving as a one-woman troupe, the two just wanted to amuse themselves over some of the frustrations, minor and otherwise, they encounter: a snaggle-toothed customer who mistakes a molar chip for a piece of glass, a neighbor who can't grasp the no-fried-chicken-on-Sunday menu, the husband who races to the counter, leaving the door ajar and his poor wife behind in the parking lot. Gillian Clark: The chef people love to hate?
  • restrict the use of this parking lot
  • Witnesses said a man in a baseball cap opened fire as the minister was about to get into a chauffeur-driven limousine in the parking lot of the Dutch media centre in the central city of Hilversum.
  • A green sod roof reduces runoff from impermeable surfaces, while a pervious parking lot allows infiltration of water into the ground.
  • Government guidance encourages the development of previously used or brownfield land and infill urban sites such as back gardens and parking lots before development on open or greenfield land.
  • That is why at 8 A.M. on a Saturday I find myself standing in a parking lot in Southern California's Joshua Tree National Park, which is famous for the quartz monzonite rock that draws climbers from all over the world.
  • With a quick pat of my ankle I verify that my back-up is still tucked into the slender ankle holster and then pull the door release and step into the quiet parking lot.
  • In the parking lot of the center, Alice was assaulted, knocked down, and her purse was stolen.
  • Specifically, the community wants a major expansion to the airport terminal building and surrounding grounds, including a small parking lot.
  • When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.

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