
[ US /pɝˈaɪətəɫ/ ]
[ UK /pˈæɹa‍ɪ‍ətə‍l/ ]
  1. of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium
    parietal lobe
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How To Use parietal In A Sentence

  • When healthy subjects looked at the concave faces, connections strengthened between the frontoparietal network, which is involved in top-down processing, and the visual areas of the brain that receive information from the eyes. Multi Medium
  • The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Senator Kennedy's summer [ tumor ] is a ( in the ) left pritor global [ parietal lobe ] of the brain.
  • This is supported by our observation that the G cell and parietal cell densities were negatively correlated.
  • That said, it is interesting to note that a recent autopsy examination of Einstein's preserved brain did uncover extra tissue in the parietal cortex, which mediates spatial cognition.
  • In the middle line is the posterior part of the sagittal suture connecting the parietal bones; extending downward and lateralward from the hinder end of the sagittal suture is the deeply serrated lambdoidal suture joining the parietals to the occipital and continuous below with the parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures; it frequently contains one or more sutural bones. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • A large tumor was found that originated from the parietal pleura at the dorsal site.
  • It may also articulate with various dermal bones of the roof or sides of the skull for support, normally the squamosal and parietal.
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs in an upwards and backwards direction, almost parallel to the cerebral central sulcus that delimits the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
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