How To Use Parenthetic In A Sentence
Every time I see an article about this heavily buzzed flick (or in this case NOT about ...), the author just HAS to drop a parenthetic snark to show everyone that he/she has an opinion.
TR2N Helmer Joseph Kosinski Directs Gears of War 2 | /Film
Here Mark gives a little parenthetical comment he says, "By saying this,Jesus declared all foods clean." In other words, Mark does a good little Gentile Christianity move.
The moment one begins to unpack the box though, to explain the simplest text, where it comes from, where it goes, one begins to see the parenthetic and digressive manner of imbrication of text and context.
As gimmicky as that parenthetical R may seem, the crucial point it (and the performances) made was that as explosive and timbrally exotic as Varèse's music can be, its structures are actually comfortingly traditional.
NYT > Home Page
Now, onto your thoughts, (parenthetic asides are my own) ...
Jennifer Bogut: Here's My Take #4: Here's What I think About Campaign Spending And Negative Advertising...
I think that last sentence with its circumlocutions and three parenthetical digressions is indicative of my distracted or distractible state of mind ...
Breakfast in Bed
Frances, who had noted the parenthetical `of course you know that too ', was partially reassured.
The inclusion of a parenthetical clause, as in this case, would not normally alter the meaning of the provision into which it is inserted though what is required to satisfy it may well be different.
It's both the parenthetic *d and the unexplained ablaut that really bugs me... a lot.
Something that bugs me about Indo-European's higher decads
He'd never shared secrets readily, kept his private life private, but now he was becoming parenthetical: he felt like an eclipsed moon.
I might just mention parenthetically that at the Vancouver meeting, President Yeltsin had put great stress on wanting to put behind us a number of international arrangements as well as pieces of American legislation which he characterized as legacies of the Cold War and which he told President Yeltsin back in Vancouver he found offensive to him as the leader of a democratic Russia.
Background Briefing On Russia Japan
Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.
Parenthetically, it is inconsistent with his submission that there should be no award of damages for loss of opportunity.
In case it's unclear, the parenthetic is Kurtz speaking.
November 2003 ~ Angry Bear
Providing parenthetical information or explanatory footnotes on those not discussed in the introductions might have been more helpful than relegating the information to the index.
What I never understood is why people add in a parenthetical stating that the decision is a “per curiam” — or, for that matter, a “per curium.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
And no, the parenthetical mention that he is gay is not gratuitous in the least, it reflects the PC climate at large, as does the lacrosse case — i.e. what is edited into the news vs. what is elided out of the news: a trumped-up case vs. an actual case and the publicity that surrounded each of those cases (the lack of publicity in the case of Frank Lombard).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Life Speech “Upsetting” and “Not OK” for the Duke University Women’s Center
I'll be serving up strange concoctions such as unbaked notions, parenthetical ideas (three kinds of brackets are hardly enough for me), and idées fixes that I am quite prepared to pass off as distillations of wisdom because I've been around for a very long time.
Archive 2005-08-01
Parenthetically, note that the rarity of the examples here presented does not imply the scarceness of the custom.
It is better in the long run to create two URL patterns with no metacharacters than it is to create one with parenthetical clauses.
In it the second Rhyming Doublet is divided by a kind of parenthetic Rhythmic Solitaire.
Negro Folk Rhymes Wise and Otherwise: With a Study
parenthetical remarks
To avoid interrupting the flow of the main text, occasional bits of parenthetical material appear as footnotes.
Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.
It seems that Joe's remarks on war embeds were generally misunderstood," adding parenthetically, "Had said 'misreported' originally, but that wasn't really right," a grudging acknowledgment that his client had been condemned out of his own mouth, and as if that had ever stopped the Perfesser before. made a YouTube for their many followers who can't read.
To avoid interrupting the flow of the main text, occasional bits of parenthetical material appear as footnotes.
(That was a subtle touch by the writer, parenthetically using modish, meaning
Mr. Verb
This clause, down to "Samaria," is parenthetical. excel -- were more powerful.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.
A teasing highlight of the book comes in a parenthetical aside, when Kipnis notes that psychologists have found that schadenfreude is always most potent in areas of what they call 'self-relevance.'
Laura Kipnis's "How to Become a Scandal," reviewed by Ellen McCarthy
Subsequent page citations appear parenthetically within the text.
And if counting the spondees in the dactyls might have distracted me from what the words were saying (it didn't), wondering about the parenthetical insertions pulled me back in.
Of course this seriously comic or comically serious Opera is drawing -- [ "_Music_," observes Mr. WAGG, parenthetically, "cannot be _drawing_"] -- and will continue to do so for some little time, long enough at all events to reimburse
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, October 15, 1892
Yes, I had a parenthetical aside about Clinton - era growth being faster than most people realize. So?
While analogical change within the numeral set is common and possible in general, it doesn't appear probable here when Starostin's typically "parenthetic" *ŋi̯u "3" has not been demonstrated with regular sound correspondences using a competently reconstructed phonology that doesn't violate phonemic markedness at every turn.
The hidden binary behind the Japanese numeral system
These, however, were but parenthetic memories, and the turn taken by his affair on the whole was positively that if his nerves were on the stretch it was because he missed violence.
The Ambassadors
Bartle kept his eye on the moving figure till it passed into the darkness, while Vixen, in a state of divided affection, had twice run back to the house to bestow a parenthetic lick on her puppies.
Adam Bede
Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.
For example, Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow.
he added parenthetically that he would not attend the wedding ceremony
For Avison, at this stage of her career and life, it appears only as a parenthetical insertion, a possibility.
On the other hand, Terri, I think that Mark 7:17's status as a parenthetical comment, Matthew's apparent awareness that it was an editorial insertion into Mark see his parallel version, and most importantly the fact that there were debates about the issue in early Christianity all suggest that nothing Jesus had said obviously constituted an annulation of the kosher food laws.
Quote of the Day (Marilyn McEntyre)
(For the satisfaction of his patients, I may observe, parenthetically, that the skull and the "wombat" -- that last is a creature between a miniature pig and a very small badger -- were not precisely packed up with the sarsaparilla!)
The Caxtons — Complete
In each case, the parenthetical portion of the title in this series is lettered across the painting's lower edge in a classic upper-case Roman font.
his writing was full of parentheticals
A parenthetical remark from Craig Keller: "One barely cognates Lubitschian mise-en-scène; apprehension happens faster than you can incant 'cathexis-anti-cathexsis!!!'
GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 5/11.
He was becoming parenthetical: he felt like an eclipsed moon.
It's like when I idiotically put two or three parentheticals inside each other rather than doing the normal thing and writing out separate sentences!
Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words _ however _ should be enclosed in commas.
For example, Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow.
Well, 'tis because the Baron owns to having "snivelled," if you will, when reading a delightful story, published by MACMILLAN in one volume ( "bless all good stories in _one_ vol., clearly printed!" says the Baron, parenthetically), entitled simply, _Tim_.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, October 17, 1891
It was sponsored by a leftish think-tank whose logo is made up of two empty parenthetical brackets.
Times, Sunday Times
In parenthetical citations, the first number refers to the English translation and the second to the original.
The difference between a cat and a parenthetic phrase, a cat has claws at the end of its paws, the phrase has a pause at the end of the clause.
Beat 360° 10/28/08
They commonly intimated themselves parenthetically in the midst of some blissful talk they were having, and overcast his clear sky with retrospective ideals of conduct or presentimental plans for contingencies that might never occur.
April Hopes
So writes Angela Eager - who, parenthetically, used to work for me: wotcha, Angela.
So That's Why They Call the Company SAP
He is never mentioned in the first part, where Jesus Christ is presented, but later after passing over the doctrinal-kerygmatic moment, in the parenthetical context of the fourth and fifth sections.
Liberalism: Sin, Iniquity, Abomination
Providing parenthetical information or explanatory footnotes on those not discussed in the introductions might have been more helpful than relegating the information to the index.
A note on style – the parenthetical asides sprinkled throughout distracted from the story.
CODE MUSTARD • by Chris Allinotte
Parenthetically I would mention that the flirtatiously deferential pose of the woman in Morning, with her tilted head and averted eyes, highlights the surprisingly uncoquettish demeanor of the marquise.
A parenthetical remark from Craig Keller: "One barely cognates Lubitschian mise-en-scène; apprehension happens faster than you can incant 'cathexis-anti-cathexsis!!!'
GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 5/11.
They are pared down, almost parenthetical, and yet they occasionally elevate mundane impressions, especially of his daily life in a New York loft, giving them a lullaby tenderness.