How To Use Pardon In A Sentence

  • In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
  • A 35-year-old Briton languishing in a Bangkok jail under sentence of death for a crime he says he did not commit is planning to protest his innocence by refusing to plead for a royal pardon.
  • President George H.W. Bush was the first to officially pardon a turkey.
  • If you haven't guessed by now the answer is located here, gentle readers, and I do beg thy pardon if I spake not in troth.
  • Christians are to be taught that he who sees a man in need, and passes him by, and gives [his money] for pardons, purchases not the indulgences of the pope, but the indignation of God.
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  • Her smile fading and her expression turning to one of mild confusion, Harstad asked, “I beg your pardon?” Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • Amnesty is a pardon for an offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • A willful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon
  • Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others.
  • Pardon me - I didn't hear what you said.
  • The fund was instrumental in obtaining a pardon from the families of the victims in Benghazi, and for the annulation of the death sentence and later for the medics 'release," Pierini said Monday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • French presidential pardons often prove controversial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • Begging you many pardons, if you have no particular objections, I will light my sheroot,” &c. &c. &c. Saint Ronan's Well
  • They were more like colonies of runaway slaves in the Americas, and like them negotiated with the government as equals over pardons and amnesties.
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • In the past five years, the leaders of several other well-known South Korean businesses, including Samsung Electronics Co. and Hyundai Motor Co., have been found guilty of white-collar crimes, penalized financially but not with prison time, and ultimately pardoned. SK Group Probe Is Familiar Ground in Korea
  • But we are out here in the middle of the desert, and somewhere in Kuwait, so, I think our viewers will pardon us.
  • Miller had received a full and unconditional pardon from Ronald Reagan before he was sentenced.
  • Neither does it follow, that, on the supposition of the satisfaction pleaded for, the freedom, pardon, or acquitment of the person originally guilty and liable to punishment must immediately and “ipso facto” ensue. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • And Sir George Grey will advise the grant of Her Majesty's gracious pardon
  • Pardon me - I didn't hear what you said.
  • Quoth I, O thou Ifrit, it would besit thee to pardon me even as the Envied pardoned the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He pardoned more than 1,000 political prisoners and allowed exiles to return.
  • Would it not have been better for the remaining millions of British people if our all-powerful law machine had granted him a full pardon, together with an order never to set foot on British soil for the rest of his lifetime?
  • Brother Jonathan," then just published by Blackwood in three large volumes, was read to him every night for weeks, and greatly to his satisfaction, as I then understood; though it seems by what Dr. Bowring -- I beg his pardon, Sir John Bowring -- says on the subject, that the "white-haired sage" was wide enough awake, on the whole, to form a pretty fair estimate of its unnaturalness and extravagance: being himself a great admirer of Richardson's ten-volume stories, like The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • Pardon me should I use the personal pronoun "I" too frequently, as I do not wish to be called egotistical, for I only write of what I saw as an humble private in the rear rank in an infantry regiment, commonly called "webfoot. "Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
  • No one who has been finally acquitted or convicted of, or pardoned for, an offence shall be tried or punished for it again.
  • She is pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking.
  • John, who, in the most abject terms besought pardon for the injuries he had inflicted. The Boy Knight
  • But what can one expect from the unlicked cubs (pardon the term) sent abroad with only stature, to make them look like men, and equipage to attract respect, without one other qualification to enforce it? Pamela
  • There have been cases in which men have been mysteriously excruciated with the thought of having committed the unpardonable sin. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • The Perth Saints seemed on their way to their first back-to-back victories of this league campaign when their defence committed an unpardonable error.
  • It was here that we found the four petitions that sought pardon or commutation of his death penalty.
  • Pardon my bluntness but neither of you is a spring lamb anymore.
  • Beyond your personal encouragement (and a Chiefs aye a consoling influence on the field, I'll never deny), there's little you could do here that cannot, with your pardon, be fairly well done by Sir Donald and myself, and Elrigmore here, who have made what you might call a trade of tulzie and brulzie. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • I beg your pardon.
  • As he had been promised, he received a royal pardon. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was all ready to indignantly beg your pardon and say that these are 100 per cent mine! Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight anarchist trade unionists were arrested: four were hanged, one committed suicide in prison and the remaining three were eventually pardoned.
  • Some states also limit the governor's power to commute sentences and pardon convicted criminals.
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • Your honor," said he, "must pardon the uncourtliness of our ways: but we give you the best we have; and the worthy Lord Loch-awe cannot do more. The Scottish Chiefs
  • God forgives the inattention at Mass of an old man when he sleeps; of a young man when he loves; and the wandering attention of an _old_ man blessed with a _young_ heart the Almighty will surely pardon, for He Himself must admire beauty, since He made it. ' A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
  • The president believes that the pardon attorney should have an opportunity to review this case before a decision on clemency is made. Pardon Update (Updated)
  • If this is true, it is, pardon the term, political dynamite.
  • Beseech me, they seemed to say, throw your arms about me and bury your head between my knees and seek pardon for your great sin.
  • (Entra Brígida) (Brigida enters) pasad a ese otro aposento, into the other room, perDoñad, Inés bella, pardon me, beautiful Inés si solo me importa estar. it's important I am alone. Don Juan Tenorio
  • Recently, the president did not pardon him but granted him with a commutation, which is definitely to his advantage. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007
  • Pardon me, can you direct me to City Hall?
  • Despite the pardon, this former elite-level hockey coach would still have his name flagged on the Canadian Police Information Centre database by a prospective employer if he applied to work at a summer camp, The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • They have not been fulled vetted in re the full impact of the impeachment, the Mark Rich pardon, and a number of other stories. Rasmussen: Obama Leads Hillary By Five Nationally
  • The president used his executive discretion to pardon the two men.
  • He was granted a presidential pardon last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jacques is made up like the king as they suspect there will be a French revolution, but Jacques just wants to help Mademoiselle Rimbaud (Pamela Stephenson), who is trying to get a pardon for her father. THE MEL BROOKS COLLECTION Blu-ray Review –
  • Committed the unpardonable social error of enlisting as a private soldier in a regiment in which his grander cousin was an officer. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • Begging pardon for the verbiage if you already knew all this - Jy Pair of 45's made me open my eyes
  • In the end, Gerald R.. Ford pardoned Nixon after he resigned the presidency in disgrace.
  • Her unpardonable fault being that alas… She was born as a She.
  • Je voudrais, seulement pour un jour, retourner à Rome prier sur la tombe de Jean Paul II pour lui exprimer toute ma reconnaissance filiale pour son pardon", ajoute-t-il. Mehmet Ali Agca,Pope John Paul II's Would-Be Assassin, embraces the Catholic Faith! IMPORTANT INFO ADDED
  • I can understand the Day of Atonement, because it is a day of forgiveness and pardon and on it the second Tablets of the Law were given.
  • I've joined in many peace vigils, rallies, and marches the past several months, and pardon me if this seems shallow, but where are the tunes?
  • It turns out that New Square leaders lobbied for full pardons but did not get them.
  • There was no remedy for what was called by Lord Lovat's friends, the "rascality" of the judges: -- and again this unworthy Highlander was driven from his own country to seek safety in the land wherein his offences had received their pardon. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
  • Then, in May 1823, the hoped-for pardon arrived and he was able to resume a normal life at Kinloch.
  • England as his country; he wished he could unnative himself, and declared that he would not take his pardon if it were offered him, nor live in the country if he had permission to do so. North and South
  • The Australian Government says Indonesia has an independent judiciary and a pardon is only appropriate after a conviction.
  • The death penalty may only be imposed for the most serious crimes with sentenced persons enjoying the right to seek a pardon or other commutation of the sentence.
  • Egypt's newly elected president yesterday crushed any hopes of a swift pardon for three journalists given lengthy prison sentences by a Cairo court. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to federal legislation Dr. Henry Morgentaler did not qualify as Order of Canada recipient due to his prior unpardoned criminal conviction and past findings of medical malpractice. Ahenakew to be Retried for Hate : Law is Cool
  • Less pardonable is the reduction of Lincoln's complex politics to fuzzy psychological concepts like "growth," transforming the story of what was indeed a fiery political trial into a therapeutic fairy tale. The Path To Proclamation
  • From her gauze veiling the young woman spoke:-- "We are sorry to derange you. The guard made a mistake. Pardon!"
  • Tofano was nowise moved by these words from his besotted intent; wherefore quoth she to him, 'Harkye now, I can no longer brook this thy fashery, God pardon it thee! The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • The King conferred revised sentences - notably four full pardons and a reinstatement - on the group, which included three majors and two lieutenant colonels.
  • Early in the morning Isabel came to the prison, and the duke, who there awaited her coming, for secret reasons thought it good to tell her that Claudio was beheaded; therefore when Isabel inquired if Angelo had sent the pardon for her brother, he said, “Angelo has released Claudio from this world. Measure for Measure
  • Let us rejoice in the reality of God's pardon of all our sins.
  • Standing up to unpardonable abuse, the stentorian voice still comes back fresh and bright for ballad renditions.
  • That explains, in part, his decision last week to pardon the errant scientist.
  • And looking down on the unthinking city, the Cathedral kept watch alone, beseeching pardon for the inappetency for suffering, for the inertia of faith that her sons displayed, uplifting her towers to the sky like two arms, while the spires mimicked the shape of joined hands, the ten fingers all meeting and upright one against another, in the position which the image-makers of old gave to the dead saints and warriors they carved upon tombs. The Cathedral
  • She flew over it like a bird; but at the same instant Vronsky, to his horror, felt that he had failed to keep up with the mare's pace, that he had, he did not know how, made a fearful, unpardonable mistake, in recovering his seat in the saddle.
  • God will pardon me, it is his trade. 
  • He received a pardon from the governor after eight years' imprisonment. In 1940, Williams created the M-1 carbine.
  • He is talking here about the thirst and hunger of the soul, a desire to know God and his pardon of our sins.
  • I beg your pardon for being useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyone reading the advertisement might be pardoned for thinking that the offer was genuine.
  • Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage. Rational Review
  • Every New Yorker is forgiven for acting like a wide-eyed tourist for at least a couple months per year, and I take my pardon and run with it…
  • A pardon need not imply that a soldier did not desert, or show cowardice, or disobey orders.
  • Maduna said anybody was free to petition the Head of State and make a proper motivation as to why they should be pardoned.
  • A quick college course in statistical analysis would cure you of your, uh, pardon the harshness, IGNORANCE. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 12, 2010
  • I say, I beg your pardon, frightfully — I'm afraid I'm bein 'beastly long-winded. Whose Body?
  • Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian, e pardona a nos nostre debitas como nos pardona a nostre debitores, e non duce nos in tentation, sed libera nos del mal. Archive 2006-12-01
  • He not only has his sins pardoned, and is furnished with grace sufficient for himself, but, as rectus in curia -- acquitted in court, he is restored to his former honours and trusts. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Fir/l, From what time a felon convifted of a clergyable felony, is entitled to the benefit of the ftatute pardon of Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of Some Special Cases ...
  • These foreigners who ask pardon from us, we will hand them over to the United Nations.
  • ‘O Allah, I swear by Thy Greatness and Thy Glory, I meant not through my disobedience to transgress against Thee; for indeed I am not ignorant of Thee; but my fault is one Thou didst foreordain to me from eternity without beginning; 357 so do Thou pardon my transgression, for indeed I disobeyed Thee of my ignorance!’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When witness asked:" Did not the great beauty of the embassadress accomplish the pardon and restoration of the erring mother? At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • It is surely better to pardon too much, than to condemn too much. George Eliot 
  • The first inkling of Cheney's disenchantment with Bush came in a long account in Time magazine of his failed attempt to win a presidential pardon for his aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
  • Shields' pardon may be the last to be exercised in the present manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beg your pardon," said Tip, rather provoked, for he felt a warm interest in both the Saw-Horse and his man Jack; "but permit me to say that your joke is a poor one, and as old as it is poor. The Woggle-Bug’s Thorough Command of the Language
  • Your countenance, Miss Lake -- you must pardon my frankness, it is my way -- _your countenance_ tells only too plainly that you now comprehend my allusion. ' Wylder's Hand
  • It seeks pardons only for those killed for desertion and cowardice.
  • The appearance of a quid pro quo in the Hammer pardon is much more clear-cut than it is in the Rich case.
  • If you'll pardon my French, he's a complete bloody fool.
  • Amnesty is a pardon for an offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chaucer's habit of poking fun at pardoners and summoners is not so much an example of impiety as a way of demonstrating how much virtue he has to spare.
  • The Pope is asked more and more to be more specific in his asking for pardon, for forgiveness, vis-a-vis, the Jews.
  • I strenuously reject the word 'pardon,' because I did not commit a crime to be pardoned by the leader of the army. NYT > Home Page
  • Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 
  • And here, perhaps, we may be pardoned for the digression necessary to show the exact definition of the terms abolish, abolition and abolitionist. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • He shall be his Apollo, that can give him a sufficient reason, why justifying faith should consist in recumbence [3] and reliance on Christ's merits for the pardon of sin [4] (p. 224). Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • If the ‘now me’ ever bumped into the ‘then me’, I'd have no choice but to shoot me for unpardonable sins against civilised dress codes and trousers calculated to frighten children and livestock.
  • Beg pardon, but have you seen my ball-pen?
  • And so for the president not to pardon him after this while pardoning Mr. Rich, it does kind of mystify me. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: When Is a Presidential Pardon Unpardonable? - January 29, 2001
  • Pardon my lethargy and lack of imagination as I continue my romp through our holiday snaps.
  • A general pardon, an amnesty for all crimes past, would soon be offered. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Despite such revanchism, in the spring of 2009 Hamid declared another amnesty, this time pardoning some 170 prisoners who had been charged with endangering national security, including 35 Shias on trial for allegedly trying to overthrow the government. Iran's Bahraini Ambitions
  • Basically if you knew that you had sinned you would wait until a pardoner was in your region selling an indulgence and purchase one.
  • Anyone reading the advertisement might be pardoned for thinking that the offer was genuine.
  • The reader will pardon a digression in which so invaluable a secret is communicated, since every gamester will agree how necessary it is to know exactly the play of another, in order to countermine him. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • He was granted a presidential pardon last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pardon me for saying this, but people who talk like that strike me as horribly immature.
  • Under Biddle a pardon is a public act, no need for delivery. Pardon Update (Updated)
  • The brandade was a masterpiece, and Pardon had served a dry wine from somewhere around Nice, which went miraculously with the fish. Maigret's Revolver
  • But the sense of the word is, to assoil, to acquit, to declare and pronounce righteous upon a trial; which, in this case, the pardon of sin does necessarily accompany. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • The selling of pardons was simply a lower kind of simoniacal bartering which pervaded the whole hierarchical establishment. Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
  • Could you know that your letter with its catalogue of advantages and arrangements must offend me as much as if, belies (let us hope) you and the woman of your love, I would pardon the affront of it upon us all, and ascribe the unseemly want of warmth to reserve or to the sadness which grips the heart when joy is too palpitant. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • I beg your pardon, my dear fellow; but conduit, incondite, you know. Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 02
  • It really is a miracle of engineering that anything so huge, so luxurious, so fantastically adapted to the health and comfort of human beings, should be able to "hurtle" (pardon the word) through space. Podkayne Of Mars
  • This sin is something that is inborn, which is first to be pardoned, then controlled, and finally annihilated by a new birth, by the grace of God, by the work of the Holy Spirit, by the entrance on the glory of heaven, by the mighty power by which a risen Savior is to raise these vile bodies and make them like His own body. Weedon's Blog
  • The President issues a pardon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the custom has since curtailed, in Chaucer's time it was common for pardoners - dealers in pardons - to travel the countryside peddling their ‘wares’.
  • Recently, there has been another attempt to secure a pardon for some of those men. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am ashamed of it myself, and for this reason I stoop to beg your pardon.
  • Northumbers humbled themselues so vnto him, that putting awaie their forsaid king Hirke or Hericius, and offering great rewards and gifts to buy their peace, they obteined pardon. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England
  • The Thirty-Nine Articles condemned ‘the Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons’ as unscriptural.
  • I don't think it's a joke, but the creator is all about a sense of humor, quoting Robert Anton Wilson on the front page: Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. Boing Boing
  • By the end of the 1990s, there had been only 10 people convicted - all of whom were subsequently pardoned and released.
  • He was jailed again in April last year then granted a royal pardon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Success at politics seldom depends entirely upon good intentions and is often torpedoed with a single strike by matters as trivial as boyhood pranks or otherwise pardonable youthful indiscretions.
  • But when Babaji, with pardonable pride, was showing me round the completed house, he told me that he had decided to retain the two cottages; they would be useful as cookroom and storeroom; besides, they had been built by his father, and so out of respect to his memory he would wait till they fell down of themselves. India and the Indians
  • I hope you will pardon me for that slip.
  • The French police have recently cracked down on speeding on the autoroute and ‘Oh, pardon, monsieur, my speedometer is mildly eccentric’ will not cut much ice with les flics.
  • In droves, they left the ship - pardon, the hall - before the SPD chairman had finished his speech.
  • The moment their eyes met, Edwin precipitated himself at his feet, and clinging to him, exclaimed, Pardon me this pursuit! The Scottish Chiefs
  • He instantly obeyed me -- came crouching up very much ashamed and lay down to beg my pardon. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • Surprised to be given a presidential pardon six years later, he is unaware that the CIA pressed for his release so as to enable other countries' assassination squads to eliminate him.
  • I beg your pardon for being useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beg your pardon but the woman you're insulting happens to be my wife.
  • The woman started up the engine and drove like a madman… pardon me… I meant madwoman to the marionettes hotel.
  • My spirit feels reborn, and I breathe in the sweet air of the pardoned prisoner.
  • It is surely better to pardon too much, than to condemn too much. George Eliot 
  • Still, such people are base indeed; they fornicate against thee, for they love the transitory mockeries of temporal things and the filthy gain which begrimes the hand that grabs it; they embrace the fleeting world and scorn thee, who abidest and invitest us to return to thee and who pardonest the prostituted human soul when it does return to thee. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon.
  • Once installed he took great pride in his work, and during his tenure 57,000 people were pardoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The convict was pardoned after serving five years of his sentence.
  • Though the word be general and large, yet in my intendment it is restrained to the particulars insisted on, -- namely, the constant establishment of our souls in receiving the Lord Jesus, tendered unto us in the truth and from the love of the Father, for the pardon of sins, and acceptation of our persons before God. The Sermons of John Owen
  • He was jailed again in April last year then granted a royal pardon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pressure was also brought by the newspapers and caused Parliament to vote for, in the name of the unity of France, an amnesty, which pardoned the 13 convicted Alsatians.
  • If the sincere reception of the sacraments actually secures pardon or justification _per se, immediately_, without the intervening instrumentality of a living faith, then faith is not the only condition of justification as the scriptures teach, but we are justified either by faith, or by the sacraments, and then there will be _three conditions of justification_, faith, baptism, and the Lord's Supper! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • Our acquitment, in true, evangelical justification, is by absolution or pardon of sin; here, by a vindication of our own righteousness. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • Alphonso, ever on the side of mercy, joined with the queen and Eleanor in persuading the king to forgive and forget, and Arthyn was sent home the day following laden with presents and good wishes, bearing a full pardon to her lord from the English king, as well as a half promise that when the country became somewhat more settled he might make request for his commot of Iscennen with reasonable chance of being heard. The Lord of Dynevor
  • Roosevelt's successful effort to prevent that was his unpardonable crime; but in the eyes of the country at large, his greatest achievement.
  • The religion of love lives now, the Torah of forgiveness and pardon rules among the people… Now you'll see what glad tidings I will bring to you.
  • Pardon me, Lionel, nor wonder that the expectation of contest with my mother should jar me, when else I should delightedly confess that my best hopes are fulfilled, in confiding my sister to your protection. I.5
  • He was granted a presidential pardon.
  • He received a presidential pardon. The Sun
  • Sea battles and voyages and plunder and buried treasure and king's pardons and kidnapped wenches.
  • Ford pardoned Nixon
  • A willful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon
  • ‘As I ask pardon of those whom I have offended, I freely forgive whatever has seemed to be unfair to me,’ he said.
  • Sub specie aeternitatis the Colombian hamburger is ... well, pardon the cliche, but it is sui generis. La Hamburgesa (with picture) « Unknowing
  • In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
  • Indeed, where any are conscious that their sickness is a vindictive punishment of some particular sin, and they cannot look for the removal of their sickness without particular applications to God for the pardon of such a sin, there it may be proper to acknowledge and tell his case, that those who pray over him may know how to plead rightly for him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • When people came to know, they said that to have done it when sober had shown him possessed of a kind of maliciousness and cynicism almost pardonable, but to do it when tipsy proved him merely weak and foolish. The Translation of a Savage, Volume 1
  • The branches hereof are pardon of sin, and personal acceptance.
  • The reason is plain: he was, so to speak, of two parties, yet of neither: the one could not forgive his early aspirations for liberty, uttered in imperishable verse; the other could not pardon what they called his desertion of their cause, when he saw that England was willing to do, and was doing, justice to Ireland. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • But since the favor has been extended to other churches, as well as from other reasons, the number is greatly diminished, and consists chiefly of people in _villeggiatura_ near by and of a few hundred Neapolitan peasants, who with undiminished fervor come to obtain the Pardon, and whose singular performance, called _gran ruota_ (the great wheel), everybody goes to see. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • 'I beg your pardon?' she giggled.
  • He just belches, and without even saying ‘Pardon me’, if you please.
  • An open pocketbook will easily secure a petition for pardon, it makes but little difference as to the "gravamen" of the crime. The Twin Hells; a thrilling narrative of life in the Kansas and Missouri penitentiaries
  • Then, good father, pardon the injury that I have done to you, only causing your grief, by over-fond affecting a man so trothless. Fair Em
  • But it is the locomotive, independent of the shriek, that is his abomination; whereas a man less sensitive to sights, and (if possible) more sensitive to sounds, might pardon the cutting up of the landscape were his ear-drum spared from splitting. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • “I’d love a drop of prunelle … Unless Pardon takes the glass out of my hand …” Maigret on the Defensive
  • Her parents claimed she was taken by a dingo: her mother was tried, convicted, pardoned, and finally acquitted, on a charge of infanticide.
  • The previous day, the governor granted full pardons to four other death row prisoners, based on overwhelming evidence that Chicago police had coerced false confessions from them through the use of physical torture.
  • _punish_ sin while at the same time He _pardons_ it, -- can punish it in the Substitute while He pardons it in the sinner, -- it is not until he is enabled to apprehend the doctrine of _vicarious_ atonement, that his doubts and fears respecting the possibility and reality of the Divine mercy are removed. Sermons to the Natural Man
  • The bills that legislators failed to deliberate upon last session included a resolution of industrial disputes, a commission on corruption eradication, electricity, legal pardons and property rights.
  • Pardonable, without what bedrock, hard to avoid puts rich colour psychology.
  • THERE should be a royal pardon for this man. The Sun
  • Anyone reading the advertisement might be pardoned for thinking that the offer was genuine.
  • My cousin humbly begs your pardon for his absence.
  • The City had been brought into a better humour by a confirmation of its rights (5 Sept.) to tolls known as "package" and "scavage," and a pardon for all past offences in daring to exact such tolls. ( London and the Kingdom - Volume II
  • Before they ‘dis-impeach’ themselves. in the White House exodus/footbath that is Presidential pardon. — crane glen At Last, Bernstein Meets Deep Throat - The Caucus Blog -
  • I smile, as I used to do with the hard men who worked for my mysterious but powerful father, and ask their pardon in my broken Arabic.
  • It is speculated that all the non-baryonic dark matter froze out even earlier – since it is not apparently affected by the energy densities still prevalent in the universe today (pardon the pun), while baryonic matter can still be affected by the energy densities prevalent in the universe today (e.g. baryonic matter can be ionised into plasma). What Can The (Dark) Matter Be? | Universe Today
  • Margie and Gillam said in unison from the back seat "Lang --" but Ginny turned swiftly and began explaining in a low voice that "Pardon my French" was Texas for "Point taken and appreciated. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: AT THE BEACH IN 1994
  • He was no sooner waked from his reverie, than he begged pardon, and offered to make all proper concessions for what he had done through mere inadvertency. Travels through France and Italy

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