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How To Use Parched In A Sentence

  • His physical body is being attacked by weakness of limbs, parchedness of throat, horripilation and hair standing on end.
  • Parched corn coffee was brewed by mixing roasted corn with boiling water.
  • He was gaunt and extremely pale, with parched lips and a beak-like nose.
  • The landscaped gardens, once a lush green are now a parched brown. The Sun
  • It's amazing what those twitchers can spot in the parched outback in Winter.
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Master English with Ease
  • Not nourishing enough for my parched skin! The Sun
  • When finally I made the summit, my throat parched, my thigh muscles trembling, the herb woman was waiting.
  • To attract dollars to this parched economy, he is forced to open the country to tourism.
  • Root competition from the huge tulip poplars, ashes, and sweet gum trees contributes significantly to the parched soil conditions.
  • But rain was a very welcome sight in the parched grain belt of southern Australia, after years of drought. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few kilometres from the last former Soviet army checkpoint, the tarmac ends and the journey to Ground Zero continues off-road, across the parched and endless steppe.
  • The feet were constantly caught and entangled in the long grass, that was parched in the scorching sun; the eyes were dazzled on all sides by the glaring metallic glitter on the young reddish leaves of the trees; on all sides were the variegated blue clusters of vetch, the golden cups of bloodwort, and the half-lilac, half-yellow blossoms of the heart's-ease. A Sportsman's Sketches Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume I
  • Now, Darce, buddy, how about you run along and get William here a soda, he looks quite parched.
  • It has highly variable landforms, that range from torrid plains, tropical islands, and a parched desert to the highest mountain range in the world.
  • Here in the parched mountains, victims fight for survival in conditions worse than biblical. The Sun
  • The sun was relentless, and the heat reflected cruelly off the parched earth.
  • The ground was hard and brown and rocky, parched, but the caw of birds from a nearby grove of olive trees muted the sound of my footsteps.
  • Phoenix, meanwhile, had parched in the heat, although one or two storms had snuck into the north Valley after sunset, they brought only humidity, no relief.
  • The film opens with semi-cryptic narration from a child walking silhouetted through parched trees.
  • He could barely speak at the end, because his throat was so parched. Times, Sunday Times
  • What the parched ground did not take from him, the numerous fighting factions in his country did. Christianity Today
  • The chillum pipe passes from one hand to the other, welcomed eagerly by glazed eyes and parched lips, with that booming thanksgiving note, ‘Boom Shankar’!
  • You got it - I apologize to my classmates for the fact that I will soon be arriving to class every day sweaty, parched, exhausted and far too unpresentable to allow you to enjoy your learning environment in any capacity.
  • And now I did certainly remark a quality in his voice that was new to my ear; it was not, as he had said, a labour or thickness of utterance, but a dryness and parchedness of old age, with many breaks from high to low notes, and a lean noise of dribbling threading every word. The Frozen Pirate
  • Beyond the asphalt the land was parched brown by the heat, and there were no trees, just stubby greasewood bushes and low grass, with an occasional spiky yucca or flat cactus.
  • On shore, the rice was dried in the sun, and then parched in a kettle to loosen the hull.
  • The landscaped gardens, once a lush green are now a parched brown. The Sun
  • I walked along the barren lands as the sun parched my skin.
  • Tea made from parched egg shells or green coffee is good for leucorrhoea. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 4
  • All we had to do was pipe water from the underpopulated, rain-rich North to the populous but parched South.
  • Alicia licked her lips, trying to moisten her parched mouth.
  • parched corn was a staple of the Indian diet
  • If you overdo it you may still wake with a parched tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much better to take a relaxed approach to the parched browns of high summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • It aned strange that they had made no igements for the care of their houseplants. pradescantias, peperomias, a cissus that ibed to the ceiling on carefully spaced igs, a Joseph's coat, a variegated ivy, all ing down leaves that were limp and parched. Put On By Cunning
  • But if a holiday were to be a grand interlude, as refreshing as gentle rain in a parched desert, then it would be the answer to many prayers.
  • The Rocky Mountains in the west of the State are brown and arid during the summer months with sprinklings of coniferous trees on their parched slopes.
  • And she sat down beside the reapers; and he reached her parched corn and she ate and was sufficed and left.
  • His main beverage is a unique concoction of ingredients deemed healthy in Japan: raw egg, sesame seeds, unpolished rice, parched bean flour, green tea leaves, vinegar and yogurt.
  • After a brief potted history of the damson, owner Michael Walsh invited the royal guest to sample his damson gin, to which the parched Prince quipped: ‘I thought you would never ask!’
  • He shows me a picture of some parched earth in India, shaking his head. Times, Sunday Times
  • He raised the water bottle to his parched lips.
  • She carried in her hands a fine cloth, and in it, as well as I could make out, a heart that had been mummied, so parched and dried was it. Don Quixote
  • In villages such as Butchl Bag, in the parched fields west of Karachi, these workers - paid the princely sum of £14 a month - provide a crucial link between rural populations and hospitals.
  • As in husbandry the sower may cast his seed in a dry and parched soil with desponding fears, so those shall reap abundant fruit who toil in tears with the prayer of faith. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.
  • He could barely speak at the end, because his throat was so parched. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even as the surface becomes parched and hardened, groundwater - along with its dissolved salt - continues to be drawn upward through the fine-grained soil by capillary action.
  • Tumultuous come with teeming sweetness to the bitter shore tidelong unrinsed and midday parched and numb with expectation. Experience, Figuration, the Avant-Garde, My Grouse : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Spain plans to build more than 20 plants on its parched southern coast in the next few years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The asses and mules, their loads cast aside for the day, stood idle everywhere in the fields, munching at the parched grass and flinching from flies on a hot summer afternoon.
  • But it landed in scrub parched by scorching summer temperatures - triggering a host of fires that joined to form one big blaze. The Sun
  • Each and every couple should plant a few tree saplings in their neighbourhood so that the parched earth could be greened, he felt.
  • As the fat, large drops fell from the heavens and hit the parched earth, the land that had once been in a drought rejoiced, and the angels were glad.
  • When finally I made the summit, my throat parched, my thigh muscles trembling, the herb woman was waiting.
  • There's no parched grass, no blustery sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
  • It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
  • Anybody too knackered to lift a cup of tea to parched lips can have it intravenously.
  • If you overdo it you may still wake with a parched tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The landscaped gardens, once a lush green are now a parched brown. The Sun
  • She has now retired from her accounting job; this new liberation has granted her the privilege of following her artistic moods, allowing her art to flow according to its own nature, like the temperamental flooding of rivers when the skies send rain careening across a parched landscape. Arte plumaria: the feather art of Martha López Luna
  • They would mop his brow and place wine and bread to his parched lips and inform him he was awake.
  • But the parched ground and warm and sunny temperatures meant a flood of calls to attend fires on open ground.
  • Her ears were filled with the whirr of insect wings, the growling of lions, the hiss and rattle of hot stones baking in the relentless Sun, the crunch of sand and parched Earth under her foot.
  • Fifty per cent of Madagascar's population earn less than one US dollar per year, scratching a living from the parched red earth or feeding themselves by fishing.
  • A few days before, a tempest-struck vessel had appeared off the town: the hull was parched-looking and cracked, the sails rent, and bent in a careless, unseamanlike manner, the shrouds tangled and broken. The Last Man
  • The mere sound of the word ‘monsoon’ conjures up magical images of heavy rain rejuvenating and reviving a starved, parched and barren land.
  • The barley, after threshing, is parched and ground, to form "tsampa;" the tsampa is mixed with cold or hot water as preferred, and eaten like porridge; the Tibetan eats little else except chilies. The Mount Everest Expedition
  • The ground was hard and brown and rocky, parched, but the caw of birds from a nearby grove of olive trees muted the sound of my footsteps.
  • And there was all that talk of war, war against an invisible enemy, an unseen speck on a parched landscape.
  • His mouth twitched, and his parched tongue seemed unable to articulate.
  • Opening his mouth, Peter took greedy gulps of it, allowing the cool gushes of water to douse his parched throat.
  • It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
  • Stretching west and south of the Great Salt Lake, the Bonneville Salt Flats are known for their parched, blinding summertime dazzle.
  • They were hired out as farmhands, wandering up and down the rows of corn and bean fields, sometimes dropping seeds into dibbed holes, sometimes chopping weeds from the parched ground. Spellbound
  • Each time the word ice met her eye she recalled the parched lips that had moaned for it, the feverish hands that had clutched it so greedily when she brought it, and she thought if Sandford Berry could only see what she had done for some of the poor souls who "got on her nerves" he'd change his opinion about her efforts to help them being of no avail. Mary Ware's Promised Land
  • But, not so apparent, the ground under the mesquites and huisaches was dry, and the underbrush was parched.
  • I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. Christianity Today
  • His main beverage is a unique concoction of ingredients deemed healthy in Japan: raw egg, sesame seeds, unpolished rice, parched bean flour, green tea leaves, vinegar and yogurt.
  • You've cheated me!" said Bai with a kind of parched hoarseness, as though her throat had been rubbed raw. Spirit Gate
  • So I went round the plough-lands; and there I found garlic growing, delved radishes, culled chervil and all herbs, bought parched barley, and (for not yet had the meadows reached the redolency that tempts the ten toes) - so to mule-back again; whence this tenderness behind. Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 02
  • It had made her feel that she had some share in his life; that, in a way, she had helped him on the march, the vivandiere who carried the water-bag which would give him drink when parched, battle-worn, or wounded. You Never Know Your Luck; being the story of a matrimonial deserter. Volume 3.
  • Each throat was parched and glazed each eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Away from the city, the parched earth crumbles and coats cars and humans in a clogging dust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each throat was parched and glazed each eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choidrin says his visit would be like water, which is needed by parched, sunbaked soil. Buddhism Rebounds in Russia
  • Papa circled the game like a parched horsefly, but his eyes were on Mama. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • The lambs bleated for moisture, their tongues rattling in their parched pink mouths.
  • There spread out, burnt, and parched before us for miles and miles, was Kosovo-polje, the fatal field on which the Turks gained the victory that established them, even to this day, in Europe – the Armageddon of the Servian people. High Albania
  • In fact, the startling abundance of fruit in parched Kandahar was what had first led me to consider beauty products. Scents & Sensibility
  • The parched soil drank in the rain.
  • With care he crouched and drank, filling a mouth that seemed always parched, striving to slake a thirst he could no longer quench.
  • It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
  • In the self-same hour it was that Zeus changed the radiant courses of the stars, the light of the sun, and the joyous face of dawn, and drave his car athwart the western sky with fervent heat from heaven's fires, while northward fled the rain-clouds, and Ammon's strand grew parched and faint and void of dew, when it was robbed of heaven's genial showers. Electra
  • But if you see someone guzzling a sports or fruit drink, it is most likely because they're parched.
  • The hot sun had already parched the rain from the day before from the ground.
  • Loster also points out that lightning strikes increase with warmer weather, a threat to modern electronics and forests parched by extreme heat.
  • The amount of land necessary to yield sufficient water relates to annual rainfall, which varies from parched to diluvial locales. How to Build Your Own Bass Pond
  • At the commencement he was troubled with nausea and cardialgia; thirsty, tongue was parched; urine thin and dark. Of The Epidemics
  • Taurus Antinor's breath came in short, stertorous gasps, his throat was parched and his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. "Unto Caesar"
  • But rain was a very welcome sight in the parched grain belt of southern Australia, after years of drought. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when she came to the top there was no sign either of the stairs or the house, or aught that ever was builded; there was nought but the bare bent top, ungrassed, parched by wind, scorched by sun, washed by rain. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • It seems surprising that an island where so much moisture is continually exhaled from the circumfluent ocean should be parched with excessive drought.
  • Following a long and bumpy flight I was parched and peckish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parched prisoners threw themselves at the green-scummed water and some, seeing that the sepoy guards were few in number, slipped away northwards. Sharpe's Fortress
  • All next day we travelled through a parched, monotonous landscape, now and then meeting Navajos with their flocks and herds, and passing by an occasional Navajo "hogan," or hovel-like house, with its rough corral near by. II. Across the Navajo Desert
  • Some eastern Albertan farmers hold weather modifiers responsible for further disrupting the natural water cycles and dehydrating their already parched land.
  • A no-doubt dangerously obtained close-up of a group of children showed them huddled together, some coughing uncontrollably, others retching helplessly, great running sores on their faces, virid blood running from their noses or flecking their parched lips. CATALYST OF SORROWS
  • I walked along the barren lands as the sun parched my skin.
  • Ilea ruled the south icy realm, Aural the seas of the north, Inferna the parched lands of the west where fire spits from mountains, and Terrestra the forests of the East.
  • It allays a feverish thirst that had parched me for many days.
  • The most prominent feature of the Phoenix food is parched hot and sour, colorful, flavorous , and tasteful varieties.
  • The parched animals are forced to eat liquid-filled flowers from mahua trees to stop themselves dehydrating in the extreme temperatures. The Sun
  • But no one's throat was parched from song. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lettuce will barely help and the chutney's tartness doesn't seem to lessen the parched feeling, so that the tongue is virtually stuck to the roof of the mouth by the time one manages to finish eating.
  • O you butlers, creators of new forms, make me of no drinker a drinker, a perennity and everlastingness of sprinkling and bedewing me through these my parched and sinewy bowels. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
  • The downpour wipes away the layer of dust plastered on everything by the dry harmattan winds that blown down from the parched Sahel during the peak of the dry season. Seasons and Chickens « Cameroon
  • When I look at the landscape now, I think of hungriness", he says, looking out at the parched land surrounding him. Louis Belanger: Somaliland & drought: the tale of one elderly
  • Maybe a walk in the parched hills? Times, Sunday Times
  • The lack of rain had parched the land.
  • Nokehick, that is, a spoonful of parched meal with a spoonful of water, which will strengthen them to travel a day. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • One must ever associate it with its fine aeromotor pumping the precious fluid for parched man and beast to drink their full after the desert passage in the shade of cool palms many years old. With Botha in the Field
  • We drove south, past women in ankle-length dresses of turquoise and fuchsia velvet picking cotton in parched fields and unshorn goats denuding poplar saplings. Peace Meals
  • The woman affected with quinsy, who lodged in the house of Aristion: her complaint began in the tongue; speech inarticulate; tongue red and parched. Of The Epidemics
  • The feet were constantly caught and entangled in the long grass, that was parched in the scorching sun; the eyes were dazzled on all sides by the glaring metallic glitter on the young reddish leaves of the trees; on all sides were the variegated blue clusters of vetch, the golden cups of bloodwort, and the half-lilac, half-yellow blossoms of the heart’s-ease. A Sportsman's Sketches
  • Once you start eating a bunch of saltines, you're not only parched, but you've instantly got a ball of paste in your mouth that takes lots of chewing to ingest.
  • Looking out over this parched, shimmering landscape in the cold hard light of morning it's a miracle that anything survives here at all.
  • The dew of the Spirit, which God and God only, can give, can freshen our worn and drooping souls, can give joy in sorrow, can keep us from being touched by surrounding evils, and from being parched by surrounding drought, can silently 'distil' its supplies of strength according to our need into our else dry hearts. Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII
  • The land was no longer rich and green but desolate and parched, gaping with hard, dusty cracks splitting deep into the earth.
  • Very true, Mustapha; but my mouth is parched up with the sand of that simoom -- sherbet I cannot drink, rakee I must not, the hakim has forbid it; what must it be then, Mustapha? The Pacha of Many Tales
  • parched soil
  • But a horrendous heat wave then parched their new island and fell with special fury on the king's shepherd.
  • Her hands clutched feebly around the silky pillowcase and her parched throat just barely managed to utter a low pain filled moan.
  • And here, as the name formulated itself, that little sprite of Brahms, that intermezzo, once more leapt to my side out of the parched fields. Alone
  • There have been a few suggestions for using other words - yep, Gryphon, and Time Lord over on the Voyager board, I like the word parched too...hmm. More on Title Troubles
  • When the first Aurovilians arrived, they were confronted with a parched barren ochre coloured landscape.
  • Accustomed on "hikes" to a thirst not surpassed by anything "east of Suez," I never before appreciated the significance of the word "parched" - the "tongue cleaving to the roof of the mouth. A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
  • The rill was a parched ravine now, as though some convulsion of the earth had bled the region dry of its lifeblood.
  • His voice reminds you of the long awaited monsoon showers caressing the parched earth.
  • Alan wrestles with the guilt and gives himself no mercy even for his act of leading the head scoutmaster to the spot a few hours later, to a naked, bitten, bloody, parched Ernie Carlson, who had screamed himself into collapse. Insidious
  • There it's cured and then either parched with dry heat or parboiled under pressure, depending on the processor's preferred technique, to gelatinize the starch.
  • Catty, my liquidity may be best described as parched, or even dessicated. Cheeseburger Gothic » I dips me lid to Lord Bob of Nowhere.
  • It strikes me as curious that a relatively new car limps into the garage, rasping and wheezing like a parched man crawling on all fours towards a mirage of an oasis, but then pulls off purring contentedly like the cat that got the cream.
  • The seeds would then be sun dried or parched over a slow fire to crack open the hulls to then be threshed by trampling.
  • Iced coconut milk-shakes and tender-coconut water drawn out of dispensers were there for parched tongues.
  • The sun parched the earth
  • On my first visit to the short grass plains of the southern Serengeti, they were as parched and dry as any desert.
  • Now, scientists could have dreamed up the most ambitious geoengineering plan to deal with climate change yet: converting the parched Sahara desert to a lush forest.
  • Following a long and bumpy flight I was parched and peckish. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were cornstalk Smiths, Victorian Smiths, and Smiths who eat the crow; there were Maori Smiths, Tasmanian Smiths, and parched up-Smiths from Cairns.
  • Spain plans to build more than 20 plants on its parched southern coast in the next few years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its arteries are choked with traffic, lungs corroded by pollutants, throat parched with thirst, and body labouring under a weight its heart cannot sustain.
  • The landscaped gardens, once a lush green are now a parched brown. The Sun
  • Syringa and calycanthus ( 'sweet-shrub' -- faintly ill-scented!) were in blossom, and the brilliant pink godetia -- a name which may suggest nothing to the Eastern reader, but which to an old Californian like myself stands for all that is brightest and showiest in parched wayside gardens -- never made a more effective display; and all in all, though I had walked over the longer part of the same road within twenty-four hours, the day was a pure delight. On Foot in the Yosemite
  • Outside, the parched soil has turned to dust and his crops have failed disastrously.
  • The parched wilga caught and the gum resin at its tender heart exploded outward. The Thorn Birds
  • She imagined it as a tiny surge welling over a dam and splashing into a parched valley.
  • But if the summer is parched and northerly, but the autumn rainy and southerly, headache and sphacelus of the brain are likely to occur; and in addition hoarseness, coryza, coughs, and in some cases, consumption. On Airs, Waters, And Places
  • Just as water renews the parched ground, so this living water renews the servant.
  • Forested wetlands, said by PCS to have been ‘restored,’ were shadeless tangles of parched deadwood.
  • Spain plans to build more than 20 plants on its parched southern coast in the next few years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alas, the joint was shut, and there would be no refreshment for the parched 21st-century wayfarer.
  • And the clear nights passed, bringing dewless dawns, till the ground cracked like a parched lip. The Last Thunder Song
  • With the population surge, the springs were diverted to municipal uses and the streams dried up leaving once irrigated orchards as parched lands.
  • Forensic investigators have been pouring over the parched ground of this so-called barker ranch. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2008
  • Although showers returned in May the rain could not filter through the parched ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The already tinder-dry vegetation is further parched by the warm Santa Ana winds which blow in from the desert every year and also fuel any wildfires the moment they break out.
  • But no one's throat was parched from song. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want to see my planters parched and my plants flaccid.
  • Growing populations are straining supplies in parched areas of the U.S. High-Tech Cures for Water Shortages
  • On the sixteenth, looseness of the bowels from a stimulant clyster; afterwards she passed her drink, nor could retain anything, for she was completely insensible; skin parched and tense. Of The Epidemics
  • Having a parched nose and throat may lower resistance to colds, croup, sinusitis and respiratory problems.
  • He even made a sluice of tin and boards to catch and carry the rainwater to the parched crops.
  • Abdilahi, 85, is an elder in Balli Hiile; "When I look at the landscape now, I think of hungriness" he says, looking out at the parched land surrounding him. Louis Belanger: Slideshow: Somaliland's Nomadic Lifestyle at Risk
  • My throat was so parched that I could barely utter a sound.
  • He slowed his pace slightly and swallowed to moisten his fear-parched throat.
  • I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. Christianity Today
  • A severe drought has left much of the country parched and barren, with some crops declared a complete failure.
  • Adapted as well as destined by Bruce Robinson, who gave us Withnail as well as I, this take of unruly as well as perilously parched reporters will be near-unavoidable this spring, if usually given we reporters adore drive-in theatre about journalists. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The parched earth cracked under your feet. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
  • Often, when all was dry, the heavens cloudless, and I was parched by thirst, a slight cloud would bedim the sky, shed the few drops that revived me, and vanish. Chapter 7
  • The landscaped gardens, once a lush green are now a parched brown. The Sun
  • When the first Aurovilians arrived, they were confronted with a parched barren ochre coloured landscape.
  • The kernels are dried in the sun, then parched, often by smoking on racks.
  • Youth and the beauty of the body fade at the hour of death, and the tongue then burneth fiercely, and the parched throat is inflamed. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The parched fields of grass and crops that wilted in the recent heat wave were not all bad news. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cathedral is occupied 24/7 by pious parched and shriveled Indian women, barefoot and wrapped in threadbare Indian cloths, crawling the length of the nave on their knees, pleading with the larger than life suffering gesso Jesus hanging above the baroque red velvet elegance of the raised altar platform. San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas
  • Naval pilots have been sent to seed the clouds in an effort to bring rain to ease the drought in parched provinces of northeast Thailand.
  • And the parched ground is affecting badgers, who find it more difficult to dig for worms and bugs under the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, not a drop of empyrean manna falls on my parched lips to assuage the thirst of aeons.
  • You're not going to be able to put it in a bottle and go and sprinkle it on parched earth that hasn't been properly fertilised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bosh!!! or under "Reverend" scrawling "(3 times married)," or after another person's name jotting "Became a Snob" or altering a guest's name to read "Parchedigass. Portrait of a Killer
  • The water felt thoroughly dry, like she had gulped down liquid parchedness. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • The wheat is first parched then cooked in the milk and sugar and flavoured with spices and raisins.
  • The rill was a parched ravine now, as though some convulsion of the earth had bled the region dry of its lifeblood.
  • The lack of rain had parched the land.
  • Now the only way to fix the wells is to dive straight in, down 60 feet, to find the water they need to revive their parched and dying fields.

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