How To Use Parcelling In A Sentence
Nothing of my own to show today - busy day with a cup of tea with friends in the morning, then my daytime quilt group and in the afternoon I spent a lot of time reading email and parcelling up swaps and things to go in the post - amazing how much time that can take.
Thursday stuff
He runs to new and ever-more-humiliating confrontations across half the island in a pair of deeply emasculating, ever-flapping deck shoes, suffering insult from his angry, grieving father-in-law Robert Forster, and psychic injury when he learns that his cuckold will likely make a mint in fees from parcelling out Matt's land once it's sold.
Alexander Payne's The Descendants – not just for the kids, thankfully
Unlike deferred annuities, which people use to save for retirement, income annuities are for parceling out money already accumulated.
While some restaurants charge extra for parcelling, the rest provide parcel facility as an add-on service.
A real friend, and she had a feeling he was parceling her out more work to show her he looked on her as a full-fledged officer.
Given the promise of instantaneous diffusion we can move to a system of exchanging intellectual work for money, instead of parcelling it into discrete copies whose price is protected by an anachronistic monopoly.
P2P: Saving the world
Each present must be brand new and unwrapped - this will help care managers to organise the gifts before parcelling them up and giving them to the children.
Lehman's were 'parcelling' this debt and selling it on with the AAA rating.
The Guardian World News
They didn't want the federal government parceling out food supplies.
The parcelling up of voters will be based on the electoral roll as it stands next month, and the 3.5 million are unlikely be registered in time.
3.5m voters missing from electoral register
Item parceling , parcel, structural equation model.
An aging King Lear is parcelling his land out among his daughters.
While diplomats seek to save the world in Copenhagen, this more traditional conference will seek to award concessions parcelling out the country with the third largest oil reserves, home to an estimated 115bn barrels of oil.
James Denselow: Iraq hits Black Gold
Those who do have to move will undergo traumatic shock and this needs to be taken into account before parcelling them up and shipping them out.
The German bank is parceling out its loan, spreading its exposure.
This is a complete illusion, as you're not clearing your debt, you're simply parcelling it up and handing it to a different lender!
The general parceling out led to the disappearance of the commons when the land not divided among landowners was given to the crown.
Commonwealth, the Protector conceived the idea of parcelling the kingdom into military districts, of which there were _eleven_, -- being precisely the number which it is now proposed, under the favor of success, to establish among us.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
At sea, the sailors are continually engaged in "parcelling," "serving," and in a thousand ways ornamenting and repairing the numberless shrouds and stays; mending sails, or turning one side of the deck into a rope-walk, where they manufacture a clumsy sort of twine, called spun-yarn.
Redburn. His First Voyage
While some restaurants charge extra for parcelling, the rest provide parcel facility as an add-on service.