How To Use Parceled out In A Sentence
The territory was too expensive for any purchaser, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
Rice paddies in varying states of cultivation are parceled out in crazy-quilt patterns.
Democrat, is having a small preinauguration dinner for close friends at the governor's mansion, and has parceled out so few invitations to his no-frills swearing-in ceremony that even some top aides have not made the cut.
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It provides 85 percent of the state budget and is the basis of the state's optimistically named Permanent Fund, whose dividends are parceled out annually: Last fall, every man, woman and child in Alaska received a check for US $1,963.86.
The area has been parceled out into allotments.
There are some pieces of music that must be parceled out over a lifetime, and you don't want to spend their impact willy-nilly.
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
You know, I mean, there seems to be this thing that the coverage is being parceled out in a rather parsimonious way.
The indicator was then parceled out to the progeny neurons as the injected cell underwent the cell divisions as the animal developed.
Obviously there are already many signs of this but do you think the future of the internet (and technology in general) will be parceled out to the highest bidder, like radio?
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
This may shape up to be a contest between an upcoming progressive and a quaky relic from the old Dem machine which sold out progressive values to try to control how the pipeline contract benefits were parceled out in the mid-70s to mid-80s.
GOP Rep. Don Young Has New Dem Challenger
The experimental plot was'parceled out to the students.
Africa was once parceled out among the European powers.
And since the land is being parceled out piecemeal, each project will be a lurid, fenced-in recreation of First World living conditions in Third World surroundings.
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
Africa was once parceled out among the European powers.
The experimental plot was'parceled out to the students.
When William of Normandy conquered England, he rewarded his followers with fiefs: in England, while English land remained so to be parceled out; afterwards (he and his successors) with unconquered lands in Wales, and then in Ireland. they were to carve out baronies and earldoms for themselves; and the Celtic lands thus stolen became known as the Marches: their rulers, more or less independent, but doing homage to the king, as Lords
The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
When the money was redistributed among each organization, it was parceled out and divided into 20 equal shares.
In North Africa, meager amounts of air cover were parceled out to each ground commander.
Beaches are parceled out along a convoluted coastline equal to France's in length, and islands range from backwaters where the boat calls twice a week to resorts as cosmopolitan as any in the Mediterranean.
The territory was too expensive for any purchaser, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
The first development in the Wehrmacht was the growing deployment of independent Abteilungen based on powerful new weapons that in general were not being parceled out at the divisional level.
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
But how can the 21% figure be parceled out individually to each factor?
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
As work in the garment industry was rationalized, then parceled out for the lowest possible wage, the large mass of garment workers became not craftsmen but a proletarian labor force.
The big bomber comprised more than 100,000 parts, and construction was parceled out to several companies.
To inspire loyalty, the relenting deputy governor parceled out land to planters.
My company doesn't have a risk-management model, per se - and then blame is typically parceled out to the lowest common denominator.
Wealth is still to be parceled out by the state in ways unrelated to production - according to social justice.