How To Use Parcel In A Sentence
One thing he does is get up to a little competitive devilry by unveiling the Google Pack, a parcel of software programs that you can download for free (if you have a Windows PC).
It will be wormed throughout, and parcelled in the wake of the housing-bolt and frapping lashing, and where there is no swell, in the wake of the muzzle-ring.
Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
Seal the cauliflower in its little parcel as if you were baking a fish.
Times, Sunday Times
Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs.
FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
Air parcels at higher heights over the equator are accelerated down the gradient toward the pole by the force of gravity.

The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
I had the parcel on the ground, and waited for ages, edging gradually into position, when it arrived.
Richard uses this training and his experience to suggest how a parcel of land should be managed.
Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape?
In New York, families of fire-fighters and other victims argue over how vast compensation packages are parcelled out.
I must post that parcel or she won't get it in time for her birthday.
At present, Wallis is still part and parcel of the overseas territory of Wallis-and-Futuna, a French variant of American Samoa, since 1900 an unincorporated territory of the USA and also to be found in Western Polynesia.
Africa was once parceled out among the European powers.
But now he says he is willing to co-partner with Parcells on personnel choices - or pull back even more.
The hoard had been buried in a lead chest, fragments of which survive, and the presence of small bone pins suggests that some of the coins or bullion had been parcelled up into separate bags or parcels, secured by these pins.
I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.
Item parceling , parcel, structural equation model.
Brush each parcel with a little olive oil and put into the hot frying pan, turning until golden and crispy all over.
Times, Sunday Times
We live in a democracy where political satire is part and parcel of our democracy.
Times, Sunday Times
Holdouts are dealt with by real estate developers assembling parcels of land in a variety of ways.
But is its vision parcelwise, thing here and thing there?
The Six Enneads.
Wealth is still to be parceled out by the state in ways unrelated to production - according to social justice.
There were three parcels, one large and "shoppy," two small and bound with family paper, tied by family hands with family string.
As the mailman shuffled off to the next house, Clarence quickly unwrapped the parcel revealing an audio tape.
I've just parcelled my first bit of ripped up junkmail back in its prepaid envelope and sent it back from whence it came.
What lies behind this multibillion-pound game of pass-the-parcel?
Times, Sunday Times
Where a tin of halvah, coffee-flavored, is the cause of a human assault-wave by a crowd heavy-laden with parcels:
Rev. Amy Ziettlow: Battling Christmas Crankiness
It is high time that this fault be reformed for the future, that God's word, which is all gold, be not justled out to make room for men's sermons, which are but parcel-gilt at the best.
Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
This parcel of alienated land on which school and mission were sited became a new source of dispute.
While some restaurants charge extra for parcelling, the rest provide parcel facility as an add-on service.
It will now try to deliver parcels weighing up to 5lb in 30 minutes.
The Sun
It was followed by one from Janet who discovered a pencil-shaped parcel stuck beneath the bannister with Sellotape.
This is not a place where snark and sarcasm are part and parcel of the social landscape.
No super-excessive, pass-the-parcel packaging that will take all evening to tear up for the recycling box.
Times, Sunday Times
The first memory has long since been parcelled up with my childhood, folded neatly away when my grandmother died eight years ago.
At sea, the sailors are continually engaged in "parcelling," "serving," and in a thousand ways ornamenting and repairing the numberless shrouds and stays; mending sails, or turning one side of the deck into a rope-walk, where they manufacture a clumsy sort of twine, called spun-yarn.
Redburn. His First Voyage
I accordingly furnished myself with two parcels, and found it very agreeable and pleasant; and in a short time I had the satisfaction of feeling the good effects of this pleasing and salutary medicine; and to confirm the services received from it, I am determined, for the future, to drink it instead of foreign teas, because I think it more grateful than any thing yet presented to the public as a stomatic; therefore in justice to your valuable discovery for the public good, you are welcome to communicate this information to the world at large; with the sincerest wishes for the general use of your excellent Tea.
A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
More than 2,000 employees of the parcels delivery group are expected to lose their jobs tomorrow after the dramatic failure of the company.
Times, Sunday Times
We have two people working almost 24 hours a day rewrapping parcels that have come apart in the system.
As Bandar parceled the story out to me over next several weeks, it became evident that the Saudis felt they had intercepted the plan and excised the terrorist cell that was to carry it out.
¡¡¡¡Pacific£¬f ackage£¬ pack£¬ page£¬ pain£¬ pain ful£¬ paint£¬ painting£¬ pair£¬ palace£¬ pale£¬ panic£¬ paper£¬ parcel£¬ parent£¬ park
Refinance 2nd Mortgage
The company is now tracing all the parcels and packages that were at the warehouse, and will be tracking down and informing affected businesses and individuals.
At its most recent meeting, the City Council approved $30,000 for a system to "impound" groundwater in a 524-acre parcel near Pheasant Ridge. rss feed
But I want to know if the same atmosphere acts as a capillary filter through which the working liquid (water) is transported or if it is a kind of tridimensional empty and filled parcels in the atmosphere (I mean low pressure-high pressure).
Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
Suppose you owned a large parcel of land, which includes a large wooded area, home to an endanger species of owl.
If they succeed, candlepower could become part and parcel of leading-edge rocket science.
Whatever it was he went too far and his lordship just parcelled him up and sent him away, as quick as you like.
The spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna is an eternal servant of Krishna.
One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
Thousands of food parcels and hygiene kits were also lost in the blaze.
Times, Sunday Times
Joyce's material was parcelled out to friends and associates during the war to keep it safe from the Gestapo.
It is owned by La Poste, which is the second largest operator in the European parcels and logistics market
Our Hall Ings and district offices have been overwhelmed with parcels, packages, carrier bags and boxes of items sent in by individuals, families, companies and organisations.
He disguised his camera as a large brown paper parcel and the shots he took are unposed and natural.
Victorian Cockney London photographs
The property has almost 1,000 feet of shorefront and is available in its entirety or in parcels.
Private Properties
Imagine a slew of developable land parcels facing a brand-new, landscaped thoroughfare, right in the heart of one of the nation's most expensive cities.
A 1965 study pointed out the large amount of developable land available in its Greater Phoenix study area, including ‘startling large acreage figures’ for small parcels in particular sub-areas.
Like a giant financial pass-the-parcel, really.
Times, Sunday Times
The 48-hour ban on outbound mail comes after almost a dozen booby-trapped parcels were discovered in Greece and around Europe since Monday, including mail bombs targeting French and Italian leaders and one that reached the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Greece Halts Mail, Hunts Bomb Suspects
My company doesn't have a risk-management model, per se - and then blame is typically parceled out to the lowest common denominator.
This morning's good mood severely dented by incompetent carriers who have repeatedly failed to deliver parcels on time and to the right address.
Along with the ranch, President Evo Morales 'government also confiscated a 500-hectare parcel from Osvaldo Monasterio, a banker and agribusinessman who owns the Unitel TV network. - News
But the timber will be allowanced, and the land parcelled out, to each household according to its needs, as soon as either becomes scarce, as is already the case in Russia.
The Conquest of Bread
The parcel was sent express.
He tore at the cover of the parcel.
Canada - Nova Scotia call for bids in 2009 The two parcels offered by Nova Scotia are located in the southwest region of the Sable subbasin.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
Each parcel has multiple property interests outstanding that must be acquired or removed to sustain redevelopment, such as freehold estates, future interests, easements, covenants, leaseholds and security interests, any one or more of which could be jointly held.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on eminent domain and the Michigan Supreme Court:
The shambles has echoes of the tax credits fiasco which left families to survive on charity food parcels.
The Sun
To inspire loyalty, the relenting deputy governor parceled out land to planters.
At their core, the four examples represent efforts to replicate or set aside parcels of a pre-colonial lower Mississippi River delta environment.
Clerk: Go to the window marked " Parcel Post.
The big bomber comprised more than 100,000 parts, and construction was parceled out to several companies.
In recognition of his spearmen he gave them each a parcel of land in the area.
She is part and parcel of the rowing fraternity and shares her house with three male rowers.
UNRWA reported that yesterday (3 Feb 2009) Hamas armed assailants took at gunpoint 3500 blankets and 406 food parcels from the UNRWA distribution center at the beach refugee camp (Shati).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
Therefore, why don't a few members of the 15,000-strong Crikey army buy a small parcel of News Corp shares and give us there proxies.
This attitude is part and parcel of the disease and the more advanced the illness, the more compelling it may become.
Ajoutez le beurre en parcelles et remuez sur feu très doux jusqu'à ce qu'il soit fondu.
Archive 2009-01-01
The priestess, whose clear-cut features and two lovely black eyes betrayed a mixture of Semitic blood, was examining the 'turnip' -- as she called the watch -- when Leonora, saying 'Mum's the word,' rather violently called my attention (with her elbow) to a strange parcel lying apart from the rest.
The result of this is that any such marginal parcel of land will be sold at the market price determined by the opportunity cost of land.
The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.
With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment.
The God-Idea of the Ancients
His family spend 60 a week sending him food parcels.
The Sun
While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.
Two profound changes in our society have enabled small companies such as us to survive: the Internet and parcel delivery systems.
I snipped the string and untied the parcel.
As work in the garment industry was rationalized, then parceled out for the lowest possible wage, the large mass of garment workers became not craftsmen but a proletarian labor force.
He enclosed a letter with the parcel, keeping it unsealed so as to put in stamps for its possible return.
She undid the string round the parcel.
He finished his sandwich, undid a newspaper parcel, and took out a chunk of gray meat.
When Carlyle, in the strength of his reaction against morbid introspective Byronism, cried aloud to all men in their several vocation, '_Produce, produce; be it but the infinitesimallest product, produce_,' he meant to include production as an element inside the art of living, and an indispensable part and parcel of it.
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3) Essay 5: On Pattison's Memoirs
But there's much more than seafood, including an extensive vegetarian menu featuring feta and spinach parcels with rocket and vine tomato salad.
Times, Sunday Times
The parcel office and booking office will be available for photography aided by staff in period dress.
It is as if birds hear a different spectrum of sounds, with much finer discrimination between one tiny parcel of sound and another.
Times, Sunday Times
In that sense, Wilson takes a more hardheadedly political approach to the topic than Ellison: where Wilson makes Catholicism's spiritual failings part and parcel of the openly political challenge it poses to the nation, Ellison emphasizes the really-existing unity between Catholicism and the CofE, and focuses on Protestantism's negative moral effects.
At night, it became a parcel sorting platform for the parcel office for delivery next day.
He had been incompletely briefed by Jet Coach Bill Parcells and his staff.
It is a very dangerous practice for a conveyancer to frame a conveyance with parcels which are not adequately described.
When he reached the open doorway he booted the parcel into the room and whirled around to slam the door behind him.
Rob '. - wyard Wright of sajd Boston marriner, A parcell of Edw: cartwright grouud in the sajd Boston wit' 'a dwelling house thereupon by the sajd Wyard newly erected, the sajd Ground bounded wit' 'the Land of Thomas Shetieild Eastward, wit* "the Land of Samuell Mayo South - ward, wit' '
Suffolk deeds
I might parcel a bit up and send it back to the authorities and demand a refund on my council tax.
The container was inside a parcel that contained a greeting card and a scarf.
Times, Sunday Times
Letters and parcels from admirers are piled on the table.
The Sun
The postman is used to delivering mysterious parcels, packets and letters to the old ranch house, mostly from faraway places with strange sounding names.
At the station she picked up the parcels that had come on the night train, still slightly dazed by her thoughts, picking up more stares than usual from sojourner and peasant alike.
Its vast breadth, parcelled out into eleven lights, and the infinite division of the stonework in the head, impressed the imagination; while mullions and tracery stood out in such inky contrast against the daylight yet lingering outside, that the architect read the scheme of subarcuation and the tracery as easily as if he had been studying a plan.
The Nebuly Coat
We parceled up some games and toys to take to the Children Home at Christmas.
Families able to locate prisoners are allowed to send them parcels.
Thousands of food parcels and hygiene kits were also lost in the blaze.
Times, Sunday Times
University education is often parcelled up into specialist teaching units.
Commonwealth, the Protector conceived the idea of parcelling the kingdom into military districts, of which there were _eleven_, -- being precisely the number which it is now proposed, under the favor of success, to establish among us.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
These controversies are part and parcel of the operatic drama that football has become.
Times, Sunday Times
Last parcel of former Gold Club property in Chicopee sold to abutter Richard Zelinski
Reader -
I'm sending a parcel to you per bearer.
One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.
The territory was too expensive for any one, so the two couples parceled out a picnic lunch.
One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
Add the monkfish parcels and cook for 1½ minutes.
Times, Sunday Times
Over 90 percent of the population of nearly one million in Manica Province is engaged in production of maize and sorghum staples on small parcels of land called machambas.
I must post that parcel or she won't get it in time for her birthday.
At children's parties, the excitements include pass the parcel and hide and seek; at adult parties you have the excitement of the mystery guest.
At the time, the development parcel was occupied by tenanted commercial office buildings, and the price, at about $260 a square foot, was too expensive for their taste.
New Skyscraper Ignites Growth Below 34th Street
Here, mating partners repeatedly alternate donation of a small parcel of unfertilized eggs, which is then immediately fertilized by their mate, who subsequently assumes the female role.
The sticky tape on the parcel came unstuck and the whole thing came undone.
Will you please pick up my parcel at the post office as you pass by?
Essentially, this involved the welding into a composite monarchy of those territories ruled by medieval kings as ‘parcels’ or dominions of the English crown.
The sales clerk parceled his purchase.
`Take this over to Bluebeard 's Boutique - "She handed him a parcel.
Free shipping is by Parcel Post or First Class depending upon weight.
He finished his sandwich, undid a newspaper parcel, and took out a chunk of gray meat.
Fold the excess salmon over the top to make a parcel.
The Sun
Those fantastic hipsters had provided not only adequate padding for the parcel's bicoastal tour of North America, but also a tasty treat.
The Post Office handles nearly 2 billion letters and parcels over the Christmas period.
We've just had the birthday cake with three candles, and now we're playing pass-the-parcel!
Times, Sunday Times
Small parcels of public sector land and help with preparation and tendering costs will be provided by the Government.
Times, Sunday Times
In other words, we can't be bothered to speak to you or redeliver your parcel.
Times, Sunday Times
Nowadays TNT Express delivers 3.3 million parcels, documents and pieces of freight a week to over 200 countries using its network of nearly 900 depots, hubs and sortation centres.
For many years he farmed a small parcel of land in Kilcolman and came to the local Kilcolman creamery with his donkey and cart.
Erma is a go-getter who chases every sailor in sight and has them dancing to her tune -- so why is she handed around like a parcel during her one chance to shine on "Buddie?
Michael Giltz: Theater: Seaworthy "Anything Goes;" Heavenly "Divine Sister"
The couple run the parcel service from temporary buildings on the farm.
Instead of cutting it into fettuccine, the dough can be adapted for all types of pasta: other long pastas, such as pappardelle (wide ribbons) and tagliatelle; short pasta, such as garganelli and penne (both tubular pastas); flat pasta, such as lasagne and cannelloni; and filled pastas, such as tortelloni (large parcels), ravioli (square-filled pasta with fluted edges) and cappelletti (little hats).
Archive 2008-07-01
Physicality, violence, and apparent cruelty were part and parcel of popular recreations, exemplified in activities like cudgelling, cock throwing, and bull baiting.
He ran into the back room and yanked the false bottom out of the old oaken desk, pulled out the cloth-wrapped parcel, and set it on the desk.
Masdy's Silver
Information indicates that some parcels of South Korean make3 have been sold at the level of $ 155 per long ton.
In cases where parcels or registered mail were returned to post offices, he said that up to now a free service had been provided by completing the paperwork for people calling to the office to collect that post.
She heard the word terra and concluded they'd won deeds to land parcels.
Time Scout
The loop of string makes a handle for the parcel.
It was all part and parcel of his inquiring mind.
Times, Sunday Times
I am going to take the parcel to the post office this afternoon.
But how can the 21% figure be parceled out individually to each factor?
I remember hearing that if you hold a sealed envelope over steam it opens it up so you can be all spy like and open it without harming the parcel.
I finished the order - now paranoid that the face of the parcel doesn't meet the standards required for airmail.
Further to this, should any person need to send any mail or small parcels quickly then there are alternative services which guarantee next day delivery for a reasonable cost.
Suffering is part and parcel of extensive intelligence and a feeling heart. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
They were boxed up by Homebase into three parcels.
They went into the barn and hauled their parcels with a bit of string to the top of the haymow.
The Tales of Beatrix Potter
Firstly, either cut up the credit cards or parcel them up and put them away.
A curious handsome hero, a giant, a wacky wizard, some magic beans and a massive beanstalk are all part and parcel of this panto in Cork.
Also, colonists were sending their parcels through the post without stamps.
He also reuoked into his hands certeine parcels of his demeane lands, which his father had giuen away, and passing from thence into Aquitaine, mightilie subdued certeine lords and barons there, that had rebelled against him.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (4 of 12) Stephan Earle Of Bullongne
The parcels were then served on a bed of lettuce with toasted pitta bread.
Adverse possession isn't only about slithers of land centimetres wide, occasionally it can be about bigger parcels of land.
An earlier plan to redevelop the whole area, to include an access road was abandoned in 2003 after problems getting the owners of various parcels of the land to agree.
Hoffman visited these men and arranged for the American YMCA to send them food parcels from the Copenhagen WPA Office on a regular basis. 7
Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
Now students use the service to send their laundry home in term time, while parents send back food parcels.
Times, Sunday Times
His friend showed me one parcel of land he had for sale.
Times, Sunday Times
The general parceling out led to the disappearance of the commons when the land not divided among landowners was given to the crown.
It says that up to 95% of parcels are delivered first time.
Times, Sunday Times
We live in a democracy where political satire is part and parcel of our democracy.
Times, Sunday Times
Falstaff made love to her with his hand upon "a parcel-gilt goblet," and followed up the declaration with a kiss and a request for thirty shillings.
Inns and Taverns of Old London
Whenever her dad needs a new spinnaker or satellite navigation system, another cottage or parcel of land gets sold.
Plunging both hands deep into the sack she rummaged among the parcels.
The concern is not with the way scientists and geographers parcel out land in manageable pieces, although this is where the contentiousness surrounding bioregionalism resides.
His interest was centred almost entirely in the "shoppy" parcel, which by its shape might be "soldiers"; but he knew the rules of the game, and disregarding the large, ostentatious brown-papered thing, he went magnificently for the two small incoherent bundles.
The land owner sought not only compensation for the land expropriated as comprised within his deed, but also for a parcel of land that had accreted to his land by the actions of the river.
Maybe there'll be a bowl of ready salted crisps and a selection of over-baked fatty parcels plus a token lump of fruit to round off the whole culinary non-event.
The label became detached from your parcel.
Its collapse in the early years of the eighteenth century created local potentates and parcellized sovereignties.
The Times Literary Supplement
So very fortunately considering my failure as a felter and subsequent foul mood a rather lovely looking parcel arrived.
Archive 2008-09-01
It's an incredible bit of work, and I've parcelled up our top secret plans and sent them to the Ministry of Defence who will no doubt see me as the next Barnes Wallace and get British Aerospace onto it with all due haste.
This little mucky parcel wrapped up in old clingfilm didn't fit in at all.
Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
Lord Romilly's preliminary ruling sent a clear message to all landowners eyeing parcels of seemingly unowned land - commons, wastes, heaths and greens - with intent to develop, exploit or add them to their existing holdings.
It shows, besides, some of the gemmed and enamelled work and parcel-gilt ware for which that territory, hidden away among the Himalayas, is so celebrated.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
She knotted the parcel firmly.
The unofficial dispute has left three million homes and businesses across the country without mail and an estimated 250 million letters and parcels undelivered.
For example, if the sun warms a parcel of air, the liquid water molecules speed up and become vapor, so evaporation dominates.
He didn't even skim through looking for blindingly obvious spelling mistakes; he just parcelled it up and shipped it out.
They will be handing out gift parcels in reward for completed tasks, which among other things may contain a'wabbit 'pet or a drink which briefly turns players into rabbits themselves.
The game retail industry according to MCV
Each ecclesiastic, be he bishop, abbot, or priest, had right to a benefice, that is, to the revenue of a parcel of land attached to his post.
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.
No pass the parcel, no entertainer and no goody bags '.
Times, Sunday Times
It set out the farm, with all its parcels, the number of acres, and the abuttals of each close, andaverred, that the modiis had immenoorFailly been ptaid for the
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
Today in the mail I got a parcel from Historika, the modiste who has been making my Regency ensemble in the U.K.
The importance of underpinnings in creating a period silhouette
In reality, kidnapping, hostage taking, raping captured women and selling them as slaves or for ransom is all part and parcel of Mohammedan warfare and tradition that goes back to the meshugga prophet.
Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
This parcel has been cleared with the border police.
In return they carried letters and fetched parcels.
My Darling Heriott: Henrietta Luxborough, Poetic Gardener and Irrepressible Exile
Construction was completed six months ahead of schedule and increased volumes of mail can now be handled at the corporation's largest and busiest parcel, publications and admail sortation facility.
Mississauga News
He was the guy owner Jerry Jones had tabbed as the person to take over the team, and Parcells wanted to coach the Cowboys.
He says the waybills state that the company is not responsible for the contents of parcels it transports.
Sir, The postman has just called with a parcel.
Times, Sunday Times