How To Use Paratroops In A Sentence
The latter seemed to fit with “persistent reports of several thousand Jap paratroops in enemy held China.”
From the age of 10, he wanted to wear the red beret of the paratroops, the army's finest.
I transferred to the paratroops in May 1944 and successfully completed six compulsory parachute jumps.
In the early hours German troops crossed the frontiers of Holland and Belgium in force, supported by paratroops, gliderborne troops and hordes of bombers and fighters.
It is no coincidence that combat soldiers, particularly paratroops, wear camouflage uniforms that somewhat resemble a leopard's spotted coat.

Adam Harmon is an American-Israeli, who in 1990 served in the IDF paratroops and later joined a special operations unit, which pursues terrorist leaders and prevents suicide bombings, and in which he does his yearly reserve duty.
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President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday ordered a battalion of paratroops to reinforce the garrison at the Russia.
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Ten Russian armoured personnel-carriers, with a hundred and fifty paratroops aboard, attempted a rescue.
In-depth studies of combat employment of paratroops in WWII have found that one of the hardest problems in all airborne operations was all-round logistic support for the troops dropped by parachute and landed by glider.
When the two harassed leaders took off from Luluabourg and headed for Stanleyville, they never made it: a Belgian crew member overheard Lumumba say he wanted to break off diplomatic relations with Belgium, and the Belgian pilot turned the plane toward Leopoldville, where Ndjili Airport was in the hands of Belgian paratroops. Top Stories
The guardsmen, who are also crack paratroops, had been due to take part in a performance in front of the Queen.
The delay and the extension of the takeoff rates of transport planes carrying paratroops and airborne force equipment disrupted the flight schedule and airdrop procedure.
It is a 4 engined tactical support aircraft capable of carrying up to 92 ground troops, 64 paratroops, 74 stretcher cases or a variety of vehicles and freight up to 20 tons in weight.
Even as late as March 21, 1945, medical reports show Manoian listed as part of the Chemical Warfare Service, not the paratroops, Siddall said.
Heroes or Villains?
The Australians set off to locate the pinned American paratroops but, due to the inability of the Americans to pinpoint their own location, artillery was unable to be used.
As a result, 30% of paratroops and 590 non-rigid containers, which had been assigned to be dropped on the first night, remained stranded on airfields.
You could join the SAS or the paratroops regiment.
Ben-Gurion agreed to drop paratroops deep into the Sinai, seeming to threaten the Canal; in response the British and French would issue an ultimatum to both the Israelis and the Egyptians, demanding that the Israelis withdraw their troops—and that the Egyptians allow Anglo-French forces to occupy key positions along the Canal.
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
He said, `We're guards and paratroops, and a special reconnaissance group, Gritkin.
They will begin with a parachute drop by modern-day paratroops and 10 veterans of the battle over Ginkel Heath, about eight miles from Arnhem, where the original drops were made.
But writer Patrick Bishop was embedded in the valley nearby with British paratroops at their Sangin bases.
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Apart from these early offensive operations, Japanese paratroops were mostly used as raiding forces.
They saw enemy paratroops dropping from the aeroplane.
The paratroops, known as Task Force Red, dropped in two waves from C-141 cargo planes.
To sustain the paratroops and other troops in the area would take a big airlift.
Studies of the use of airborne operations during WWII have established that the dropping of paratroops far from targets denies them the element of surprise which is present in dropping or landing them right on the target.
The paratroops were a rough lot and evidently cared little what or how they ate.
Operation Sea Lion
His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.
If Red Army paratroops were equipped with watches that could not withstand a two foot fall, no wonder they lost the Cold War!
Finally some colonel in the paratroops came up with Aldo Moroni's name.
The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Michael Boyce, said further British forces, including paratroops, infantry and armoured units as well as RAF strike aircraft, could be deployed into the region at short notice.
Paratroops were mostly used as advance forces or rear guard forces.
The naval infantrymen acquitted themselves honorably, time and again coming to the aid of motorized rifle, paratroops, and Interior Ministry units.
His priceless information allowed UK paratroops - including SAS commandos - to storm the HQ and free the captives.
They cultivate a huge crop of it and once the plants' paratroops have descended on my territory, the roots spread so invasively that everything else gives up and goes.
It is no coincidence that combat soldiers, particularly paratroops, wear camouflage uniforms that somewhat resemble a leopard's spotted coat.
His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.
A special emphasis is placed on raising and training mobile forces, comprising a part of land troops, including paratroops, as well as aviation and naval forces.
The airport is in the hands of French paratroops.
Fledgling paratroops of yesteryear, for example, began training by jumping off five-foot towers so they could practice how to land, flex their knees, then roll.
James M. Clash: Conjoined Parachuting